Commercial Cleaning Industry News, Tips, Guide and Checklist
You can read here many helpful articles related to commercial cleaning, latest cleaning news in Australia, including how to find and hire the best cleaners in your budget, how to train a commercial cleaner, why hire a cleaner over doing it yourself, cleaning tips for a specific area like supermarket, retail store, data centre, pub & restaurants, hospitals, factories, buildings, and more.
Corona Virus is a deadly virus that is already affecting thousands of people around the globe, including Australia. The thing to note here is that the places that are dirty and polluted are more prone to this virus, which is why it is important for businesses and commercials to maintain proper cleaning at their places in order to protect their employees, staff and family from getting infected by this fatal virus.
Make sure to hire a professional commercial cleaning agency for regular cleaning of your workplace and home in Sydney. It can make a significant difference. For businesses, hiring a professional COVID-19 Cleaning Services will be your best option to keep your workspace safe and Disinfectant all the time.
What is CoronaVirus? – The Facts
A CoronaVirus is a type of virus that can infect the respiratory tract. This includes the nose, mouth, throat, sinuses, or lungs. There are many types of CoronaViruses, and most of them cause only mild illnesses such as the common colds. Some CoronaViruses can cause severe diseases.
The most likely way people can become infected is by droplets that contain the virus. These droplets carry the virus into the air and can enter through the nose, mouth, throat, and lungs of a person who is within six feet or two meters.
The virus infects the lungs causing the lungs to become inflamed. The alveolar sacs have to be healthy for the body to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.
Infection of the virus causes damage to the cells of the lungs and triggers an inflammatory reaction. Fever may develop. With severe inflammation, inflammatory fluids fill the lungs. This reduces the function of alveoli resulting in coughing and difficulty in breathing.
The oxygen level in the blood may decrease. In some people who become severely ill, other organs may be affected, such as the kidneys or the heart.
Types of CoronaViruses
Some types of CoronaViruses that can cause severe disease includes:
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus) – was first identified in China in 2002
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) – was identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012
Novel CoronaVirus – was identified in China in 2019
It initially occurred in a group of people with Pneumonia who had been associated with seafood and live animal market in the city of Wuhan. The disease has since spread from those who were sick to others, including family members and health care staff.
There are many cases at present, and the disease has spread within China and also to several other countries Keep in mind that this is a new virus and how to keep your office germ-free. What is known about the virus now might change in the future?
Where Did The CoronaVirus Come From?
It is known that CoronaVirus circulates in a range of animals. Sometimes these viruses can make a jump from animals to humans. This is called spillover. It could be due to a variety of factors such as a mutation in the virus or increased contact between humans and animals.
What You Should Do To Reduce The Chance of Getting The CoronaVirus
WHO recommends the following to protect ourselves from Coronavirus:
Regularly wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitiser. Wash your hands after caring for the sick. Before, during, and after you prepare your food. Before eating and after toilet use, and after handling animals and animal waste. Wash it at least for twenty seconds. If you do not have access to water or soap, you can always use alcohol.
Avoid touching your face as much as you can. Hands carry so many germs, and they get in through your mucous membrane. That is through your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue, sleeve or flexed elbow.
Throw tissue into a closed bin after use — clean hands after coughing or sneezing. The virus can survive for fifteen minutes on the tissue. The viruses can stay on door surfaces for more than twenty-four hours.
Wear a mask. Masks should not be touched or handled during use. If the mask gets wet or dirty with secretions, it must be changed immediately.
Discard the mask after use and perform hand hygiene after you take off your mask.
Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms. Some patients may already be harbouring the virus and still have no symptoms. Try to maintain a gap of at least 2 meters.
If you are not feeling well, stay at home even if it is for something mild like a common cold. Stay at home and reduce the risk of spreading the virus and keep your community safe.
If you use a public workspace, give it a quick wipe. Wipe the area that you are going to use for work.
Surgical facemasks show that they help in preventing hand-to-mouth transition. However, routine surgical facemasks are not sufficient for airborne viruses because they are loose-fitting and have no air filter.
Thoroughly cook meat and eggs.
Avoid unprotected contact with live, wild, or farm animals.
Avoid contact with stray animals’ waste and fluids when shopping in the wet market.
If you have fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing, seek medical care early. Share your previous travel history with your doctor.
Avoid public transportation if you are sick.
Avoid travelling if you have a fever and cough.
Inform the crew and seek medical care immediately if you become sick while travelling.
Avoid spitting in public.
Practice food safety. Sick animals and animals that have died of diseases should not be eaten.
Infants, the elderly, and people with other medical problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and chronic lung disease have higher risks of dying. These protected groups should stay indoors if there is no pressing need to be outside.
How is the Virus Transmitted?
There are four different levels at that we categorize the spread of diseases.
Sporadic – it means that we have an infrequent or a regular number of cases that we see.
Endemic – there is a constant presence and a usual prevalence within a particular geographic area
Epidemic – it means we have a sudden increase in the number of cases for a specific area.
Pandemic – it means a worldwide outbreak over either several countries or several continents
The outbreak of Novel CoronaVirus began in Wuhan, China, in December of 2019. They first notified the World Health Organization on December 31st.
They believe that the virus initially spread from animal to human, but they think now that it is now human to human infection. Obviously, it has spread within China, but we also have seen the spread to multiple countries outside of China.
Except for Thailand, every other country that has the cases of this particular CoronaVirus is in the single-digit numbers. Still, it spread to just about every continent including North America, Australia and Europe.
The CDC believes that this is a severe public health threat. Overall, between China and the rest of the countries around the world, we have 4,500 cases. Of those cases, 106 deaths were reported.
These numbers are continually changing, and all this information is up-to-date as of January 28th. Based on the number presented, this virus is less severe than SARS and significantly less than MERS. With Novel CoronaVirus, we are looking at about a three per cent mortality rate.
The actual transmission can be coming from the infected animal. Now, we believe that we have human to human transmission. It spread through droplets that come into contact with either a person’s nasal cavity, mouth cavity, or eyes. Coughing and sneezing are going to spread this. It can spread out to six feet away.
From there, the virus can survive on surfaces. The virus has a protein shell that allows it to survive up to five days on various surfaces.
You will have a higher risk of transmission if you are in a closed environment. When somebody contracts this virus, there is an incubation period which is between two to fourteen days. Up to two weeks, a person begins to have symptoms of the infection.
Unfortunately, it is believed to be contagious during this period before a person shows the symptoms. All the preventative measures could still allow somebody who is infected to slip past.
Symptoms of Novel CoronaVirus
With this virus, the symptoms mimic the flu. The numbers to be presented here are coming from The Lancet, which is based on a couple of studies recently that just came out of China. These are looking at a limited number of patients.
Fever – about ninety-eight per cent of the patients with this virus was presented with fever.
Cough – we have seventy-six per cent had this
Dyspnea or difficulty breathing – fifty-five per cent of the patients
Fatigue – forty-four per cent
Sputum production – twenty-eight per cent
There were some other symptoms reported, but those came about in small numbers. It is potentially difficult to identify if a patient caught the flu or has been infected by CoronaVirus.
As the illness progresses, it can cause a severe lower respiratory infection, also known as Pneumonia. This virus has a slow progression.
When to Have Yourself Checked?
Have yourself check if you have already observed the symptoms described above or if you had fallen to the following criteria:
If you travelled to Wuhan, China in the past fourteen days
You had close contact (within 6 feet) with known infected patients
Exposure to a health care facility where a known infected person has been treated
Develops an unusual or unexpected deterioration despite the appropriate treatment
There is laboratory testing that can confirm this infection, but currently, this is only available at the CDC.
Treatment of Patients
CoronaViruses are notoriously hard viruses. They hide very well from our immune system, and we do not have any reliable vaccines or treatments for them. This does not mean that vaccines are impossible. China has sequenced the genetic code of this particular virus.
Still, because of the fact that we do not have a specific vaccine or reliable treatment, our primary treatment will be revolving around primary symptoms management. These will include:
Avoiding antipyretics
Patients should be hydrated
Oxygen treatment for Hypoxemia
It is too early to know if there are any effective treatment options when it comes to these antiviral medications. Our big focus is on supportive therapy.
The big takeaway with all these is that we want to ensure that we are doing everything we can to prevent the spread of this virus and contain this outbreak.
According to the CDC, right now, our concern for more significant problems is pretty low. A lot of people have been comparing this to the flu virus, and this is not a fair comparison. The intention marginalizes the fear that some people have of this virus. The situation with these viruses is quite different from the flu.
The numbers that we are talking about are pretty insignificant compared to the number of people who are infected with the flu. The people’s biggest fear is if things were to become more transmissible, and we started to see the virus spreading easier, which happened in the past. The CDC and WHO are doing everything they can to try and contain the outbreak.
Let us just do what is best for ourselves. I hope you enjoyed all this information. I hope this gave you what you were looking for and some more information about this virus and what we are going to do when we come across someone who is already infected. Please remember that this is a developing situation. Every day, we are learning more about CoronaVirus.
Hire Deep Cleaning Services To Reduce The Chance of Getting The Virus
Businesses are highly likely to be affected by this spread. As a business owner, your primary goal is to protect your employees and customers alike. Australia is not exempted from this virus. You must hire a trusted deep commercial cleaning company in Sydney to reduce the chance of getting the virus. Leave me a comment. Let me know what you think about this.
A childcare facility is a place for kids to learn, grow and make new friends. Unfortunately, this is also a place for kids to expose to germs and contagious diseases. Have no fear; you can definitely hire a childcare cleaning service like Clean Group to cover all of the things you need in providing a safe and healthy place for these young ones. We will teach you the ABC of safe and healthy childcare.
Seven Steps Cleanup and Disinfection for Childcare Center
Not everything that is dirty has a lot of germs like window sills and walls. But do not be fooled by appearances. Places like diaper tables and hands can be loaded with bacteria. That is why we will share with you the proper way of commercial cleaning and disinfecting. First, you clean and then you disinfect.
Childcare Cleaning removes dust, dirt, grease, and other foreign matter and germs by physically removing them off of the surface. A perfect example could be mopping the floors, scrubbing counters with water or soap and commercial cleaning chemicals.
Disinfecting kills all germs virtually. This can be done with the use of a particular chemical which is called disinfectants.
It is vital to disinfect things that are likely to have lots of germs. These are the surfaces that are likely to come in contact with blood, mucus, and urine.
How do you know when you are disinfecting? You use a particular chemical like bleach or any other product that is labelled as the disinfectant. Always remember that most cleaners are not disinfectants.
So please be sure that you are picking up the right chemical, saying that it is really indeed, a disinfectant. Read the directions on how to use it.
Cleaning is a dirty job, but someone has got to do it. Always remember that you are doing it for the welfare of the kids that are enrolled in these facilities. Most of the commercial cleaners out there do not spend enough time to do the job right.
Block off your working area
Use the right equipment, tools and cleaning chemicals
Use rubber gloves
Clean Up
Clean up after you are done with cleaning
Wash up the gloves that you used in cleaning
How to Sanitize Toys
Did ever occur to you how does your commercial cleaner attend or clean the toys that the kids have in their mouth all the time? Most of the childcare workers use a disinfectant spray and directly shower the box of toys at the end of the day.
Some soak the toys in disinfectant, and they are done. We researched how to disinfect these toys effectively.
It is not wrong to spray Lysol directly into the box of toys, but this product can only sanitize at thirty seconds. Meaning, if we spray this, we need to keep the toys waiting for 30 seconds to sanitize. It will only kill a very minimal amount of germs.
If you are to use a particular product, make sure you use it the way the manufacturer designs it. The strength of the disinfectant strongly relies on its dwell time.
Most of the childcare facilities keep their toys in a box. We design our own box to use in the process. We devised a plastic box with holes surrounding it, and this is where we put all the toys that we intend to disinfect.
On another plastic box, we mix a disinfecting solution. We just have to submerge the box full of toys into this disinfecting solution. Once you are done with the dwell time, you can just simply take the box out and let the water drain. Let it air dry.
The critical thing is, you need to make sure that the toys are saturated or wet for the dwell time. You need to make sure that all of these products that you follow the instruction to achieve the best result.
Cleaning The Facility
Remembering the cleaning scope for a child care facility is a handful. Being organized is a continuous challenge for some. Hiring a professional commercial cleaner will help you ease the process. Most professional cleaners have a checklist that helps them stay on top of every task.
If you are a start-up cleaning business, you may download the cleaning sheet off of the internet. There are a lot of templates available for you to utilize.
You can also try and create your own by simply taking notes of the things that are needed to be carried out on a day to day basis.
There is already a lot to do when you open your daycare in the morning. With Clean Group, your morning cleaner is advised to ways to maintain cleanliness in a childcare centre :
Prepare a pail of water mix with bleach. We also suggest that they write today’s date in the bucket to make sure that this solution is fresh.
Stock the fridge with lunch and snacks
Put out toys
Set up the rooms
Cleaning the Playroom
Cleaning the Lunchroom
Cleaning of Bathroom
Floor, Rugs, Bedding, and Carpet Care
Following safety, regulation is one of the essential factors we need to follow every day.
In Closing Up, the Cleaner Is Also Task To:
General Cleaning
Rubbish collection
There are also smaller cleanup jobs, but these vary from daycare to daycare so keep an eye out for the weak spots in your chores.
Most of the time, it is always good to bring professionals to assist your daycare centre’s needs and give you tips for keeping it up to standard.
This can be sometimes costly; that is why we highly recommend that you collect a few cleaning quotes to compare price ranges.
The checklist takes care of your cleaning duties, so you can entirely focus on the kids and your daycare.
Why do Infections Spread Quickly In Child Care Area?
You are dealing with kids, and these kids are not yet conscious about what is dirty and what is needed to keep clean hygiene. These natural habits of children contribute a lot to spreading germs all over the place.
Also, some of the childcare facilities are under staff and employees may not have adequate hygiene training.
Cleaning Tips on How to Fight the Spread of Germs
It is essential that childcare controls the spread of germs and keeps every child safe from toxic chemicals. We can protect children by choosing more reliable products and using all chemicals carefully. Disinfecting, sanitizing, and cleaning are all different jobs.
Applying soap and water, cleaning, and hand washing will eliminate most germs. Lots require more than just general cleaning in a few areas.
Disinfectants are your most potent germ-fighting tool. They are mainly required in toilet and diaper areas. Disinfectant kills all germs.
For food contact services and mouth objects, you will need sanitiser. Sanitisers are not as quite strong as disinfectant, but it reduces germs to a safe level.
Household bleach is a standard sanitiser and disinfectant. It is a natural product, so it is easy to forget that it is toxic. A tiny amount of bleach in water is all you need. Using more bleach than is required is not good and creates unnecessary exposure and risks.
Bleach breaks down quickly with water, so you will make your solution fresh for each day. A disinfectant is your most potent solution. Start with regular strength unscented bleach. For accuracy, you will need a measuring tool or a calibrated pump. Getting the concentration right is simpler when measuring in quartz rather than in gallons. Mix a tablespoon of bleach for quartz of cold water or a quarter cup per gallon.
To make a sanitiser, mix a quarter teaspoon per quart or a full teaspoon per gallon. Test your sanitiser strength after mixing.
Before using your solution, wash your surfaces with soap and rinse with water. Debris and soapy residue will interfere with killing the germs. Apply your solution from the bucket or use spray. Keep it away from your face and do not forget to ventilate your area and keep children out.
Once applied, allow your surface to air dry. If you need it sooner, wait for two minutes and then wipe it dry. Remember, like all chemicals, store bleach in a safe place and away from children and food.
Childcare Cleaning Melbourne has been in business for two decades, and we had dealt with too many childcare centres. Big and small, they are both concerned about the welfare of the children.
This article right here will give you the basic knowledge on how to make your premise a safe and healthy place. Let us hear from you and drop us a comment below.
Did it ever occur to you to stop and think of what your customers are really after? What are they looking for when they go and shop for cleaning providers? A customer or a potential customer has a long list of qualifications when they hire a professional Sydney commercial cleaners.
Why? Because all customers, regardless of which field are they in, want to get value for their money. No one wants to feel shortchanged. Now, this article will talk to you about identifying what your customers want and how will you live up to their expectations.
We have been in the Sydney Commercial Cleaning industry, and we had our own share of ups and downs. We are confident that this article will help you a long way if you just believe us when we tell you that you need your customers and your customers do not require you.
Always remember that. There is a heap of competition out there who will not miss a chance of getting your clients away from you. You really need to keep a close eye on giving your customers what they want, or you will lose them and your business.
Customer’s Wants in A Cleaning Business
A Proven Cleaning System
As you grow in the cleaning industry. You need to devise a pattern that your company and your employees will follow. The system that you will design for your business has to be tailored fit to every industry that you serve, for example, office, warehouse, and health facilities.
You have to come up with a cleaning system for each because they have their own unique needs. You cannot clean a health facility with the same approach that you do with the offices.
Sometimes, trial and error will help you identify which practices work and which do not. Once you have proven and developed a system, make sure to cascade it to your subordinate. Explain to them the reason behind the effort so that it will be easier for them to live by the system.
Follow through with inspection to gauge if they are delivering the quality of the service that you had promised your customer. Customers will always want something extra. Always remember to put a personal touch on it so that your customers will remember you.
An effective cleaning system strongly depends on how reliable your workforce is. You need to hire someone hardworking and trustworthy. These types of employees are the people you would like to have as you grow your business. They are gold.
Once you came across these employees, value them and do not let them go. Nurture them to their full potential because they will share the same values and virtue with your company.
Your cleaning system has to be designed to fulfil the reason why the customer had hired you in the first place. As a business owner of a cleaning business, do not forget the reason why you are cleaning in the first place.
Share this goal with your customers so that you can see the unvoiced needs of your customers. It will be easy for you to see it once you have put your heart to work.
Once you have secured your customer’s satisfaction, their loyalty will always be a giveaway.
Secure Your Customer’s Satisfaction
Do not overpromise and underdeliver. It should always be the other way around. If a customer has hired you because they want to have a shiny floor, then make their floor shine like it never shined in the past.
Again, a customer will always love getting something on top of what they asked for. Complaints may arise from time to time but make sure that you have strong customer care support that will manage these challenges.
After the complaint has been dealt with, do not be hesitant in following up or knowing how your customer feels after the last cleaning. There is no other perfect time to ask your customers for their feedback on the day that you offer the resolution. The crispness of the resolution will be embedded in their memory, and they will remember how promptly you resolved the issue.
Communication is always the key to securing their satisfaction. If your customers trust you, they will tell you what they need and how did they perceive having it done.
When they are not happy or unsatisfied with the first try, they will always tell you to correct it. That is the kind of relationship that you may want to build with your customers.
Trust and Integrity
In any kind of relationship, faith plays a very crucial part. In the cleaning business, customers are looking for trustworthy cleaning contractors. Why? Like any cleaning business, most of our cleaners access the premises after working hours. Our cleaners will have access to expensive equipment and sensitive data that are very important for your customer’s business.
We do not want missing items or documents. We want to save ourselves from these severe problems in the future. Your customer trusts you that you will take care of their premise’s security and property; it is your responsibility to maintain that trust. Being trustworthy is everything in the cleaning industry. All of your employees and cleaners should be trustworthy.
I do not need to tell you the benefits of being trustworthy because you should know it by now.
Always remember to maintain an excellent reputation as this will play an important role when you are creating your brand. Later on, as your company grows bigger, your brand will speak for your entire business.
Hardworking and Dedicated
It is already given, that a cleaner has to have a healthy physique to have him last a full shift. A cleaner should maintain the same level of endurance and enthusiasm for all the jobs that he has been assigned.
He cannot perform 100% for one client and just give his 50% to another client. Cleaning is a difficult task that is why your customers hire you in the first place. If you are hired to clean, make sure that you clean it from top to bottom.
If you were to hire a professional cleaner, we strongly suggest that you also do your own research to know your candidate’s reputation. Check their website and read through their feedback section.
The status of a company is often dictated by how long it has been in business. If they are in business long enough, they will surely know the hows and whys of the industry.
They have all the necessary experience to make them stay in this kind of job for so long. This means, they know the tools, cleaning agents, and techniques and have been a pro in doing so.
You will know and feel that they know what they are doing just by directly talking to them. They will show the confidence that you need to see to start trusting them.
You know how difficult it is if someone had fallen behind schedule. If your customer is expecting you to come at a specific date and you failed to show up, that is an automatic dissatisfaction right there. Your customer requested a specific schedule for you to follow because they have their own reasons.
It can be because they have VIPs visiting their office the next day or it can be any other reason. Show up when you are supposed to and deliver the quality of the service you had promised.
Your customers trust that you know what you are doing the moment you see the problem. Your expertise came from the knowledge and the number of years that you have been doing this job.
Your expertise may be determined by which cleaning chemicals are the best fit for the material that you are about to clean. What to do and not to do in order to prolong the life of the floor and such? You can tell them all the alternatives if you are thinking of one.
Your customers are most likely to buy whatever you are about to say to them because they trust your expertise in this field.
There is indeed a lot of competition out there. In Australia alone, a lot of cleaning business is being born every day. Do not be afraid of reinventing your whole company.
Focus on why you established the market and always remember what the customers really want from you. Most likely, if they are satisfied and happy, their loyalty to you will always be out of the question.
They will also refer you to other friends and family members that may need the same services. Your customers will do the talking for you.
Satisfied customers are happy to leave positive feedback on your website and other social media channels which will be right for your marketing needs. Think about this list one more time and tell me if you agree with me. Drop us a comment below or share your own best practices.
As business owners in the Sydney commercial cleaning business, our primary goal is to please and wow our customers. Their loyalty depends on their satisfaction. Our number one question is how to please them and make them stay with us.
This article will talk about how our company manages to be on top of this. We will share tips and best practices that will surely help you work your way through this industry.
By now, you already know that cleaning is a necessity for all types of businesses. Proprietors depend on this in making a lasting impression on their existing customers and potential clients.
If you are already in this field for so long, you already know the basic needs of your customers the same way as you had memorized the back of your hand.
Knowing that you can give something extra to your customers will make you stand out from the rest.
Ideas To Please Your Customers in Cleaning Business
As a cleaning provider, it is empowering to hear that your customers are excited to receive the service that you promised them.
The challenge is now focusing on making them stay and make them coming back for more.
Improve Your Cleaning Customer Service
We all know by now that your company’s reputation is a reflection of how you treat your customers. When faced with a complaint, it is always a good
practice to under-promise and over-deliver and not the other way around. Under-deliver resolution creates frustration for both you and your customers.
Also, who is your frontline? Who answers the phone? Is that person-friendly and welcoming? Attitude plays an integral part in this business.
You will go a long way if you know how to show kindness and willingness. These will make you ahead of your competition.
Politely Refuse People Who Want Free Cleaning Service
Not all clients are the right clients. Some of them are just fishing for free trial cleaning and will not sign up for anything regular.
Some of them have been with different cleaning contractors because they are hard to please. Remember, cleaning is a perception. What is clean for someone may not be clean for the other person.
Do not get into a deal because you are after getting many customers. If your gut feeling tells you that this customer is up to no good, listen to it. You can politely decline the offer and move on.
Use Technologies To Build Relationships With Customers
Technology makes our life more comfortable. Most traditional cleaning companies are intimidated by it.
Be familiar with helpful software that is being offered online. You can also subscribe to trial periods and see if this works for you.
There are accounting, scheduling, marketing, and much more software that can help you grow your business. Take advantage of free social media marketing.
Maximize the use of your email. Be responsive to all customers and potential customers who are reaching out to you on different social media platforms.
Give Better Suggestions for Cleaning Methods According To Requirements
Plus, you will be more confident in dealing with your customers if you know the ins and outs of the business.
You can give them suggestions on the cleaning methods which are highly applicable to their requirements.
Focusing on a Specific Cleaning Niche Can Help To Grow Your Name
Same as being smart. You do not need to take on every call and every job that requires your service. Choose a niche where you will be an expert.
Do good at it and be known for that specific niche. Later on, your brand will speak of this niche.
This will save you time and effort, and by doing so, you do not have to compete with everyone in the market.
As your name grows and becomes known to the market, referrals and more potential clients will pour in.
Tell Your Customers The Benefit Of Switching To Green Cleaning
Almost everyone is taking their part in responsible cleaning by using environment-safe products. You can also use this as an edge.
You can brag about how safe your cleaning chemicals are and how your office cleaners in Sydney are using them.
Tell your customers the benefit of switching to green cleaning and stress how beneficial it will be for their employees.
Clean It Like It Is Yours
One way to get positive feedback from your customers is to treat their premises like it is your own office.
If you stick to this kind of mentality, your cleaner will not be spotted slacking off in every job.
They will have the same drive in cleaning and perform their best.
Create A Better Cleaning System and Be Systematic
As your business grows, you will be expected to hire people.
This is where it gets complicated because employees have their own set of skills and struggles.
To ensure that you are going in one direction, it is better to create a system that everyone follows.
As you start, you have to explain the system to them and make your cleaners understand the reason behind the system.
Once they are familiar with it, they will work their way to the top to achieve the same goal.
Haste Makes Waste: Don’t Get Caught, Rushing
As the old saying goes, haste makes waste. Create an effective way of scheduling the cleaning required to be completed on a particular day.
This will ensure the quality of the cleaning that you provide to the customers. No one wants to rush on cleaning only to get a complaint the following day.
Doing the job right will also save you time and effort by avoiding potential claims.
Quote A Reasonable Price To Your Cleaning Customers
Balance your pricing. Underquoting and over-quoting will never be healthy for your business.
Learn to compare your price with your competition and consider a fair amount of profit and margin that you can survive from.
You are not just quoting yourself; you also have employees to pay.
Hire Effective Employees Who Can Better Represent Your Cleaning Company
Make sure that your Human Resources are sourcing the best candidate. A high turnover rate is one of the most significant challenges in the commercial cleaning business.
Cleaners’ commitment and dedication are often put to the test. When you came across the best candidate, value them and treat them like a family.
Do not put your company at risk by constantly changing employees. Also, run a quick background check for your employees to make sure that they are trustworthy. Your cleaners will represent you and your company.
Have An Insured Cleaning Staff To Protect From Unnecessary Expenses.
Be insured. This is one of the best ways for you to sleep soundly at night.
Accidents may happen anytime, and you do not want to get in trouble by paying out of pocket if one of your cleaners slipped or damaged a piece of expensive furniture on the premise while working.
Insurances and bonds will also help you with lost items.
Be On The Lookout For The Economy.
Most businesses are affected by the economy. Sadly, in the cleaning business, we are the first ones to be let go when the economy goes down the drain.
Not only that, but you also need to consider other economic factors when quoting for a job.
You need to think of the tax percentage that you need to pay the government back, the price of petrol, and other stuff like toilet paper and hand towels that are all required in your business.
Be Updated About Labour Cost and Other Employee-Related Issues
You should be on top of any changes that are mandated by the government. You do not want to be caught not following these.
You may subscribe to newsletters and alerts that will notify you should a change arise. It is easy to follow a specific rule if you know what to follow. Do not get blindsided.
Upgrade And Build Your Brand
As your business grows and you are earning the right amount of profit. You can start investing in other visual antics that will speak about your logo and your brand.
You may invest with vans, uniforms, business cards, and an improvement to your website and social media accounts.
Going beyond your customer’s expectations should not be a struggle for your business. It is easy if you just realize the importance of these ideas presented to you.
Do not be intimidated if you are just starting up because all companies had been there. Do not feel frustrated if you are not able to accomplish everything because everything has its proper timing.
Always remember that satisfying your customers and giving them something extra will take you a long way.
They will love you and will carry you to far places. Let us know if you agree with us. Feel free to drop a comment below and let us know how you feel about this article.
You can also share your own experience in going above and beyond your customer’s expectations.
Commercial spaces are the first thing people notice when they come into your establishment. The offices, cabins, and desks are the face of your company. Thus, it is crucial for business houses to keep their establishment clean.
Just like a person’s true personality is determined by his shoes, the work and the reputation of a workplace are also determined by the clean environment it maintains. Customers, visitors, and employees prefer a clean office and that’s why business houses always seem ready to spend money on keeping their workplace spotless and hygienic in order to attract prospective clients.
However, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment at commercial places is not an easy task, and that’s where the Commercial Cleaning or Cleaning Service providers come into action. Want to know about What is Commercial Cleaning?
In this article, we are engraving every single detail of Melbourne Commercial Cleaning, including, methods, cost, scope, and benefits, etc. so Stay with us until the end of this article and get all your questions answered. Let’s start with “What is Commercial Cleaning?” first.
What is a Commercial Cleaning?
Cleaning of Commercial Properties such as warehouses, office buildings, medical facilities, restaurants, hotels, movie theatres, clubs, entertainment centres, and malls, etc. is known as commercial cleaning. This type of cleaning is essential if you want to promote a neat, clean, and hygienic work environment. Commercial cleaning refers to professionally cleaning commercial and industrial properties.
A company that hires a commercial cleaner provides corporate cleaning services known as Commercial cleaning companies. So what does a commercial cleaner do, you might ask? Enlisting the services of a commercial cleaner means a variety of chemicals are used to clean effectively. They are contracted to carry out cleaning jobs on a variety of premises. Commercial cleaners can, as part of their duties, provide cleaning services by trained professional commercial cleaners tasks wise.
These commercial cleaners are well trained and experienced and also take responsibility for all the cleaning works in a business house.
Commercial cleaning service providers are contracted to uplift and maintain the visual beauty and hygienic quotient of the commercial Properties. That’s why, for commercial houses, hiring the finest cleaning services in their area is important.
What is the Difference Between Commercial Cleaning Vs Domestic Cleaning
As Suze Orman said, “Cleanliness is a state of purity, clarity, and precision”. It is a very important task in most scenarios. Just like other tasks It also has types, methods and different services.
Basically, the two main types of cleaning are domestic cleaning and commercial cleaning. The name is enough to tell you the basic difference, but to know more, Check this out: How different are domestic and commercial cleaning?
Coverage Area
Cleaning work that happens in the residential environment such as homes, farmhouses, etc., is known as domestic cleaning. Whereas, commercial cleaning happens in larger business areas such as offices, warehouses, etc.
Responsible for Cleaning
If the house owner has the time, then the cleaning can easily be done. Otherwise, He/she can also hire professional residential cleaners to do all the cleaning tasks for them. The cleaners working around the cl0ck.
On the other hand, cleaning at commercial places can be done by the company’s own in-house cleaners. Companies also prefer to hire commercial cleaning experts instead.
Cleaning Materials, Tools and Devices
Domestic cleaning does not actually need power tools, but since commercial cleaning takes place on a bigger scale, they require powerful cleaning tools and devices.
Just for example floor polishers, huge vacuum cleaners, and other devices are made for robust and deep cleaning in larger areas like hotels, schools, restaurants, malls, and hospitals. However, this cleaning can be done with simpler cleaning tools, because in small areas it’s more convenient to use.
Cleaning Processes
When we talk about the cleaning process, then commercial cleaning seems very different and complicated from domestic cleaning. At Commercial places, the cleaning task is divided, whereas the residential process needs to be simple and on point.
Additionally, the cleaning process also varies from business to business, for example, the process to clean the hospital will be completely different from the cleaning process for any other business like restaurants, hotels, etc.
Cleaning Standards
Business houses should adhere to the state’s health and safety standards. By doing that, they don’t only keep their business afloat, but also ensure the safety and security of their employees and clients. Just opposite to commercial cleaning, homeowners set their own cleaning standards, which makes it much simpler and easier.
The Benefits of Commercial Cleaning In Corporate
There are many advantages of hiring an expert office or commercial cleaning firm like Clean Group that provide all the office cleaning services at very affordable costs, and once you experience all the benefits of commercial cleaning, you’ll be wondering why you haven’t hired it sooner.
If a business/ commercial house fails to provide a workplace that is immaculate and free from all germs causing diseases, it can cause a bad impact on the work environment, the efficiency of employees and also on their health. Here are more benefits of commercial cleaning.
Creates a Healthy Work Environment
Hygienic workplaces avoid pest problems and also ward off dust, germs, and allergens. Regular expert cleaning builds a healthy environment which not only keeps employees healthy but also helps them to do their best work.
Saves Time
Hiring a commercial cleaning will save a lot of time in your office because your busy office staff doesn’t have time to worry about cleanliness. Additionally, If someone will have a responsibility to keep the place spotless, then the owner and employees can focus on other important things and work.
Creates a Motivating Atmosphere
Surroundings influence our mood, concentration, creativity, and enthusiasm. In a clean work environment, employees will perform their duties effortlessly. It also helps to avoid disturbance during work hours. Additionally, when the employees will be focused on the work, then things will get done more quickly and thoroughly so the business will thrive!
Makes a great impression
Your workspace reflects your overall image, a Clean and well-arranged office can create a great impression on the customer’s mind. The Hygienic environment also influences people to keep you on priority and it can also keep you apart from all the rest.
Thus, in this era, full of competition you need to be careful about how clients perceive you. And a dedicated professional commercial cleaning will make everything checked for you.
Saves extra expenses
Their knowledge, methods, and different types of cleaning tools can save some extra penny. The way of cleaning depends on the item which needs to be cleaned, thus, if a normal person cleans everything with the same methods then some of the items can lose their shine and worth and even inappropriate chemicals can cause damage also.
Thus, it becomes important to hire professional commercial cleaning to take care of everything which includes appliances, tiles, glass, decorative items, etc.
These are just a few notable benefits of commercial cleaning jobs, there are many more benefits. Now, after providing answers to What is Commercial Cleaning and its importance, let’s take a look at what it actually does.
What does Commercial Cleaning include?
Before hiring a cleaning service provider, it is a wise step to know what type of service to expect and during the discussion put your specific wishes and requirements with them. Commercial services can be actually divided into two parts – regular cleaning and deep cleaning.
Regular Commercial Cleaning
Generally, In regular cleaning, the responsibilities of a commercial cleaner are:
Sweeping and mopping the floors
Garbage Clearing away
Furniture Dusting
Cleaning the toilets
Restocking towels and toilet paper rolls
Cleaning the windows
Vacuuming and cleaning the carpets
Emptying trash cans
Replace liners
Sweeping/ mopping hard floors
Deep Commercial Cleaning
Similar to offices, every cleaning service provider and their services can be different but usual commercial cleaning consists of the following:
Dusting all vents and light fixtures
Clean and Vacuum all blinds, window sills, drapes, tracks, etc.
Dust all walls, baseboards, doors and clean all light switches and doorknobs
Move all furniture and thoroughly vacuum all carpets or scrub all floors
Clean all baseboards behind furniture that is usually not cleaned on a regular basis
Dust and wipe down all surface
Clean and sanitize all computer mouse, keyboards and screens
If there is a kitchen in the office then, Clean all kitchen cabinets, appliances, refrigerators, etc.
Clean all restroom walls, toilets, urinals, sinks, etc.
Do a machine scrub on restroom floors
Redo the caulk around the toilets and sinks
Graffiti Removal
Upholstery Cleaning
Other services that should be requested for a deep cleaning should be:
Window Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning
High Ceiling Dusting (in the case of a warehouse)
Strip and Wax
As we said earlier, the cleaning services can vary from company to company, so before closing a deal must check the list of the services your commercial cleaning service provider is providing. Additionally, You can also ask your commercial cleaning provider to create a Cleaning schedule for your commercial place.
Most professional cleaners also arrive equipped with all the necessary cleaning equipment and products, thus it also saves time and money.
Actionable Commercial Cleaning Methods with Example
Commercial cleaning services use different types of methods to ensure maximum cleanliness and spotless premises. All the known cleaning procedures can be easily divided into two broad categories; dry and wet methods.
In the wet method water and steam in liquid forms are used to clean the area and surface. Whereas in the dry methods cleaning with dry tools, and the solution takes place. Examples of both methods are engraved below.
Rotowash is used in carpet and escalator cleaning. In this method floor cleaning machines are used, it has rotating brushes, that work efficiently to lift off the dust, dirt and other particles in the carpet or escalator.
It also consists of a vacuum process to suck up all the lifted off dirt, dust, and particles. Cleaning solutions are also used in this process for better cleaning.
Truck-mounted steam cleaner
Through this cleaning method carpets and furniture are cleaned. In this method the surfaces that need to be cleaned are first vacuumed, then chemicals, water pressure, and suction are introduced to remove all dirt, dust, and particles from the surfaces.
Deep extraction
This method is best for carpet and fabric cleaning, In this method cleaning agents and conditioners, are directly sprayed to the surface, then everything is then vacuumed back through suction. This method is also effective in cleaning hard to reach crevices and corners.
Steam cleaning
As the name suggests, this method uses high-temperature steam to remove oil and dirt from the surfaces. In the same process, vacuuming is introduced to suck up the resulting residue. In this method, no chemical is used so this is a very environmentally friendly cleaning method.
This method comes into dry-commercial cleaning methods. In this method, a deep-cleaning compound spreads over the carpet, this compound dissolves into the rug, absorbs dust and dirt before crystallizing, and then this method is carried out by a counter-rotating machine, with the residue being vacuumed immediately after.
Floor maintenance
Floor Maintenance includes cleaning and maintaining tiled floors, to strip grime and stubborn stains from these surfaces some machines are used. These machines are responsible for doing the scrubbing, buffing, and polishing the flooring. It involves dust mop methods, stain removal, wet mopping, carpet spotter stain removal, and carpet vacuuming.
Germicidal disinfecting wipes
Most companies use germicidal disinfecting wipes, that are used to clean electronics appliances such as monitors, telephones, calculators, computer keyboards, etc. This process ensures a germ-free environment in the workplace.
The above methods are just some of the methods that are very common in commercial cleaning. The cleaning provider chooses the method as per the requirement and area.
Type Of Cleaning And Methods The Commercial Cleaning Equipment
Just like the type of cleaning and methods the commercial cleaning equipment can be also categorized into two types.
1. Manual Equipment
Manual commercial cleaning equipment is dependent on the task and the energy of the commercial cleaner. It takes maximum effort and also consumes a lot of time, but it is the traditional way of cleaning.
Microfiber Cloth
Microfiber cloth is the best tool to wipe down surfaces, whether it the desk, electronic devices, glass and decorative items in rooms, bathrooms, and common areas. These cleaning cloths can be washed up to 500 times and due to the softness, they shouldn’t scratch surfaces.
The use of Abrasives can cause scratches because these are made of grit papers that can be used to clean wood or metal surfaces. These are used for hard and deep cleaning.
Brushes are versatile cleaning tools, these come in different shapes, sizes, and hardness such as hard floor brush, soft floor brush, toilet brush, flue brush, broom, scrubbing brush, feather brush, hand brush, etc. These brushes are used to eradicate superficial or ingrained grimes depending on nature.
Brooms also come in different sizes, shapes, and they can be used to clean hard surfaces for a quick dust-up of dirt or hairs. It can be easily found in homes and offices. Brooms are the most basic cleaning tools.
2. Mechanical Equipment
When the Manual equipment fails to clean the area or the area is really wide to clean, then the mechanical equipment comes into action. It needs electricity or a battery to operate. These mechanical cleaning tools will speed up cleaning time and efficiency and also ease labour. Some of the examples of Mechanical equipment are listed below.
Vacuum Cleaner
It is a very common cleaning machine. It can clean any kind of floor or upholstery surface, it is also easy to operate. Vacuum cleaners efficiently suck up all the dust, dirt and other particles.
Polishing Machine
The polishing machine actually restores the lost shine of your floor. Luckily it comes in different sizes so they can be used to cover all the areas.
Floor Scrubber
Floor scrubber is a very versatile cleaning machine, it can clean ALL types of floors in a single pass. It is used to wash, scrub and dry tiles, carpets, hard floors, safety mats, industrial floors, etc.
Steam Vapor Machine
A steam vapour machine will provide you with a visual and sanitized clean. Steam at this high temperature is ideal for removing bacteria from bathrooms, removing caked-on grease and fats in kitchens and killing bed bugs.
Above all doesn’t actually need harmful chemicals in cleaning. Other than cleaning, using the above machinery is a great way to safeguard your commercial place against allergic reactions and poor air quality.
What is a Commercial Cleaning Contract And How It Works?
A commercial cleaning contract is short of agreement between two or more parties it consists of all the terms of services that will be provided by one party to the other. This agreement also strictly denotes tasks, time and payment details and also enforce people to maintain a good relationship with each other.
A regular Commercial cleaning agreement includes:
Regularity (One time or on schedule) of the cleaning service
Who provides the commercial own equipment
Time and location for commercial cleaning services to be provided
Payment schedule, Mode, and amount
Contact information from all the parties
Ensure Safety of the premises during and after the cleaning
The agreement protects both parties from any professional argument also makes them eligible to take appropriate action according to LAW. A commercial cleaning contract has several key benefits such as:
Standardization of client management
Managing expectations for both parties
Creation of binding professional relationships
Defining obligations of the client
Make sure to take care of all the terms and conditions and go through the complete agreement before signing it. The agreement also consists of an office cleaning checklist, which checks the elements of the checklist below.
Daily, One-Time and Regular Commercial Cleaning Checklist
A detailed standard cleaning checklist outline the service a commercial cleaning company will deliver to the client. Basic Elements in Commercial Cleaning Checklist will be like the following. However, the tasks can vary according to the type of cleaning service (regular, one time, one time). So make sure to go through the complete checklist.
Checklist Items for Daily/ One-time/ Regular Commercial Cleaning
Bathrooms and toilets cleaning
Clean mirror, edges in the bathroom, and countertop
Clean and disinfect all bathrooms, inside and outside of the toilets
Disinfect all sinks
Sweep and mop bathroom floors
Wipe paper towel dispenser, wipe doors, wipe door handle inside and outside
Clean all light switches
Window cleaning
At general location
Clean, sweep and mop all general locations
Dust accessible baseboards, window sills, and other flat surfaces
Vacuum carpet runner
Clean light switches, door handles, and doors
Clean urn on the porch
The clean drinking water system in the office
Clean glass doors, all windows and window sills
At the working area
Wipe and disinfect work desks, computers, printers, and file cabinets
Sweep and Vacuum all cabins
Vacuum door runner
Dust accessible baseboards, window sills, and other flat surfaces
Wipe and disinfect bookshelves, a storage section, etc.
Clean and disinfect the kitchen area
Clean and disinfect the refrigerator
Sweep and mop the floor
Kitchen Cleaning
Different cleaning procedures are required for different parts of your kitchen. As a general rule, areas and appliances that are used most frequently during everyday cooking and food preparation should also be cleaned the most often, and those that come into direct contact with food will need extra attention. In this section, we’ll give you a rough idea of how often each area and appliance should be cleaned, so you know what you should be doing and when. Clean, well-maintained washing facilities should be available on site.
How Much Does a Commercial Cleaning Company Charge?
Price isn’t a good indication of the quality of the cleaning service you will receive. It’s also difficult to provide an average cost for commercial cleaning in Sydney because the price depends on various different factors.
It also varies from company to company and service to service. The most preferred and common pricing method is by charging per hour.
Meanwhile, hourly rates also depend on the following five things:
Types of machine/tools/chemical needed
Experience and reputation of the Company
Insurance cover
Trial period
We would like to mention one more time that the cost depends on various things, so make sure to do quick research before taking risks.
Is Commercial Cleaning Profitable?
In this fast-moving world. Everyone needs their home and office cleaned, that’s why compared to some other businesses, the cash flow in a cleaning business is excellent. If you are starting a commercial cleaning company, you can manage it very easily.
You just need some good commercial cleaners, well-rated cleaning products, and management skills. People will connect with you automatically because no one wants to make their hands dirty.
It is also a profitable business because there is always a door open to widening the service area. You can easily scale and boost the business. By providing good and quality services you will see your client list grow. In short, a commercial cleaning business is a marvellous way to make money.
The most important advantage of hiring trained commercial cleaners and experienced cleaning service providers is the best description of commercial cleaning services. You will get a precise idea of the cleaning tasks and what each of the service providers does. It is important that the description of the commercial cleaning services must be free from all grammatical errors. A badly written or poorly interpreted commercial cleaning service description can create unnecessary problems.
Hiring professional cleaning companies like us in the cleaning industry, Clean Group can significantly improve the appearance of your business premises as well as the cleanliness of your office and most businesses. The reason for this is that our cleaners use advanced techniques and cleaning machinery to clean commercial premises efficiently and effectively. Our commercial cleaner or cleaners are well trained to use modern apparatus and they are well-trained cleaners to carry out various types of cleaning processes. Deep cleans or general cleaning is a must. The cleaning company should be able to provide the latest cleaning solutions to tackle the requirements of every client.
Professional commercial cleaning companies are capable of carrying out tasks like window cleaning, office cleaning, carpet cleaning, and the likes. These companies provide services in areas where you do not want to tackle these activities yourself. When hiring well trained and experienced professional commercial cleaning company, you can leave the entire task in their hands. They are well trained to perform various tasks and they know how to complete them properly and efficiently. They will ensure that your office building is cleaned thoroughly and maintained in a way that your customers will feel at ease and comfortable. Commercial cleaning professionals provide effective solutions to problems.
If you think about the benefits of hiring professional cleaning services, there are many. The most important benefit is that they ensure that the building remains clean, safe and clutter-free. They are also equipped with the necessary tools to tackle any cleaning task. This means that your office building will be free from dust, mould, bugs, pollens, dust and other indoor air contaminants.
Another advantage is that professional cleaning services reduce your utility bills. Cleaning and maintaining the building can cost thousands of dollars if not done correctly. You will need commercial cleaning services to remove molds, algae, fungi, termites and other indoor air contaminants. By hiring professionals, you do not have to spend all of this money. You will just have to pay the bill for the cleaning services and they will take care of the rest. However, if you do it yourself, you will have to spend countless hours scrubbing and disinfecting the building.
The last big benefit that you get from hiring a professional one is that they will make your building look great. Professional cleaning companies are capable of doing different types of cleaning and maintenance, especially in your office space. Whether you need indoor cleaning or outdoor cleaning, they have it all. They use special intruments for high traffic areas like the lobby and waiting areas of the building. Moreover, they keep the building interior neat and clean.
Commercial cleaning companies can also handle suspended ceilings, internal walls or partition walls and high touch surfaces, provide other services aside from what was just mentioned above. Some offer renovation and design services to make your commercial space look brand new. Some also offer window washing, carpet cleaning and minor cleaning. There are a lot of companies that are offering these different cleaning services and you have to choose which one to hire from. Just be sure that they are reputable and reliable to make your investment worth it.
There are several benefits that you can get from this service. These benefits include time and money saved, easier maintenance, and an overall better appearance in your business premises. In addition to these benefits, there are many more benefits. It is always best to hire a reputable company instead of doing it yourself. This way, you can be sure that your business will run smoothly and effectively.
Here we have explained commercial cleaning in simple plain English. If we missed something in this protracted article, please let us know.
For a client or business house, it is important to hire a reliable commercial company that is able to take all the responsibilities and also keeps your property clean and spotless. Commercial cleaning is different to janitorial services include small and everyday cleaning tasks while commercial cleaning involves bigger jobs.
Clean Group is a leading commercial cleaning company in Sydney NSW, that has all the resources to ensure cleanliness at your workplace and also safeguards it against allergic reactions and poor air quality. Get a great clean office environment today and move toward a bright future, stress-free. Happy Cleaning!
No matter how thorough your Sydney commercial cleaners are, there will come a time when you will get a complaint from a customer. The fact is, cleaning is a perception. One may find a space clean when the other completely disagrees with it. In the professional commercial cleaning business, responding to a cleaning customer complaint plays a vital role in a company’s success.
Your business needs to have a strong foundation and system on how you will handle cleaning customer complaints and issues that may arise. These challenges need to be handled promptly and effectively.
This article will share how we work our way through these types of things and how are we able to succeed with them. We hope to impart our knowledge to help you grow your commercial cleaning business.
Things You Need To Do When Facing Complaints
Listen Attentively
Do not jump into judgment. Listen to whatever it is that the cleaning customer says. In listening, you will have a full grasp of understanding of what is going on and where the complaint is coming from. Do not interrupt and let the other person speak their mind out.
Never question the validity of the claim because you will put your relationship with your customer at risk. Give your feedback only when you had fully understood the whole situation.
Check Your Understanding
Once your customer is through with what he is telling you, paraphrase the issue in a way you understood it. This will gauge if you fully understood what has been conveyed to you. Solving the problem back to your cleaning customer will also ensure that you are on the right track. Identifying the issue will ensure proper resolution.
Make your cleaning customers feel that you understand that their feeling is valid without compromising your employee or putting the blame on someone else. Be neutral but be sincere when you empathize. In general, most irate customers diffuse anger once they see a display of strong assurance.
Respond Promptly
Make the turnaround time for each cleaning customer’s complaint reasonable. Do not make your customers wait. Never let them do a follow-up for the same claim. This will make them feel unimportant.
When a complaint is thrown at you, acknowledge it right away and assure that this will be looked into. Once the investigation is done, submit a written report or call the customer about the resolution.
Tips in Turning Complaints To Positive Learning Opportunity
Criticism helps grow your business. Each criticism has to be taken constructively to get the best benefit out of it. As a business owner, you cannot be hands-on with every complaint that will come along your way. You can hire a dedicated staff that will take care of the customer’s Cleaning issues and complaints.
Emotion plays a big part in handling complaints. This is also the reason why customer cleaning service jobs are sometimes exhausting. People tend to deliver negative feedback in many ways.
Some people can be diplomatic, but some can be insensitive. Here are helpful tips on how will you convert complaints into a positive customer experience.
Do not take the complaint personally
Always separate your emotions from the complaints. Do not look at the customer as if they are attacking you personally, regardless if they have been rude on the phone. Some people cannot express themselves easily.
Maybe your customer’s only way of expressing dissatisfaction is by shouting or cursing. Give your customers some time to vent out and listen attentively. Do not apply selective listening, as this will affect your decision-making.
Listen Attentively and Validate the Issue
No business is perfect. With this, you need to understand that you and your employees can make mistakes. As the person in the front line of customer service, do not get yourself overwhelmed with the negative emotions that you are getting from the one who is complaining.
Always listen with an open mind and do not be influenced by all the unnecessary emotions being displayed. Filter out the feeling so that you can magnify the complaint.
Know Your Customer
Close your eyes as you listen. You already talked with this customer in the past. Is this person in charge? Is he or she in the position to forward or nudge a complaint? Does he or she see the area where the complaint originated? Your customer is not well versed in cleaning as you are. Most of the time, they do not know what process you use. All they know is that it is dirty.
Ask Probing Questions
Cleaning is a perception. When your customers call in to say that their office is dirty, ask them how they say it is dirty. Ask which section or area was missed. Make them describe to you what dirty looks like. By asking questions, you will understand what took place. You will also know if this is a valid complaint or not.
Offer Solution
After identifying the challenge, make sure to offer a way to remediate the situation. Do not let a complaint go unattended. This will leave a negative impression on your customers. Offer the best possible solution and do it promptly.
An excellent customer service personnel will always think out of the box in offering solutions. Do not be afraid or get intimidated when using your creativity in solving the issue.
Let Your Cleaner Know About the Issue
Make sure that your in-charged cleaner is aware of the situation. Awareness will prevent future issues and constant challenges. We always have this tendency to be defensive and protect the image of our company.
For cleaners’ welfare, we must make them aware of the situation regardless if it is good or bad because their morale strongly depends on the quality of their work.
Do not Harbor the Negative Feelings
Again, the customer service job is very challenging because 70% of the time, you will be dealing with unhappy customers. Always set aside your feelings and do not take it as a personal attack on your end. At the end of the day, your job is to give them the best positive customer experience possible.
Suggestions on How Your Customer Service Staff Handle Customer Complaints
We all know that your Customer Service Staff filters and handles all the stress that is handed down to them by unsatisfied customers. As the owner of the cleaning business, you have to equip your employees with the necessary training. You should set their expectations straight so that they can manage their stress effectively.
Managing an angry customer is not an easy task. You can have your customer service staff apply the following approaches in dealing with customers’ issues.
Visit the customer and have them show you the area where the complaint came from. This is very basic, as a person in charge of customer service, you need to know where the complaint came from.
How else can it be more precise apart from seeing it yourself? A quick call with the customer and telling them that you will go for a visit will pose confidence. Your customer will feel valued because you are interested to see the actual problem.
Once you have seen the area that needs improvement, you can simply take care of it right there and then or you can show the cleaning team later part of the day. It will be easy for you to demonstrate how to fix the issue because you already know where to point your team at.
Avoid the issue of miscommunication
As much as possible, the challenge should not come from miscommunication because this may imply unprofessionalism. Eliminate this issue by talking to the customer directly. Do not be intimidated in asking questions. Maintaining excellent communication with your customers will make your life easier.
Do not be afraid of asking about underlying issues
Customers do not want to be tagged as constant complainers. Some customers are not good at expressing their complaints because they thought that you know better.
They hired you because they know that you are professional enough to handle their cleaning needs and deliver the highest quality of cleaning possible.
Asking them questions like, “Is there anything else I should know about?” breaks the conversation. This question displays authority and confidence. As soon as the customer cracked this question, you will find all the answers helpful, and you can use those insights to strengthen your relationship with them.
Take responsibility and do not play the blame game.
Missing or forgetting an area will always surface in the cleaning business. First, you need to own the mistake. Always talk to the customer as a representative of the company. Never point fingers at other departments just to save face. After all, you are just under one roof, working under one management.
If your cleaning department forgets to do a task, then your company as a whole forgets the job. Learn to admit the mistake and formulate an effective action plan.
Checklist – helpful tool
A lot of things in different areas have to be addressed in one cleaning customer cleaning schedule. Help your cleaners to remember everything that they need to address by creating a comprehensive checklist. The checklist will ensure that you are on top of the game, and it will serve as a reminder of the tasks that are lined up.
Always file paper works that talk about cleaning customer complaints. It is easy to keep track of customers’ behaviour if we keep a comprehensive report of them. This will help us review all the challenges that we had with them and what are the resolutions given in the past.
Let us admit it, and there is no perfect customer cleaning because the definition of clean is based on each and everyone’s perception. In the cleaning customers business, complaints are part of the daily challenges. We need to understand that it is essential for us to overcome this.
Owning a business requires hard work and dedication. All businesses face different challenges. The commercial cleaning company is not an exception to this. This article will talk about the challenges that most commercial cleaners face in their everyday. We also hope to share their best practices on how were they able to go beyond these challenges.
To start with, we will talk about the challenges in the management and marketing side of the business. Later on, we will also touch base with the real cleaning challenges that our professional cleaners deal with every day.
Management and Marketing Challenges
Most of the commercial cleaning in Australia is family-owned. It is being handed down from one generation after the next. Some of the old habits of running a business may not be applicable today. Here are some of the critical points where challenges may arise:
Marketing and Business Development
We all know that the success of a cleaning business strongly depends on a steady flow of regular customers and large accounts.
Challenges will not arise if we have a consistent good number of customers on whom our business could rely. But what happens if you do not have this? You need to expand your business by looking for potential clients.
Cleaning companies are often observed to follow the traditional marketing approach like cold calling or the use of printouts and calling cards. This right here is no longer working. It is not an effective way of advertising your company, and it can be expensive too.
Leads and potential clients are now using the internet to look for the cleaning services that they need. They do their research by looking up the websites of commercial cleaners in the area. From there, they would call and schedule a meeting.
Your commercial cleaning company should invest in social media and an excellent website to filter all these potential leads.
Hiring Process
We all know that almost everyone is qualified to have a cleaning job. You do not need to hold a particular degree or certificate to become a cleaner. You have to have a good hiring manager to deal with staff sourcing.
A good Human Resource Manager will be able to gauge the character or commitment of an applicant just by merely listening to the candidate’s answers to the interview questions.
The commercial cleaning industry faces a high rate of job turnover because of the cleaner coming and going. Some cleaners will display a lack of commitment to the job and will leave without even a month’s notice. This example scenario is one of the factors why your customer may lose confidence in your reliability.
Hiring managers will also need to ensure that proper training is given to the new hires to make them deliver their highest performance on the job. Cleaners will have always have different personalities and dedication.
That is why we need to learn how to choose and pick the most trustworthy and hardworking from all of the applicants that we will encounter along the way.
We cannot deny that competition is everywhere. Regardless of what field you choose to be in. In the cleaning business, studies show that newly established companies are even more successful than those who are already been in business for more than a decade. Why? Because the younger generation speaks the digital language.
The older generation was trapped in the traditional way of running their game. Apart from ensuring the quality of your service, you also need to step up your game by learning the new innovative way of marketing and managing your cleaners. This will bring in a tremendous sum of revenue if coupled with exquisite cleaning quality.
Wages versus ROI
We know that all commercial cleaning companies in Australia have to follow the Affordable Care Act. It involves raising the wages in some parts of the country. Some commercial cleaning companies were not able to afford it because they only have a minimal profit margin.
It pushed them to pass the increased labour cost to the customer by increasing the value of their service. Most of the companies did not react favourably and then later resulted in the cancellation.
In the cleaning industry, we need to make sure that our margin is reasonable enough to earn a living and sustain a lifestyle. We need to make sure that we do not undersell ourselves to get more clients. We need to balance the needs of our employees and our sanity.
Changing Requirements for Cleaning Materials
We all know everyone’s campaign about a greener and safer earth, right? The cleaning industry cannot escape this. Some companies will prohibit them to use chemicals that they think can be hazardous to both your cleaner and their employees.
They will have a higher demand for you to use eco-friendly tools and solutions. Quality cleaning supplies and chemicals tend to be more expensive than commercial ones. Your cleaning business should partner with the right supplier that can offer you an affordable selection of cleaning materials and supplies.
If you are lucky enough, your supplier can also give you terms with payment. You can also ask your suppliers to provide you with the Material Safety Data Sheet that you can present to your clients to prove that you are using safe chemicals.
Challenges of Quality Commercial Cleaning Services
We all know by now that commercial cleaning is far more complicated than home cleaning. Commercial cleaning involves space and equipment that need special attention.
It is often overlooked. Most of the most neglected surfaces are keyboards, computer screens, and horizontal surfaces. Commercial cleaners will not even think about touching a desk if there is a lot of paper and clutter on it.
Dust will tend to accumulate if you will not put your attention to it. We suggest that you speak with your customers and tell them that they should keep their desks free from any clutter on the cleaning schedule so that you can give them a good wipe.
It is tricky to get rid of the dust on keyboards and computer frames. We suggest that you wipe and clean it with a microfiber cloth. This kind of cloth sucks up the dust and dirt with less effort. You can also give the keyboard a very light blow from the vacuum cleaner if you noticed food crumbs and dust accumulating at the bottom of it.
Putting the Things Back to Where It Is Placed
Customers expect us to put everything back in its original spot when we are done cleaning. This is one of the challenges that we face as a cleaner, sometimes, we concentrate too much on cleaning, and we forgot where we took the things from. We suggest that you put it back to where you took it right after you cleaned it and not clean the entire area all at once and then rearrange it.
Spider Webs
You do not want your place to look like it’s Halloween. Instruct your cleaner always to check the corners for cobwebs and get rid of them right away. Often, this gets neglected because it is at the very far corner or in a spot where you cannot see it easily.
The commercial cleaner has the right eye for this, and they are experts in maintaining offices and businesses spotless. As we all know, the cleaning business had survived the most significant economic challenges and continues to thrive on being on the surface.
Feel free to share your very own practices on how were you able to win over these challenges. Let us start a wonderful conversation that will be helpful to people who consider building their own cleaning company. Share this article if you agree with what I am saying.
Keeping a good number of customers and ensuring their satisfaction and happiness is the goal of every business. We already know that cleaning is essential to many companies. Large and small scale businesses such as schools, gyms childcare centres etc choose to hire commercial cleaning companies like Childcare Cleaners Sydney and Gym Cleaners Sydney to make sure that their workplace is clean and safe for their customers and employees.
This article will share with you ideas and tips on how can you make your customers happy and satisfied with the service that you cater to them.
Customer Satisfaction and Why Is It Important in Sydney?
Let us first analyze why customer satisfaction plays a critical role in the field of the cleaning industry. If you do not care about what will your customers say about you, then you should not have started a business in the first place.
Let us all remember why you created your business. You come up with a business because you wanted to earn. You will not expect a customer to care about you if you do not care about them.
High-standard customer satisfaction will take your business to places, and it is an excellent marketing tool. It can win the client’s heart very quickly, and they will have no other choice than to hire you. Potential customers will easily recognize you if your business already earned this reputation.
Here are 5 solid reasons why you should invest in securing your customer’s satisfaction:
Customer satisfaction yields high income, and we do not need experts to study this. It is evident that customers will always go to an office cleaning services provider that serves them well. Satisfied customers are loyal and highly likely to hire you every time their cleaning needs arise.
Apart from this, happy customers recommend you to their business partners, friends, and family members. They will not even look at your competitors. A lot of people will become familiar with your brand, and they will hire you in the future.
Keeping Loyal Customers Is Less Expensive Than Spending So Much on Marketing to Gain New Clients.
We all understand that customers in the cleaning business already invested their trust in their chosen cleaning partner. If your customers trust you and your brand, they will stay with you regardless if there are price increases along the way.
Since you have dealt with your loyal customers for a good number of years, you already know how to deal with them, and you can use that to your advantage.
You Can Lose Customers Anytime.
Customers will come and go. They will leave you the moment they feel that your service is no longer needed or essential for them to run their business. This is where communication plays an important part.
Always talk to your clients and ask for feedback and comments about the cleaning that was recently done. Value your customer’s input and use that to level up your cleaning performance. Make them feel that they are essential, and your business will not survive without them.
Win Over the Competition.
If you had aced all the basics and had given your customers more than what they expected, they will never think to hire somebody else. You had already built, and the impression that you are the best cleaning provider and they will surely not let you go.
Free Marketing
As mentioned earlier, an excellent customer service experience will take you places. Word of mouth and recommendations will surely bring you, new customers.
Now that social media is everywhere; your satisfied customers will surely share your page or even subscribe and follow you. They will easily participate in surveys that will rack up your standing on social media platforms.
5 Easy Steps to Keep Your Customers Satisfied in Sydney
You need to show your customers that you are reliable. Display consistency in terms of the quality of your cleaning performance. You should not slack off if you do not hear anything from your customers.
Silence is as dangerous as complaints. Check with your customers from time to time if you are still meeting their expectations. Ask if there is something more you can do to improve your relationship with them.
Always show that you value your customer’s opinions and that you believe in whatever they are saying. This applies to your employees that handle complaints.
People in the customer service department need to show that they respect the customer regardless of how bad the situation is. Maintaining a neutral level of respect and patience is the key.
Professional cleaners are expected to have interacted with their customers. They are expected not to be casual and at the same time, not to be so uptight. A genuine personality can help build relationships with customers.
You need to gain customers’ trust for them to be more comfortable dealing with you. Later on, you will surely enjoy the benefit of this because your customers find it easy to talk to you. They can say that they are not satisfied with a job and you can take action right away.
Do not oversell your cleaning company by saying that you can do a lot of things and it turns out that you cannot uphold whatever it is that you say. Be transparent with your customers and tell them what you can and cannot do.
Let them know if there are changes in your business, especially if it has something to do with pricing or cleaning procedures. Customers will not like it, but they will be grateful that you took the effort of notifying them and that you are truthful.
Be Innovative
It is wise to know who is your competition. By doing so, you can quickly think out of the box and do more than what they can do. Select an area of expertise in which you will build your brand on.
Most of the Sydney commercial cleaning companies that I know are knowledgeable and they are prepared to do the work with promptness and the highest quality.
Helpful Tips in Securing Customer Satisfaction in the Cleaning Industry in Sydney
There are plenty of ways and methods to use in securing customer satisfaction in the cleaning industry. If you get to know your customers more, you will find it easier to deal with them.
Communicate effectively – most commercial cleaning companies still use the traditional way of communicating. These companies are accustomed to using the telephone as the primary avenue for communication. In this modern age, we can communicate via social media. We can send text messages and emails.
These new avenues will speed up the process of communication. It is also your foremost responsibility to make yourself available at any time. Your customers should know where and how to get in touch with you should issues arise.
Be kind and respectful – as the old saying goes, respect begets respect. Be kind and courteous to everyone and not just to your customers. Be kind to your competition, colleagues, and employees. If you maintain a harmonious relationship in your company, this aura will surely radiate with every cleaner you deploy to all of your customers.
Be the face of your brand – wherever and whenever you are, always bear in mind that you carry the name of your company. Your actions speak for your company. Be mindful of your reputation as this will determine the future of your business.
Beating the Competition From Other Cleaning Companies in Sydney
It is normal to have competition in every business. Your cleaning company needs strategies on how will you set your company apart from the many competitors which offer the same services in your area.
Your revenue depends on the number of your existing customers and your potential clients. Apart from customer satisfaction, many factors will determine your brand in the cleaning business.
Customer Service
Ensuring strong customer support is a sure way of keeping customers. Now and then, complaints and dissatisfaction may happen, and your team has to be ready for it. The complaints need to be dealt with promptly.
The customer’s expectation has to be set correctly when you face a misunderstanding. Sometimes, customers will also require you to do some out of the blue jobs due to emergencies and other reasons. Make them feel special by accommodating these requests, and they will give their loyalty to you.
Have a reasonable price. Do not undersell the service that you provide just to attract more customers. If you continue to do this practice, you will find yourself at odds when it’s time to pay your employees. Highlight the value of your services whenever you present a quotation to the customers.
Find Your Specialty.
The cleaning business involves a wide array of cleaning specialties. Finding your niche will give you an advantage over your competition. Be an expert in your chosen niche. Selecting your niche is a sure way of paving a solid foundation for your business.
Your cleaner will take pride in the results of their work, and this will then boost their morale. When they are happy, they have all the reasons to come to work.
Listen to Feedback
Customer satisfaction can be determined in many ways. Honest feedback from your loyal customers will help you improve your business. You can send a survey and gauge how your cleaners are faring and how likely it is that your customers will recommend you.
Review all the suggestions and comments that your customers give. Let them know that you value their feedback and will continually work on the betterment of your cleaning company.
Measuring your customer’s satisfaction should become your priority. The success of your commercial cleaning business highly depends on customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers and patrons will continue to hire you.
This means that your business will have steady earnings and profits. It is wise for a cleaning company to invest in customer service campaigns and programs that will meet your desired goals.
Please feel free to drop a comment below on how you think a cleaning company should handle customer satisfaction and beliefs. Do you agree with this article? Let us start a valuable conversation that will help other companies strategies a good customer-centric program.
Your success in business depends on how you will present your office. The cleanliness and the overall appearance of your business dictate how well are you doing in your chosen field. Customers based their impressions based on what they see.
Apart from your customers and potential clients, it is also crucial that you keep your business as clean as possible for your employees. A lot of different studies have proven that a clean and safe working environment has a positive result on your employee’s productivity.
The biggest question is, how to choose a trusted commercial cleaning company? True enough, there are a lot of cleaning companies that offer almost the same services at the same price range.
How will you make sure that you are employing the best cleaning company that will meet all of your expectations? This article will give you a rundown on how will you determine that a cleaning company is the best fit for you. When you are considering hiring a cleaner, bear the following questions in mind:
Is the company established and trustworthy?
How do they select and hire their cleaners?
What are the cleaning services they provide?
Are their cleaning practices documented?
Two Ways For Hiring A Professional Commercial Cleaner
In-house Cleaner – You may hire your cleaner just as you would with a regular employee. Your Human Resource Team can put up a post for the position and they can do the screening and hiring process.
The in-house cleaner will do the routine cleaning for you but most of the time, the in-house cleaner will not be able to cover some requirements that an outsource cleaning company does.
These cleaners are familiar with different cleaning approaches that will get the job done more efficiently.
What To Look For in Hiring a Professional Cleaner
Stature and Experience
It is very important that you will hire someone you can trust. Nowadays, it is very easy for you to conduct your own research to learn about a company’s reputation. You can always go online and take a look at their website. You can browse through the comments section and learn what kind of company they are.
Trust plays an important role because you are letting someone in your office who will have access to files and expensive items. You need to make sure that this person is trustworthy enough to not steal nor read anything that they can find inside your office.
Trustworthiness Can Be Measured By:
Asking for references – if you have nothing to hide, you can always give away references to where your potential clients can ask how your company does business.
A number of existing customers – a reputable company will have a good number of loyal and happy customers.
Year in service – ask the cleaning company how long they have been in business. There is a good reason why are they around for so long. These cleaning companies have been doing good all along and work their way up to gain such a reputation.
Screening and Training Program for Professional Cleaners
Commercial cleaning companies who want to excel in this field do their hiring process very seriously. They have an eye for trustworthy and hardworking candidates. Once the hiring process is completed, this cleaner will undergo training that will secure the quality and satisfaction of their customers.
You can always ask your candidate how they choose their employees during the hiring process.
Training – an excellent company provides training that will equip their cleaners to do an excellent job. These cleaners have a deep understanding of safety and professionalism.
Screening – to protect a potential client, a responsible cleaning company conducts background checks of each employee. This action provides additional trustworthiness for the customers.
Consistency – it is good to have the same cleaner every time. Having the same person to attend the cleaning of your office creates familiarity. From familiarity, trust resonates.
Know the Different Types of Services That They Cater
Before concluding to hire a commercial cleaner, find out first if they offer all of the services that your office requires. Most of the cleaning service providers do routine cleaning but you can also find cleaning services in your area that can offer both the routine cleaning and special cleaning that you may need in the future.
Regular cleaning includes:
Collection of trash
Vacuuming, sweeping and mopping
Toilet cleaning
Kitchen and breakroom cleaning
Restocking of consumables like toilet paper, hand towels, and hand soap.
Extra cleaning covers:
Steam Carpet Cleaning
Strip and Sealing of floors
Steam Cleaning for Office Chairs
Pest Control
After Construction Cleaning
High Ceiling Cleaning
Internal and External glass and window cleaning
What Types of Businesses Do They Serve?
When you look at the cleaning company’s profile, you will understand that they had specialized in office cleaning when you look at their portfolio. You will also know if they are experienced in cleaning a certain type of business like school, hospitals, or retail stores.
Here are a few businesses who have a high demand for commercial cleaners:
Medical and Health facilities
Schools, Daycare Centres, and Universities
You also need to figure out if you will need the cleaning services frequently or do you just need this to be done once.
Insurance and Bonds
A good way to tell if your trusted commercial cleaning company is reputable is by asking them to provide their certificate of bonds and insurance. You may also ask the commercial cleaning companies about their credentials and business licenses.
Insurance and bonds will protect your company in case the cleaner got injured or something went missing or damaged inside your premises. These documents will give you tremendous peace of mind.
Practices Green Cleaning
Most of the cleaning companies that offer commercial cleaning practice green cleaning. Green cleaning involves safe waste disposal, the use of low-energy equipment, the use of microfiber wipes, and the use of green cleaning products.
Other Important Factors That You Need To Consider in Hiring A Trusted Commercial Cleaner
Read through their Maintenance Agreement and negotiate if some of the terms will not work for you. You may also look for trusted commercial cleaning companies that are willing to be on a trial period before signing anything.
Most cleaning companies will provide a maintenance agreement that will lock you in for a period of time. Review what is on the contract and see if there are recourse that will protect you in case you are not satisfied with their services.
Gather at least three quotes to compare the prices. Sales Managers will normally require a visit to look at your office. He or she will see how big the office is and will determine the price based on the requirement you will need.
Cleaning Checklist
We all know that we cannot memorize an entire job. Ask if your candidate provides a cleaning checklist for their cleaners. The list will guide and remind the cleaner on what are the things that are needed to be done at a certain schedule.
Apart from the things that are stipulated in their Maintenance Agreement, will the trusted commercial cleaning provider offer flexibility in case you will need someone to be with you in cases of emergency and surprise visits from clients and potential customers? Ask them if they have set a certain procedure in case you will not need a cleaner to attend on a certain schedule.
Understands the Importance of Their Job
It is good to have someone who works with you to achieve a certain goal. A good cleaner understands the value and the importance of their job in keeping your workplace clean and healthy.
Benefits of Employing The Right Cleaning Company
Peace of mind knowing that your space is clean and healthy.
You are assured that you are getting the best price possible for the requirement that you need.
One-stop cleaning solution
You know that your cleaners are all professional and know what they are doing.
So before you hire anyone, make sure that they had answered all of your questions and you also consider all of the things that I talked about in this article. In this article, we are also sharing with you a guide about facility cleaning and management to the right cleaner. Feel free to share your experience and journey in hiring the best cleaner down below and let us talk about it.
Cleanliness will determine how you function as a business. It plays a vital role in building a reputation that you want your customer to remember. The first question is, how would you know if it is right for you to hire a professional commercial cleaner. Once you are ready to decide, how will you hire one? What venues do you have to check to make sure that you will land on a reputable, reliable cleaner in your area?
In this article, we will cover the dos and don’ts of hiring a commercial cleaner in Australia. What are the key indicators that you had found the right cleaning contractor, and what are the pitfalls that you need to avoid?
When searching for the right cleaning service, keep these essential things in mind.
A busy working environment can become disorganized and messy very quickly. Fortunately, the right cleaning service can help you keep your office space and working environment clean, sanitized, and professional looking.
The right cleaning service will also provide you with a cleaning frequency schedule that works best for you.
The following are three vital tips to help you find a cleaning service that is right for you.
Ask the cleaning service about the supplies that they are using. When chemicals are being used, they must be safe to all individual who accesses the premise.
Some areas may need frequent cleaning visits than others, such as bathrooms and eating areas. Be sure to discuss all the variables ahead of time.
Always ask if they have online testimonials or positive reviews they could direct you to. This way, you could choose the right cleaning service.
There are a couple of ways to hire a cleaning provider that will give you quality cleaning service. You can hire or employ your in-house cleaner, or you can outsource a commercial cleaning provider. Whichever way you choose, this will ensure that your office or company stays clean within your budget.
The first objective why a business or an office hire a professional to do the cleaning is to create a lasting positive impression. Cleaning is not just applicable to homes.
Offices and commercial spaces also need focused maintenance. It is advisable to get professional help instead of relying on an in-house cleaner.
You may browse through the website for a trusted cleaning service provider in your area. The best cleaning service should use modern cleaning techniques and procedures that can make your office tidy and neat at all times.
One key factor is being customer-centric. A great cleaning provider understands that different commercial spaces can have different cleaning requirements.
Some business owners underestimate the importance of a clean workspace. An excellent cleaning company knows that a clean area has a positive impact on the productivity of the employees.
It should be best for you to hire someone certified and have high-quality standards. Someone who uses safe products to ensure a squeaky clean surface.
Key Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right Cleaning Provider
Experienced and knowledgeable cleaners
An excellent cleaning company has a systematic hiring process that creates an efficient cleaning team. All office cleaners should be trained in all cleaning processes. They should know to handle
Friendly customer support
Cleaners should be confident enough to start a conversation with the customers. We know that commercial spaces can have confidential documents which will be accessible to cleaners.
The right cleaner should know how to respect this environment and not read or touch these documents, which may contain confidential information.
100% Satisfaction
A perfect cleaning partner knows how to ensure the satisfaction of every client. This should start by using high-quality cleaning agents and products to providing the actual cleaning services. All of these services should be certified according to the industry’s standard.
Customer-Centric cleaning services
All services of your chosen cleaning provider are designed to suit the unique needs of the customer. The complete set of the offered packages should be shown on their website.
Use of superb cleaning products and industry-grade cleaning equipment and tools.
Cleaning companies should use high-quality cleaning products which are safe and effective for the tasks at hand.
Services That Are Being Offered by Commercial Cleaners in Australia
Gym Cleaning
Cleaning a gym is time-consuming and tiring. Putting extra attention to your gym’s need is an essential part of keeping the gym clean and presentable to members.
A clean gym is a sure way to invite many patrons and new customers. The process of gym cleaning would be easy if you employed the right cleaning company that knows the proper technique and skills to properly clean the equipment or take care of the cleaning services.
Gym equipment has to be clean and sanitized. An unsanitized gym can be a breeding ground for harmful germs and bacteria. The human traffic who use the gym for prolonged periods can cause the equipment to become the source of illnesses if these are not properly sanitized.
Also, bathrooms and locker rooms need to be attended to with utmost attention. The use of proper disinfectants should be observed to cease the spread of harmful germs and bacteria on the sinks, toilets, showers, floors, and other surfaces around the gym. Floor drains and showers should be looked into to make sure that there is no build-up.
Strata Cleaning
There are two considerations that you should look into when hiring a strata cleaner. The first one is the efficiency and the second one is the quality of their service. You need to be looking for a cleaning provider that can give you both.
In strata cleaning, a quality cleaning service is also time effective. You need to look for a commercial cleaner that can provide you with a sparkly clean building at the quickest time possible.
Every commercial cleaner should be specially trained for the cleaning job and will be able to handle all situations that may arise.
The cleaning process should be as stress-free as possible. Each of the cleaning staff should be reliable and friendly to ensure a smooth cleaning process from beginning to end.
Retail Store Cleaning
Shopping malls have high human traffic since they housed multiple businesses. Rubbish can pile up pretty quickly, and toilets can get messy before you know it.
It is imperative to maintain the sanitation and appearance of all the retail stores inside the shopping centre to keep the customers happy and safe. Your professional retail store cleaners should be behind your back in ensuring the best customer experience there is.
The appearance of the storefront has a significant impact on the shopper’s experience and can affect how much time and money are they willing to spend.
Since a high volume of traffic is expected, the spread of harmful bacteria is possible if the stores are not adequately attended to. Your chosen professional cleaner should know systematic, hygienic cleaning practices that will safeguard your customer’s satisfaction.
Office Cleaning
Hiring a professional office cleaner is an excellent choice in keeping your employees healthy and happy. General cleaning and maintenance can be difficult and time-consuming.
Unkempt offices can leave staff feeling discouraged and may also affect the flow of current and potential customers. An office cleaner should be responsible enough to keep your office in pristine condition.
A good office cleaner had gone through rigorous training and can meet every single requirement that you may have. They are also dedicated to providing a safe and hygienic environment for both your customers and your employees.
Many commercial cleaning services offer office cleaning all across Australia. You just have to carefully choose which among them can give you an exceptional cleaning service that will not cost you a fortune. These cleaners know how to use the most advanced techniques and equipment to keep your office space clean.
School and Child Care Cleaning
Experienced cleaners are certified to attend schools and have undergone thorough background checks. They use the most effective cleaning methods and modern tools and equipment. A clean school ensures a productive learning ground.
The teachers and instructors can focus more on teaching. Students, on the other hand, feel comfortable. Professionalism is maintained by thoroughly cleaning each classroom. This service is applicable for daycare centres, public and private schools, and after school care.
Professional school cleaning can ensure that germs, dust, and debris are out from any surface inside your school. Cleaners also use cleaning products and equipment that reduce the impact on the environment and not sacrificing the safety of each student. They can also provide the material safety data sheet of these chemicals upon request.
Students need a safe learning environment for them to be equipped in life. Please make sure that you only hire a highly trained professional that will carry out the cleaning for your entire school.
Example of Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Office Cleaning Lists
This enumerates the tasks that are needed to keep an office clean and sanitary for an office. Daily cleaning usually covers common areas like toilets, receptions, and break rooms.
Daily Cleaning in Reception
Wipe down light switches, door handles, and baseboards
Vacuum all floors
Wipe and clean walls and painted surfaces
Mop all hard floors
Wipe and disinfect all surfaces
Empty bins
Wash and reline bins as needed
Wipe and clean all glass areas
Daily Cleaning for Toilets and Kitchen
Empty all bins
Wash and reline bins as needed
Mop all hard surfaces
Clean and disinfect all sinks, toilets, doors, mirrors, and fixtures
Refill all supplies like hand soap, toilet paper, and hand towel
Weekly Cleaning
Polish all hardwood floors
Internally and externally deep clean glasses
Internally clean all fridges
Wash all bins
Monthly Cleaning
Vacuum all upholstery
Vacuum air vents
High dust all surfaces
Deep clean and vacuum all surfaces
We hope that this article gives you a general idea of what to look for when you are ready to hire a professional commercial cleaner. There are a lot of different avenues to where you can find a list of reliable cleaners in your area. Feel free to add more suggestions and tips down below if you feel like sharing your experiences on how you were able to find your perfect cleaner.
Say Goodbye To Your Cleaning Worries
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