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Commercial Cleaning Industry News, Tips, Guide and Checklist

You can read here many helpful articles related to commercial cleaning, latest cleaning news in Australia, including how to find and hire the best cleaners in your budget, how to train a commercial cleaner, why hire a cleaner over doing it yourself, cleaning tips for a specific area like supermarket, retail store, data centre, pub & restaurants, hospitals, factories, buildings, and more.

Medical Facility Cleaning Guide by Clean Group

4.9/5 - (78 vote)

Medical facility cleaning is a high-traffic zone. We cannot eliminate the fact that germs and viruses are lurking around. A medical facility must hire a medical cleaning company that will commit to the health and safety of every person that comes and goes.

In this article, we will talk to you about methods and tips on how the leading commercial cleaning company in Australia manages to adhere to the strict requirements of hospital cleaning.

How To Clean an Occupied Patient’s Room

Putting on PPE

Putting your personal protective equipment is the first step in every medical facility cleaning procedure. The goal of the personal protective equipment is to protect you and the patient from infection. Put on your PPE in the correct manner. You need to do the following:

  • Before putting on the PPE, you should practice proper hand hygiene.
  • Put on the gown and tie it in place.
  • Put on your facemask. This is a piece of equipment you will need to remain safe in the care environment.
  • Put on eye goggles.
  • Finally, put on gloves. You always have to have gloves, especially when you are using chemicals.
  • Sometimes, you are required to wear additional PPE based on what is happening to the patient or resident. Most healthcare settings use signs that are seen outside the patient’s room to tell you about the PPE you will need.

If you have any questions about PPE like what to use and when feel free to ask your supervisor or the infection preventionist where you work.

Collecting the Trash

Knock on the door before going inside the room. Please introduce yourself to the patient or resident and tell them why you are there. This is a way of showing respect because you are coming into their space. In some healthcare settings, the room is your patient’s home.

In long-term care settings, rooms are suggested to be cleaned while patients are not there.

Medical commercial cleaners start the cleaning process by picking up trash items and debris throughout the room and placing it in the bin. Remove the trash liner and place it in the doorway.

Gather the Linen

Collect loose linen throughout the room and check the restroom if there are linens there too. Do not pull the linen on the floor as you collect them. Place the collected linen in a hamper or in a bag right away.

Take the linen off of the bed if the patient is not there. Some medical facility cleaning settings only allow the nursing staff to change the linens. In line with this, you need to make sure that changing the linens is part of your work scope.

Remove pillowcases slowly while taking the linen from the bed. Pull the linen upon itself, forming a self-contained package. Be careful not to shake or agitate the linen as you pick it up from the floor. Stirring the linens will make germs become airborne and pose an infection control risk.

Immediately put all the gathered linens in the hamper or bag. Remove the linen liner and place it in the doorway next to the trash.

Damp Wipe all Surfaces

Surfaces that are needed to be damp wiped include the bed. Be sure to clean the rails on both sides, the positioning buttons, call light, and other furniture in the room such as chairs, recliners, tables, and countertops.

Placed your used cleaning cloth in the container or bag after you had wiped all the surfaces and high-touch points.

Clean the Restroom

Get a new cloth before cleaning the restroom. Once you have cleaned the toilet, put your used cleaning cloth in the container.

Removing and Putting on Gloves – Hand Hygiene

You need to remove your gloves and wash your hands properly after facility cleaning the restroom. You need to do this before putting on new, clean gloves.

A rule is that when your hands are not visibly dirty, an alcohol-based hand rub is the best way for doing hand hygiene in the healthcare setting. You must use soap and warm water to clean them if your hands are visibly dirty.

Restock Paper Products

Now that the restroom is clean, it is time to restock the paper products and put on a new trash liner and linen liner in the room.

Dust Mop the Floor

The next step is to dust and mop the room. Start at the doorway and work your way along the edges of the room. Move the mop in a figure-eight motion, making sure that the swipes of the mop overlap.

This will make sure that you will not miss any area of the floor. Pay close attention to corners and edges for dust and debris that may build up there.

Damp Mop the Floor

The last step in medical cleaning is essential for medical centres that are damp mopping. Damp-mop the whole floor area, including the toilet’s floor. Use proper medical facility cleaning signages to keep the site safe.

Always start with placing the wet floor sign at the doorway of the room. Be sure to wring the mop to remove as much solution as you can to lessen drips after you wring it out.

After you wring out the mop or after you have put a cleaning solution on a pre-dampened floor cleaner, start to mop the floor from the edge of the room and work towards the furthest corner of the room away from the door. Use the figure-eight motion just like you did with dry mopping.

Make sure to walk your way out of the room by damp mopping as you go. This will make sure that you are not tracking dirt with your shoes onto the newly cleaned floor. Keep the wet floor sign in the doorway of the room until the floor is dry and safe to walk on.

Closing a contract for healthcare facility cleaning is rewarding. Commercial cleaning is now highly regarded because of the importance it brings. Not only because of the Pandemic but also because of the unique needs of medical facilities.

Please let us know what you want to know about medical facility cleaning by dropping a comment below. We are more than willing to share our insights and tips on how we are able to close and manage medical contracts successfully. We want to impart our knowledge to you.

11 Signs of a Good Cleaner, Is Your Workplace Cleaner Doing a Good Job?

4.9/5 - (78 votes)

Commercial cleaning is a profession that someone has to be proud of. It is a commitment that ensures the health and safety of all the people working in your business. They are more than looking after cleanliness. Commercial cleaners ensure that your company meets and exceeds your client’s expectations.

Your cleaner maintains the overall facade of your business and makes it attractive to potential customers. As a business that relies solely on this kind of service, how will you say that your cleaner is doing a good job? Join us as we elaborate more on this topic.

Must-Know Signs of a Good Cleaner

#1 Reliable Team

Reliable Commercial cleaners make an excellent cleaning company. Reliability is difficult to come by if your cleaning team does not know how to detect an unreliable person spot on.

It all started with the interview process. Commercial cleaning’s hiring team should know to ask the right questions that will show the reliability of a person.

Your cleaner should be able to deliver the service that you need on the agreed schedule. They should be there for you too if you are facing emergency cleaning.

A cleaning company should be able to assign a dedicated individual for a specific company that will carry the job all throughout.

#2 Consistency

Delivering a consistent job should be one of the highest priorities of a cleaning company. The cleaning quality cannot be jeopardized significantly during this time of the pandemic. It is human nature to be lax when you are used to what you have to do.

When this happens, attention to details is compromised. The quality is not as good as it was before.

An excellent commercial cleaning company has their way of ensuring that complacency is out of the way. They provide this by having a routine inspection regularly.

Good cleaners are also getting refresher courses to make sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to delivering a consistent, high-quality cleaning.

#3 You Are Confident That All Areas Are Spotless

You know and feel that it is clean the moment that you walk into your office. You can confidently touch anything without worrying that you can be in contact with viruses and germs. Dirt and dust can be easily seen in the naked eye. If you can spot these, your customers, visitors, and potential clients can see it too.

It can be a turn off for them. Sure they have a system that their management uses to look after their performance, but as their customer, you also need to be observant and gauge if you are happy with how the cleaning is carried out.

#4 A Good Cleaner Says No to Rushing

You can see if a job is rushed. Rushing in all aspects of life will get you nowhere. Sloppy, sub-par cleaning are the results of rushing. You need time to deliver quality cleaning. Commercial cleaning companies usually charge by the hour.

To be fair with your customers, consume the hours that they had paid you to ensure that they are getting the best cleaning possible. Never ever do a shortcut as it can bite you one way or another.

#5 Tidy and Organized Custodial Room

Being tidy and organized is something innate. A good cleaner keeps the custodial room clean and managed even if there is no one to inspect it. Some cleaners have this mentality that it will be a waste of time and effort to keep this same room clean and clutter-free.

Why? Because visitors and all the employees will not bother checking this room in the first place. A good cleaner stores the cleaning chemicals and other tools neatly. He takes good care of the cleaning equipment and makes sure it is stored properly.

#6 Prompt and Punctual

For some business, cleaners come during the day. The customer sets a specific schedule, and the cleaner agreed to it. The customer may want you to go into this particular day and time because this is when the traffic is low, or they just have their own reasons.

As a reliable cleaner, you need to respect this schedule and go based on the agreed day and time.

In case of emergencies, the cleaner may come in late. The cleaner should be courteous enough to notify the concerned party that they will be late and rearrange the schedule when needed.

#7 Communication

It is essential to maintain communication even after the closing of the contract. Let us not give the impression that we are only good at the beginning. The relationship between a customer and a cleaner will not always be rainbows and butterflies.

There will come a time that the customer may not be satisfied with the job that has been carried out.

Having a strong customer support team is also crucial in this industry. A reliable cleaning company knows how to listen to their customers’ feedback.

They know how to communicate effectively to make sure the issue is addressed promptly. After all, keeping the customer happy and satisfied in our rule of thumb always.

#8 Knowledgeable on Cleaning Supplies and Techniques

Have you ever heard of the word “professional”? This means that your chosen cleaning company has the best cleaning technicians at bay. They know the right cleaning chemicals, tools, and methods to carry out the job effectively.

They never compromise safety, and you are confident that they know what they are doing.

There are expensive furniture and other things inside an office setting. You can rest assured that the cleaner will not damage anything because they know the right thing to do. After all, this is the basic advantage of hiring a professional cleaner.

#9 Good Cleaners Are Easily Identified

Never fall into cheap labour offered by fly by night cleaning companies. It can be more affordable as compared to the legitimate ones. Contracting a legitimate cleaning team means you are entrusting your business to a legitimate business.

A reliable cleaning company employs people who have proper identification and complete documents. After employment, the commercial cleaning company can afford to give appropriate identification and uniforms to their appointed cleaning technicians.

#10 Equipped with Appropriate Warning Signs

A reliable cleaning company will not compromise the safety of the people working in your company.

They have appropriate signages that can alert the people to be cautious with their surroundings like wet floor signs. Cleaning while the trade is ongoing and people are moving about can pose hazards that can lead to serious injury.

#11 Quality Cleaners Respect and Value Your Business

A reliable cleaner treats your business like its own. They will plan to carry out a specific cleaning schedule that will be less disruptive to the people working in the office. They will not come in your way and present options and solutions that will be both beneficial for you and to them.

With all of these being said, are you happy with your cleaner’s performance? Do they show these traits of a good cleaner that we cited? Or do you feel the need of looking for a different cleaning contractor?

Let us know how you think by leaving a comment below. Feel free to add traits of a good cleaner that you think we failed to mention. There are so many marvellous cleaners out there. Let us all give them a shout-out!

Hospitality Cleaning Services – To Make Your Guests Feel Welcome

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The pandemic hit the hospitality industry very severely. Now that the trade and offices are slowly opening and embracing the new normal after lockdown, businesses in this field are taking necessary precautions to safeguard their guests without compromising the comfort and entertainment they promised to their guests. Join us as we talk about the hospitality cleaning services things that commercial cleaners do to make this possible.

Hotel Housekeeping: Suggested Frequency

Cleaning frequency depends on several factors, such as:

  • amount of soil
  • amount of traffic
  • number of employees
  • types of surface
  • hotel policies and cleaning standards

The hotel must prepare a manual that describes the standard procedures and frequencies of cleaning. The same information may be displayed in all housekeeping pantries.

Hospitality Cleaning Services frequencies are divided into three categories. These are:

  • daily cleaning
  • periodic cleaning
  • special cleaning

Daily Cleaning

This category consists of all the routine, housekeeping operations which are performed on a day to day basis. Regular hospitality cleaning services are tasks that are limited to guest rooms, all public areas, food and beverage outlets that need to be clean before the operation starts.

It also includes cleaning of guest’s rooms, bathrooms, toilet cleaning, cleaning of floors and floor covering in all public and back areas and so on.

Periodic Cleaning

In addition to routine or daily cleaning, the housekeeping attendant adds tasks that are time-consuming and not possible to clean daily. Such tasks also require the assistance of other attendants or housemen. Most of the periodic tasks such as cleaning outside windows are outsourced.

Hospitality cleaning tasks are further divided into weekly cleaning and spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning is a task that is usually carried out monthly, quarterly, twice a year, or once a year. Many areas can be left behind in daily and weekly routine cleaning.

These areas are generally covered in spring cleaning. It is usually done at the back or in all public areas. Some of the usual spring cleaning tasks perform in the hotel are:

  • carpet shampooing
  • wall and ceiling washing
  • floor polishing
  • chandelier cleaning
  • curtain laundering
  • thorough cleaning of restaurant and window frames
  • machine scrubbing of all hard floors
  • detailed cleaning of all pieces of furniture inside and out
    lampshade cleaning

The hospitality commercial cleaning supervisor supervises these tasks—it is his task to monitor and manage the areas that are cleaned during spring cleaning.

Special Hospitality Cleaning Services

This type of cleaning is occasional. It can be cleaning a room that has undergone a significant renovation or a preventive maintenance cleaning.

Evening Service

This type of cleaning prepares the room for the guests to rest in the evening. It is not a complete cleaning. Little touch-up is done to all areas that have been used and touched by the guests during the day. This is also the best time to replenish the supplies. Evening service is only needed for occupied rooms.

Second Service

By its very word, this is the type of cleaning that comes after the first cleaning for that day. In all hospitality channels, guest’s rooms are cleaned once a day. This cleaning is required when the guests called in and request it. The first service usually is free, but the second service comes with a fee.

Hospitality Cleaning Techniques for 5 Star Hotels

There are different public areas in a hotel. They are:

  • entrance
  • lounge
  • restroom
  • lobby
  • front desk
  • guest corridor
  • guest elevator

These areas are also called “Front of the House”.

Functional areas are:

  • restaurant
  • bar
  • banquet halls
  • waiting room

Leisure areas are:

  • swimming pool
  • spa
  • health club

Hotel cleaning by commercial cleaners or their housekeeping department is responsible for the overall cleanliness and maintenance of these public areas.

It is impractical to take public places as “out of service” because you need to clean them. Cleaning is typically carried out during off-peak, low-traffic hours.

Cleaning The Entrance Area

  • Commercial cleaners need to vacuum the doormats and runners to remove dust and grit.
  • Frequent mopping of the entrance floor is also suggested.
  • Plants and live ornaments should be watered when required.
  • Cleaning of glass doors has to be done regularly.
  • Wooden doors should be damp-dusted daily.
  • Polish brass knobs and handles weekly. Damp dusting is sufficient for lacquered brass knobs.
  • Check the lights and lighting fixtures every day and dust if needed.

Cleaning the Lobby and the Front Desk Area

  • Empty and damp dust ashtrays, sand urns, and waste paper baskets. It is needed at least three times a day.
  • Attend to the flower arrangements and indoor plants every day. Water them if required.
  • Vacuum all carpeted areas to remove dirt and dust.
  • You can dry mop, wet mop, or vacuum hard floors daily.
  • Damp dust furniture every day.
  • Damp dust the telephones with a disinfecting solution.
  • Commercial cleaners need to perform high-level dusting to clean ceilings and other hard-to-reach areas such as the tops of fans and cornices. It should be done once a week. The dusting of the high ceiling can be done once a month.
  • Bring the elaborate chandeliers down at least once every six months for proper cleaning.
  • Vacuum all upholstered furniture once a week.
  • Vacuum blinds and curtains once a week.
  • Steam clean the carpets at least once a month or as often as needed if the foot traffic is heavy.
  • Periodically scrub and polish wooden floors.

Cleaning of Elevators

  • Damp dust the steel doors inside and out and then wipe clean with water.
  • Damp dust the inside wall, door, and control panels.
  • Vacuum the elevator’s carpeted floors. Mop if it has hard floors.
  • Clean all air conditioning or ventilation ducts using a suction cleaner.
  • Damp dust the ceiling and light fixtures.

Cleaning of Public Restrooms

  • Regularly clean all sanitary fittings with a neutral detergent.
  • Clean the vanity counter and mirrors.
  • Use acidic cleaner in urinals and toilets. Apply the cleaning chemical to the toilet and let it sit for some time. Clean the insides of the toilet using the toilet brush. You are also expected to clean the outside, rim, and flush the toilet bowl.
  • Replenish hand towels, hand soap, toilet paper, and other bathroom supplies every day.
  • Mop the floor every day.

You need to know all these things if you want to close hotel contracts. We want to congratulate you if you are currently working on one. Guests and patrons will remember the cleanliness of a hotel.

They feel welcome and valued, which is why hotels invest in cleanliness and aesthetics. Visitors go to hotels to relax and enjoy themselves. The hotel gives a luxurious feeling. Let us not ruin by not providing the proper hospitality cleaning services.

I hope that you find this article helpful. Please drop me a comment below if you have questions, suggestions, or write anything you want that will help the cleaning community.

Our primary aim is to offer help and useful articles to aspiring commercial cleaners out there. See you next time.


Industries Clean Group Serve for Workplace Cleaning All Across Australia

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When hiring a cleaning service or outsourcing a cleaners’ team from an external agency, you must know about the various services the cleaning company provides to better assess their skills & experience in your industry. Keeping that in mind, here we explain in brief the various cleaning services we provide to specific industries.

Some of the major industries we serve through our commercial cleaning services include hospitals, factories, corporates (offices), restaurants, banks, law firms, builders, and more. We are capable of offering tailored cleaning services according to the specific needs of your business in any industry.

Law Firm Cleaning

Clean Group understands the strict requirements for law firm cleaning. We just do not do the cleaning. We provide superb cleaning by hiring the most trusted and trained cleaners.

We can vouch for our cleaners credibility. Clean Group provides routine and specialty cleaning for law firms so you to achieve a lasting impression on your clients. An impression that only shows credibility on what you do best. Here are some of our cost-effective services that you will surely love:

Pressure Washing – This is the best floor care solution for parking lot and open spaces. Surprise your customer by giving them a pristine parking space. Let us give them the first impression that will surely last.

Microwave Cleaning – Healthy employee is a happy employee. Safeguard your employee’s health by providing them with a clean and germ-free microwave and kitchen. Clean Group offers Kitchen cleaning that can be a part of your routine maintenance.

Office Partition Cleaning – Over time, office partitions tend to collect dust and dirt. When it becomes really bad, it can emit an unwelcome odour too. Clean Group had formulated a way to effectively clean office partitions to get rid of the smell and bacteria that used to live in these spaces.

Internal and External Window Cleaning – Due to its sophisticated facade, glass needs special attention. It has to be streak-free. Small dirt or smudge can easily be seen on glasses and get noticed by your customers. Window cleaning is one of Clean Group’s specialty cleaning.

Hospital Cleaning

Clean Group provides cleaning to many medical facilities all across Australia. That being said, it is clear that we had established our reputation because we know and we deliver the strict cleaning requirements that many medical facilities have.

We will never compromise the health and safety of your patients and health workers by not doing the right cleaning that your facility deserves. You can trust our Medical Centre Cleaners with the following list of services and many more:

Toilet Deep Cleaning – One of the common areas in a hospital set up is the toilet. Patients, visitors, and healthcare workers use the same restroom. Clean Group makes sure that toilets look immaculate and proper disinfection was done to avoid the spread of germs and bacteria.

Walls and Partition Cleaning – Clean Group ensures that all areas are getting the necessary cleaning it requires. Partition is often neglected because it does not give much significance to health workers and patients alike.

These partitions also catch dirt, germs and bacteria that can harm and spread further illnesses if not attended to.

Regular Cleaning of Reception Desks – Aside from the aesthetic reason, the reception and waiting area have to be kept clean and sanitized. This is where patients and visitors wait and lounge. Clean Group understands that medical practices such as hospitals and health clinics need optimal cleanliness and sanitation.

Lift Cleaning and Sanitation – A lift or elevator is a place for high traffic. High traffic means more germs and bacteria that can further contaminate a space.

Clean Group always prioritizes health and safety by cleaning and disinfecting all the touchpoints inside the elevator to avoid germs from spreading.

Factory Cleaning

Every factory has its own unique cleaning needs. Clean Group offers factory cleaning to ensure the health and safety of your employees, customers, and visitors. Study shows that customers feel more comfortable with business partners who work in a neat and clean manufacturing firm.

The factory is an action-packed workspace and the demand for cleaning is significantly high. We offer the following services:

Strip and Sealing – This is a perfect restoration solution for floors made out of vinyl, tiles, natural stone, and terrazzo. To make the floor shine like new, we strip the old seal from the floor and apply a fresh coat to make it look like new.

Strip and sealing floors is a sure way of protecting your expensive floors. Apart from the aesthetic benefit that you get out of it, this whole process will protect the floor from damage and scratches to extend the life of your floor.

Internal and External Window Cleaning – Clean Group makes window cleaning easy and affordable. We make streak-free and shiny windows all year round.

Steam Carpet Cleaning – It is the most effective method of cleaning and restoring your carpet. Clean Group has established its reputation on steam carpet cleaning all across Australia. Our business depends on the quality that you can rely on.

Pressure Washing – Pressure washed floor is essential to factories considering that chemical spills are part of the daily routine. To make your workplace safe, call us and be amazed by what this process can do.

Corporate Cleaning

Every smart corporate owner is aware that the key to a productive employee is a clean workplace. This is one of the driving factors that drives the employees to be more productive. Clean Group takes pride in what we do.

We offer all possible quality cleaning solutions to every need that you may encounter. Our usual resume includes the following list of services:

Steam Carpet Cleaning – Clean Group offers convenient and affordable carpet cleaning solutions. We make old and soiled carpets look new and fresh. Check out our website and call us today to experience the change!

Microwave Cleaning – We all understand that food hygiene should always be on top of our priority list. Clean Group understands these needs, and we will make it happen for you. We do microwave cleaning regularly to make this appliance energy-efficient and germ-free.

Fridge Cleaning – Your office fridge can also be a home for germs and mildew. Hire a professional cleaner to do the routine cleaning that your fridge deserves. Create a safe place where your employees can store their lunch or snack. Your employee’s health is our top priority.

Upholstery Cleaning – Office upholstery bears everyday dust, dirt, and sometimes stains. That does not mean that you have to purchase a new one to make your office presentable again. Clean Group offers a cleaning solution that will make your upholstery stain-free and smells fresh

Restaurant Cleaning

Clean Group has years of experience in restaurant cleaning. Our cleaning solutions make sure that your restaurant is ready for everyday action.

We understand that your business strongly relies on cleanliness to pass your customers’ expectations and pass the health inspections. Clean Group provides the highest quality of customer service.

We work around the clock to meet your desired schedule 365 days, all year round. Here is the list of our professional services:

Internal and External Glass Cleaning – Apart from good food, the excellent ambience is also one of the factors why a customer chooses a particular restaurant. Clean Group uses techniques and procedures that will make your glasses clear and streak-free.

Upholstery Cleaning – Restaurant upholstery is prone to wear and tear because of everyday use. Save yourself the hassle of spending on new upholstery. Clean Group offers a cleaning solution that will make your upholstery look and feel new.

Light Fixtures Cleaning and High Dusting – High surfaces are often neglected because it is difficult to reach! Do not let your restaurant be a place where the spider lives. Dust and dirt accumulate in this space over time. Hire Clean Group, and we will get rid of these for you!

Deep Cleaning – We all know that routine cleaning is good, but it will never be enough. Restaurants will still call for quarterly or once-a-year deep cleaning. Regular deep cleaning will ensure that neglected spots will always get the attention it requires and the cleaning it deserves.

Bank Cleaning

A clean, bright, and welcoming branch are essential in playing an important role in creating a lasting impression on your customers. With Clean Group, you can be sure that your bank branch is well maintained, making you proud of your own facility. We provide top-notch cleaning that will display security and credibility. Here is what we can do:

Vandal and Graffiti Removal – You can rely on Clean Group for emergency cleaning. There are occasions that will call for it. Do not let vandalism and graffiti affect the credibility of your business. Hire us to get rid of these messy problems.

Renovation Cleaning – Office improvement can be stressful. You will need to hire your trusted cleaning provider in cleaning up after the construction. Cleaning after a renovation can consume a lot of time and effort so leave it to the professionals.

Floor Restoration – Different floor materials require different care. Clean Group professionals are all well versed when it comes to proper chemicals and equipment used for each floor type. Give your floor the appropriate attention it deserves.

Light Fittings and Fixtures Dusting – Often, light fittings are fixtures home to cobwebs leaving your place looking like a haunted space. Clean Group takes care of our customers by cleaning the office from left to right and top to bottom, leaving no space left untouched.

Hotel Cleaning

Cleanliness and sanitation play vital roles in the hospitality business. How can your customers relax if their room is dirty and their toilets are beyond disgusting? Clean Group offers a one-stop cleaning solution for all of your cleaning needs.

From top to bottom, left to right, we leave your entire hotel spotless and fresh. We give that welcoming vibe the moment your customers walk into your hotel door. We do impressive services like:

Carpet Steam Cleaning – Hotels should always provide a clean and comfortable stay for each and every customer. Dirty and smelly carpets should never be an issue. Clean Group had mastered the technique of state-of-the-art cleaning which will keep your carpet germ-free.

Quarterly Deep Cleaning – Due to high human traffic, hotels are highly likely to get dirty. Routine cleaning will keep away the dirt but not the deeply seated dust.

A quarterly clean or Spring Cleaning is the best cleaning solution Clean Group has to offer. This is a one-stop, affordable, and convenient solution for your cleaning needs.

Internal and External Glass Cleaning – Glass is a sophisticated material that enhances the interior of every space. It would be nice if there were no finger marks and steaks on it. Clean Group offers a special cleaning solution to make your hotel interior and exterior glasses remarkably clean.

High Dusting – Over time, high surfaces will accumulate cobwebs, dust, and dirt. Clean Group can easily get rid of these by having the high dusting part of your regular cleaning.

Industrial Cleaning

There are a lot of industrial cleaners in the cleaning industry. Clean Group’s brand bears quality in its logo. A lot of our customers applaud our dedication to cleaning. We want nothing but the best for each of our customers.

We understand that providing a safe, clean, and healthy working environment for their customers and visitors is their top priority. Some of the many services that we offer for industrial cleaning include the following:

Wall Cleaning – Businesses and commercial spaces need to have clean walls. It should be part of the routine cleaning. Customers and employees are always delighted to see a well-kept wall. Clean Group can offer this service for you at an affordable price.

Hardfloor Cleaning – Hardwood floor gives an office a sophisticated look. Wood is one of the most expensive floor materials and has to be dealt with with optimal care. Clean Group provides techniques and procedures on how to provide excellent floor care.

Emergency Cleaning – After-flood cleaning is one of the common emergency cleanings that Clean Group can help you with. We are just a phone call away to solve your problems.

Pressure Washing – Parking lots, balconies, foyers, and all other exterior floorings can be maintained by regular pressure washing.

Builder’s Cleaning

The dirt and amount of work to clean all the debris after a construction or renovation is too much work for an unprofessional. If you want to experience the most cost-effective cleaning in this kind of job, you better hire Clean Group.

We assure you that you will save time and effort by hiring us to take care of the mess. Our strata cleaners can make your building shine as if nothing happened. We are proud to offer the services listed below:

Carpet Care – Floor cleaning is essential for all businesses. Dirty floors often constitute poor business practices. Regular vacuuming can do the trick but germs and deep-seated dirt are still stuck in your carpet.

Hard Floor Surfaces Care – Hardwood floors are now being used for modern office looks. To ensure that your expensive flooring investment will be taken care of, you need to hire a professional that knows how to properly care for this. Do not throw your investment away, hire Clean Group to get the most out of your expensive floors.

Vandalism and Graffiti Removal – Most of the sites that undergo construction are vacant. Vacant properties are prone to vandals. Vandalism is pretty difficult to get rid of and requires the help of a professional cleaner. Clean Group offers a one-stop cleaning solution for builder’s cleaning.

Now that you are aware of the specific cleaning services we offer in different industries, you can better hire the most suitable cleaning package according to your needs.

We also offer complete offices-and-co-working-offices cleaning services in Australia and may even offer tailored solutions for businesses with specific cleaning needs.

Our cleaners are equipped with the latest and best-in-class cleaning solutions, machines & resources to provide top-notch cleaning services to the complete satisfaction of our clients.

If you have a query or need a cleaning quote, feel free to contact us now!

Top 10 Benefits of Hiring Business Cleaners in Australia

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Commercial office space is a key indicator of your brand image as well as your business identity in today’s fast-paced business environment. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to keep your office space clean and make it a better place for your employees to work. A clean office environment is also vital for your overall business growth. Living in clean, safe and healthy surroundings is essential for anyone, including employees of a firm.

Since the majority of the employees spent most of their time the day (approx 7 hours/day) at the office premises, it becomes imperative for you as a business owner to maintain a neat, clean and hygienic office environment. Cleanliness should be the topmost priority of you a business owner. A dirty office transcends a poor impression in the mind of clients and customers about your brand or commercial cleaning company.

Also, a stained work environment depreciates employee efficiency and productivity to a great extent. Hence, you should hire an experienced and professional company like Clean Group for corporate cleaning services to get the desired results.

It is a well-known fact to everyone that a cleaner office is generally more effective and productive, and grabs the attention of customers & clients quickly. But, many corporates don’t put much focus on the cleanliness aspect and rely mostly on their in-house cleaning staff to get the job done for them.

While most businesses rely on their in-house workers to keep their office clean, hiring commercial cleaning experts like Clean Group in Australia can give you complete peace of mind as they have an experienced and skilled staff who deliver unmatched cleaning services to businesses of all kind for past 20 years.

You, as a business owner, can save your business time and money by recruiting professional and experienced commercial cleaners. Expert corporate cleaning service providers are well aware of the cleaning techniques large workplaces require and accordingly deliver the highest standards of cleanliness.

Here are the top ten advantages of hiring commercial cleaners for your business in Australia:

Boosts Employee Productivity

A recent business study has revealed that employees feel more motivated and concentrate better on work when they work in a neat and clean office environment. Employees get more liberty to move and find things easily in an organized office space.

Hiring commercial cleaners like Clean Group assures peace of mind for both business owners and their employees as they can work freely without caring about hygiene or cleanliness at the office.

Employees don’t need to devote extra time for cleaning or take a break to perform a cleaning task. Having commercials cleaners at services also boosts employee productivity as they don’t need to waste time.

Having a routine cleaning service from the best office cleaning & commercial cleaning specialists like Clean Group in Australia will not only increase productivity but also work enthusiasm among your employees.

In a well sanitised and hygienic space, working becomes a lot easier, which directly leaves a positive impact on the overall productivity of your employee and motivates them to work more efficiently. Studies have also confirmed a positive relationship between the employees’ and the wellbeing of the surroundings.

Employees can adjust better, concentrate better and perform better in a clean office environment, which helps businesses to new heights.

Offer Assistance in Maintaining a Professional Corporate Image

The image of your brand or business project in front of your client or customers is vital for long-term success. A poor appearance clearly shows that your business delivers poor or bad quality work whereas the smarter, cleaner and sanitized environment of an office leaves a positive, subtle impact on the mind of customers.

You can maintain a professional corporate image very well and customers start having higher confidence in your business goods or services.

A well-organized and clean office also helps you generated positive vibes and welcoming space in the mind of your upcoming clients and potential customer. It creates a good impression of your business, which increases the possibility of finding better business deals,

Contracting a professional corporate cleaning company like Clean Group is the foremost step that you should take to ensure that your office space looks smarter, cleaner and smells fresh all the time to create a mindboggling impression in the mind of your business clients or customers.

Safer, Healthier Work Environment for Your Office Staff

A dirty workspace can hinder the overall productivity of an organisation as working in a murky environment can affect the overall health of employee of the organization. Hence, maintaining a cleaner environment is vital for your office staff to work efficiently without hygiene and sanitary issues.

Cleanliness is closely related to health, and the health of the employees should be your topmost priority as a business owner. If your office space is full of dirt, then the employees will get sick, and it will hamper the overall productivity of your business.

It is very important to keep every corner of the office clean. Partnering with commercial cleaners is a great way to keep your office space clean and make your employees healthier and more productive.

Once you hire a corporate cleaning company like Clean Group, they make your office space stays properly sanitised and disinfected on a regular basis as well as eliminates the fear of spreading disease-causing bacteria.

In a healthy and hygienic environment, your employees will take fewer leaves, allowing your business to grow faster and out beat rivals.

Saves Your Time And Money

Professional corporate cleaners can easily complete their job in very less time with near perfection as opposed to your in-house employees. They are best when it comes to working smarter, not harder.

Hiring commercial cleaning services, also help you to save you the time that might be spent in cleaning office mess that is there due to your daily office duties. You could use this valuable time doing other productive work that can grow your business further.

Hiring professional cleaners is also more cost-effective for your business, instead of doing it in-house.

You don’t have to get in the hassle of gathering special cleaning equipment, once you hire a commercial cleaning company like Clean Group. Corporate cleaners bring all the necessary cleaning tools with them and use the right cleaning techniques that make your office shine.

The money saved by your cleaning task can be spent on other important functions of your business like salary, benefits packages, training, sick and holiday pay, etc.

Get Quality Cleaning

When you hire an experienced & professional commercial cleaning company like Clean Group in Australia, you can expect excellence and in-depth cleaning from them.

Clean Group has a professional pool of corporate cleaners who uses the most cleaning techniques and top-grade commercial cleaning tools to offer you the best quality of service with 100 % customer satisfaction.

This corporate cleaner also maintains a custom cleaning checklist and uses the latest cleaning methods along with a wide range of cleaning supplies for excellent maintenance of all kinds of strata, buildings, and apartments.

The unparalleled cleaning programs delivered by Clean Group are trusted by thousands of businesses across Australia. It delivers services as per the customized needs of its corporate clients and helps them maintain a clean, sanitise and disinfect commercial space.

Boosts Employee Morale

Tye morale of your employees to work is very high in a clean, neat and healthy office environment. It has been proved by many business studies from the past.

Working in a cleaner office environment, employees feel the activities they are doing are very important for the growth of their corporate body and their own.

Even a smaller corporate activity or action, when done in a cleaner ambience leaves a bigger impact on the mind of employees. When employee morale is high, it also elevates your brand and business identity in the market as your employees post their thoughts about you on social media and also do positive word of mouth that helps your business grow and excel.

Help your Create Mind-Boggling First Impression in Front of Clients/Customers

The cleanliness aspect of your corporate office speaks a lot about your brand or business identity. A clean office environment is a great tool to build a positive brand image in the mind of your clients or customers.

An office that is neat, clean and green is immediately noticeable, rather than one which is not. A dirty environment leaves a bad impression on your business clients.

It shows you are not serious about the work you do and the place you choose to deliver that work. When the office is sparkling bright and clean, it gives a positive first impression in front of your clients or customers.

Saves your Valuable Office Assets

Quality commercial cleaners have a team that is professional, trained and trusted. While availing yourself of services from them, you never have to worry about the safety of your valuable assets from getting stolen or broken. With corporate cleaners, it is not like you are assigning the cleaning task to some random employee, who is untrained with cleaning duties.

Commercial cleaners and their staff are well trained to protect your valuable assets from getting dirty and also handle them with care while performing their assigned duties.

You invest a lot of time and money in purchasing important assets like computer systems, networking equipment, etc. for your corporate building and don’t want them to get dirty or jammed. Hence, availing of services from commercial cleaners is the best idea to keep them safe and secure.

Wide Array of Cleaning Services

When you hire a commercial cleaning company, you get the option to avail a wide array of cleaning services for your business. You can high quality cleaning services like Carpet and area rug cleaning, drapery and blind cleaning, tile and grout cleaning and restoration, air duct cleaning, upholstery cleaning, concrete floor care, repair, and restoration, wall cleaning, etc.

The top commercial cleaners are well versed to deliver the highest standard of cleaning services of all types, including office cleaning, medical centre cleaning, school cleaning, carpet cleaning, etc.

Free Up Storage Space

If you are having limited space in your corporate building, storing multiple kinds of cleaning equipment and products is not at all a good idea as it can affect your employee’s daily routine tasks/

Rather than doing the commercial cleaning work in-house, you can hire expert third-party corporate cleaners to get the job done for you.

Once you hire office cleaning professionals, their team of expert cleaners arrives with all the necessary equipment and cleaning products to get the job done.

They also have their own high-grade machinery which is not easily available for purchase in the perform commercial cleaning tasks, The services delivered by quality commercial cleaners are service is astounding simply to make your business shine.

In this post, I am going to show you the benefits of hiring a commercial cleaning service to improve business by Clean Group. Keep reading.

Additional Benefits of Hiring Commercial Cleaning Service to Improve Business

Maintaining the cleanliness of a workspace can turn out to be beneficial for your business as it is not just bound to enhance the ambience of your workspace.

As a business owner, you are always finding new ways to improve your business. But have you ever wondered how you can maintain and improve the cleanliness of your building facility?

The infrastructure of an office space contributes considerably to a business’s professional and commercial reputation. And that’s why one has to invest their time and money in maintaining their establishments and adding- cleaning to their list of priorities.

You might consider allotting cleaning to your in-house cleaning team but the commercial cleaners have advanced equipment, cleaning products, and the expertise to conduct a thorough cleaning.

Let’s see how hiring commercial cleaning services can improve your business:

Reduce Absenteeism

Where so many employees work together in an enclosed space, it indeed becomes hard to stay healthy and maintain the cleanliness of the space. Even one sick employee can pose a threat to the health of other employees and can even eventually lead to sick leaves.

Hiring professional Sydney commercial cleaners will clean the restrooms, break room and workspace thoroughly controlling the spread of bacteria that cause illness. This type of thorough cleaning would include cleaning almost every single surface of the facility protecting the employees against cold and flu bacteria.

Employee Productivity

As a business owner who knows better than you – that both time and money are interwoven. Likewise, you also need to understand how the cleanliness of your workspace is directly proportional to the productivity levels of your employee.

A clean working environment will not only add to productivity but will also save you valuable time during the whole working day. Proper cleaning would result in minimal to no distractions – boosting employee productivity as the staff would be able to focus on their assigned work instead of focusing on the untidy surroundings.

Accidental Costs

A professional commercial cleaning company would know every single element related to cleaning and would do the cleaning job to the point. Moreover, the commercial cleaning team will have all the appropriate tools and supplies and can deal with any kind of cleaning job.

Yes, you might have an in-house cleaning team but they wouldn’t know the ins and outs of cleaning and might damage the valuable office equipment and furnishings.

Time & Money Saving

Cleaning is not something that can be done hastily instead it is a time-consuming task in all respects. As the office is such a space that is spacious, it can take more than the necessary time to look after its cleaning and maintenance when you decide to do it all by yourself.

This can make focusing on the tasks at hand challenging and can have a poor influence on the overall productivity as well as the bottom line of your business.

But when you hire commercial cleaning services in Sydney you wouldn’t have to worry about the cleaning aspect anymore, the cleaners will handle every small and big cleaning task in an efficient manner.

Creates a Better Impression

First impressions are vital for a business and its success. If your office facility is in an unkempt state, people will start talking and eventually spread the word about your facility’s disorderliness.

Just imagine one of your potential clients comes for an unexpected visit and walks into an untidy office. What kind of impression would that make? Of course bad, right? This thought alone should make you hire a professional cleaning service that would always keep your office spic and span and allow you to give complete attention to your business.

Clean Group – Your Trusted Commercial Cleaning Partner

We understand the significance of keeping your business cleaner, neater and healthier – so that you can create a positive first impression in the mind of your customers and clients.

We take immense pride in delivering the highest-quality cleaning services to businesses of all sizes across Australia and beyond, Our work is guaranteed and backed by an experienced, professional cleaning staff who uses the most advanced cleaning techniques in combination with top-grade cleaning tools.

Partner with us for all your specific needs related to commercial cleaning in Australia to make your business grow and succeed.


Data Centre Cleaning: A Detail Guide for Services and Checklist

4.9/5 - (78 vote)

Data Centers play a very crucial part in Telecommunication and Industrial Technology businesses. Most of these gigantic computers need to be stored in a cold, dust-free area.

Many businesses bank on expensive technology that helps a lot in running their day-to-day operation. These computers are sensitive to dust and dirt. It requires special care as this can be one of the most expensive investments a business will spend. Do not entrust your data centres to unprofessional. Hire someone that knows how to do it right. Commercial cleaners Sydney has been in the cleaning industry for more than 20 years, and we started to venture into cleaning Data Centres. 

Commercial cleaning is fully equipped with the knowledge required to safely and effectively clean your data centres.  We know that Data Centre Cleaning is more than just wiping and dusting.

Caring for these computers is not as simple as wiping the dust away. In this article, we will share with you how we get into this area of expertise and how we became successful in this field.

Data Centre workstation Cleaning maintains not just the health of your equipment but also ensures the health of your employees and the environmental aesthetic of the room.

You do not have to stress out the importance of maintaining your area clean and dust-free because we know how to do it by heart. Clean Group Sydney understands that it is crucial because this is the nerve of your business.

Data Centres have to be reliable, provide the highest and fastest performance without fail, and need to function with no delay. Downtimes will result in loss of work and revenue.

Clean Group Sydney cleaners are backed with multiple years of experience. All our professional data centre cleaners are aware of the precautions in handling sensitive devices like electrical joints, wires, and plugs.

Improved system performance and increasing efficiency will be observed if routine data centre cleaning is done.

Data Centre Cleaning Services

Clean Group offers the following cleaning solutions to businesses such as medical, school and IT institutions that have data centres. These cleaning solutions provided by Medical Cleaners Sydney and School Cleaners Sydney are proven to be effective and are absolutely in line with the strict and sensitive requirements that a data centre may have.

Floor Cleaning

Data Center floors are designed to reduce or irradicate static electrical charge by creating a conductive path into the ground. If the floor is dusty and dirty, it significantly reduces the floor’s ability to protect your equipment from static.

Improper use of chemicals and equipment can also damage the surfaces of the floor. The inappropriate use of cleaning chemicals can damage the protective coating of the floor that shields your equipment from the unwanted ground and static. Clean Group knows the right procedure for protecting your floor against chipping and delamination.

Hardware Cleaning

A controlled environment has a high cleaning requirement that will protect its exterior against dust and contaminants. All of our cleaners are certified and trained in properly handling chemicals used in cleaning this type of facility.

Underfloor Plenum Cleaning

The plenum gives filtered air to the equipment being housed inside the data centre. Most of the computer rooms have raised floorings. The space in between is where you can see the Plenum.

This works like a small air vent underneath the expensive computer boards. Like all other propellers, the plenum may suck up the accumulated dust and dirt up the mainboard panel. This can damage the equipment. Apart from that, this can clog the circuits which can lead to fire and severe health hazards.

Before and After Construction Cleaning

Like any other services we offer in the commercial industry, we also provide initial and post-construction cleaning. We understand the risks of what dust can do in your business. We make it spotless onset to make sure that sources of unwanted contaminants are eliminated before you go fully operational.

We also offer routine cleaning and wiping for:

  • Servers
  • Computers
  • Switches
  • Firewalls
  • Modems
  • Storage Devices
  • Display Screens
  • Telecommunication Devices
  • Load Balancers
  • External cabinets and wall-mounted equipment
  • High Dusting

Checklist for an Effective Data Centre Cleaning

All cleaning has to follow a specific list. You cannot expect a cleaner to remember every procedure and area that the cleaner needs to attend to every day. Here is the simple yet effective checklist that our company follows. This ensures our success and your satisfaction with the service that we provide.

Surface Cleaning

  • Vacuum the floor, and remove visible dirt or grime build-up using the right vacuum cleaner with the appropriate attachment.
  • Machine scrub the floor if necessary to remove dirt and stain. This will restore the original colour of the floor.
  • Remove spots, gums, adhesives, etc. that may be sticking on the floor
  • Damp-mop the floor to remove stains and dirt

Subfloor Cleaning

  • Clean and wipe the bottom of all tiles that can be removed
  • Vacuum all subfloor areas
  • Remove as minimal tiles as possible to make sure that proper airflow is maintained

Server Cabinets Cleaning

  • Clean and wipe the inside and the outside of all cabinet doors including the cabinet tops
  • Clean the inside of the server’s cabinet floor
  • Clean and wipe the bottom of all tiles that cannot be removed

Data Center Support Area

  • Detail clean the entire room
  • Clean all surfaces except for printers, PCs, and monitors
  • Clean the floor tile surface and the subfloor
  • Vacuum front grills of the UPS systems
  • Clean and wipe all water line support pipes

Approved Cleaning Materials and Equipment for Data Centers

  • Cleaning materials that are neutral and qualified by computer manufacturers
  • HEPA or S Class Vacuum Cleaner Stable stepladder
  • Electrical cords that are in good condition
  • Floor scrubbing machine
  • Lint-free wipes
  • Lint-free mops
  • Canned Air

All cleaning chemicals that are to be used in the Data Center need to have the appropriate material datasheet.

Here are the Standards of Operation in a Data Center Environment

  • No food and drink allowed inside the data centre
  • Do not prop the door
  • Cleaners are not allowed to interfere with the operation of any data centre equipment
  • No one is allowed to enter the data centre without the proper authorization or badge
  • Cleaners need to clock in and out of the Command Center before and after they clean.

We hope that these pieces of information will be beneficial to you and your business. We want to hear more about your thoughts on this article.

Is it helpful? Did you like the information on data centre cleaning that you read? Share your insights by dropping your comments below and let us all start a conversation that will become helpful in the industry that we chose to master.

Top 11 Workplace Cleaning Professional Skills Required for a Cleaning Job In Sydney

4.9/5 - (78 vote)

In today’s fast-paced, dynamic business world, you must partner with a good professional commercial cleaning company that offers quality janitorial services with the best customer service and a 100% cleanliness satisfaction guarantee.

A commercial cleaner is a general term that is used for a company or individual offering cleaning or janitorial services to businesses, including corporate offices, hospitals, grocery stores, supermarkets, restaurants, etc.

Hiring such a professional office cleaning partner helps you to maintain a clean, healthy and sterile environment at your office premises. From changing the roles of bathroom tissue to ensuring enough hand sanitisers in dispensers, a quality corporate cleaner is all that you need to make sure your office looks and smells its best.

Having a commercial cleaner working at your premise also assist you to maintain a positive first impression while welcoming a new client or interviewing a potential new employee at your premises.

Commercial cleaners have the required experience, cleaning equipment and manpower to keep your office in top condition without any messy areas.

Sydney office cleaners also help you to make your business area look organized and professional in front of your clients or customers by doing every small cleaning work at your office, starting from dusting cleaning desks, emptying bins, cleaning coffee cups to industrial carpet cleaning and so on.

However, while hiring a commercial cleaning partner, all business owners face some tough questions like:

  • What are the top professional skills that a commercial cleaner should have?
  • What skills to look out for in a commercial cleaner?

Commercial cleaning company owners, also need to assure that their janitorial team has got adequate professional skills to get the job done for their clients. Recruiting employees with the required professional skills for cleaning is important for corporate cleaners to grow their business and stay ahead of the competition.

Here is a list of top professional skills that are required for a cleaning job:

Excellent Time-Management Ability in Sydney

It is extremely vital that you hire a commercial cleaning company with good time management skills and one who can be easily trained or guided. Being a business owner, you have very limited time during each client meeting, so it is important that the given cleaning task gets completed before the deadline by your cleaning partner.

You don’t want to hire commercial cleaners who don’t come on time and make you look embarrassed in front of your clients before important business meetings at your premises.

You can also maintain a time register to fix the deadline for each cleaning task that needs to be done at your office for your hired corporate cleaner. This would also be a great help for your cleaning partner company as they can organize all their tasks based on the timeframe given by you.

Sydney office Cleaners like Clean Group Sydney have an excellent track record of completing all the cleaning tasks for their client businesses on time and helping them maintain a pleasant and sanitized environment at office premises.

If are you looking for a punctual, reliable, and trustworthy commercial cleaning agency that arrives at your office premises on time and gets the cleaning job done for you, you can contact Clean Group Sydney.

Impeccable Administrative Skills in Sydney

The janitorial job is not always about doing the cleaning task. It also requires a high level of organization, which involves making key decisions like which work needs to be done first or where to start from and who to assign for key cleaning tasks.

So, as a cleaning business owner, you must always hire candidates who have got a good amount of knowledge about administration work so that he/they can be later assigned to a higher position.

Having good administrative skills is also vital to track, schedule and record the cleaning supplies delivered as well as the number of resources dedicated to the cleaning job for a particular client.

Good Physical Fitness and Stamina Level

One of the most essential or basic requirements of working in a commercial cleaning job is to have good stamina and a physical fitness level. Cleaning large corporate buildings, strata, and apartments requires cleaning specialists to be physically active and mentally prepared all the time.

Apart from having a good fitness level, you should also check out the mental stability or attitude of your hired cleaning team about their job. If your commercial cleaning partner does not have a positive attitude towards the work then they won’t stick around very long, no matter how fit they are.

The same goes for commercial cleaning business owners, hiring cleaning staff with low motivation towards work could lead to high turnover for your business.

Adequate Friendliness and Good Interpersonal Skills in Sydney

No one around the business world wants to work with angry and bad-tempered employees. If any of your cleaning staff members do not behave well with others in your office premise then the rest of the team will have to suffer. This lowers the work motivation of the overall team, which might result in a loss of productivity in your cleaning job.

Hence, when hiring commercial cleaning employees, you must also make sure that the potential employee has the right kind of attitude and behaviour towards others, including your staff and clients.

Similarly, you should also check for your selected candidate’s interpersonal skills as he/she would be working in a team and need to get along with other employees.

In some cases, the hired employee might also need to interact with your commercial clients, especially during business hours. Some of the key aspects to consider in interpersonal skills include good communication, teamwork, customer relations, etc.

Problem-Solving Ability

While hiring a commercial cleaning employee in your firm, you should check out his/her problem-solving skills and whether he/she is skilled to think out of the box during intense work situations, In the commercial cleaning sector, a janitorial employee has to face multiple types of challenges related to cleaning on a daily basis.

Making quick, prompt decisions and staying ahead of the game is vital for cleaning staff employees. For example, as a leader of the cleaning pact, he/she must know which product is good to clean a particular floor quickly and efficiently.

A cleaning employee with a strong problem-solving attitude is all that you need in your corporate cleaning company to deliver good janitorial services to all your corporate clients.

if your cleaning team does not hesitate or panic in adverse situations in the client service area, then it becomes easy for you to deliver the highest standard of professional cleaning services.

Commercial Cleaners like Clean Group Sydney in Australia are a prime example of this. Clean Group Sydney has made a unique mark in the janitorial industry by offering the highest standard of professional cleaning services in Sydney. to its corporate clients worldwide thanks to its professional office cleaners.

The commercial cleaning team of Clean group Sydney is professionally trained, reliable, physically fit, punctual, organized, and has adequate knowledge about sanitary and hygiene regulations to deliver the best corporate cleaning services.


As per Forbes, multitasking and versatility are the two most important characteristics that every recruiting manager looks out for in a candidate. In the commercial cleaning business too, the janitorial team must have the ability to accept new kinds of cleaning challenges, leave out of their comfort zone and work in difficult situations, which requires them to have extreme versatility.

Accepting new challenges every day is a key aspect that commercial cleaning jobs as employees work in different work environments, client locations, and multiple shifts frequently. Hence, you must hire a commercial cleaning partner who has got great multitasking skills to handle any kind of cleaning challenge.

Autonomous Working Ability in Sydney

Commercial cleaning businesses regularly conduct on-job training programs for their new recruits to make them familiar with the job and improve their overall cleaning skills.

These on-job training programs are also designed to make cleaning staff responsible, organized, reliable, and autonomous so that they can perform the cleaning work in any difficult client location and be satisfied their customers in commercial cleaning industries.

Most importantly cleaning staff is trained to work without any supervision at the client location. This is also one such attribute that you should check out in candidates while hiring them for a cleaning job as a recruiter.

Autonomous working ability is also something that matters the most when you promote your cleaning staff to managerial positions at a later stage of his/her career.

So, it is highly recommended for corporate businesses to hire commercial cleaning partners or agencies whose employees can work under self-supervision with minimum guidance and maximum productivity.


Being part of a commercial cleaning business, many times employees are left alone for cleaning tasks in working areas of corporate buildings. In such a case, your cleaning agency and its cleaning staff are entrusted by your corporate partner to behave indiscretion,

You don’t want your commercial cleaning staff to behave irresponsibly or irrationally when they come across any sensitive information at the corporate premises. It is their responsibility to not touch and stole any confidential documents or precious office items.

You also don’t want your employees to post a picture of your corporate partner on social media or keep their office property to themselves. Hence, as a cleaning staff recruiter, you should always select candidates with a high level of discretion or someone who does not disclose personal information.

Knowledge of Sanitary and Hygiene Regulations

You should always look out for a commercial cleaning partner who got adequate knowledge about the sanitary and hygiene regulations of your region or one who can adapt quickly to your office cleaning standards.

Adaptability and flexibility are the two most common attributes that are you should check out in your commercial cleaning partner in this particular aspect.

Commercial cleaners like Clean Group Sydney are absolutely the best when it comes to maintaining a properly clean, dust-free and sanitized office environment for your business. They got years of experience and knowledge about various hygiene regulations to get the job done for you.


One cannot work with full passion and commitment if one doesn’t take pride in what they do for a living. You should hire a commercial cleaning partner who takes care of all your cleaning needs and maintain the highest standard of professionalism while delivering services to you.

This also helps you to focus on the core functions of your business without worrying about the sanitary and hygiene standards at your premises.


As a corporate business, it can be highly disappointing if your chosen commercial cleaning partner does not come to your office on-call or when turns up to work, comes without any prior knowledge about your requirements and standards of cleaning cost.

Some cleaning companies also don’t have the necessary cleaning tools to perform the janitorial and maintenance work properly at your corporate building. Hence, you should always choose a cleaning partner, who is highly reliable and maintain the highest quality standards while delivering cleaning services to you.

Supermarkets and Retail Store Cleaning Guide By Clean Group

4.9/5 - (78 vote)

Supermarkets are one of my favourite places. I enjoy my time spent inside a store. I can see a lot of nice and unique items that can be both useful and affordable. Most people get their food and cooking needs from a grocery.

It is a massive place with so many shelvings. Don’t you ever wonder how the supermarket’s management maintains cleanliness for the whole store? A lot of store owners invest in commercial cleaners. Clean Group Brisbane is one of the largest commercial cleaning companies that has been successful for so many years in providing nothing but excellent services to different commercial businesses such as schools, data centres, gyms, medical institutions, etc.

Our Childcare Cleaners Brisbane, School Cleaners Brisbane, Medical Cleaners Brisbane and other professional commercial cleaners never failed to make the place shine by leaving it spotless.

We want everyone to know that maintaining a business like this is not easy, but it is worth your time and effort if you know how to hire the right people and how to run a business with all honesty.

This article will pretty much cover everything that we had learned in the industry for over 20 years.

We will share with you the do’s and dont’s on how to properly clean and deal with supermarket clients. This market is desirable because of the revenue that it can offer if you learn how to run it right. Feel free to read through and learn from us.

What is Supermarket (Retail Store) Cleaning?

Before you start considering supermarket jobs, ask yourself first if your company is ready for a full-fledged cleaning service.

What do we mean by this? The supermarket is known to have a demanding standard for cleanliness because this is what attracts customers. Customers will most likely buy their food and other needs if they know that the store is clean and sanitized.

No one in their right mind will buy their primary needs from a place known to be infested or dirty. Retail Cleaning Brisbane offers supermarket cleaning from top to bottom. We are the only company who knows how to maintain large surfaces with high foot traffic.

Our cleaners work tirelessly around the clock to provide a clean and sanitized place where you can shop and window shop. Cleanliness and hygiene play a significant role in a supermarket. Your store should be free from smell, crawling and flying insects.

A cleaning should have enough staff to cover three rotating full-time shifts. You should always keep a back-up plan in case your team called in sick or just could not report for work.

You should be prepared to face all these kinds of a nuisance. You should be ready with an action plan on how to carry on with the cleaning.

Why do you need to consider hiring a full-time cleaner?

  • It is good to be prepared in case a visitor decided to show up.
  • You will not know when a customer or a customer’s kid will knock into something and will create a mess
  • For weather-related issues like snow coming into the store, or rain. At least you have a reliable cleaner that will mop away all the hazards in your store.
  • Floors have to be continuously cleaned as foot traffic brings in dust and dirt to your store.
  • A regular cleaner should always be on duty to collect rubbish and to wash contamination if the need calls for it.
  • Clean Group Brisbane takes ownership in cleaning and keeping your store tidy so that you can focus more on growing your business.

Clean Group Brisbane: A Short Cut To Cleaning A Supermarket

The purpose of the section of this article is to help supermarket operators reduce their maintenance, sales, and energy loss by properly cleaning and maintaining refrigerated display cases.

Data proves that without a regular cleaning program, the following can happen:

  • High refrigeration repair costs
  • EVAC System repairs
  • High power bills
  • Decreased product life
  • Reduced sales
  • Higher maintenance costs as equipment life is reduced


  • 5% of your power bill can be attributed to dirty equipment
  • You can save $400 from an $8,000 power bill when you maintain clean equipment
  • Customers cannot buy your products if it is stored in broken equipment
  • 50% of all service calls are because of dirty equipment
  • Dirty cases cost supermarket operators 5% energy penalty every month

Safety Requirements for Sanitation in Cleaning the Cold Cases

  • All sources of electrical power must be turned off before cleaning.
  • Cases may have multiple sources of electrical power. Cases may have separate electrical circuits for fans, lights, and defrost heaters.
  • Locate and turn off all electrical breakers for the unit
  • If you have questions about the power source, always contact your equipment provider.
  • Sheet metals and coil surfaces have sharp edges. Use personal protective equipment to prevent injury.

Steps on How to Properly Clean The Refrigeration Equipment

  • Check and clean all cases and floor drains
  • Make sure EVAC is completely functional
  • Place and move all the merchandise in a cooler box
  • Remove all the bottom grates and pans from the display case
  • Make sure to turn off the refrigeration by shutting off the liquid line valve in the display case
  • Most drains are located at the centre of the case
  • Use hot water to remove the ice
  • Never use an ice pick or sharp object to remove ice
  • Iced up evaporator coils
  • Using your pressure washer, wash the bottom of the case and the coils.
  • Remove and clean the honeycomb.
  • Dirty honeycombs can block airflow by up to 50% increasing compressor run time, lowering product life and quality.
  • Remove by loosening brackets with a screwdriver
  • Wash with a hose at the mop sink
  • Clean honeycomb every time you clean your case
  • If the honeycomb calls for replacement, notify your refrigeration service company.
  • Clean the drain line
  • Flush the drain line until there is a full flow of water coming out of the drain line.
  • Clean the floor sink and put back screen to prevent debris from clogging the drain.
  • Fasten the clips on both sides of the fan housing.
  • Reconnect the fan plugs and wrap them with black electrical tape.
  • Turn on the refrigeration by turning on the liquid line valve in the display.
  • Replace all the bottom pans back on the display case
  • Install the bottom grates again on the display case.
  • Properly restock and load cases to conserve energy and reduce strain on compressors.
  • Quickly move merchandise from the cooler to the cases.
  • Rotate the merchandise.
  • Do not overload the display case.

Display cases are designed to remove the heat from the surrounding air. Your cleaner should remember to rotate the merchandise every once in a while because food colour and texture depreciate rapidly without proper refrigeration. Rotating the items in the display cabinet also prevents ice build-up on products and shelves.

Clean Group Brisbane is familiar with the load limits of almost all sizes of display cabinets. You should know that overloading these display racks has a direct impact to the compressor’s running time. It also increases the defrost requirements and increases operational costs.

Here are the common areas and what Clean Group does:

Entrance and Exit Points

  • Sweep and vacuum mats and entryways
  • Clean the doors and windows internally and externally
  • Remove cobwebs from the entryways
  • Clean and dust the signages
  • Collect rubbish
  • Make sure that proper collection of trash is maintained for the exterior rubbish bins
  • Wipe or wash benches, rubbish bins, etc.

Store Area

  • Empty all rubbish bins
  • Wipe and dust display shelves
  • Mop and Sweep hard floors
  • Wipe and dust furniture, fixtures, and wall decors
  • Vacuum carpet
  • Wipe display cabinets
  • Vacuum upholstery
  • Wipe and clean glass partitions, mirrors, and glass surfaces
  • Arrange merchandise displays
  • Spot clean walls

Check-Out Area

  • Clean and wipe the check-out stands
  • Collect rubbish
  • Clean and wipe the display area
  • Clean and wipe any glass surfaces
  • Arrange merchandise displays


  • Sweep and mop the floors
  • Collect rubbish
  • Wipe and sanitize all doorknobs and doors
  • Refill soap, hand towels, and toilet paper
  • Clean and disinfect toilets and urinals
  • Wipe all mirrors and glass surfaces
  • Clean sink and chrome fixtures
  • Clean and disinfect baby changing stations

These are just some of the helpful knowledge that we can share with you. If you are aspiring to venture the supermarket cleaning, feel free to explore and see if it will meet your desired revenue.

Cleaning supermarkets can be challenging at first, but it will be gratifying in the long run as long as you have established your brand and built your reputation.

We want to know if there is anything we can do to help you. Feel free to ask us a question by putting a comment down below. Let us start a conversation that will make you grow.

5 Types of Workplace Cleaning Services Your Business Needs

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Throughout the world of the cleaning industry, the golden question will always be, “Why should we hire a commercial cleaning service?” If you are someone who runs a business, this is something that you do not want to stress yourself with. Cleaning companies nowadays amid pandemics have started providing various types of cleaning solutions that your business needs.

You should dedicate your time and effort in thinking of ways to grow your business. It is also not right to burden your own employees about the overall state of cleanliness of their workplace because they have more important things to do.

More often than not, the job is not done adequately if we put it in the hands of a person who does not know the meaning of “famous cleaning services”. Cleaning can indeed be simple if you look at it.

Behind the scene, it is not at all simple. Professional cleaners have their own skills to brag about that your regular employees do not have.

In this article, we will make you realize why it is about time to hire a competent cleaner that will leave your office shining and spotless.

Before we enumerate the types of cleaning solutions services that your business needs, I want you to carefully consider the next sentences that I am about to say.

Hiring a professional cleaner is the most practical thing on earth if you are going to maintain health and safety in your workplace.

Why? A business owner, you do not know anything about cleaning (unless you own a cleaning company). It will cost you time, money, and effort if you hire your very own cleaning staff. Not to mention that you need to buy your own cleaning equipment, materials, and chemicals.

Why will you bother from all of those when you can look on the internet for a local cleaning provider that will shoulder this cost for you with no hassle. Plus, you can sleep soundly at night knowing that your cleaner knows what they are doing and they are a pro at it.

Types of Cleaning Solutions That Your Business Needs

Routine Cleaning

We cannot stress even more about how the pandemic had changed so many things. CoronaVirus had spread worry and concern to the workgroup who are tasked to report for work.

It is your duty as the business owner to offer and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for your people. We cannot deny the fact that we cannot be lenient about our health and safety protocols, especially now during the pandemic.

A lot of studies have shown the regular cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection will protect your employees from contact with the virus. Even before the Covid 19, we were already encouraging businesses to employ regular cleaners – what much more now that we have more reasons to hire one.

Types of cleaning solutions company will know what to do if one of your employees, unfortunately, had tested positive from Covid 19. Covid-19 Cleaners are equipped with their own PPE without you being burdened by its cost. They have the proper cleaning chemicals and the right tools and knowledge to address the situation.

Professional cleaners know the touchpoints, surfaces, nooks and crooks that they need to look after to protect their employees.

Most importantly, you do not have to tire yourself and do the dirty job in case the needs arise. Convenient, right?

Initial Deep Cleaning and End of Lease Cleaning

End of lease cleaning is required if you are moving out of the premise that you rented for your business. Usually, the landlord or the broker will give you a list of what needs to be cleaned before you move out. It is a heavy and challenging cleaning job as it requires a lot of scrubbing, dusting, and washing.

Initial commercial cleaning is a process of thorough cleaning before moving in. It is the opposite of the end of lease cleaning, but both require a whole deal of strength, expertise and knowledge.

Both of these cleanings may require things like air vent cleaning, external and internal window cleaning, pressure washing, and the whole nine yards. These tasks require special equipment that you do not have if you choose not to hire a commercial cleaner.

Floor Maintenance

Do you know that the overall cleanliness of a business usually is being judged depending on how you maintain your floors? The floor is the very first thing that you will see the moment you walk in any businesses.

Floor maintenance can get very tricky, especially if you do not have the proper knowledge about your floor material. Taking care of the floors is not a “one size fits all” deal.

  • Carpet needs regular vacuuming and occasional steam carpet cleaning.
  • Hardwood floors require constant vacuuming and mopping. You need to choose the right cleaning chemicals. Some cleaning agents are not friendly to the wood surface. Hardwood floors are expensive, which is why you need to get someone who knows how to deal with it.
  • Vinyl floors are okay with vacuuming and mopping, but over time, it can lose its shine. When it happens, you need to get someone knowledgeable about stripping and sealing the vinyl floors.
  • Hardstone floors can be mopped and vacuumed regularly. Be careful in choosing the cleaning chemical because not all cleaning chemicals are safe for hard stone floors. It may be hard on the surface, but it is porous on the inside. Some cleaning agents have corrosive compounds that may damage the floors.

You will never achieve the cleaning results that you want if you will procrastinate on hiring a commercial cleaner. You can rarely find an employee who knows how to correctly care for all types of floor materials. Floors are an expensive investment. It is about right that you give it the proper cleaning solution it deserves.

Health and Sanitation Audit

An audit is crucial for health-related and food businesses. It is highly critical that it can make or break your company’s reputation. Most of the time, the audit requirements come from the government. 

Sanitation and cleanliness are the key factors when running food and health-related businesses. These kinds of requirements will need more than routine cleaning. Deep cleaning coupled with the highest sanitation will keep your business running a long way. 

Because of their unique cleaning requirements, people who run the business in this industry often hire professional commercial cleaners. Getting professional help will ensure that you get the things you need in efficient and cost-effective ways.

Covid 19 Cleaning Services

More and more people are being infected, and it can be far from over. What would you do if one of your employees had tested positive for the virus? We know that the virus is contagious and can harm the entire population of your workgroup.

On the contrary, commercial cleaners use different methods, approaches and cleaning solutions to leave your workspace Covid free even if someone had tested positive.

They can use the fogging method and the electrostatic disinfection method. Commercial cleaning companies deploy their cleaning technicians with proper training and appropriate PPE to carry out the job safely.

For all these reasons, are you still contemplating hiring a professional cleaning provider? I want you to leave a comment below and share with us why you are hesitating about hiring one. I also want to hear from the business owners who had hired their commercial cleaners.

Tell us how your commercial cleaners manage the cleanliness and safety of your business. Please share this article and let us convince more businesses that it is about time for them to get professional famous cleaning services.

The Reflection of a Dirty and Messy Workplace

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As you know a clean workspace increases the working efficiency of employees similarly, a messy office can distract the employees at work thus, reducing their productivity. In this article, we share details about office cleaning to highlight the reflection of a messy and dirty office.

The overall appearance of the office dramatically affects the people who work in it. It may be true that some employees can deliver high results while working inside a disorganized and dirty office, but these are just exceptions to the majority. The majority of the employee population still prefer their workspace to be neat, decent, safe, and healthy for the sake of everyone.

Having a business can be chaotic. Your office floors endure a considerable amount of foot traffic day in and day out. People buzz all over the place. Paperworks over more paperwork is something usual. Garbage bins are generally full to overflowing towards midday.

Having to observe this chaos is not pleasing to the eye, especially if you have visitors and potential customers in your workplace. In this article, we will make you realize how a messy office speaks about your company’s reputation.

In whatever industry, we all know that first impression matters. A dirty and disorganised office is a major turn-off for customers, visitors, potential customers, and your own employees.

You will be surprised to know that the overall appearance of your office affects how a customer perceives your reputation. Visitors, especially women, find the appearance of the office, critical. Office cleaning can help you improve the appearance of your office.

If you are looking to know more about How To Do Office Waste Management and Recycling in Australia, do read the detailed articles on this topic.

Impressions of a Messy Office ( Eye Openers )

#1 You Have No Care for the Products or Services You Sell.

A lot of people mistakenly correlate a messy office to a busy employee. We all get it; sometimes, an employee can be really dirty, especially if he is working on a tight deadline. You can see it from the disorganized desk and the amount of paper piled present, used coffee mugs, snack wrappings, and other rubbish on their desk.

Your colleagues may understand you and can let it pass but, your potential clients and customers may think the other way. They will feel that you simply do not care about what you are trying to market because you do not care about your surroundings. They will start to doubt if you can see through the mess and be productive.

#2 A Messy Office Speaks Unprofessionalism.

Too much autonomy bestowed on an employee is sometimes, not good. It will be best to remind your staff to clean as they go or imply a clean office desk policy, whenever possible.

When someone walks into your office, regardless if they are potential employees or customers, and they witnessed how you just let your employees slide with a slovenly, smelling office, they will think that your company is shady and you cannot afford a decent office environment.

Worse, they will believe that you do not have enough authority to impose cleanliness in your workplace. If you know that your employees are working on a tight deadline and there is a high chance of them being disorganized, maybe it is about time for you to consider hiring a professional office cleaner who will do the work for you.

#3 You Do Not Respect the People Working Around You.

Why do we say this? Being messy can be offensive to other people. It works the same for working professionals. If you, as the owner do not do anything to control or reprimand a messy employee, it only goes to show that you do not care about the other people working within the company. As a leader, you should lead by example.

You just have to tell them that they should look after the cleanliness of their own workstations. It will go a very long way if you are successful in having them follow the clean desk policy.

#4 Messy People May Be Creative but Cannot Deliver.

There was a study at a university in the United States that validates the claim that messy people have more creative juices as compared to people who are accustomed to neatness. However, on the downside, messy people have challenges in putting their ideas into reality.

#5 People Who Are Used to an Unclean Environment Are Often Having Issues with Impulse Control.

As a follow-up to the research mentioned above, the same experiment was used to identify the sense of control of people working in an unclean environment. Significantly, the study showed that these people typically could not see the long-term effects of their choices. They are just living in the “now” and cannot foresee the future.

#6 You Are Pretending to Be Busy.

You are hiding behind those tall piles of paperwork even though you are really not doing anything. It is easy to hide on a messy office desk. Being messy gives the impression of being busy. On the contrary, getting used to a dirty and unkempt workspace only shows that you do not have priorities, and your lack of direction is evident.

Would you still let your employees do what they want to do? It is time for you to step up your game and do something about your office environment. Think of the many benefits a routine cleaning can bring you.

It will not only give you aesthetic benefits, but your employee will surely benefit from it psychologically. We have talked about the many benefits a clean office brings in a different article, so you pretty much know what I am talking about.

Getting your office organized is too easy these days. Most of the professional office cleaners in your area are just a phone call away. Commercial cleaners offer a wide range of services that you can choose from, and it can include tidying up your entire office floor.

You can manage the cleanliness of your messy office with zero stress if you choose to hire a commercial cleaner in Australia who will do the deed for you. Professional commercial cleaners in Australia can do basic chores like vacuuming, wiping surfaces, mopping, sweeping, and the whole nine yards.

They can wipe the individual desks of your people, including their computer screens, keyboards, mice, shared printer, telephone, and dust their desks depending on the frequency that you want.

So you, my fellow business owner, are one less burden away from being successful. Get a professional cleaner to do this for you, and we guarantee that both you and your business will benefit from a clean office. Do not let a bad impression get in the way between you and your potential clients.

So, do your office also have the above impressions that show the reflection of a dirty and messy office? Do you agree with our list?

Professional cleaner rates are cost-effective, and you can get long-term benefits from them. Professional cleaner rates are cost-effective, and you can get long-term benefits from them. Imagine the amount of money you can lose if you let your office unkempt and unattended.

It is time for you to get your business going to the next level. How about you? Have you already hired a cleaner? Are you getting the benefit out of it? Share with us your thoughts by dropping a comment below. Please share this article and give us a thumbs up.

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