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Commercial Cleaning Industry News, Tips, Guide and Checklist

You can read here many helpful articles related to commercial cleaning, latest cleaning news in Australia, including how to find and hire the best cleaners in your budget, how to train a commercial cleaner, why hire a cleaner over doing it yourself, cleaning tips for a specific area like supermarket, retail store, data centre, pub & restaurants, hospitals, factories, buildings, and more.

What Does Cleaning Mean in Sydney?

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Cleaning is one of the processes and activities that each individual needs to uphold. It is a highly demanded business in Sydney. The Sydney commercial cleaning is especially important for ones’ health, as well as good organization and easier functioning. Since the earliest days, the kids are being thought that cleaning and tidying are part of healthy living. As we as persons grow and become adults, it is an obligation to each of us to keep the place we live and work in the best possible condition.

In its most basic meaning, cleaning is the process of removing dirt from certain surfaces. In the homes, the cleaning can be conducted on almost all objects and surfaces. In the office, the cleaning comes down to keeping your workstation clean as well as cleaning conducted by a service that does the maintenance of the offices.

In the residential buildings, the cleaning refers to all the common grounds where all the inhabitants live and use them together. In those terms, the cleaning can be different, as well as apply to different places and be done in different frequencies.

What Is Cleaning?

The meaning of the word and the process of cleaning is “Free from dirt or pollution, free from contamination or disease”. It is also an act of cleaning dirt especially from the surface of something. Cleaning is a process that has been present since the appearance of men. It is a chore, an obligation that everyone is expected to keep and uphold to ensure good health and better functioning. The cleaning can be done with the use of different tools and products, which, over time, have changed a lot.

Today, not only the tools and products for cleaning are different, but the entire perception and the process of cleaning is quite different than it used to be. This is because the world we live in today is far dirtier, inhabited, and busier than it was in the past, or 50 years ago. This speaks a lot of the evolution of people and the world itself, as well as the development of cleaning as an industry and the presence of cleaning business companies.

Of course, experienced office cleaners in Sydney know that the meaning of cleaning Of course, experienced professional cleaners know what does cleaning mean in Sydney goes far beyond making sure that the area that is treated is free of dirt and contamination from the surface of “something”. However, before the 12th century, the word clean was only used in print.

Back then, the cleaners have been doing work that did not have a clear definition. With this arises the question of how the customers will be able to define the needs and the importance of cleaning if the cleaners themselves had this problem?

Overall, there is not only one definition of the word “cleaning” that is accepted by all and this is what makes a difference in that industry. With a mixture of the most important benefits of the cleaning, one can get to the most diverse and wide explanation of what does cleaning means in Sydney – A removal of visible and invisible soil through a mechanical and manual process, where the health protection is and always will be the primary benefit of cleaning.

The History of Cleaning in Sydney

The history of cleaning is closely connected to the evolution of cleaning practices and cleaning products. In the earliest times, the only cleaning product that people had at their disposal was plain water – this was back in prehistoric times. They used the water for everything – for keeping the personal hygiene, as well as washing the plates they ate in and the fabric they used to cover themselves, which served as clothes.

However, as the world developed, the water was not enough. In the mid-1900s, the history of cleaning products began to change. What made especially a boom was the modern soap. And the soap was just the starter. Over the past fifty years, the soaps and the detergents expanded so much, that they today are included as automatic dishwasher products, liquid soaps, laundry fabric softeners, enzyme products, cold water detergents, concentrated powders, etc.

The use of cleaning products in the process of cleaning is more than obvious. It all comes down to personal cleanliness and health. What is interesting to mention, is the composition of the cleaning products and their evolution. From the very beginning, washing the dirt and mud was made by water.

At the start of the Middle Ages, the cleaning compounds were made of mixes of ashes, animal or plant fats, and oils. The fall of the Roman Empire led to reduced cleanliness and the appearance of catastrophic diseases, from which many people died. By the 17th century, bathing and cleanliness came in a completely new different light and meaning.

The last few centuries have put soap as a luxury item. When the soap became affordable for the wider population, people started to see its benefits, outside the personal hygiene product. In the early 1800s, soap chemistry improved so much, that it became one of the major and most important things in the prevention of spreading diseases.

Another important invention that is part of many cleaning processes today is the invention of the washing machine. This was followed by the modern developments in soap chemistry, and just after World War II, detergents became more popular than soap.

The history of the cleaning is very important so the process of cleaning itself can be understood and practiced most properly. The greatest results of the cleaning come from the use of the right cleaning products. The cleaning products today are safer and much better for public use, but also nature and the environment too. There are lots of different chemical researches conducted constantly that lead to the development of even more modern detergents and cleaners that are used in the janitorial and cleaning services worldwide.

With all of the above-mentioned, it is more than obvious that cleaning is a part of every individual’s and every business’s functioning and prosperity. One company cannot function without having cleaners that will keep the premises clean and work-appropriate for all those who daily enter them. The same goes for the living space. A dirty and filthy home can majorly affect one’s health, leading to very serious diseases.

Green vs Clean

Another important issue that is part of the cleaning in Sydney is the green cleaning. It is a type of cleaning that is using only environmentally preferably products. It has been present in the industry for more than 30 years. It became a movement in the 1970s, but the biggest changes worth mentioning happened in the 1990s. It was around 1192 when the definition of green cleaning was established – The use of products and services that reduce health and environmental impacts compared to similar products and services used for the same purpose.

Today, the green market features products that are as effective as regular ones. It means that the concept of green vs. clean no longer exists because these two are now intertwined. There is no green cleaning, but cleaning green. The first reason people clean is to remove the dirt and prevent the spread of diseases. So, to be green, one needs to clean, and by that, you can choose green products to clean.

What Does Cleaning in Sydney Means?

What does cleaner do in Sydney? Besides the regular definition of cleaning, all working and living in Sydney, at some point, would need a cleaning service. This is most usually done by hiring professionals, who specialize in this area and that can help each individual or business with their cleaning needs.

The cleaning market in Sydney is extremely saturated, with lots of companies offering the most varied services. But, what makes the Clean Group stand out is the impeccable service and the offer it provides. Cleaning is more than dusting and moping. It is a process that is not a one-time thing. Depending on the place, cleaning can be required more frequently than usually expected.

Overall, there are three most common cleaning and sanitizing methods that are widely used. As mentioned above, regular cleaning and sanitizing are essential to ensuring the overall safety and well-being of the people. Especially in times of pandemic, maintaining regular cleaning and sanitizing schedule is vital for good business and health.

Many viruses and other illnesses can occur due to poor cleaning and sanitizing procedures. When deciding on the best method for cleaning and sanitizing a particular item, you need to consider:

  • The item/place that needs to be cleaned;
  • The type of soiling;
  • The water supply;
  • Water temperature;
  • Cleaning and sanitizing agents.

The three most common cleaning and sanitizing methods are:

1. Manual
2. Mechanical
3. Clean-in-place

1. Manual Cleaning and Sanitizing

Manual cleaning and sanitizing in used for surfaces, equipment, and utensils. Manual cleaning is something that individuals often request for their homes. This is the most common cleaning because the homes are full of different furniture and objects that need to be manually cleaned. The process of manual cleaning can cover many different aspects and areas, which eventually, depending on the condition that the home is in.

For example, regular manual services cover dusting, mopping, cleaning windows, cleaning curtains, bathrooms, and kitchens, clanging the bedsheets, towels, taking out the garbage. Sometimes, these services can have add-ins like putting things in the dishwashing machine or laundry machine putting them to work, as well as emptying them.

2. Mechanical Cleaning and Sanitizing

Mechanical cleaning is a process that involves the use of tools and equipment that do the cleaning. It is different from manual cleaning because it is done with the use and the help of machines. Machine cleaning and sanitizing is a service that is required for bigger places and where a lot of ground needs to be covered. It is a great choice for different kinds of businesses and one great example of mechanical cleaning is the cleaning provided in places like shopping malls, airports, stations, etc.

There are different types of products that are used for mechanical cleaning and they are designed so that they can keep these types of areas cleaner and sanitized for a longer time. In fact, it means that they are stronger and more long-lasting. Those types of products are not suitable for manual cleaning, because they are designed for machine use.

3. Clean-In-Place and Sanitizing

Clean-in-place is another service that is very demanded. As the name suggests, it requires and is designed to be ”cleaned in place”. This is usually done for equipment that is too big to move, as well as in places that need regular cleaning of some machines and equipment that they work daily with. For example, this is a service that production plants, food restaurants, coffee shops, and similar businesses might require. It can be used for soft-serve ice cream machines, coke dispensers, espresso machines, etc.

These types of machines are usually designed with pipes or other apparatus that allows the equipment to be properly cleaned. For example, hot water, detergent, and sanitizer are flushed through the machine to remove dirt and soiling and eliminate microorganisms.

Sanitizers and Disinfectants as Part of the Cleaning Process in Sydney

Sanitizers and disinfectants as part of the cleaning process, Cleaning is one of the processes and activities that each individual needs to uphold many people do the mistake of interchanging the terminology of these two words because they have many similarities. In general, a sanitizer or disinfectant must prove its ability to kill a certain percentage of bacteria, viruses, or fungi. The main difference between sanitizers and disinfectants is that sanitizers reduce the number of germs on a surface whereas disinfectants kill most of them.

Why Are Cleaning and Sanitizing Important in Sydney?

As mentioned many times before, cleaning and sanitizing are very important essential for living a healthy life and preventing the appearance or spread of diseases. This is connected to the air we breathe since it can become polluted and contaminated if the place you live or work in is not clean and taken care of.

Keeping the place that you exist in clean is essential and it protects you from pest infestations, allergies, poisoning, and many other things that might come up in being in a dirty and unsuitable environment. For all of these and many more situations, cleaning is the only solution.

From all of the above-mentioned, it is more than evident that cleaning has many different definitions and meanings, but above all, it is a process that provides a safe and healthy environment from viruses and bacteria.

Just like personal hygiene is important for every human, the home and the office hygiene are as important. The cleaning requirements and the necessity of cleaning are a worldwide demand, and different companies specialize in offering different services.

What is cleaning mean in Sydney is a demand that comes from the social, cultural, and personal needs of its citizens. As a clean and green city, Sydney supports and encourages its citizens as well the people all around the world to keep the environment, nature, their homes, gardens, and offices clean. By being clean, all of us contribute to better living, safer, and healthier conditions that are crucial for existence.

Clean Group Sydney is dedicated to this department, offering the most professional and varied services, not only to their clients but to the city too. By choosing Clean Group as your cleaning choice, you are trusting in the company that has a lot to offer. While we clean your home or office, you can spend your time with your family, or doing something that will support your community.

Cleaning has and will always be demanded and needed, so be sure to pick the best choice and enjoy the spotless cleanliness we provide.

What Does a Workplace Cleaner Do in Sydney?

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Cleaning is one of the processes that is required in almost all places. Whether it is inside or outside, cleaning is essential for the health of the people and surrounding environment, as well as the good look and appearance it leaves. Cleaning and cleanliness come high on the list of many personal, professional, and even environmental demands. People must live and work in clean places because that is essential for their health and work efficiency. Being in a dirty place holds a lot of places for diseases, that can be harmful to the health.

There is nothing more welcoming than a clean home. Keeping the home in that condition indeed requires a lot of effort but it has its advantages and perks. Catch between Sydney Janitorial Services and Commercial Cleaning effectively will not only make you feel better but also will make your home look as good as new. Hygiene and keeping it under control and some standard are extremely important.

House cleaning, as part of each individual’s daily, weekly or bi-weekly chores is a very challenging task. The main motive is of course the health, but, it also spreads a wonderful relaxation ambiance and vibe. Although there are plenty of cleaning and organizing tricks that one can try, the lack of time and energy almost always prevails. It is just then when you seek help. it comes in the form of a professional who will clean your home quickly and efficiently.

What Does a Cleaner Do in Sydney?

What does an Office cleaner do in Sydney? a Sydney commercial cleaners work duty is to keep an organization tidy and orderly. This is done by taking stock of cleaning supplies and completing small cleaning jobs throughout the day like emptying trash cans, washing windows, and scrubbing any dirty areas.

They’re often given a certain set of tasks to complete before their shift and must have them finished by the end of the day. Cleaners are responsible for the safety of patrons or office workers by ensuring areas are properly sanitized and cleaning up any spills or messes that may harm customers or other employees.

Housekeeper Vs House Cleaner in Sydney

Although many people fail to see the difference between the housekeeper and the house cleaners, they are two different jobs. They might sound very similar, but there is a clear distinction between the two and you need to know if you want to hire the right person and know what to expect. The major difference between a housekeeper and a home cleaner comes down to the frequency of visits and the services that they perform.

What Is a Housekeeper?

A housekeeper is a more consistent presence in your home. This presence comes down to one to two times per week or more, depending on the needs. The housekeeper completes a list of daily or weekly duties.

What Is a House Cleaner?

A house cleaner is a person that is hired less frequently and often for a bigger job. This might be a top-to-bottom deep cleaning of your home, getting the home ready for sale, or prepping a vacation home.

So, depending on what your needs are, you can choose whether you need a housekeeper or a house cleaner. Whichever you choose, you must communicate about the details and the consistency that you require, these duties should also be agreed upon by the person you hire.

Why You Should Hire a Cleaner in Sydney?

As mentioned above, cleaning does take time and energy. Sometimes you just wish that there was some person, that will come every day, do the regular things that you cannot manage to do, and leave your house spotlessly clean. As more and more people are facing the same situation, hiring someone to clean your home is more affordable.

By doing that, your time instantly becomes more valuable. No matter what you do, hiring a cleaner in Sydney is one of the best things that you can do for your home and it has a lot of benefits.

What Services Can You Expect from Hiring a Cleaner in Sydney?

Above all, the cleaner will o everything that you can not or are not able to do. No matter the reason, this is the cleaner’s job and the skills, products, techniques, and tools they have are far better than yours. Here is what you can expect from hiring a cleaner in Sydney:

House Cleaning

Cleaning the house is one of the most common and needed services that people require. Whether that is a one-off cleaning service or regular cleaning, the cleaner is the person to do that job. This part of the housekeeping service usually covers aspects and processes like:

  • Vacuuming;
  • Sweeping and mopping floors;
  • Dusting furniture;
  • Disinfecting and cleaning toilets and bathrooms;
  • Tidying up the kitchen;
  • Doing the laundry;
  • Doing the beds / changing sheets;
  • Ironing clothes;
  • Emptying rubbish bins;
  • Kitchen and appliance cleaning.

Office Cleaning

Although cleaners might be more suitable for home cleaning, they are also very demanded for office cleaning too. This is especially important for the daily keeping of the workplace. The things that can be covered by the office cleaning are:

  • Cleaning floors and surfaces;
  • Wiping furniture;
  • Sanitizing bathrooms and common areas;
  • Taking care of the trash;
  • Tidying the kitchen.

Here are some more detailed explanations about what are the different types of cleaning services in Sydney:


Cleaning the floors includes:

  • Taking care of spills, spot clean if necessary;
  • Sweeping the floor;
  • Vacuuming the floor;
  • Mopping the floor.


Cleaning the kitchen includes:

  • Cleaning the cabinets and drawer exteriors;
  • Wiping the fridge door and other appliances;
  • Cleaning and disinfecting all kitchen surfaces;
  • Washing the dishes;
  • Clearing out the sink;
  • Cleaning up the stove.

Bathroom and toilets

Cleaning the bathrooms and the toilets includes:

  • Taking out the trash cans and bath mats;
  • Cleaning the shower;
  • Cleaning the bathtub;
  • Disinfecting the bathroom including the tub, shower stalls, and toilet bowl;
  • Cleaning the mirror;
  • Removing soap scum from walls;
  • Cleaning the toilet bowl and the sink;
  • Throwing away the trash.

Bedrooms and living rooms

Cleaning the bedrooms and the living rooms includes:

  • Removing cobwebs;
  • Dusting all the furniture;
  • Making the beds;
  • Dusting all the surfaces;
  • Sweeping the floors;
  • Mopping the floors;
  • Vacuuming;
  • Cleaning the windows;
  • Removing all clutter on the floor;
  • Wiping all electronics clean;
  • Cleaning doorknobs and light switches.

Although these are all the duties that are covered by cleaning, the process of cleaning is mainly divided into general cleaning and spring clean. Here is everything that is covered by each of the cleanings.

General Cleaning

When asking for a general cleaning service, this is what the cleaner in Sydney would do:

  • Bathroom tiles are cleaned and disinfected
  • Cleaners dust commonly-used areas
  • Bathroom baseboards are wiped clean
  • Kitchen floors are vacuumed and mopped
  • Cleaners wipe the outside of the range hood
  • Chairs and tables are wiped clean
  • Outside of microwave wiped down
  • A general dusting of the kitchen area
  • Mirrors cleaned
  • Windowsills are wiped down
  • Cleaners dust picture frames
  • Spring clean
  • When asking for a general spring service, this is what cleaner in Sydney would do:
  • Inside of oven and range hood cleaned
  • Cleaners cut through grime buildup behind kitchen appliances
  • A full dusting of all corners including hard to reach areas
  • Removal of scale from showerheads, kitchen tiles, and bathroom tiles.
  • Doors are spot cleaned to remove fingerprints
  • Lampshades wiped down
  • Upholstery and furniture vacuumed
  • The area under the sink is cleaned thoroughly
  • Washing all blinds
  • Intricate items are dusted
  • The front of cabinets are hand wiped
  • Carpet edges vacuumed

What Other Things Are Appropriate to Ask the Cleaner to Perform in Sydney?

The types of services that you can ask the cleaner to perform depend on the service that you have chosen, as well as the relationship that you have with the cleaner. Generally, within the limits, it is ok to ask the cleaner to:

  • Polish silver or brass;
  • Wash and take special cleaning care of ornaments;
  • To fold washing and put it away
  • Ironing;
  • Help de-clutter;
  • Tidy up an area.

These are some other services might be subject to extra fee since they require additional time for the extra tasks. Sometimes, you might need to forfeit areas of your regular cleaning schedule if you decide to add some extra tasks for your cleaner to do.

Some cleaners do not wash up or iron, and that sometimes does not get into the add-ones. For these types of services, it is best to get informed precisely about these serves, and whether they will be willing to do them.

Which Services You Should Not Expect the Cleaner to Perform in Sydney?

There are some duties that you should not expect from the cleaner, and they particularly refer to anything that puts them in physical danger or is not in their area of expertise. Here are few examples of such duties:

child care: taking care of children is not a duty that the cleaner is expected to perform. A suitable choice might be a nanny, that can also take on light housekeeping duties.

cleaning up human waste: exposure to human waste can be dangerous, and that is something that the cleaner will never take on, not is expected to.

lifting heavy objects or moving furniture: there is a general rule that the cleaners, who do manual cleaning, do not move heave furniture. This is a safety issue, and hiring a service for this matter might be more suitable.

Cleaner Skills and Qualifications

A good cleaner needs the right skills and qualifications so that they will be professional and successful at the job they do. Being able to handle the cleaning chemicals safely is very important. Additionally, the cleaners must be able to multitask and stick to their schedules while also respond to the incidents that might occur during the day. Other essential cleaner skills include:

  • Communication;
  • Interpersonal skills;
  • Proactivity;
  • The ability to work independently with minimal supervision;
  • The ability to follow health and safety standards;
  • Time management.

On That Note….

The cleaners cannot instantly transform your home. That is crucial to understand so that you know what to expect. A detailed clean always brings a fresh vibe into the home, but it is unrealistic to think that it can be achieved with one single clean.

The place will look and smell fresh, but it might take several clean for few months to completely restore the look of your home and make it sparkly clean. How long it will take to get the place in the desired condition, depends on the extent of cleaning done to the place and how often the cleaners come.

Typically, it takes the cleaners at least two cleans to get the flow of the place and the different areas in the space cleaned so that the cleaner can complete the task within the required time frame.

What Are the Different Types of Workplace Cleaning Services in Sydney

4.9/5 - (78 vote)

Cleaning, keeping the hygiene on the highest possible level as well as maintaining the places you live and work in clean and tidy, has never been more important as it is now. With the appearance of the pandemic, people have started to spend more time cleaning and disinfecting the places, all to prevent the spread of the virus. For those who were not crazy about cleaning, this was a motivation to both get in shape and keep a regular commercial cleaning schedule.

However, the busy everyday life, as well as different situations, and conditions of certain places that we move around, do not allow us to keep that impeccable cleanliness.

That is why, many individuals, as well as private entities, opt for hiring professionals, who are skilled and specialize in this department. They are called the Commercial cleaning services or the cleaners.

The cleaning service is something entirely different that individual cleaning. The cleaning service professionals – the cleaners have the tools, the equipment, and the products to clean a place faster, more efficiently, and more in detail, compared to an individual who can do as much. Not only does it save time, but hiring a professional cleaning service delivers fabulous results.

Cleaning is a whole industry, that is needed and used by the majority of people and companies. Today, there are a lot of different companies that provide different cleaning services. This is due to the varsity of the demand, as well as the opportunity to cater to the different cleaning needs of the customers.

Some companies might be specialized in cleaning only homes, while others can do the offices and other spaces. That is why, when choosing a cleaning company, you need to know what you are looking for so that you can make the right choice according to your cleaning needs.

People and companies, in general, have acknowledged the fact that cleaning is essential and sometimes a daily-needed thing. That is why, there are so many different types of cleaning, cleaners, and cleaning services that one can choose from.

Particularly to the Office cleaners in Sydney, the options are pretty varied and tailored to the needs of the consumers – both individuals and companies.

As a process, cleaning is a way of maintaining hygiene in the personal spaces that we live and work in. Each person has the obligation to keep their home clean, as well as the workstations.

This is the base meaning of cleaning, and there is so much that an individual is capable and has the ability to do. For all of the harder, more detailed, and demanding cleaning, there are professionals and specialists that can take over.

With all of the above said, it is safe to say that the main distinction with the cleaning comes down to types of cleaning: residential and commercial cleaning. These are two different types, that apply to different places and require different approaches, skills, tools, and cleaning products.

They also require a different number of people included in the process, and it all depends on the area that is covered by the cleaning as well as the time

What is Residential Cleaning in Sydney?

Residential Cleaning

Residential cleaning services are services that are provided to homeowners or residents. For the majority of people, this is known as home cleaning. As the name suggests, residential cleaning pertains to cleaning services for domestic settings.

It includes general housework in the living room, bedrooms, kitchen, and bathrooms. Residential cleaning companies usually offer daily cleaning, weekly or monthly – depending on the homeowner’s preferences.

In this type of cleaning service, residential cleaners usually perform cleaning tasks such as dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping. They can also perform sanitation and disinfection processes as necessary. 

What is Commercial Cleaning in Sydney?

Commercial Cleaning

Commercial cleaning services are services offered to businesses. This is known as office cleaning.

With this main distinction, come the types of services that can be chosen according to the needs. The list is diverse, long, and varied, and there are options to satisfy different demands.

If you are in need of cleaning for your business premises, commercial cleaning is what you need. This type of cleaning service pertains to cleaning properties used for commercial purposes. This includes offices, buildings, apartments, retail stores, medical clinics, and others.

Similar to residential cleaning, commercial cleaners can provide you with daily, weekly, monthly cleaning, or just once-off. They can also come to your site after hours to avoid disrupting your business operations.

Moreover, the cleaning tasks the cleaners will perform depend on the property type you have. If you own a restaurant, your cleaning needs will differ from that of a retail store and a medical facility. That is why, before hiring a cleaning company, you need to know the specific industry they cater to.

Window Cleaning in Sydney

Window Cleaning

Window cleaning is a very required and necessary service, which includes cleaning the interior and exterior windows of the buildings. Other services that can be added to this one are gutter cleaning, screen repairs, pressure washing.

Window cleaning is a specialised type of cleaning service you can hire regardless of whether you own a commercial building or a residential property.

This type of service, as the name suggests, solely focuses on cleaning glass windows and surfaces. It requires special tools, such as a squeegee, soap applicators, microfibre cloths, and water-fed poles or scissor lifts to reach high windows.

Unlike residential cleaning, window cleaning cannot be performed by untrained professionals. It because the job involves risks, especially when dealing with multi-story buildings.

There are also different approaches to window cleaning, which depend on the season. Winter cleaning, to be exact, requires a different strategy from spring cleaning or during rainy seasons.

Carpet Cleaning in Sydney

Carpet Cleaning

Carpet cleaning is also a highly demanded cleaning service. It includes steam cleaning, carpet repairs, stain and odour removal

Carpet cleaning is another specialised type of cleaning. And just like the latter, both homeowners and business owners can avail of this service. Despite its name, carpet cleaning does not only cover carpets alone. It can also include upholstery and rugs.

Since carpet cleaning is a specialised service, it also requires skills, expertise, as well as quality equipment. There are also different techniques in Industrial cleaning depending on your needs and carpet type. The five main types are hot water extraction, carpet shampooing, encapsulation, bonnet cleaning, and dry cleaning.

Basic House Cleaning in Sydney

Basic House Cleaning is a service that involves general house cleaning jobs. This means cleaning the areas like the kitchen, the lounge, the bathroom, and the bedroom. The most general activities involve mopping, vacuuming, dusting, polishing, sweeping.

Deep Cleaning / Spring Cleaning in Sydney

This is a more comprehensive clean than a basic clean, which includes hand ashing cabinets, vacuuming upholstery, polishing wood, cleaning the oven, ceiling fan blades, and more. This is a recommendation for people who have never had their homes professionally cleaned.

Laundry Services

Laundry services are an excellent addition to the cleaning services. It is a super-needed service for homeowners. With this service, the laundry is being washed, dried and folded, while the team is still in the house.

Green Cleaning

Green cleaning is one of the most requested services. It involves following safe and Eco-friendly practices. For example, the cleaning is done with non-toxic, biodegradable, and safe products, not only for the people but for the environment too. This service is highly demanded and it is also a good way to support the sustainable way of life.

Sanitization Services

Sanitization services are in high demand because most working places need regular disinfection of the place and the objects in it. This type of service can be specially tailored to the needs of the place or the situation.

Ceiling and Wall Cleaning

Although ceiling and wall cleaning might be a part of the general house cleaning, or office cleaning, they also come as a separate service. This service particularly focuses on removing dirt, oil, and other grime that might be pilled up on the ceilings and walls. This is a service that as a final result provides cleanliness, better lighting and is great for many different health reasons.

Blind Cleaning

Blinds are one of the items in the home that attract and collect a lot of dust. Whether they are aluminium, wooden, or PVC Venetian blinds, this special service deeply cleans them. Depending on the type of the blinds, there is special equipment and products used.

Curtain Cleaning

Curtain cleaning services include both on and off-site cleaning methods. What is the difference? Well, the on-site process involves dry cleaning and it is generally recommended because it is more convenient for the homeowners.

The curtains in this case are not taken down and then rehung, but the entire process is happening directly on the curtains. This process is much gentler on the fabric and it provides a superior clean.

Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery cleaning is another special cleaning service that includes cleaning fabric on furniture, for example, sofas and armchairs. The process includes the per-treating of the material, which is later rinsed with water.

Office Cleaning

Office cleaning falls under the area of commercial cleaning. It usually includes cleaning work areas, common areas, cubicles, restrooms, kitchens, and reception areas. The general services are mopping, dusting, polishing, sanitizing, and waste removal.

Disaster Cleaning and Restoration

This type of service might be covered by some other name, however, it requires special expertise in smoke, water, and fire damage, as well as mould remediation.

Pressure Washing

Pressure washing is a service that is done by using a jet washer to deliver a powerful water stream to remove dirt and clean the surfaces. This is required with paint removal, restoration, maintenance.

Restroom Cleaning

Cleaning the restroom may also be a part of some other service, for example, office or home cleaning. However, it is also a very demanded standalone service. It applies to different venues that have restrooms such as stadiums, schools, one-off events, and open public spaces.

Janitorial Services

The janitorial services cover the ongoing maintenance and cleaning of schools, businesses, and large office spaces. This can be best performed with a team of professionals and efficient janitors.

The janitorial duties include mopping, sweeping, taking out the trash, and general building maintenance like changing light bulbs and fixing broken doors. This is a type of service that is often chosen by people who live in buildings and need to keep the entry, staircases, and other areas clean.

School Cleaning

As the name suggests, school cleaning is a service that is offered exclusively to schools. This can include both public or private schools. The service offers cleaning floors, classrooms, desks, tables, and bathrooms.

Medical Cleaning

Medical cleaning services are services provided to clinics and hospitals. These are facilities where hygiene must be on the highest level possible, which means there are high standards to be met. It is a specialized type of cleaning, that used the right cleaning supplies and equipment, as well as demanding cleaning practices.

Sports Cleaning

Sports cleaning is services provided to facilities such as gyms. These are areas where a lot of people attend, and they can be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. The common tasks of sports cleaning include sanitizing all the equipment, surfaces, and floors. If there are bathrooms or showers, them too.

Additionally, there are the following types of service, based on how frequently you need cleaning.

Daily Cleaning in Sydney

Daily cleaning services allow maintaining the premises in perfect condition. This service is especially demanded in private homes, offices, cafes, and other places with high traffic.

This service includes dust removal from all surfaces, equipment, and electronics, washing mirrors, and frames, vacuuming floors and carpets, dry and wet floor treatment, cleaning window sills and countertops, and disinfection of door handles.

General Cleaning in Sydney

General cleaning is important to remove the local contaminants. It can be carried out with a certain frequency, weekly or biweekly, which depends on the client’s needs.

The service includes vacuuming and washing flooring, removing dirt from surfaces, wiping mirrors and frames, disinfecting doorknobs and faucets, removing stains.

Why Choose Clean Group Sydney?

As the cleaning services are currently in high demand, people have seen the benefits of having professionals and skilled people keep the hygiene of different places in areas in check. This does not only save time, but it also provides far better results.

Cleaning is not a basic thing. Since there are a lot of different products and equipment used, the results greatly vary from some basic cleaning. A lot of people do not know or have at least been in the situation where they have used the wrong cleaning product.

A wrong cleaning product not only will not deliver the desired results, but it can also ruin the furniture, the floor, the tiles, or the place where it has been applied to and leave it completely unusable or look unattractive.

This is the most common case with furniture and materials that require special care and special products. Another place where you can make more damage than good is the bathroom. The bathroom utilities should not be cleaned with some harsh chemicals since they can live the surface colourless or shineless.

There are many different examples when it is better to call the professionals rather than try it yourself or hire some amateurs. That is why, we, the Clean Group are the best at what we do.

What separates us from the others are some very important and useful things such as:


The most important area when choosing a professional cleaning service is the experience. Experience is invaluable and very important when considering who to hire. The importance of the experience can never be underestimated, since you as a client want the best possible service.

As specialists in this area, our experience and the satisfaction of the customers show that the results we deliver are constant. Clean Group is a serious company and the positive feedback we get from our clients adds to our wide portfolio.


The reputation that we as a company enjoys, is something that we have worked very hard for. This means that we value your reviews, which help us attend to the smallest details. It is a kind of feedback that is important to every company since we work with people.

Customer Focus

Clean Group is a customer-oriented company. We are open in the dialogues with our clients. We support strong communication because it is the key to developing worthy working relationships with customers. It also applies to the problems and issues that might arise.

They can be addressed swiftly and in an efficient manner. The ability to understand the customers’ unique needs and demands, and carry them out in the most professional and best manner is the most positive pointer to the dedication to customer’s focus.

Chores Performed

Each service comes with a regular set of services that are being part of it. However, there is always the possibility for the add-ones, according to the clients’ needs and wishes. Each service can be tailored according to demand, which is why we as a company, are highly required both for the residential and commercial sites.

Cleaning Products

Just like any other products, cleaning products are essential in providing the best possible results, in this case, clean and shiny surfaces and objects. As a cleaning company, we provide the best solution for any surface or fabric.

When it comes to green cleaning, we use products that without any toxins and are healthier both for the inhabitants in the place and the environment too. Many chemicals in classic, old-fashioned products can be highly toxic and can cause side effects in certain people.
These are just some of the most common cleaning services that are created according to the place and the function it has.

Treatment of Staff

Clean Group treats its staff with respect care and worth. By doing that, we ensure providing the highest standards of work. We care for our staff by providing suitable training, necessary tools for work and a great atmosphere.

If you are looking for the best possible solution for cleaning in Sydney, look no further. The Clean Group is the best choice.

So What?

You are probably thinking, so what? Now that you know the different kinds of cleaning contractor services, what can you get from them? The answer is quite simple.

Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, this bit of information can be very useful to you. The knowledge of the different types of cleaning services will help you choose which one to get for your home or business property.

It will help ensure you are getting the service that is right for your needs. You also won’t have to waste money, time, and resources on the wrong cleaning service provider.

Top Global Cleaning Facts and Figures 2023(You Should Know About )

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Cleaning is an important and serious task. There is a lot of demand for commercial cleaning services as people are familiar with the need for a clean, tidy, and hygienic workspace.

In the present pandemic, the employers are required to be extra concerned towards hygienic workspace so as to lessen the spread of disease and illness within the employees that influences the morale, productivity and lastly on the business outcomes.

For 5 years, there has been a rapid growth in the demand for commercial cleaning services all across Sydney. The overall registration has so far increased by the business owners.

As businesses possess a huge number of staff and employees, this is the reason that they give a contract to the commercial cleaning companies to keep their workplaces clean and healthy. This has committed to the growth in demand for professional cleaning services.

Whether you are looking to impress new clients, existing customers through the help of advertising material or you just seek to reflect your corporate cleaning event effectively. An equipped option of industrial cleaning facts and figures can sometimes pose the difference between doing a sale and going home without any stuff.

Cleaning facts and figures seek you to estimate the unhygienic and cleanliness that people, companies, or a country seems to undergo. The awareness and the methods they had adopted for maintaining the cleanliness and making their premises neat and clean. The need to clean the things and the percentage of dirt and unhygienic in their environment which gets spread from the people living around.

The other part of the article is Professional Cleaners. It is truly said that an experienced person can only execute the same object in which he is specialized in, similar to that cleaning professionals are all enabled to treat their cleaning objective.

This is due to their skills which they are trained in. Also, they have undergone various distinct cleaning premises so thus they are all known about the problems that the house owners or business owners have gone with.

Also, it is clear that the owners on their own shall not clean all their space due to a lack of knowledge and understanding about the particular space. Also, they are not aware of the techniques which are needed to clean the same. They also do not own the relevant equipment and tools which are needed to clean or wipe the surface.

Owners also might miss some specific space to clean that they forget or don’t know how to clean that such as doorknobs, handles, etc. Hence a professional commercial cleaning service provider is a must so as to achieve the cleaning aspect with quality.

Hence with the state of mind below are some mentioned facts and figures about the commercial cleaning which you and your customers might not have encountered before.

Top Global Cleaning Facts and Figures You Should Know About

These facts and figures are verified and taken from reputed sources. You should go through all of them to understand how important professional cleaning is for your house, office, and other residential and commercial places.

  • 50-60% of the average person’s time is spent in the office. This means that keeping your office clean should be one of your priorities.
  • 98% of office workers will contract some form of infectious disease during their professional life due to poor workplace hygiene
  • About 300,000 cases of reported illnesses are food-borne each year. Making a habit of washing hands after eating food is the best way to avoid falling prey to such diseases.
  • As compared to the toilet seat, the office desks seem to be 400 times more infected and it has nothing to do with any unpleasant surprises left in the drawer of your boss.
  • Through the contagious disease, 98% of all office workers shall get influenced in life. This is due to the poor cleaning and sanitization methods which they had used to clean the office. It is something that decreases the use of steam cleaners.
  • 15% of men and 7% of women don’t wash their hands after using the toilet. They should know that 1 gram of feces can hold 1 million bacteria and 10 million viruses.
  • The average woman cleans 12,896 hours in her lifetime, and the man spends an average of 6,448 hours cleaning.
  • Nearly a third of office workers claim that sanitary conditions exacerbate their pre-existing allergies.
  • One-third of workers state that their workspace builds allergy symptoms worse because of the price of $13.04 billion every year. In this dusty environment, a vacuum sweeper seems to be an aid to the sufferers.
  • 75% of toilets failed to maintain the hygienic standards in the hospitals, similar to 24% of blood sugar monitors, 35% of temperature probe holders, and 50% of bed covers or mattresses
  • An average mattress contains 100,000 to 10 million dust mites…
  • The kitchen sink has more germs than your toilet. Yes, you really need to clean your kitchen sink, not just rinse it.
  • Mold can grow at the bottom of the trash can. Mold loves moisture so add 1/2 cup of borax to the bottom of the trash can to absorb mold-causing dampness.
  • Some germs can live on dry surfaces (such as toys) for several hours and on damp surfaces (such as the bathroom sink) for up to three days.
  • Only a quarter of office workers believe that their workplace is being cleaned to a satisfactory level
  • Approx 55% of all the cleaning firms’ contracts get losses because of the poor services they provide. Nobody was dismissed from employment for executing the job until you have cleaned at the modern art gallery.
  • gives you an overall decrease in absenteeism as of infection by 19.8% between 16 elementary schools and 6,000 students.
  • The researchers in London approximate that if everyone routinely washes their hands then a million deaths in the year can be prevented.
  • In the bigger percentage of foodborne disease, outbreaks have been spread through the contaminated hands. Proper handwashing shall reduce the risk of foodborne illness and other infections.
  • Diarrheal disease-associated deaths by up to 50% can be diminished through washing the hands with the help of soap and water.
  • You’ll need to leave the antibacterial cleaner on dirty surfaces for 30 to 60 seconds before cleaning it. This gives the cleaner enough time to absorb the dirt and kill bacteria and germs.

These facts are authentic and can build trust in commercial cleaners. So once check all these points decide what you’re looking for? a healthy bug-free environment? or a messy and disturbing environment for your employees or family members.

Why Choose Professional Cleaners

It is true that an unhygienic environment pollutes the environment and affects the health of the people. It makes people unhealthy which leads to illness and disease.

The majority of house owners do not want to take the hassles of opting for professional cleaning and instead of that they on their own cleans their surfaces or their local servant does it for them.

Whilst cleaning their house they do not use any professional solutions or equipment they only use a broom and wiper to clean their home which does not provide them 100% removal of germs and bacterias that get accumulated inside the house.

Also, they lack cleaning and wiping knowledge which is needed to make the home clean and tidy. Thus it is important that you must hire professional people so as to make your house free from bacteria and lastly from any disease.

  • In the USA 90% of commercial cleaners use mechanical devices to assist them the rest are apparently knackered.
  • Denmark is the cleanest country in the world in the present times as per the data found in 2020 by the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), Denmark ranked as the cleanest country in the world. It is upon the grounds of the factors distinction to the other countries which consists of air quality, health and waste management.
  • Nearly 200 calories get burned per hour by the act of cleaning, it mostly relies on the kind of cleaning you have done, your weight, and your health on cleaning, but it is an effective method to get fit.
  • The commercial cleaning sector is rising YoY with nearly 28% growth from 2013 which is more than the turnover of the complete economy at 14%.
  • There are nearly 85% of people who are not aware of green cleaning which is implemented in a way that not only benefits people and the environment but it is also sustainable for the longer term. Various commercial cleaning companies opted out of the process to transfer lesser sustained cleaning to more one.
  • England is the fastest window cleaner in the world as Terry “Turbo” in 2009 Burrows built the Guinness World Record of 9.14 seconds in Blackpool and poses this record 11 years on! Most commercial cleaning facts go out of date year by year – not this one!
  • There are nearly 448,400 people who work in the UK’s commercial cleaning industry in 32,000 different firms.
  • The top 1% of cleaning companies (320) are responsible for over 50% of all jobs.
  • 55% of office cleaning contracts are lost due to poor service
  • As the germs raised by 31% per day on the surface which is not cleaned on the regular basis. It is not good but it is familiar. Your work will be safe and secure from illness if regular cleaning will be performed by the cleaning services.
  • $26 billion on rental equipment has been spent in 2015 by Europe’s businesses in which a specific proportion of which is implemented for hiring the cleaning equipment.
  • Office cleaning engaged a revenue of 31% of all commercial cleaning industry, i.e is estimated to be £5.6 billion per year.
  • There are millions of loss of workdays because of the common cold, nearly 50 million days get wasted every year in the United States. This lowers productivity especially when a cold gets circulated inside the office and makes numerous employees ill.
  • Germs and bacterias get increase when a surface gets avoided from being cleaned. If you shall not make a schedule to clean the office then infections and disease gets increase on that particular surface. Moreover, the office water coolers and restrooms tap pose pathogens that spread contagious diseases in humans. A contagious disease is an infectious disease that spreads through touching infected items such as taps, refrigerator handles, microwaves, and coffee pots. Hence daily cleaning and sanitizing is an important aspects.
  • On average, you shall come into contact with 300 surfaces every 30 minutes, which draws 8,40,000 germs.
  • There are nearly 5% of people who wash their hands in the proper manner.
  • There is the majority of people wash their hands for only 6 seconds.
  • Nearly 33% of people do not use soap when they wash and clean their hands.
  • After thoroughly washing your hands (with soap) in a public bathroom, grab a spare paper towel to turn off the faucet, touch the door handle, and protect your now-clean hand from any other germs it may have come into contact with. I may come.
  • Touching mutual objects and things spread nearly 80% of diseases.
  • Diarrhea rates can be reduced by 40% and respiratory infections up to 20% through effectively washing hands.
  • Refusing to wash hands properly pays for approximately 50% of all illness outbreaks.
  • There are 20% of people wash their hands prior to preparing food and 39% prior to eating food.
  • There 7% of women and 15% of men do not wash their hands at all post using the bathroom.
  • Sick days in the office can be reduced by almost a third if the desk is properly disinfected every day
    The majority of germs and bacteria get accumulated on the fingertips and beneath the nails. When a person uses the washrooms the number of bacteria on their fingertips increases. Several people wash the palms of their hands but forget everything.
  • There are 1000 times more chances to spread bacteria through damp hands as compared to dry hands. There are only 20% of people who dry their hand’s post washing.
  • Three-quarters of all bathroom tap handles are considered the main transmitters of various diseases.
  • The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) found that areas, where food is stored or prepared, have more bacteria and faecal contamination than other places in the home.
  • There is the fecal thing on 10% of credit cards, 14% of banknotes, and 16% of cellphones.
  • More than 75 percent of dish sponges and rags contained salmonella, E. coli, and fecal matter, compared to 9 percent on bathroom faucet handles.
  • Salmonella can survive on cold or dry surfaces for at least 24 hours.
  • An office phone contains about 25,000 germs per square inch. But there is no need to panic. All you have to do is immediately wipe down your office phone with a daily disinfecting wipe.
  • People sneezing, coughing, or blowing their noses do not wash their hands. The figure is nearly 39%.
    As compared to the toilet seats the elevator buttons pose 22% more germs and bacteria.
  • The Reminder signs are proving to be effective in promoting more handwashing.
  • Dirty sinks contribute to less handwashing.
  • The air quality inside the office can be five times worse than outside.
  • The rate of washing hands in the morning happens more as compared to the evening.
  • Handwashing can decrease the risk of respiratory contagions by 16%.
  • 50% of healthy persons have Staphylococcus aureus residing in or on their nasal passages, throats, hair, or skin.
  • Nearly 0.14 fecal material is been released by the average individual swimmer into the water in the first 15 minutes of entering the pool. You should have to take a shower prior to entering the pool as it limits the spreading of germs by removing the fecal material from the body.
  • About 70-80% of dust mites are dead skin cells.
  • The use of alcohol gel hand sanitiser in the classroom gi

Below are the mentioned benefits which can only be enjoyed by contracting professional cleaners:

1. Specialized Tools and Equipment: A professional service company very well known for the new innovations and developments in the cleaning industry. They had invested their resources in revealing the most effective cleaning solutions as well as equipment available on the market.

They must possess various types of supplies and specific tools and cleaning solutions towards cleaning every kind of surface. They remember very well about the method to use every tool which provides immense cleaning quality.

2. Trained and Skilled Staff: A professional cleaning firm poses experienced, trained, and skilled experts. The employees are professional and are trained so many times. They are provided with different skilled training skills so as to clean all types of commercial environments and will provide excellent quality results. A professional company ensures you that they only hire verified background people so that you have no hesitation towards the security of your house.

3. Reduce your Environmental Footprint: Concerning environmental care, professional cleaning companies have walked through long decisive steps. An experienced cleaning company is committed to ensuring that its products are completely environment friendly.

They possess all the environment-friendly cleaning solutions which are safe for the environment along with that there will be no effect produced upon the people while cleaning work is under the process.

4. A Plan Tailored to your needs: All professional cleaning firms will always be eager to listen to your residential or commercial cleaning needs. They shall work by planning for cleaning and removing the germs and bacteria from your premises which suits your business.

A cleaning company can manage and have no problem and schedule and ready to work inside or outside their business hours and enables them to mobilize their experts if there is any additional work needed. They are furthermore adaptable and will amend their schedule to accommodate business requirements.

5. Deliver Exceptional Results: It is the most and last urged thing that every customer needs as it is what he is paying for. It is good for you to know that a professional cleaning service provider can change the look of your business completely after the cleaning operation. A welcoming environment shall be made as your premises start looking clean, and shiny.

Also, people have the best feeling when they enter your premises as they see the healthy environment is just waiting for them. The cleaning companies professionally trained staff, superior work and fast response times will make your business look imminent and clean. An outstanding cleaning routine like this will leave a respectful impression every time.

You should need professional cleaning due to the mentioned above reasons. You are just a common individual who is engaged in your business and other household work and is not aware of cleaning and lacks knowledge in the same field. Thus you should give a contract to the professional cleaning company for your premises.

Looking for Professional Cleaners? Contact Clean Group

Clean Group is a cleaning service in Sydney that is engaged in providing all types of commercial and residential cleaning services. The company’s packages are set for providing the need of every customer whether the owner of the property or a tenant. The company offers each and every type of cleaning service to the property.

The clean group poses an experienced team of cleaning experts to whom we trained with the latest cleaning technicalities. We have the latest technology of equipment which automatically sets itself upon every type of surface, small or big.

Our experts can easily understand the issues that your office has after meeting and visiting your office. We also provide night services so that you and your staff shall not get affected by your business working hours. We can easily schedule our timings as per your suitability and needs.

We provide quality residential cleaning but the majority of people feel like they can clean it on their own and there is no issue that they do it on their own. However, self-cleaning cannot clean or remove complete germs, bacteria, and viruses due to a lack of technical cleaning knowledge. Thus they lastly had the choice to opt for professional cleaning companies.

In commercial cleaning businesses, employees and staff can not effectively clean their office space. Indeed your company needs to focus on their business and not on the cleaning, as their work might get affected by this which also influences the business revenues hence you can give the contract to us for you complete quality cleaning.

Call us now or you can fill out the form on this page to partner with cleaning professionals who are part of the world’s biggest commercial cleaning service firms.

If the case is particularly about the office or other commercial spaces such as hotels, hospitals, schools, etc. then Clean group maximizes disease prevention and quality through the most advanced office cleaning technology. When it is the question of forming a sparkling clean, hygienic result, then technology will help you in performing on even the hardest uncleaned surface.

Thus we use the most advanced and relevant cleaning tools and equipment that can undergo any cleaning process or any type of shape of the surface can be cleaned through this advanced cleaning technology.

It consists of HEPA multi-filtration vacuum cleaning that enhances the indoor air quality, hospital-grade germicide disinfectant cleaning to eliminate the illness which is caused by the germ, and etc.

The clean group is currently leading in the residential and commercial cleaning premises as we had done investments in the latest technology equipment along with the investments in providing training to the experts of the clean group. No other company has done these types of immense investments as compared to us.

Why Choosing a Clean Group

  • The clean group offers you a 100% guarantee of providing high-quality cleaning. The cleaning is implemented by trained experienced experts. Also, we are present in the same industry for the last 15 years. Thus we can easily understand the issues of cleaning and provide you with effective cleaning.
  • The clean group provides you robust virus protection and ensures to kill the germs and bacteria from your place through the help of electrostatic disinfection using a virus shield.
  • The clean group cleans your space twice the halftime as we have I-Mop Scrubber and other state-of-the-art machinery.
  • It prevents cross-contamination through a colour-coded microfibre system.
  • With the help of products that abolish and destroy the carbon footprint, contaminants, and allergens your space gets eco-friendly and safe.
  • We are completely insured with complete insurance coverage and bonded cleaning.
  • We have a dedicated manager who settles out all the things concerning cleaning with seamless interaction and coordination through one stage of contact.
  • All the cleaning needs like deep cleaning, steam cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and window and glass cleaning, pressure washing, rubbish removal, etc can be executed in one place.
  • The major important thing is that the cost of all the service operations is pocket-friendly and is lesser as compared to the other professional cleaning companies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Cleaning Task Will You Conduct Under Office Cleaning?

Our price list is as per the needs of your infrastructure. It consists of mopping, vacuuming, cleaning desks, window washing, pressure washing, upholstery cleaning, bathroom and toilet cleaning, rubbish removal, etc. inside our quote everything is mentioned in that that the price, plans, etc this is what you shall obtain against your money.

What Is the Cost of Office Cleaning?

It truly relies on the size of space, the number of staff required, the time required, cleaning products, kind of tools, and solutions required. We suggest you book an inspection or visit your site so that the cleaning needs shall clearly get understood.

In this way, we can give you the perfect quote for your space cleaning. It will also help us to make an effective plan and prepare all the stuff before cleaning.

Do Commercial Cleaners Possess Police Clearance and Insurance?

Yes. We can get the nth degree to maximize your safety and minimize risks. It consists of full background validation which includes police verification and that is performed. We are also fully insured to guard you against any theft and damage. So don’t worry about anything and call us now.

Which Company Can Provide You with the Best Quote?

In Sydney, Australia there are various companies that have different quotes and their services are not always relevant to their service costs. The Clean Group Sydney clearly puts its demand as per the needs of the clients and we do not impose an unnecessary price or imposition of additional services in the needed service which is not required afterwards.

We only tell you the price as per the needs of your premises which are needed to get cleaned. Also, our quotes are too relevant and less costly with respect to the other professional cleaning companies.


As from the discussion, it is known that cleaning is a mandatory task in everyone’s life as our surroundings get dirty and unhygienic in our day-to-day life and we ourselves are responsible for making our space unhygienic. Thus it is our duty to make it clean and maintain a hygienic environment.

The above cleaning facts and figures told us various things concerning the cleanliness, the percentage of diseases and illness caused by not cleaning the space. Facts also include the records of the cleanliness that some European people have made.

There is a discussion about the number of germs accumulated and the loss of workdays in the offices imposed by illness due to a lack of cleanliness and a healthy environment.

In the other heading, there is a discussion about the need for professional cleaning service companies. It is so because every premises gets dirty in its daily life and needs to be cleaned effectively which the house owners unable to do so due to lack of knowledge and lack of tools and equipments.

Inside the cleaning service companies, a professionally trained cleaner do very well known about how to clean the surface with quality and also they poses advanced technology equipment and tools.

Germiest Places in Your Workplace (How to Keep Your Worksite Germ-Free)

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After Corona’s arrival, talking about germs seems like a trivial matter. Germs started to seem less harmful and no one likes to think about germs that cause disease, but we at Clean Group are well aware of it because we know around 98% per cent of workers are affected by minor diseases every year and you know the reason – germs in the office. In recent times Clean Group included COVID cleaning services and disinfection services. Our services have been appreciated by many customers and authorities.

Yes, you read it right, germs are the primary reason that 98% of workers get affected by some minor diseases. Well, it turns out that germs move faster. Really fast.

A recent study by some researchers suggests that it takes only 2-4 hours for germs to spread from an infected surface to 40 to 60 per cent of office surfaces.

A sick person touches the door on the way and most of their germs have spread to the office before lunchtime.

So, in this case, what do you do to stop the spread? There are some precautionary measurements that you can follow in your office and also encourage your employees to do the same.

All of them are listed below the most basic one is: Keep hands and shared surfaces clean. With the proper use of disinfectant wipes and hand sanitisers, as well as frequent hand washing you can reduce the number of infected surfaces by up to 80%!

But your employees have work to do and local cleaners don’t care about germs much. So what is the solution? Hiring a professional cleaning company is the solution you are looking for. Professionals will take care of everything so that you and your employees can focus on work.

Today, in this article we are providing a list of the 20 germiest places in your office, suggestions for keeping them germ-free, valid reasons to hire a professional cleaner and all the bits and pieces of this topic. Let’s start with the germiest places in the office.

20 Germiest Places in Your Office

According to an estimate, about 80% of diseases are spread by direct contact with contaminated surfaces. There are countless things at your workplace that your employees are touching every day and are in the grip of a variety of diseases – inadvertently. The following are the most germ-prone areas in your workplace. Keep an eye on them next time.

1. Door Handles

Everyone including you, your employees, customers, delivery guys etc uses door handles to get around your workplace. The more people do, the more types of germs can move from one person to another among all of your staff.

Make your staff aware of the risk, and guide them to wash their hands regularly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds to help prevent the spread of germs and viruses. You can also ask your cleaners to regularly disinfect all the door handles at your workplace.

2. Desktop

Desktops contain about 400 times more germs than a toilet seat. It has approximately 21,000 bacteria, viruses and fungi per square inch. As you have probably noticed, these microbe creatures travel on your hands as soon as you touch them and move through things. Therefore frequent hand washing is the key to preventing the infection from spreading.

3. Keyboard

You probably sneeze on it, eat on it, and sprinkle drinks on it. And you never clean it. Maybe sometimes not all the time. Even after that time, you had to check an important email in the middle of a cinnamon twist.

Do you know who likes the sticky fingerprints and pieces you leave on the keys? Germ. And if you share the keyboard with your colleagues, it could be worse. Each person adds their own oil, grime and food information.

4. Telephone

The office phone on the desk may be worse than your desktop, with an average of 25,000 germs, and viruses per square inch. Your staff or cleaners have to wipe the phone with a sanitizer a few times a day, especially if other people use it as well.

5. Office Equipment

After reading about phones, desktops and keyboards you probably understood that everything people touch frequently will have germs. Germs can hide and flourish on the buttons of printers, copiers, faxes, postal meters and other devices.

People rarely think about cleaning them. Each time you use the machine, keep some sanitizing wipes nearby to remind yourself that you are not the only one that is utilizing this equipment.

6. Watercooler, Drinking Fountain Buttons or Handles

Mostly the delivered water dispensers are not safe as compared to the regular tap water. Germs and bacteria can sit on the bottles while transporting the campers. Indeed people touch the cooler to get water.

Also, the water supplier does not pose any safety measures while refilling. So as to prevent illness and diseases like cold or fever, bring your own water bottle from home or purchase water bottles from shops.

Nothing can stop the germs and bacteria from spreading through dirty hands, moisture and spitting. In a study of drinking fountains, it comes known that the Colorado State Capitol, the Denver public library and a Denver bus terminal saw that they have mutual sources of rotavirus (a common cause of diarrhea) contamination and influenza A.

Your effective effort is to make the water run for 5 seconds prior to drinking and then wash your hand’s post utilization of the same. You can apply hand sanitizer to your infected hands.

7. Coffee Maker

The person who takes charge of cleaning the shared portion must be recognized. Choose a volunteer. Inside the damp germs get increased, dark in the machines.

Pour 4 cups of plain white vinegar, and leave it for a half-hour. Then start it and let it run inside, subsequent to the water cycles, unless the smell of vinegar emerges.

8. Coffeepot

The germs not only reside inside the coffee maker. They also sit on the pot which gets washed out as it must be on the daily grounds. You often do not pay attention to its handle which everyone touches.

9. Coffee Mugs

Sharing the mugs is safe when it is cleaned and washed and then dried however in research it is revealed that 90% have notable germs like “fecal matter” (that’s “poop” to you and me).

The issue is not only about the cups themselves or the users who use them. The major issue is that it arrives when you attempt to clean it through less than pristine supplies in the kitchen.

10. Sink

Similar to your house, a range of hands and food attracts germs and viruses. A faucet handle is the most touched part where everyone seeks to use it for themselves.

11. Kitchen Sponge

It poses wet and absorbent, touching it gives you germs and bacteria. Within 3 weeks the new sponges engaged with bacteria like E. coli and salmonella and people used the sponge daily, the germs and bacteria inside it get transferred to the other space of the office which includes coffee cups. Within 2 minutes the microwave kills most of the germs. You must use the technique and get rid of using the sponge every 2 weeks.

12. Microwave Door

In the present era, the majority of people warm or heat their lunch in these machines. Also, every person touches the door various times to open or close it, putting it inside or taking out the edibles.

The same handle is one of the dirtiest places inside the office. Half of the people tested have found that a higher level of chemicals is associated with living organisms. Sanitize the space and wipe it.

13. Vending Machines

Eating prepackaged food is also not a good option. The buttons on around 1 or 5 food machines are said to transfer the disease through germs as found in the research. (And refrigerator door handles about one-fourth of the time.) it does not increase up to that level but requires cleaning. Perhaps you do not think of these areas as these are food prep areas, but this needs to get cleaning attention.

14. Restrooms

There is a chance that bacteria like E. coli bacteria can overcome the office bathroom. You might face some problems in washing your hands as the faucet handles are dirty. Take a paper towel when you turn the water on and off or on pushing the handle to flush the toilet.

15. Refrigerator Door Handles

Bacteria grows inside the refrigerator home to leaking plastic food bowls, pull-out containers, mouldy yogurts, and furry sandwiches. You or your servant must clean and wipe the fridge of the office every 2 days with the help of an antibacterial cleanser.

However, this has not been going to get implemented by anyone. But once a week, the company must do it. An average fridge consists of nearly about 7,850 bacteria colony-forming units per square inch.

16. Door Handles

In recent times the CBS news has performed a test in which they put a non-harmful tracer virus on a single doorknob in an average-sized office. The tracer virus copied the mutual norovirus inside the contagiousness and resistance to antiseptics.

After 4 hours, 60% of office surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, phones, computers, and work areas, showed contamination. This is highly disappointing.

Nearly 19 to 21 million diseases every year are caused by noroviruses and are rooted in 56k to 71k hospitalizations and 800 or more deaths. The most common source of infection is reaching the surface of things that are contaminated through norovirus and then touching the mouth.

Gerba stated that washing the hands in a proper way and utilization of disinfecting wipes for norovirus and flu, can decrease the virus from getting spread by 80 to 99 per cent.

Declaration: In the last year when I read this, I brought a tube of antiseptic wipes, and every 2 to 3 days, I wiped down all the doorknobs in between my office and the lobby when I went to my house. I didn’t stop Howard Hughes-ish in my germophobia, though I was resembling.

17. Handrails on Escalators or in Stairwells

Gerba’s staff found food, E. coli, urine, mucus, feces, and blood on escalator handrails, and in mucus, there are cold and flu viruses as you will see. On handrails, it poses respiratory flora as people usually cough in their hands and then they touch the railings.

You should prevent touching handrails unless it is important to touch them. Use a hand sanitizer if you come in contact with the rails.

You must tell the person who takes care of the building to put the hand sanitizer dispensers at the tops and bottoms of every escalator, or on the stairwell doors.

If your urge is more than the amount paid then pose someone from the upper management to request that. When you tell them how many leaves your employee takes.

18. Non-Automatic Soap Dispensers in Restrooms

In Gerba’s research fecal contamination on a quarter of all office soap dispensers. If you touch it so as to take out the soap then scrub your hands and nails for some seconds prior to washing it from water, then you will be safe. In our previous blog, we revealed how lazy and reckless people are in washing their hands and leaving themselves in a hazardous state.

19. Your Desk

Most of the time you shall spend in your home and it is said to be your surface in which there are nearly 10 million germs at one time which is 400 times more with respect to the toilet seat. Eating on your desk is an irrelevant thing as the germs get accumulated on the edibles that you just set it down for some seconds.

In order to clean your space, you should wipe it with the help of an antibacterial wipe or through a vinegar-based solution. You should implement it once a week, it only takes 10 minutes. Indeed it saves that time of yours when you are on sick leave.

20. Shared Pens

It is important to think about giving the pen to the person nearby. The germs remain hidden for up to 72 hours on the surface.

You should clean it. People in your surroundings mostly asked for the pen as it is wholly used by you only and is no more infected. You must see the germs in your hand and wash your hands or disinfectant your hands through sanitisers.

Don’t freak out … take precautions and you should be fine

In the present time, you are just surrounded by billions and billions of germs and bacteria, it does not imply that you do not have to go all over Howard Hughes and get locked in the darkroom.

Humans are a wonderful creation and even though the germs harm the body, if you eat enough, take full rest, and wash your hands then you shall be fine in the cold and the flu season.

You should not be embarrassed by anyone when someone sees you wiping the office, doorknobs through citrus-smelling antiseptic wipes.

Tips for Keeping Your Office Germ-Free

Not feeling well in the flu season? Don’t think you are alone. This is the most harmful flu season in 10 years. All the people have tightened the sanitisers in their hands but they are thinking about how we look wearing a mask in public.

The manager’s responsibility is to prevent the flu from getting it held inside the office. As we are all familiar with, the flu seems to appear between work, it is a regular cycle of sick days and missed the last dates for the left-winger. Below are the mitigations for maintaining a healthy environment.

Offer Flu Shots

It is not a delay if you still have not seen the corporate flu shot firms to visit it in the offices. It is the case in which an ounce of precaution proves to be effective.

Stock Plenty of Cleaning Supplies

You must ensure yourself that your workers pose their bacteria-killing tools and solutions. You should motivate your employees that they should wipe their phones, desks, computer mice, and keyboards.
Ensure that Common Areas Are Cleaned Regularly

Your technical expert should be urged to have attention to those spaces in which the germs reside. They must wipe down elevator buttons, door handles, keypads, and public phones on a daily basis.

If you see that they are not paying attention to the cleaning in a strict way then you should notify them. You can wipe out the doorknobs in the current flu season. You are saving the company 100 working hours that might get lost if the employees take leave.

Have Your Ventilation System Checked

There are various stories about why we catch the colds and flu in winter inside the home with the close sick people, who find it more suspicious. You must ensure that your office has ventilation and heating systems for maximum airflow.

You should lessen the odds so that your workers shall not spread the flu, along with taking the prevention off from any diseases such as Legionnaire’s Disease, which is affected by germs that may hide in dirty vents.

Encourage Hand Washing

Think those hand-washing signs are only for the employees at the fast-food restaurant? This will make you think about your employees. One of the biggest things your employees do to stay healthy is that they regularly wash their hands.

The majority of people do not wash their hands properly so as to avoid the disease which causes germs and bacteria. The CDC advises humming “Happy Birthday” to yourself besides rubbing your hands with soap together, prior to rinsing them beneath the water, and drying them fully on a clean towel or through the dryer.

Remind Sick Employees to Stay Home

You must ensure that your workers should remember that they are not being offered any brownie points by the company by taking action in the work in their sickness. It is effective to stay at home for the day or exceed that so as to avoid the danger of infecting the whole department through the flu.

Hire Professional Office Cleaners

All above covid cleaning checklist & tips for keeping your office germ-free will surely help you to keep your staff safe but to guarantee your staff safety and to maintain a clean germ-free environment you can consider hiring a professional commercial of office cleaners.

They are professional and with their experience and quality services, equipment, knowledge, and effective cleaning products you can rely on them to keep your complete area germ free and clean.

Keeping the office and commercial premises clean and germ-free is usually more work than sight. Professional cleaning companies such as Clean Group are skilled in these types of cleaning tasks including dusting, mopping, sweeping disinfecting properly.

Experienced and well-trained cleaners with relevant practical experience in cleaning services provide hygiene solutions to issues that an untrained eye usually misses.

Why Every Office Need Professional Cleaners

Even when your workplace looks clean, germs can still be present, leaning and breeding in the corners of your workplace. Commercial places such as restaurants, health facilities and schools are committed to protecting the health of the public.

All workplaces should be sanitized. This includes ensuring proper disinfection of surfaces. Commercial cleaning services have the expertise to clean facilities properly.

Professional cleaning service providers can reduce the amount of absenteeism in your office to a minimum level. Billions of dollars are traded each year on sick days, employee compensation, and other costs associated with workplace illness.

Additionally, a large number of employees report to work when they are ill, increasing the risk of spread for those on the office premise. But professional cleaning companies can help your health by making it their business.

Why Do You Need a Professional Office Cleaner?

It is a well-known fact that viruses and germs cause common diseases like colds or flu. Professional commercial cleaning services know that virus-causing germs can remain on workplace surfaces for several days.

Normally viruses and germs are spread by people wiping their noses or mouth and then touching any surface. Whenever someone sneezes or coughs, these germs spread in the air and find a surface from which they can descend and become contaminated.

Professional office cleaning companies provide quality services to eliminate the risk of sickness and infection. They do this by creating a clean workplace and sanitizing thoroughly.

  • Professional commercial cleaning services are experienced and thorough.
  • Professional office cleaners know how and where germs work, live and spread.
  • Professional cleaning companies have professional-class cleaning equipment and supplies to ensure that work is done properly.

A commercial cleaning company believes that the most common way for germs to spread in the workplace is to touch contaminated surfaces.

These surfaces are usually the places employees touch every day very frequently, these hot spots include tap handles, telephones, light switches, door handles, etc.

Commercial cleaners make it a business to get rid of germs. These office cleaning companies know that absence from sickness in the workplace can cost employers a lot of money in both productivity and wages. In fact, one sick worker can infect the entire department, not to mention customers and guests.

Employers can encourage employees to stay home when they are ill and they can encourage other healthy behaviours such as hand washing, but for making your office a germ and disease-free workplace a more proactive approach is to hire office cleaners for your office, Especially by a professional cleaning company.

Clean Group is a professional cleaning company trained to take care and pay attention at the required level on surfaces – such as tap handles, light switches, and door handles – that are known to carry germs and viruses. The service of a cleaning service company is the best defence of your office against germs.

How Does Your Company Benefit from Professional Office Cleaning?

Commercial premises that are consistently cleaned and well-organized have a very low risk of spread of disease for those working there. Office Cleaning or Commercial cleaning services can provide this high level of hygiene, which also comes with many benefits for employers, such as:

  • Less sick days for employees
  • A happy and safe working environment
  • Increased productivity and subsequent profits
  • Better protection of office property

Now after knowing all the benefits, precautions and top 20 Germiest Places in Office you will probably have understood the importance of hiring a professional cleaning company and if you are looking for a reliable company then Clean Group is here to help you. More details about our business and service are provided below.

Clean Group Is Here to Make Your Offices Germ-Free

The Clean Group has been a leader in the commercial cleaning industry for over 20 years. The company has periodically updated its services as per the requirement.

With this proactive approach, they are providing an even better quality and longer-lasting clean environment at commercial locations, while the price is still easily affordable.

Our company Clean Group is one of the renowned commercial cleaning companies in Sydney and has offices in several suburbs. We have been providing affordable quality commercial cleaning, strata cleaning, industrial cleaning, and residential cleaning services for the last 20 years without any complaints. 

Clean Group can provide cleaning services in all commercial properties including offices, entertainment centres, hotels, warehouses, restaurants, movie theatres, clubs and malls etc. The company can provide cleaning through dry and wet methods.

These methods include rotor wash, truck-mounted steam cleaner, deep extraction, steam cleaning, encapsulation, floor maintenance, germicidal disinfecting wipes, etc. We provide a complete office cleaning service to meet all your cleaning needs, you can check our office cleaning checklist to know more about our office cleaning services.

We Will Clean Every Corner

We will use a damp microfiber cloth to wipe all surfaces. Remove all your waste papers, file folders, calendars, staplers, and other items so that your desk can be cleaned and well arranged.

We will also take care of areas such as power strips, fan blades, window stitches, the top of your monitor, or the top of a picture frame behind your desk.

Proper Desk Cleaning

We will completely vacuum your desk and every surface of your office alternately between upholstery brushes, narrow attachments and carpet attachments. We will focus on the areas we dusted before and will clear any loose dust that the cloth could not catch.

Disinfect Electronics

We will also disinfect the mouse, keyboard, office phone, and all the office appliances and frequently touch areas to eliminate the spread of germs and viruses. We at Clean Group, are ready to provide services as per your requirements and at your convenience.

We can clean and organize your desk daily, weekly, or on a schedule. We maintain a cleaning routine that makes it easier for us and of course for you as well.

Up-to-Date Methods

As new scientific discoveries are made around germs and virus transmission, we will continue to add to our knowledge about what can stop the germs and viruses from spreading. And then implementing the suggestion of government bodies into our cleaning work.

Cleaning, Disinfecting and Sanitizing V/s Germs

Cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing are not the same thing, but people are getting confused about these terms. So, here is the difference and benefits you should know about.

Cleaning removes germs, dirt and impurities from surfaces or objects with soap (or detergent) and (hot) water. Cleaning does not necessarily kill germs but reduces their numbers and risk of spreading the infection.

Disinfection uses chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. It does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on the surface after cleaning, it can reduce the risk of spreading the infection.

Sanitizing reduces the number of germs on surfaces or objects to safe levels. This process either cleanses or disinfects surfaces and objects to reduce the risk of infection spreading.


While sitting at the desk continuously for long periods of time, we do more than just work. We chew, sneeze, cough, touch and spill day by day. It is no surprise that our offices quickly become home to viruses, germs, and other microbes.

Above the germs is the clutter and filth of our busy lives that need to be organized and cleaned properly. It is necessary during the current situation as these microbe creatures are making our life harder.

Clean Group is a very reputed company especially known for Office Cleaning Sydney. The company has the experience, equipment, cleaning compounds and a team of experts. And by combining all together we will make your offices clean and germ-free. So, don’t wait and call us now.


What Is Daily Workplace Cleaning? (Definition, Tips, Benefits and Service Provider in Sydney )

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Running a business and managing your property comes with particular responsibilities. One of the top priorities for any business is to keep the office space clean at all times, especially since COVID-19 has created a demand from customers and employees alike for sanitary cleaning environments. Irrespective of whether the office receives customers frequently, keeping the office place clean at all times is the hygienic and safe thing to do.

Maintaining cleanliness standards in your office space also speaks towards your business standards for excellence. However, not every business has the time to manually clean the office every day after an eight-hour shift. That’s where Clean Group has your back. Daily commercial cleaning Sydney by a professional organization like Clean Group Sydney is the easiest way to maintain this standard of cleanliness in your workplace.

What Is Daily Commercial Cleaning? (Daily Cleaning Explained)

Cleaning an office space is quite different from cleaning an entire business office. In your office space, you’re less regulated on how clean it needs to be kept, especially if you have a private office space. While you might have some minimum cleaning standards you need to maintain, it’s straightforward or low management.

Entire office spaces are larger in size, have more rigorous cleaning procedures due to the high amount of traffic in the area, and require a lot more effort from whoever is cleaning them.

Clean Group Sydney uses industrial cleaning methods to get the dirt out of your environment. This commercial cleaning focus on efficient and quick cleaning solutions to clean out spaces in the shortest time possible, with the best results.

Commercial cleaners take up many tasks to help your commercial office stay clean. There are different cleaning service types that can cater to your varying business needs. If you don’t specifically request it, then you’ll be expected to follow a traditional commercial cleaning service which requires a schedule to be in place in order to plan your cleaning accordingly. This might be an hour after your last employee leaves each night or early in the morning before anyone comes to the office.

Some of the essential cleanings offered include tile and grout cleaning, hard surface cleaning, power washing, window washing, and so much more. Suppose you’re looking for a different type of cleaning service for your commercial property.

In that case, you’ll need to ask these questions to the commercial cleaning service company you’re looking to employ to ensure you’re getting what you need on the schedule that works best for you.

Daily Commercial Cleaning Sydney Keeps Your Office Sparkling
Daily commercial cleaning Sydney entails different daily cleaning activities that keep your entire office clean and germ-free.

These tasks also help maintain the durability of your office space equipment while reducing the repair and replacement of the equipment.

Customizing the daily cleaning list prioritizes cleaning tasks according to different office needs. No two offices have an identical cleaning requirement.

Your commercial cleaning service must correctly map out the customization of your daily cleaning activities for your office space to ensure you’re getting what you need.

What is Included in Daily Commercial Cleaning in Sydney?

Professional daily commercial cleaning offers an array of to keep your space clean and functioning correctly. In order to extend the life of your office equipment, office floor, furniture, and other office elements, here are the most essential daily commercial cleaning includes when hiring a daily commercial cleaner in Sydney:

1. Daily Vacuuming: All of the dirt and debris must be cleared from the office floor areas each day. This essential task helps to keep your environment clean and ready for customers to visit.

Daily vacuuming also helps to maintain a dust-free area, which is helpful for employees or customers who have allergies and need a hygienic and dust-free office in order to produce their best work.

2. Mopping Of All Tile and Hard Floor Area: With multiple people walking on the floors in commercial spaces every day, whether that be your clients or employees, you can guarantee that a bunch of germs has made their way onto the floor around you.

For those hygienic reasons, the hard floor area must be mopped regularly. When the floor is mopped, it helps to disinfect the surface area and keep the floor as clean as possible. It also helps to prolong the life and colour of your hard floor tile.

3. Wipe Down and Disinfect All Glass Surfaces: There are many germs flying around your office environment due to all of the daily interaction that happens. The disinfection of your glass surface every day helps to reduce the germs on your premises.

This also keeps your staff and workforce healthy from their multiple contacts with these surfaces, ensuring that they are protected and able to come into work each day.

4. Empty all waste bins and wash them as it applies to particular waste bins: Emptying the bins is a hygienic must-do daily task for any space. Piling garbage can lead to unpleasant odours, upset customers, and can leak or stain the surfaces around it.

This is one of the most essential daily commercial cleaning in Sydney that cannot be missed. Washing the waste bin after emptying them depends on the kind of dirt or waste the bin contains.

5. Polishing of brass surfaces and other surfaces that require polishing: Aside from disposing waste and wiping down glass surfaces, polishing brass surfaces for that clean and shining effect is also very important.

Remember that the cleanliness of your commercial space can impact the brand perception or image customers will make about your company. Polishing the surfaces that need, it helps preserve the life of these brass surfaces and maintains a cleaner environment for your customers and staff to operate in.

6. Disinfect hard surfaces with mild disinfectant: Disinfection of hard surfaces, such as the floors, tiles, kitchen, and bathroom surfaces, are essential tasks that must be done every day.

If your office is full of people walking in and out each day, it’s necessary to keep everyone safe and clean by eliminating any germs they may come into contact with by touching hard surfaces. Cleaning all hard surfaces with a mild disinfectant helps to leave a clean and hygienic area to work in.

7. Wipe down door handles and light switches for cleaner surface areas: Surprisingly, door handles and light switches are some of the surface areas that people touch the most in an office space.

Due to a large number of a contact on these surface areas, there is typically an accumulation of germs that needs to be cleaned with disinfectant. Wiping these surface areas is very beneficial to keep your office space germ-free and healthy to work in every day.

8. Keeping A Clean Bathroom and Break Space: Daily cleaning for the break and washroom is also very important. When commercial cleaner works in this space, they need to perform many tasks to ensure that it’s cleaned to standards.

This usually includes: Using spray on all surfaces in the toilet, including doors, sinks, and appliances, wiping down all surfaces, including mirrors, glass, and brass, wiping all dishwashers and clearing all dishes from the previous day, refilling all soap dispensers and making sure they all work, disinfecting and wiping down all basins, emptying waste bins, and adding new liners.

In recent studies, it states that owning a healthy and hygienic office space raises productivity. It is essential to pose clean and maintained office spaces to have an assertive impact on your clients and give motivation to the employees.

The majority of the business owners think it important to get assistance from professional cleaning to maintain the tidiness and healthy environment in their offices.

But the rates of the cleaning companies vary as per the quality of their along with other factors. Various commercial cleaning firms provide distinct ranges of cleaning, however, it is hard to pick any one of them that proves to be the best of all. Free Commercial cleaning quotes are obtainable by contacting cleaning companies in your local area.

Below are 9 tips to assist you in picking an effective commercial cleaning company for you:

  • Check online reviews: For finding the best commercial cleaning company it is the very first step to check online reviews of the cleaning companies as the internet helps you in finding credibility, authenticity, and reliability. It shall give you clear and quicker results. Online reviews pose an effective method to compare the cleaning companies and the quality they provide. You can check out the reviews by using social media such as Facebook and Linkedin.
  • Compare quotes: Post researching online choose the companies which you like the most by shortlisting them, contact them and stay in touch with them along with that arrange an onsite assessment. All the information shall be provided to you through these firms, they will tell you along with the charges and some companies have the gesture to visit your office to know about the type of need for your office. It is a nice chance to urge any other questions that you might have.
  • Reputation: Ask for references!!! If you want to know some additional things about the companies then you can call those customers who are presently taking from these commercial cleaning companies. Few customers will tell you about the honesty and reliability of the cleaning companies. They shall suggest to you the company’s quality. The reputation of the company will tell you about its and the credibility of the company.
  • Experience: Recognising the experience of the cleaning company is a mandatory factor. The experience is the only key which proves that the company had built out an effective system and could simply manage the cleaning problems.
  • Affordability: The major thing that you need to consider before choosing the company is its price and rates towards its. You need to take out some choices and filtrations and then choose that company which fits in your pocket. You can check how the price is relevant with respect to the amount of work done. It shall assist you in deciding if the company asking for the price is genuine or if it is providing poor quality with lower rates.
  • Employees: The employees of the cleaning company shall spend a lot of time at your space in making it clean and tidy which you are going to hire for your office cleaning. Thus you must ensure that the company from which you are going to take the is verified and poses experienced staff. Just question them about their hiring process and if they check the employee’s background or not. This shall make you satisfied that the company you had chosen is effective for your office cleaning.
  • Quality of cleaning: A professional cleaning company must give an intensive quality of service. Prior to hiring for your office space, you must ensure the kind of they are offering. It is mandatory to look out for the kind of equipment and tools that your company uses. All these cleaning tools must be advanced and equipped with the latest technology so that optimized cleaning can be provided to your office space.
  • Flexibility: The cleaning company which you hire should possess flexible working. Every company has different working hours and thus the cleaners must be able to manage their cleaning schedule so that it suits your routine. Your work should not get affected by cleaning your premises.
  • Eco-Friendly techniques: It is the duty to take care of the environment in day-to-day life. There are lesser chances for humans to get exposed to chemicals and cleaning residues along with diminishing any negative influence on the environment if you use Green cleaning. The majority of the cleaning firms are choosing green solutions for cleaning. See if the company you hire for your space cleaning uses eco-friendly cleaning.

The method to use eco-friendly cleaning consists of microfiber technology, use of products that take care-off the health and safety, practising through the tools which lessen noise pollution, etc. If you opted for a company that uses eco-friendly solutions then you are saving the environment.

Why Choose Professionals for Daily Commercial Company in Sydney

Opting for the cleaner can draw various professional office cleaning advantages for your business. If you are thinking that you do an investment cost-effectively and in trustworthy pc this.

Adding a professional office cleaning service to your weekly or monthly business plan or upgrading the present one could draw various advantages for your workspace. Towards employee’s health, it can prove to be an effective investment. In building the decision there are professional cleaning advantages to acknowledge.

Professional Office Cleaning towards the healthier work environment in Sydney

There are bacteria, allergens, and viruses that get spread in the environment. Through the employee, customers, and visitors illness can be spread by touching surfaces like desks, computer keyboards and door handles.

Dusting, vacuuming, mopping, etc are some regular professional office cleaning activities that enhance the health of your work environment as it lessens the rate of bacteria, germs, and allergens in the workplace.

Allergens like dust mites and mould spores can activate the signs of allergy and asthma, probably appearing on sick days and reducing productivity.

Clean Office = Good First Impression

When the visitors enter the offices they feel overwhelmed by the environment of the space which is hygienic along with stain-free carpets and reception area seating and zero dust on the lighting fixtures and a clean bathroom stocked with paper goods and full soap dispensers.

It makes your confidence higher towards guests in the conference room where the ambience is created with a fresh smell and cleaned surfaces appear that attract even the most hated person.

Commercial Office Cleaning: Less Hassle For You

There is a lot of time that is consumed through running a business and you must not get worried about routine tasks such as vacuuming the lobby or restocking the paper towels in the restrooms.

A professional cleaning company ensures to remove the hardships of cleaning the daily grime from your facility. Our Clean Group Sydney gets fitted in any schedule in our company. We have experts who clean daily, weekly, or monthly and day-time only cleaning.

Office Cleaning Done Right

It is essential for your employees to maintain a clean workspace so that your customers get attracted to the ambience of your office every time their visit.

An office cleaning team is subjected to ensure that all the needs should be met. When the expertise gets to indulge in our cleaning professionals then we pose more than 65 years of experience in the industry, through advanced equipment and effective quality cleaning products.

We are highly promised to finish the job on our first date. You can approach our Clean Group Sydney Clean commercial cleaning specialists to consider which office cleaning may best accommodate your business or facility.

Long-term Cost Savings

If your professional cleaning is executed in a thorough manner then will not take out the advantages of cleaning the long-lasting furniture, floors, carpets, and equipment.

You are required to urgently repair or replace the said items less often towards the object like carpet can save you money.
As professional office cleaning is more cost-effective than you think, professional cleaning must be seen as an investment in your business.

Looking for Professionals for Daily Cleaning? Clean Group Sydney is Here

There are a lot of cleaning companies, and each of them has its own benefits. However, if you don’t want to compromise on quality, Clean Group Sydney is here for you.

We, Clean Group Sydney have been in the commercial cleaning business for the last 15+ years, we are Sydney-based Australia’s leading commercial cleaning company. We have been providing quality daily commercial cleaning for decades.

At Clean Group Sydney, our daily cleaning service is where we are strongest. We have specially designed our cleaning to meet the daily cleaning needs of your workplace.

We observed that employees do better without the presence of cleaning staff and that many businesses opt for out-of-hours service, but with Clean Group Sydney you don’t have to worry about anything. We are fully flexible, which means we can clean your premises at any time.

One more benefit you can avail yourself is that we also included disinfection and sanitation in daily commercial cleaning packages. At Clean Group Sydney we have created a dedicated team of scavengers who have been trained in a special COVID-19 cleaning and disinfection process to deal with common germs, bacteria, and viruses in Sydney.

We will thoroughly disinfect and sanitize your office or property, including floors, doors, door handles, light boards, window stitches, kitchens, bathrooms, and more to ensure your family, as well as workers, be safe against Corona.

Clean Group Sydney has a team of 50+ highly skilled specialist cleaning experts, experienced in professional cleaning of a range of commercial and residential properties including offices, warehouses, retail stores, malls, hospitals, childcare centres, and more. So, don’t wait, call us now!

Clean Group’s Four Cornerstones of Office Cleaning in Sydney

At Clean group Sydney commercial cleaning, we implement monthly offers that we are providing high standards of cleanliness. These audits make more concerned about the work and motivation to provide effective results.

  1. Discretion: In your office space more specific, important, and confidential work gets implemented. commercial cleaning looks towards the security and privacy of your business it then puts discretion and privacy on priority.
  2. Flexibility: Commercial cleaning shall listen to you and learn about your business requirement and then implement accordingly. It implies that we and our experts can work during office hours with the frequency you consider suitable for your business. If any of your office products or equipment is not working then we shall assist you in seeking the solution for the same.
  3. Customer Focused: Commercial cleaning urged our customers to feel overwhelmed and pay attention to them. In cleaning training and customer service training programs every expert from our team has participated. Our team is involved and eager to learn newer cleaning techniques. We exercise in that sense so as to provide effective cleaning results and higher quality customer service.
  4. Managing Budgets: It is mandatory for us that we provide value to our customers against their money. Commercial cleaning offers immense quality and professional valuable price We can execute this by maximizing the cleaning productivity levels. Through our company’s in-house auditing system we shall confirm that we are meeting your scope of work.

What will our Commercial Cleaners do in Sydney?

Clean Group Sydney as a professional cleaning company will ensure that your workplace remains clean at all times. We will clean your premises with our customized to match the needs of each customer, as often as you need.

Our sweepers will perform tasks such as desk cleaning, floor cleaning, bathroom cleaning, bins emptying, floor vacuuming, and cleaning of communal areas such as staff kitchens.

Our Working Process in Sydney

In this technology-oriented era, technology provides a great help in almost every task, field, and process. Thus we have also added the latest technology to our inspection and cleaning process.

Our team will be supported with the latest equipment, gadgets, gears, and cleaning compounds so that no stone remains unturned. Our professional and well-trained scavengers will reach, inspect and clean the toughest corners of your home. Our working process is very straightforward, and here we will follow the steps that we will follow.

First, Contact Us

To experience our quality, you first have to contact us and share your details. There are various ways to contact us. You can make a call, send an email, walk to your office, or request a quote from the website.

Initial Inspection

After getting a call from you, our executives will visit your office or site on the same day (if possible). After reaching there they will first ask you about your cleaning requirements, they will find out and mark the area which needs a deep cleaning or special care. We will mark these areas and then we will also identify spots where they can hide and grow later.

Create a Plan and Offer a Quote in Sydney

After inspection, We will make a master plan to provide you with a regular cleaning solution. We will choose the most effective cleaning compound along with techniques/ solutions to provide you with the best possible solution. We will prepare a quote for the job and will seek your approval.

Best Daily Commercial Cleaning in Sydney

After making all the arrangements, we will clean the complete area as per the checklist we provided above. During cleaning, we will make sure to clean everything without causing any damage. After completing the daily job we will also conduct a Post-cleaning inspection.

Why Choose a Clean Group for Daily Commercial Cleaning Responsibilities in Sydney?

There are various reasons to hire Clean Group Sydney for daily commercial cleaning in Sydney, we listed some of them below.

  • Unmatched Experience: We feature 15+ years of experience in this field. We are leading commercial cleaning companies and some of the big offices in Sydney are our clients. We have all the resources, expertise, staff, and equipment to give you the level of cleaning you want.
  • Value for Money: From our experience, knowledge, team, and equipment our target is to fulfil your needs for cleaning with quality and satisfaction. If there is any problem concerning cleaning then you can call us again and we shall come and clean your place without any charge.
  • Only Quality Products: Clean Group Sydney only uses quality products, whether it is cleaning compounds or cleaning tools or stuff we only choose quality products. In this commercial cleaning guide, we keep everything clean to a higher standard and also save time, effort, and money.
  • Always ready for your last-minute request: Do you want to get your space tidy prior to arriving your guests whom you have invited? Then leave it for us to get clean. We are ready to receive and act upon your requests. Our team will come to your home and get your house clean and tidy in a very lesser time before arriving with your guests.
  • Cleanliness with extra care: We assume your office is ours and treat it as per its needs of it in an effective manner. For example: to ease out your work in which you can do your work in a peaceful way besides that through our equipped accessories and gears shall clean out the property effectively.

We know that in your official work you are just busy. This is the major cause of why we are dedicated to providing you with effective office cleaning at a lower price.

Indeed we only use eco-friendly products for office cleaning so as to save the environment of the office. Providing immense quality is the major goal of our Clean Group Sydney which makes your office free from germs and viruses and leaves it clean.

Through the reception area, offices, meeting rooms, washrooms to kitchens we will clean your premises according to your requirement that too includes frequency, depth of cleaning, and time of cleaning.

Benefits of Maintaining A Healthy Workplace in Sydney

Using a daily commercial cleaning Sydney service helps you to maintain a healthy and happy workplace environment. There are many health benefits that your workers and clients will enjoy when you provide them with hygienic premises.

When you disinfect the surface, you reduce the spread of flu and harmful germs. It also helps to reduce the amount of sickness your employees can catch throughout the office.

There are different cleaning schedules and to-do lists for various office spaces to ensure your clients and employees are coming to a healthy and professional working environment every day.

For daily commercial cleaning in Sydney, the above recommendations on suggested to-do tasks should be integrated into your cleaning process to ensure you’re getting all the dirt and germs out.

However, it’s not always a reality to do this list yourself, as it’s pretty long and requires many steps. Instead, choose a commercial cleaning Sydney service, like the Clean Group Sydney, to get the commercial cleaning service you need to offer your clients and customers an adequately cleaned office.

How Much Does It Cost to Have an Workplace Cleaned?

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It’s a question we get asked again and again and again. Just how much does office cleaning in Sydney really cost?

The trouble is that the answer to this question isn’t quite as straightforward as you might first think.

Pricing professional cleaning services requires a lot of different itemized considerations as well as other factors.

We’re going to explain what goes into pricing an office cleaning job in Sydney through this post.

Once you’ve read through it, you should have a better idea of what goes into the pricing of commercial cleaning costs.

The Price of Office Cleaning in Sydney Isn’t a Fixed Price

The fact we’ll need to get out of the way first concerns the nature of pricing cleaning jobs.

Every single commercial cleaning project that’s undertaken is completely different. There are different considerations to take into account, which we’ll go into detail below. 

But this fact means that there is never a single fixed price that companies should expect to pay for office cleaning.

If you’re ever communicating with an office cleaning that offers a fixed price for an office cleaning, you should steer clear.

It’s an obvious example of a company that doesn’t know what it’s doing. An experienced, professional commercial cleaning company will always inspect the property before committing to a price.

A price quotation will then be provided based on what the company found during this inspection.

This initial inspection is the only way to ensure all the factors below are taken into consideration.

If you take a fixed price before anyone inspects your property, chances are they’re going to do a poor job of the clean.

As we know, a bad cleaning job isn’t a cleaning job at all; it’ll need cleaning again.

Make sure you’re always working with a cleaning company that’s transparent about the need to inspect and price up individual jobs.

Now that we’ve gotten the lack of a fixed price out of the way, let’s go into some of the factors that impact the price of an office cleaning.

Our workplace cleaning guide got info on everything you need to know about office cleaning.

The Size of the Property

Perhaps the most important aspect to bear in mind in regard to cleaning prices is the size of an office or commercial property.

This seems fairly self-explanatory, but you’d be surprised how many people get confused by this fact.

The reality is that it’ll take more cleaners or a longer period of time to clean a larger office compared with a smaller one.

This is why there can never really be a fixed price for a cleaning job. Property size has a number of caveats that also need to be considered.

For example, you may have a large office, but one that only spans a single room.

If you have a large office with a lot of segmentation, this may take longer to clean. This is because attention will need to be given to each room in the office itself.

You should also consider what type of rooms are on your property. Meeting rooms, for example, will usually need to be more presentable because you may be hosting board members or significant customers.

If the cleaning job involves toilets or a kitchen, these are entirely different cleaning approaches.

Whereas if you just have offices with desk space, there are less diverse cleaning methods to consider.

When performing an inspection a cleaning company will likely size up your property in square feet.

This will then be one of the key factors in determining the total price of the job itself.

Interior and Exterior

Another factor that’s sometimes forgotten is whether or not a cleaning job includes any exterior cleaning.

Your office exterior can sometimes be vital to ensuring that you continue to attract business.

It provides the first impression of your business for a lot of people, meaning it has to look its best. 

But a commercial cleaning job that also involves exterior cleaning will also likely cost extra overall.

This is because this is an entirely additional area of the property that requires extra attention.

We would always encourage exterior cleaning integration for offices where their exteriors are prominently featured.

It’s rarely a good idea to look great on the inside but look ghastly on the outside.

But there are additional cleaning methods that are involved. These include bearing in mind any seasonal maintenance, as well as potential pressure washing walls.

These are all jobs that aren’t always required; it depends on the nature of your office property.

This is why the exterior of your property can be just as important of a factor as its interior.

If you don’t have any exterior, and your office is in a larger complex, then you may be looking at a lower price overall by comparison.

Office Flooring

Now we come onto one of the tricky topics of office cleaning jobs; your office flooring.

Office flooring comes in all shapes and sizes. You might have hardwood flooring, which requires mopping and shining regularly.

Or, you might have carpets, which can be a more challenging beast for a cleaning company to vanquish.

Carpet cleaning can add an additional amount of time to the total time required for a cleaning of your office.

This can then impact the overall price. This can make some office owners wary.

But the truth is that, if you have carpet, you need to get it professionally cleaned regularly.

Carpets are an area of your property that can house harmful bacteria and allergens.

These can then infect your employees, causing them to get ill. Carpets can also be quite challenging because there are different variations in terms of material and design.

That means there are several different approaches that need to be taken for your carpet, depending on its nature.

All of this will be assessed by a professional cleaning company during an initial inspection.

Hardwood flooring is usually easier to clean than carpets, but this can come with its own caveats.

That means it’s essential to ensure a cleaning company inspects your flooring before providing a cost estimation.

Extra Cleaning Requirements

We touched on this a little bit in the section above when we mentioned kitchens and bathrooms.

Sometimes, offices have extra items that might need particular attention. If there is a kitchen, this will likely include a microwave and other kitchen facilities. It may even include an oven, which will need deep cleaning periodically.

Toilets require their own unique approaches to ensure they remain sanitary for all employees. This will usually include mopping, bleaching, and other methods.

But there are additional items found within offices that some business owners tend to forget. These can include things like an office coffee machine, or a water dispenser.

These are machines that your employees are using every single day, regularly.

They naturally get dirty and can spread bacteria and other infections if not cleaned.

Some of these machines however have their own extensive methods of cleaning.

Some of them may require taking apart, or the use of special chemicals that aren’t used in traditional cleaning.

When performing an inspection, a cleaning company will ask you whether you need these extra items cleaned, and how often.

They will then create an itemised list for you, which they will use to tally up the total costs of the job overall.

This itemisation is the best way of pricing and is used by companies engaging in only the best commercial cleaning in Sydney.

It’s a proven way of ensuring you know what every cleaning job entails before you agree to a price.

The Location of Your Office

The location of your office will also likely factor into the total cost of any cleaning project.

This is because the cleaning companies in your particular area may charge more if you’re in a more affluent area.

This is why you must always search for commercial cleaning near me if you’re looking for a local company.

It’s usually better to hire a local company, as they won’t have to travel as far to get to your property. Sometimes, a long drive will need to factor into the total cost of a cleaning job.

This is because of petrol costs as well as the time it’ll take a company to get to and from your office location.

There are usually cleaning companies who are specialists in your particular area, particularly if you’re living in a city.

If you’re looking for commercial cleaning in Sydney or office cleaning in Sydney, you’re already in the right place.

Equipment, Chemicals, and Team Members 

Certain cleaning equipment or chemicals will be required for specific office jobs.

Sometimes, this may be equipment that only a certain number of employees know how to operate. Or, these may be chemicals that aren’t usually used in office cleaning jobs.

This can then become a factor that impacts the total cost of a project overall. When itemising, a professional cleaning company will assess what chemicals and equipment will likely be needed for a particular job.

This will be based on specific rooms, exterior space, and any unique equipment.

The reality is that chemicals cost, so if you need an expensive chemical to be used, the price of your cleaning job will likely increase.

Another factor that’s usually based more on the size of a property is how many cleaners will be needed.

If you need a cleaning job completed in a certain amount of time, a company may need to dedicate more cleaners to make this a reality.

The more cleaners there are on the job, the more salaries need paying. That means that the overall cost of the office cleaning job is likely to go up as a result.

A reliable commercial cleaning company will only ever charge you what is necessary, however.

Make sure to find out how many cleaners will be needed, and what chemicals, if you’re unsure.

Office Cleaning Costs Depend on Your Needs

The final point to bear in mind is the fact that commercial cleaning costs will always depend on your needs.

An experienced cleaning company will be able to work with you based on your personal budget.

But you need to ensure transparency in what you require, and you must allow for an initial inspection.

Another aspect of your needs that can impact the cost is the regularity of cleaning jobs. Some office owners may want offices cleaned a couple of times a week.

Whereas others may request that a professional clean is only handled once and more. As a general rule, the more regular the cleaning is, the slightly lower the price will be.

This is because you’re creating repeating customs for the cleaning company.

Make sure you’re always communicating these needs to a cleaning company during an initial consultation.

Because ultimately, the final agreed-on price for a cleaning job will depend on you.

An experienced commercial cleaning company will know their overheads and the prices they need to charge for any given job.

The hard part for you is finding a company that’s experienced, transparent, and trustworthy in office cleaning.

Luckily for you, if you’re in the Sydney area, you’re already on the website you need.

How Much Do Clean Group Charge for Office Cleaning Jobs?

Here at Clean Group, we price all of our cleaning jobs based on our itemised reports from an initial inspection.

We’re always fair and transparent in communicating what needs cleaning to our customers at all times.

We work with you, to ensure you get a quoted price for commercial cleaning in Sydney that’s affordable and reasonable for the amount of work we’re putting in.

To find out more about office cleaning in Sydney, or to book an initial consultation, please make sure to contact our team directly today.

How Do You Professionally Clean an Workplace?

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It’s fair to say the coronavirus has expanded everyone’s knowledge of effective cleaning products. But you may not be able to keep your commercial business as clean as it needs to be. What you need is a professional cleaning crew.

The kind of Sydney office cleaning provides, will vary from company to company. Make sure you take stock of what work your business needs to have done. Then, research the services provided by your cleaning company of choice.

With a lot of options on the table, we want you to make the right choice for your business. So keep reading to find out what kind of commercial cleaning Sydney has to offer.

Commercial vs. Domestic Cleaning

Are commercial and domestic cleaning services the same? What’s the difference between hiring a standard cleaner vs. a commercial cleaning company?

Domestic cleaners service homes and apartments. Commercial cleaners work with hotels, restaurants, office buildings, hospitals, and more. These are larger-scale companies that provide more thorough services.

With a commercial cleaning service, you’re going to get a deeper clean. They’ll use stronger disinfectants and heavy-duty machinery.

It’s not unusual for crews to use industrial vacuums, buffers, and window-washing equipment. This helps them cover a larger area and a higher number of tasks.

Services Offered

The best commercial cleaning services offer anything from in-depth scouring to light spot-cleaning. Prior to the pandemic, office cleaning companies may have focused more on cleaning. Now, most companies should offer thorough disinfecting services.

Be sure you’re hiring an experienced company with an eye for detail. Their crew should have complete knowledge of how to care for commercial spaces.

A Routine Clean

The standard services for commercial cleaning vary. But if you’re ordering a weekly visit, typically the crew will cover a few common areas. 

Office Buildings

First, your company should be emptying any litter or recycling bins. They’ll sweep up litter that’s lying about and dispose of everything properly.

They should dust surfaces like bookshelves, picture frames, and windowsills. And they’ll do a basic clean of the surfaces. This should cover desks, tables, chairs, and countertops. 

Window cleanings may be included in routine visits, but might be part of a different package. Routine visits may also include vacuuming and mopping.

Finally, wiping down all surfaces in the toilets, kitchen, or break room is an essential part of each visit. Cleaning toilets, faucets, and doorknobs should be routine as well. 

Childcare Centres and Schools

Childcare centres and schools often need extensive cleaning. This is because they bring together hundreds of children into semi-confined spaces. And children can easily take in germs and bacteria.

Children have developing immune systems. They also tend to put their hands in their mouths. They’re not as conscious about hygiene and may need reminders to wash their hands. 

As a result, their spaces can be more bacteria-filled than others. Cleaning services should take this into account when cleaning any childcare facility.

Play areas will be paid special attention to. Crews will vacuum or steam-clean carpets and spray down toys and tabletops. Any play structures will be thoroughly disinfected as well. 

Other key areas include interior rooms, toilets, hand basins, and nappy changing stations. These require hard-core, eco-friendly cleaners to tackle the residue that can build up. 

The best cleaners will disinfect these surfaces to keep bacteria from spreading. It’s often too hectic to maintain proper cleaning throughout the day. So having a cleaning crew come in covers all your bases. 

Finally, taking care of windows, blinds and floors should be standard practice. Your cleaning crew should sweep, vacuum and mop at each visit. They should dust and polish the windows and blinds with disinfectant.

Hotel Lobbies and Rooms

If you’re in a hotel, there are several categories of cleaning that need to get done. You likely already have staff that assists with laundry, clean-up, and light maintenance. These teams will tackle your day-to-day needs.

For deeper cleans, you may have a crew come in-between visits to do a deep clean of each guest room. They may perform services like steam-cleaning the carpets, disinfecting the toilets, and dusting. 

You may also bring in an overnight team to work on areas like the lobby, waiting rooms, the hotel gym, or the gift shop. Cleaning companies can offer laundry services, too. But you may need to hire a separate service for that. 

Hospitals and Doctors’ Chambers

Now more than ever, hospitals need to maintain the highest level of cleanliness. Cleaning companies should cover every inch of your medical facility. This will help limit the spread of germs and disease. 

One of the key places to disinfect is the waiting area. Cleaning crews will disinfect all surfaces, and chairs and help purify the air as well. Any magazines or toys kept for patients to use should be disinfected, too. 

Every chamber should be cleaned before and after a patient visit. All cabinets, jars, and equipment are properly sterilized. Beds and couches should be cleaned thoroughly as well.

The right cleaning crew will make sure to cover those oft-missed spots like blinds and lamps. Any wall-mounted TVs, computer monitors, and keyboards should be disinfected too. Crews should consider any frequently touched objects and make those a priority.

Gyms and Exercise Spaces

Gyms should be cleaned and disinfected daily. Encouraging your patrons to clean their machines after use is a great way to keep germs at bay. But hiring a professional cleaner can ensure you keep the bacteria at a minimum

What you don’t want to end up with is a gym that smells like a musty locker room. Those smells are often caused by leftover bacteria from sweat. Not only are they unpleasant to your clients, but they’re unsanitary, too. 

Make sure you have your air purifying system functioning properly. Sometimes, cleaning crews can help with this! Ask if that’s a service they offer, and then bring them in to cover the rest of the gym, too.

Routing cleaning at a gym or in a workout space involves several steps. Usually, one of the first steps is to clean the exercise machines. If possible, the crew will wash all machines from top to bottom, removing grease, sweat residue, and fingerprints.

Many gyms have walls of windows, so a cleaning crew should tackle those as well. You should return to your gym the next day with clear, smudge-free windows.

Gym cleaning companies should scour showers, toilets and changing rooms with eco-friendly disinfectants. They should remove any soap scum or grime that’s stuck to tiles or countertops. 

Covering Hotspots

When you search “commercial cleaning near me” make sure they deep-clean the most-used areas in your building. These include kitchens and toilets but should include any other common spaces, too. With greater traffic in these areas, more germs and bacteria will build up.

Commercial cleaning companies can tackle these in a number of ways. 
First, the crew will go in and clean the space. They’ll wipe down surfaces, sweep the floors, and dispose of any trash.

The next step is to spray disinfectant on each surface, letting it sit for 10-15 minutes. This will kill any remaining germs. They’ll mop the floors more thoroughly and, if required, tackle the walls as well. 

Any surface that people come into contact with needs to be disinfected often.  If you’ve had an outbreak at your business or need a deeper clean, opt for services that involve high-powered sprayers. The crew should use PPE and cover all surfaces including chairs, desks, and equipment.

Tackling the Exterior

Not all cleaning companies will offer to clean your office exterior. However, this can keep your building from looking run-down and tired. If you’re trying to attract new clientele, consider cleaning your building’s exterior.

A standard exterior cleaning will involve checking the grounds for trash and debris. The team will empty outdoor litter bins and maintain any potted plants.

For a deeper clean, they may wash and polish exterior windows. They could also remove grime or smudging by cleaning signs. Finally, pressure-washing the walls can breathe new life into your office exterior. 

Office Cleaning Sydney: What to Expect

There are a few things that separate the best commercial cleaning services from the rest. When you hire a company for your office or place of work, here’s what to look out for.

Bring Their Own Equipment

You should never pay extra for cleaning supplies or equipment. Your cleaning company should supply everything. This includes vacuums, sprays, and wipe cloths.

You may have supplies on hand already. Maybe you have a vacuum in the storage closet or a set of brooms. If that’s the case, and you don’t mind the crew making use of them, let them know when you give them a tour of the facility. 

But generally speaking, be wary of requests to provide the supplies for them. Any reputable company will bring everything they need to get the job done properly. 

Arrive on Time 

Professional cleaning crews arrive on time. This is especially important if you need your place of business to be cleaned at a certain time of day. You can’t have a crew arriving late.

You also want to make sure your company completes their job in an efficient time frame. If you have clients showing up at 5 am to use your gym, you don’t want your cleaning crew to still be there finishing up. 

Check off All the Boxes

This may be a no-brainer, but your crew needs to get every task done and done well. You shouldn’t find any trash under desks or tables. If you’ve requested a deep clean, you should walk in and feel the difference in the air. 

Make sure you take a walk around your building after the cleaning crew has finished. Inspect all the tasks you asked them to complete. Nothing is worse than finding rings left in the toilet or smudges on mirrors and windows. 

Maintain Worker and Employee Safety

The cleaning team may be working while employees or clients are still using the building. If that’s the case, you want to make sure they prioritize safety. They shouldn’t be putting their own team members or yours in danger.

If you’re in an office, noise is going to be an issue, too. Hire a crew that knows how to navigate your office without causing too much of a disruption.

Cleaning companies that use heavy-duty cleaners should come equipped with protective gear. They should be using gloves and masks whenever appropriate. 

Leave Things Secure

Finally, the best cleaning crews make sure you never knew they were there. That is, except when you breathe in the fresh air or see your reflection on the clean counters! 

But any professional company will lock up your building once they’re done. You need to hire a company you can trust with your keys or your security code. You should never find your building unlocked when you arrive in the morning.

Commercial Cleaning Sydney: Finding the Right Team

Knowing what commercial cleaning Sydney has to offer starts with research. Gyms, schools, and corporate buildings will need different services.

Do you need toys and smaller objects individually cleaned? Do you have to make sure your rooms are sanitized at a medical level?

No matter what, you want to find a company to meet your needs and contribute to the health and well-being of your team. So get in touch with the best office cleaning Sydney can give by clicking here.


What Are the Typical Workplace Cleaning Procedures?

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An office is a place where people work and spend their time. It goes without saying that it should be as clean as possible, to avoid the spread of germs and infections.

However, office cleaning can take up a lot of time and money which could otherwise be spent on other things. That’s why many companies decide to hire experts in this area. They need someone who knows exactly what needs to be done when it comes to keeping the workplace safe for employees.

This article will provide you with information about how often offices should be cleaned. As well as some tricks for maintaining hygiene at your company, and more!

Whenever you’re ready to learn more about office cleaning services in Sydney and industrial cleaning, keep reading.

Office Cleaning Preparation

Before any cleaning in the office, preparation is necessary. In general, preparing an office for cleaning, dusting, and vacuuming is subject to performance. This prevents a build-up of dust or dirt in the air, which causes allergies to flare up in some people.

Cleaners should take care not to leave any surfaces behind. These can cause the spread of germs from one area to another when they are touched by someone who is infected with something like a cold or flu virus.

To clean an office space thoroughly, all items need to be removed from desks first. Do this before dusting so that nothing gets disturbed while cleaning other areas in the workspace.

The carpets should also be vacuumed until they look spotless. This way there will less chance of picking up new stains later on and having them set into place permanently because of how old they are.

Next, the windows should be cleaned thoroughly and disinfected. This will help to prevent bacteria or fungi from building upon them while they’re open. This could lead to a more serious health problem if not addressed quickly enough.

The walls should also be dusted off before being wiped down with an anti-bacterial solution. This is so any germs can’t cling onto them for too long.


It’s important to make sure that all surfaces around the space have been properly sanitized. It’s really easy for things like airborne illnesses to spread throughout the office environment.

Closed cleaning signs are subject to placement on each door to let people know that the room is not available for use at this time. Next, all of the cleaning supplies must be gathered allies need to be set out in order of usage so that the proper materials are always close at hand. This saves time and makes it easier for those who have been assigned janitorial duties to do their jobs more effectively

The office environment should also stay clean by maintaining a good supply of cleaning supplies on-site. It’s important not only to purchase these items but also to store them properly, preferably away from sources of heat, light, or moisture so that they don’t go bad prematurely!

Mop buckets can fill up quickly with dirty water over time which is why it’s recommended that you use squeegees instead – this will reduce waste since there won’t be any standing puddles around your workspace.

And on that note, it’s important to use a cleaning solution that will kill many of the germs and bacteria on your floor. Commercial office cleaning in Sydney is no easy task, but the outcome is always fruitful.

Daily Cleaning Procedures

Daily, cleaning is to be performed. Every day at the office the end of the day, make sure you clean your workstation and desk area.

This includes sweeping up any crumbs or dust that may have accumulated on surfaces like desks and keyboards as well as wiping down all hard surfaces in need of it with a wet cloth – counters, tops, tabletops, etc.

Cleaning tasks in every corner of the office to keep things looking spick-and-span! Take care not to mix cleaning supplies when using them; this can cause damage or leaks inside containers which is both hazardous and wasteful.

Make use of garbage cans throughout your workplace to dispose of waste without making too much mess around your workspace.

After each task completion thoroughly (always check over cleaned areas), go back over the area with a dry cloth to ensure that all particles are gone. Be sure not to leave wet tissues lying around – they will start absorbing environmental moisture and become soggy, making them useless for cleaning surfaces!

The result? A cleaner office space which we can help you maintain by routinely conducting these procedures every day to keep things neat and tidy.

Weekly Cleaning Procedures

Every week, the cleaning company will vacuum all carpets and rugs in the office, clean windows from top to bottom, and dust furniture and light fixtures.

We will also wipe down any desks or shelves with a microfiber cloth soaked in an antibacterial solution that is safe for use around sensitive surfaces such as computer screens.

The cleaning company will typically do daily tasks every day of the week: they’ll empty trash cans regularly (we recommend at least twice a day), sweep and mop floors, and wash walls using our specialized products designed to leave your space smelling fresh without irritating allergies or sensitivities.

They will perform deep cleaning duties that include thorough steam cleaning of carpets or rugs with our truck-mounted equipment as well as sanitizing all surfaces in the workspace from top to bottom.

This includes eradicating any mould growth on tile walls or floors, removing dirt and grime buildup around faucet areas, and polishing woodwork until it glistens like polished gold–you get the point! We want to offer services that take care of every detail so you can focus on running your business.

Monthly Cleaning Procedures

Every month, the cleaning company will be a little more dedicated to cleaning with heavy-duty procedures. They will use a disinfectant spray or wipe on-wall-mounted units such as paper towel dispensers and hand dryers.

Afterwards, pay attention to fixtures like toilets by using an all-purpose cleaner with warm water for wiping down vertical surfaces in the restroom followed up with disposable wipes when necessary.

A big part of being good custodians is making sure that restrooms are kept nice and tidy so they’re safe for anyone who needs them! For example: Cleaning any toilet seats before someone uses them goes without saying.

But there should be no need because after cleaning thoroughly you can put out disposable wipes if needed; ensuring that each surface has been wiped off.

To make your floors shine, use our spray buff and burnish procedures. Spray buffs use a low-speed floor buffer which is great for hard surface floors as well as carpets to remove dirt from deep down in those tough-to-reach places.

Burnishes are best utilized by using high-speed machines. A high-speed burnisher that can quickly restore old surfaces or scrape off heavy soiling should be used. Especially without damaging delicate finishes on wood, tile, or other similar materials while also restoring their natural lustre!

Polish desks, tables, and chairs with furniture polish to maintain a professional shine. Dust vents overhead circular fans and behind hard-to-reach areas like tabletops. Clean windows by using an all-purpose cleaner for removing any marks or fingerprints left on the glass surface.

Semi-Annual Cleaning Procedures

The best way to maintain a tiled floor is by stripping and recoating it. This will remove any scuff marks or imperfections in the finish. But also create a high shine on your tiles for long periods of time with an extended life span. Making it long before needing another strip and re-coat the finishing process.

After you have stripped down your floors, spray buff or burnish them immediately so that all finishes can “pop” their maximum potential!

It’s important to institute regular maintenance programs like this one because they prolong the look at feel of those expensive hardwood floors we know everyone loves during every season.

For the best results, remove any carpeting and upholstery before you extract your carpets to get everything as clean as possible. If there are heavily soiled or traffic pattern areas on your floor, then follow our instructions for proper scrubbing of these difficult spots with a bonnet.

After Cleaning Procedures & Office Cleaning  In Sydney Tips

Immediately clean up all, and clean out mop buckets and other cleaning gear. Rinse out all the mops to hang them dry as you go about your work.

Put everything back onto the janitorial cart in its proper place after going through it for anything that may have been left behind by mistake or on accident during this process of quick cleanup.

When it comes to cleaning an office, the process is quite similar in each scenario. This means some best practices will make your cleaning experience easier.

Here’s a list of effective cleaning tips for offices:

Start by closing and covering any open windows to prevent outside dirt from entering your space.

Remove all garbage before it becomes a pest attraction with debris everywhere. Get rid of the garbage properly!

After doing so, return any moved objects or furniture to their original position. But keep maintaining safety precautions around wet floors (keep those caution/wet floor signs!)

You’ll help maintain order better if nothing is lying around. Especially where people can trip over something like an empty food wrapper on the ground

Time, Supplies, Storage, ETC

Cleaning time: make sure you have enough time for everything you need to do. Rushing will only lead to more problems such as missed areas or sloppy mistakes that are hard to correct later.

For example, a garden centre might require more frequent dusting than an office that never has visitors. Conversely, a restaurant may need deep cleaning every day. But an empty house would not have as much dirt build-up from animals in-between visits

Cleaning supplies: make sure you’ve got everything before starting. This includes paper towels for drips and spills (or buckets with soapy water). As well as disinfectant wipes/spray cleaner for surfaces like desks and counters where food is eaten at.

You also need a vacuum with attachments for carpet and upholstery. Scrub brushes or sponges to get into corners by appliances and baseboards are useful too.

Storage: it’s important to have designated storage space once your office is clean. This could be shelved in the break room or cubbies near filing cabinets. But also sections of cork boards across one wall.

Sanitize all surfaces using disinfectant wipes/sprays after each use. Wiping down counters where food has been prepared will help stop harmful bacteria from spreading. But also decrease the chances of getting sick!

Your cleaning schedule will largely depend on how busy you are. As well as the size of the space, and if it’s well-occupied or not. If you have a lot of people coming in and out or if space is used frequently, it’s best to schedule your cleaning for once per week.

However, if that isn’t realistic then try spacing it out so there are at least two days between cleanings.

Store any hazardous materials away from where food/drinks will be prepared – this includes items like bleach, air fresheners, etc…

Label containers clearly and store them on shelves with labels facing up. When employees come to work they should be able to easily identify what goes where.

Cleaning In Sydney

Now that you understand office cleaning in Sydney, you are that much closer to scheduling your own appointment. Not all cleaning companies operate the same, and some are better than others. 

We are proud to say we are one of the better ones, if not the best in Sydney. We provide full-scale office cleaning, so get in touch if you need help.

What Is Included in Office Cleaning?

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Nearly 500,000 Australians work in the City of Syndey alone and the majority of them work in offices. Every person’s working environment can have a huge impact on their productivity and happiness.

However, for the past year or so, the majority of these people have been working from home. Now that it is time for them to return to the office, office cleaning in Sydney is more important than ever before.

Because of this, any employer or office manager should make sure to book office cleaning in Sydney. But what do professional cleaning services do and why do you need them? 

Read on to find out everything you need to know about office cleaning services and what they can do for you.

What Do Office Cleaning Services in Sydney Do? 

Keeping your office clean is extremely important for a whole host of reasons and so is getting the right people in to do this. 

Cleaning an office is a mammoth job and needs to happen on a regular basis. Commercial cleaning companies have extensive experience in this area. This means that they can deliver high-quality results efficiently. 

Unlike domestic cleaning companies, they will also be ready to get a whole range of tasks done during the hours that suit you best. To understand this better, let’s take a closer look at some of the services included by a professional office cleaning company.

Carpet and Floor Maintenance

Your office’s carpets and floors bear the brunt of footfall every day so they require a lot of cleaning. This can include: 

  • Vacuuming 
  • Stain removal
  • Sweeping
  • Mopping 
  • Varnishing and buffing

Most cleaning companies will offer two types of carpet and floor maintenance. One is a regular cleaning service that maintains your carpet and flooring on a day-to-day basis. The other is a deep cleaning service, generally for carpets, which targets deep-rooted stains. 

The aim of regular maintenance is to avoid the need for a deep-rooted clean. However, it is handy to have this option available when you need it.

Surface Care

There will be a lot of surfaces in your office and cleaning these properly will take a lot of time for a domestic cleaner. This involves wiping, dusting, and removing stains from:

  • Desks
  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Lights switches
  • Banisters
  • Shelving
  • Doorknobs
  • Window frames

A commercial cleaner will also be sure to disinfect any surfaces as they go through the office.

Garbage Disposal

Commercial and industrial businesses produce 29 million tonnes of waste a year — that’s a lot of garbage to get rid of!

The last thing you want is waste building up in bins around your office. This can lead to nasty smells and can create areas for bacteria to grow. 

Fortunately, a commercial cleaning team will take care of emptying the bins around your office. They will even ensure that all waste is disposed of properly so that your office is sustainable as possible.

Kitchen Space Cleaning 

If your office has a kitchen area then this will need regular cleaning.

This ensures that it continues to be a welcoming environment for your staff on their breaks. It also means that they aren’t taking time off work to clean up the communal areas.

Commercial cleaners will: 

  • Empty bins
  • Wipe down and disinfect benchtops
  • Clean out the stoves or fridges in the kitchens
  • Polish up the sinks if you have them 

So your office kitchen will stay looking sparkling clean!

Bathroom Cleaning Services

Bathroom cleanliness is an absolute must in any office. However, this is a job that most people would rather avoid. Thankfully, a commercial cleaning team will tackle it head-on by: 

  • Cleaning and sanitising all basins and toilets
  • Polishing ceramics
  • Removing stains and sub-marks from your sinks, faucets, and mirrors
  • Restocking toiletries, such as towels, loo rolls, and handsoaps

This means that you and your staff can enjoy using a fresh and fragrant bathroom every day.

Window Washing

Dust and dirt can easily build up on your windows and this can limit how much light gets in through them. As a result, your office may be left looking and feeling dark and dingy. 

Commercial cleaners will use window washers to clean the insides of your windows on a regular basis so that they shine. This will keep your office feeling bright and looking cared for!

Sanitising and Disinfecting 

Office sanitisation has always been extremely important. However, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is now a matter of priority if you are going to keep your staff safe.

A commercial cleaning team will use a range of effective disinfectants to wipe down all the surfaces in your office. In particular, they will target areas that are hubs for germs, such as door handles, keyboards, telephones, and light switches.

This protects your staff against a whole range of germs. As result, disinfecting your office regularly means that fewer staff members will have to take time off work sick.

These types of office absences could cost you over $1,600 per staff member each year. So getting rid of the germs is absolutely worth it!

This isn’t the only benefit of hiring a commercial cleaning team — let’s take a look at some more.

Having a Clean Office Improves Productivity and Employee Satisfaction

The environment that you create for your employees has a huge impact on their productivity, so it is important to look after this. 

Reducing mess, dirt, and clutter throughout the office means that there are fewer distractions. This makes it a lot easier for staff members to focus on the task at hand. 

Your office is also the first thing that potential clients will see and a messy one gives off a very bad impression. So it is definitely worth putting the time and effort into keeping yours looking fabulous.

Hiring a Cleaning Company is Cost-Effective

You may be wondering why you shouldn’t hire an in-house cleaning team for your office. Of course, this is an option but it might not save you any money. In fact, it could be a lot more expensive. 

You will be responsible for covering the cost of: 

On top of this, if one of your cleaning staff goes off sick you will have to cover the cost of bringing someone else in. 

A commercial cleaning company will take care of all of these factors. Their quotes will include the cost of everything from insurance to cleaning equipment. They will also take liability for their employees in the event that they have an accident in your workplace.

This means that you know exactly what sort of budget you are working with. It also eliminates a lot of extra admin work.

Cleaning Companies Will Protect Your Assets

Your office will almost certainly contain a lot of valuable data and assets. This requires delicate handling and discretion.

Anyone hired by a reputable cleaning company will have to adhere to their confidentiality codes. This means handling private data and valuable equipment with care. They will also have training in how to dispose of sensitive documents properly.

This means that you can rest assured knowing exactly who is handling your data and that you can trust them.

Commercial Cleaning in Sydney Will Save You Time

Of course, cleaning an office is a massive job that needs doing regularly. A little bit of cleaning here and there throughout the day just won’t cut it.

A commercial cleaning team has specialized training in how to clean an office quickly, effectively, and safely. Their account manager will carry out an assessment of your office and will plan the best way to clean it effectively.

They can adapt this based on any specific requirements that you might have. For example, they can arrange cleaning around your daily schedule to ensure it doesn’t interfere with daily office life. This often means that teams will work very early in the morning or late into the night.

This means that you don’t have to spend long periods of time organising a cleaning rota. It also means that your staff can work efficiently and without interruption during the day.

Office Cleaning in Sydney Improves the Health and Safety of Your Workplace

Health and safety in the workplace are of the utmost importance, no matter where you work. Cleaning plays a huge role in this in a number of ways.

As we’ve already mentioned, keeping germs and bacteria to a minimum in any workplace is a must, especially in office kitchens. This stops the spread of germs and helps to keep all of your employees healthy. 

Excessive build-up of dust in an office space can also become and health and safety issue. This can spark asthma attacks and allergic reactions in your staff members.

If your office has poor ventilation then you may also have an issue with dampness or mould around the windows. This can have a huge impact on the respiratory health of anyone working in your office and should be addressed quickly.

In the meantime, cleaning staff can treat the affected areas with bleach and other mould treatments. This keeps everyone in the area safe and minimises the damage caused by mould. 

Finally, maintaining your floors and carpets properly is extremely important. Worn carpets and dirty floors can quickly become slip or trip hazards. If this happens you may find yourself liable for a workplace injury lawsuit.

Clean Equipment Lasts Longer

Most offices use a range of different equipment, such as phones, computers, and keyboards. Keeping these clean will ensure that they last as long as possible. 

Regular dusting will stop debris from getting into the machine’s mechanisms. This can seriously damage their hard drives and could mean that you lose valuable data.

Tips for Finding the Best Office Cleaning in Sydney

Before you start Googling “office cleaning near me,” here are some of our top tips for finding a brilliant office cleaning company in Sydney. 

When it comes to office cleaning, quality is everything so look for this over a cheap quote. There are several ways to find a good quality cleaning company, such as:

  • Listening out for recommendations from other office users
  • Reading independent reviews of a company
  • Looking which other clients they work for

It is a good idea to look for a company with a decent-sized staff. That way if one cleaner is off sick they will be able to provide cover for them. 

Ideally, try and find a company that offers an account manager. This means that you have the same port of call while they are working for you. If you have any issues or want to make any changes, you will know exactly who to talk to. 

Make sure that the company that you hire is licensed and provides insurance for its staff. This can save you a lot of money and ensures that everyone is working safely. 

Finally, opt for a company that offers a quality guarantee. This means that if you aren’t happy with the state of your offices, their team will complete the work for free. It also means that they are committed to delivering great quality the first time as it’s in their best interests.

Get Help Today 

As you can see, office cleaning companies in Sydney could have a huge benefit on your workplace and employees. Thanks to the broad range of services that commercial cleaning in Sydney offers, your office will be in ship shape in no time at all! 

So what are you waiting for? Get in touch today to find out more about our cleaning services and what we can do for you. We’ll even provide a free quote for your cleaning needs!

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