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Commercial Cleaning Industry News, Tips, Guide and Checklist

You can read here many helpful articles related to commercial cleaning, latest cleaning news in Australia, including how to find and hire the best cleaners in your budget, how to train a commercial cleaner, why hire a cleaner over doing it yourself, cleaning tips for a specific area like supermarket, retail store, data centre, pub & restaurants, hospitals, factories, buildings, and more.

5 Reasons You Need Professionals For After Builders Cleaning

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Cleaning the mess that comes after the construction of a building can be tiresome and time-consuming. It can also be dangerous. Having a professional clean-up is safe, quick, and worth every penny you spend. Read on to find out the top 5 reasons from Clean Group why you would need professionals after builders cleaning services.

1. The Job Gets Done Efficiently and Quickly

Professional commercial cleaners have more experience in handling post and pre-construction sites. You and your employees or family probably don’t know where exactly to begin and how to perform the task properly. Experts in the cleaning field know where to look and clean messes effectively.

This is because some of the things you have to clean are only visible to experienced eyes and cannot be seen by an amateur cleaner. When professionals after builder cleaners handle the job, you are assured that nothing will be overlooked.

With the help of professionals, you will have time to focus on other important tasks while you leave the cleaning to them.

2. There Is No Need to Buy Cleaning Materials

People who choose to do the cleaning by themselves end up spending more money than they would have paid if they enlisted the services of professional cleaners. If you decide to do the task yourself, you will be forced to buy cleaning materials that you will use once or for a few times and then have no use for them after.

Construction cleaning detergents and materials are pretty expensive. You can also incur other losses because you do not know precisely the right amount of cleaning detergents to use. As a result, you can use more than necessary.

Professional cleaners will save you money because they will come with the appropriate materials and equipment for the cleaning services you need. They also know the exact amount of detergent to use, plus they know what materials are used to do what job.

If you were to handle the task yourself, you would be forced to spend a lot of time researching the materials you need to buy. Note, mistakes are very likely to occur for non-experienced persons. If you consult and seek help from a professional after builders cleaning company, you will not go through all these issues

3. Secures Your Health and Safety

Construction sites have a lot of dangerous elements that can be harmful to your health. You shouldn’t do your after-build cleaning by yourself these sites require a lot of care when one is cleaning them. Imagine cleaning, and while walking, you accidentally stumble on a nail or sharp object that was unseen or covered by other construction materials on the site? Ouch! That hurts, and no one would ever want to experience this.

Hiring a professional cleaner to handle this will reduce the dangers unseen since they are thoroughly trained and aware of how to deal with after-building cleaning clearly and professionally.

The building might also be dangerous health-wise, and those who are allergic to dust and paints will have a tough time. However, with the help of professionals, you can rest assured that they will clean all the dirt without you being affected in any way.

Professional after builder construction cleaners understand the importance of safety and protective gear during all the cleaning stages. They are also equipped to know how to do special cleaning of different surfaces and even remove stubborn stains and paints on floors.

For areas with snakes or spiders, a new construction site can be a good hiding place for them in the remaining construction materials. Getting a professional cleaner will help clear all after-construction materials and clear all the hidden areas in and out of the site.

4. Cleaning and Disposal of Materials and Products Are Done Appropriately

Once the cleaning materials have been purchased, it will be quite challenging for an amateur to know how to use the tools and the materials. The worst part is that these materials are dangerous, and others are pretty harsh if they get into contact with the skin or inhaled.

A lot can happen to a person with little or no experience. Of course, if this happens, the employer will be liable and have to pay a lot of money to an employee injured on the job. If you hire a professional, you don’t have to worry if any of them get hurt since their respective companies insure them.

Once you’re done cleaning, you will have another problem with how and where to dispose of the trash collected equipment. If you opt to have professionals take up the work, you do not have to worry about this situation.

As for waste disposal, most online videos people watch before they begin to do it themselves don’t explain the disposal part or local regulations for different states or areas. You do realize that you can’t just dispose of your trash into any trash can.

Every city or state has rules on how to dispose of certain waste materials, such as some of the waste of harmful cleaning agents, safely and correctly. To avoid trouble with your local authorities, you have to research how to do it right, which takes time. If you go for professional assistance, you are assured that they are updated with the local regulations concerning all types of waste disposal.

5. Cost-Effective and Time-Saving

Delegating the work to another person or doing it yourself can cost you more than you know. They might not do good work or even damage something while removing leftover construction materials.

If you delegate the job to your employees, they might feel unimportant, which might affect their productivity to the company since they are doing a different task from the one you hired them to do.

They would also have used the time they may use on the construction site to do other essential things that increase productivity. In addition, if one of the employees gets injured in the process, that will mean being absent from the company for some time.

With them gone, productivity will drop. You will also be held liable for the injuries. Hiring professionals will mean getting the level of cleanliness you want without any interference with productivity.

A clean building will give you ample time and peace of mind. Hiring a professional cleaner will save you a considerable headache, and if the property were for sale, a thorough cleaning would increase the number of prospective buyers. Most of them won’t even bargain when they decide to make a purchase.

7 Tips When It Comes To Cleaning Shared Spaces

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With people working in packed places and sharing offices, desks, and equipment, it makes their shared space quite inviting for viruses and bacteria to pass from one person to another. And with COVID-19, it became even more dangerous to work in closely packed areas without covid cleaning.

When it comes to offices, people share desks, kitchen areas, and restrooms. The same thing goes for schools, warehouses, and healthcare facilities. Making cleanliness and disinfection the number one priority to any facility with employees or students.

But what precautions should be taken while cleaning shared areas? Don’t worry, Today on Cleaning Company, Clean Group, we will go through the tips to maintain cleanliness and sanitizing in shared areas to help reduce the risks of viruses spreading.

Keep Your Hands Sanitized

A study by the University of Arizona shows us how germs can spread at an alarming speed starting with one employee walking into an office and touching shared surfaces like desks, doorknobs, restrooms, and kitchens.

The spread of germs in a workplace is mainly down to the surfaces people touch with their hands, making it of utmost importance to keep your hands sanitized and clean at all times.

Placing hand sanitisers should be in areas where people cannot wash their hands, such as meeting rooms, classrooms, warehouses, and workspaces. It is a common mistake to place hand sanitisers in restrooms only as while in a restroom,

Washing your hands with soap and water is much more effective than using hand sanitisers, especially since restrooms are the breeding environment for all kinds of germs and dangerous bacteria.

Frequently Clean and Disinfect Surfaces

Cleaning and disinfecting high traffic areas such as desks and doorknobs can lower the risks of germs spreading, most importantly in flu seasons. The costs for frequently Sydney office cleaning these areas will be even less than the cost of sickness absence for employees.

Restrooms should be cleaned and disinfected frequently throughout the day due to high traffic, keeping in consideration that it is not only toilets to be cleaned, as the cleaning and disinfecting should include floors, doorknobs, and any surface that is frequently touched.

When it comes to the kitchen areas, microwaves, refrigerators, coffee machines, and copying machines are considered hotspots where bacteria and germs can live and linger. Cleaning those areas should be done frequently as well depending on the number of users or visitors.

Clean and Disinfect Items on Desks

Any desk surface can harbor plenty of germs if not cleaned properly and frequently. However, other items on desks such as computer mice, mouse mats, keyboards, mobile phones, and desk telephones can harbor plenty of dangerous germs as well.

While cleaning these areas, make sure to always wear a mask, use gloves, and use disinfectant sprays and alcohol wipes to not damage any electronics, as well as reading the disinfectant instructions thoroughly as some products need to stay on surfaces for a certain amount of time before wiping off to completely kill harmful germs.

Always Keep Communal Areas Clean

When it comes to keeping your coworking space clean and hygienic, you must keep communal areas clean and always disinfected. Cleaning the joint areas is something that should be done frequently while focusing your attention on places people touch but are regularly clean.

For instance, cabinets, doors, and doorknobs. These are areas that people always touch but many workplaces do not pay them much attention as they focus more on more exposed areas, hence, these areas should be cleaned on the regular with special attention.

Offer Cleaning and Sanitary Supplies

As a workplace owner, you should consider offering people cleaning and sanitary supplies, such as hand sanitisers and wipes. Because even though you are aware of the dangers of the common viruses, others might not give it the same kind of attention.

Consider making sanitizing hands and wearing masks before walking into an office or school a strict rule, that way, you can ensure reducing the risks of germs spreading between employees or students.

Additionally, you can consider adding disinfection products in each bathroom and urging your employees to always use them to disinfect toilet seats before using them. As well as supplying soaps in all bathrooms and keep in mind to check and refill them regularly.

Establish House Rules

It is quite important to establish ground rules for walking into the workplace whether it’s an office, school, warehouse, or healthcare facility. Otherwise, it will be challenging to get your colleagues to follow health and safety protocols.

If you work in a place where you get lots of visitors, you can consider requiring visitors to book before visiting instead of welcoming walk-ins. This could help you control the number of people in your workplace at the same time.

This could also be helpful to trace contact in case someone got sick so you can take the necessary health and safety precautions. As well as preventing any overwhelming flow of visitors in your workplace which could make it easier for you to schedule cleaning and disinfecting timings.

Following these rules, you will heavily reduce the risks of viruses spreading among employees or students.

Social Distancing

This is probably one of the most important rules you need to implement in your workplace, make sure to keep desks and chairs at a convenient distance to avoid infecting nearby members. This also goes for the break and kitchen areas and the number of people allowed on the same table.

In addition to social distancing in the office, make sure to urge your employees to keep a safe distance between them and other people outside of the office, this will help reduce risks of infection in workplaces and in their homes as well.

With the changes that COVID-19 has forced everyone to make, it is very important to follow the house rules and remove bad smells from hardwood flooring when it comes to working in closed spaces with other employees or even going to school with other students, as the spread of viruses could be very fast and quite dangerous.

How Often Should Workplace Restrooms Be Cleaned?

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Nowadays, cleaning and disinfecting common areas and areas of high touch are extremely important. In the light of COVID-19 health awareness, the importance of hygiene cannot be overstated.

Maintaining the office’s clean and hygienic environment is the key to healthy staff members and visitors. Needless to say, restrooms are the breeding environment for viruses and bacteria if they’re not cleaned and disinfected regularly.

So, how many times a day should the office restroom be disinfected and cleaned? Well, this depends on many things including the number of your staff members, the frequency of restroom visitors, and the size of your facility.

Keep reading to find out the factors that Clean Group thinks will affect your Sydney office cleaning schedules and to reach a final cleaning pattern that will help keep you, your employees, and your loved ones safe and healthy. Related Article: a guide on complete workplace cleaning

Does Your Facility Include More Than One Company?

If your company’s building has more than one company, it can heavily affect the cleanliness of the area. Sharing the building with more companies means more employees in the same area, which eventually calls for more frequent disinfecting and cleaning.

The type of business you share your company building with also matters a lot, for instance, if you are sharing the building with a medical centre, then it is important to do a deep daily cleaning of the office to maintain the health and safety of your employees and the visiting patients.

The number of companies in the same building affects the frequency of cleaning as well, for example, If your facility has a childcare centre or a tutoring area, then the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting has to be much higher.

This is because children are hyperactive by nature, they move a lot and touch many things, put toys in their mouths, and share games. This leads to the vast spread of diseases among children and the areas they play in.

Maintaining the cleanliness of these areas will help prevent the spread of viruses and germs in these areas, which should be cleaned and disinfected more than once per day. However, if you work in a workspace that has a separate office air purifier, desks and chairs, then that’s a different scenario.

If the employees are already distanced from each other and keep a safe space between desks and chairs, you will need to do deep cleaning once or twice per week, which is changeable according to the number of visitors you get daily.

Sharing your office building with more than one company also means that you will be sharing the same restrooms and kitchen areas, therefore, daily cleaning and disinfecting is of the utmost importance, especially in high-touch areas such as counters, tables, door handles, and toilets.

How Many Employees Work in the Same Building?

If you share your office with lots of employees, then it’s essential to have carpets and floors cleaned weekly. Employees going in and out of the office can result in facing more dirt and dust, especially on rainy days.

Consider deep cleaning the carpets and polishing the floors at least once per week to avoid viruses spreading. However, if your building does not have too many employees, you can do deep cleaning every other week and regular cleaning on a daily basis.

How Does the Office Size Affect Cleaning Patterns?

The size of your facility affects the cleaning patterns as offices have different sizes and need different requirements for proper cleaning. Regardless of the number of employees in the office, a bigger space will need more time and more cleaners to get office spaces disinfected properly.

Therefore, if you work at a huge office such as a department store, you will need to hire professional cleaning services as they can clean and disinfect the whole company one zone at a time, and their entire process could be done within one week.

How Frequently Do Your Customers Visit your Office?

If your company receives visitors regularly, you need to maintain the cleanliness of the lobbies, countertops, restrooms, or any other common space they might visit. Maintaining these areas clean will leave a good impression on your customers and will prevent infections and viruses.

For offices that have frequent visitors, it’s recommended to hire a professional office cleaning service to clean and disinfect the office more than once a day to maintain a fresh and hygienic environment. But how to create an urgent office cleaning checklist in Sydney?

Different Office Areas that Require Different Cleaning Methods

Each area in your office building needs its dedicated cleaning schedule and method. Especially when it comes to medical centres as they need daily cleaning more than once per day, while on the other hand, insurance companies only need to clean weekly.

Restrooms require a professional cleaning service more than once per day. Restrooms could be the home to so many viruses and bacteria, disinfecting and sanitizing these areas frequently will ensure the safety of your employees and visitors.

In case you have high traffic in the office restrooms, then you should consider having the restrooms disinfected and sanitized several times a day to prevent any germs spread.

When it comes to kitchens, it’s only normal to have high traffic in these areas as people prepare food in there, accordingly, you need to clean the kitchen area once or twice a day including cleaning the microwave and cleaning the floors.

Lastly, your lobby area is the first thing your clients see when they walk into your office, therefore, these areas should be always cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis. This helps to present a professional appearance to all of your visitors.

Lobby cleaning should include polishing, dusting, cleaning, vacuuming, and disinfecting the surfaces especially if you welcome a large number of visitors. These tiny tasks will dramatically impact the appearance and cleanliness of your office.

Keeping your office cleaned and disinfected is extremely important especially nowadays with the COVID-19 pandemic. Consider hiring professional cleaning services to prevent the spread of viruses and to maintain your employee’s and client’s health and safety.

How To Disinfect Your Gym

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Nowadays, viruses and infections have been spreading between people and making it harder for them to go to public places with comfort. This affected many people’s lives as they cannot visit their favourite restaurant as they used to or go to the gym regularly.

When it comes to the gym, personal trainers work in so many different places, it could be at commercial gyms, the client’s house, a small studio, or even out in the park. The only problem is the equipment they use is being touched every day by different people. Hence it’s important to hire a good gym cleaning company.

This caused many people serious concerns as they cannot risk their well-being by going to the gym and catching a serious infection. Therefore, guidelines to disinfect and sanitize gyms are in place to help reduce infections, keep reading the Clean Group this article to find out more.

Is the Gym a Breeding Environment for Harmful Germs?

Many search studies show that gyms contain a huge amount of bacteria and viruses, especially on the surfaces such as counters, exercise equipment, and floors. In fact, studies showed that the exercise equipment was contaminated with viruses more than fungus or bacteria.

Moreover, exercise weight equipment was more contaminated with viruses than aerobic equipment. Any fitness centre involves plenty of people always touching the same equipment and surfaces, making germs even faster.

Therefore, the disinfection of gyms is extremely important as they could easily become the breeding environment for dangerous bacteria and viruses.

What Is the Difference Between Disinfecting, Sanitizing, and Sterilizing?

There are many ways to describe the process of cleaning in any facility, but in the end, it all comes down to three simple words; disinfecting, sanitizing, and sterilizing.

Those are the three steps to follow while cleaning any given facility. So let’s break it down and see why each of those steps is important.


Disinfecting is the process of cleaning and eliminating harmful germs from all surfaces such as floors, counters, and equipment. This process helps reduce almost 100% of the harmful germs on gyms’ surfaces.

This process is usually done by using wipes or applying chemical sprays. The great thing about disinfecting is that you can easily find the products to use in any store in the form of wipes, sprays, or liquids. You can even make your own product at home

The disinfectant does not take long to work, it usually takes around 20 minutes, however with some slower products, it could take up to 12 hours to get the job fully done.

Disinfection kills most viruses and fungi and some disinfection products were marketed to be effective against COVID-19 when used as recommended.


Sanitizing is one more method to kill germs and remove dirt and it’s usually confused with sterilizing. Sanitizing aims to reduce the number of germs to a safe level to decrease the chances of infection.

Sanitizing is a process that can include both disinfecting and cleaning, and even though hand sanitisers might not be enough to get rid of all the germs, they are effective enough for people to use until they can wash their hands with soap and warm water.


Sterilizing is a process that is done by professionals in large settings or facilities such as hospitals. Even though disinfecting removes most of the germs, sterilizing on the other hand removes all microorganisms, even the harmless ones.

The process of sterilizing is more common in medical facilities, but recently, business owners sterilize their entire company to make it safer for employees. The same goes for schools if they want to eliminate germs in all rooms.

The sterilizing process can be done using different methods such as using pressurized steam, ethylene oxide, dry heat cabinets for medical tools, pressurized steam, infrared radiation, ionizing radiation, and advanced filtration.

Should I Disinfect or Sanitize the Gym Equipment?

Since it is quite uncommon to see someone clean equipment after they use it, sanitizing is not going to be enough to kill the germs and stop the spread to the next person. Accordingly, the best way to clean the Gyms and fitness centres after exercising is to use a disinfectant like wipes or spray before and after every use of the equipment.

Clean and Disinfect Your Gym’s High-Contact Areas Daily

High-contact areas at gyms are the surfaces that people touch all the time such as doorknobs, handles on exercise machines, light switches, weights, barbells, stability balls, foam rollers, and rubber flooring.

These areas should be cleaned multiple times a day especially since clients touch them with their bodies and use them for relatively long periods of time. And surfaces such as tables and counters should be cleaned at least twice per day to avoid germs spreading.

Cleaning the Bathrooms and Locker Rooms

When it comes to locker rooms and bathrooms, we have to pay extra attention to the sterilizing and the disinfection of those areas since people touch them all the time while being sweaty and after practising and touching multiple exercise equipment.

Some of the high contact surfaces such as faucet handles, toilet seats, door handles, and toilet handles should be cleaned more than once per day. On the other hand, toilet bowls, floors, and sinks can be cleaned once per day.

Remember to Disinfect the Front Desk and Office

Even though focusing on workout equipment is very important, don’t let it distract you from other areas that need your attention, c In case your employees use a touchscreen to log in and out of work, make sure to include those touchscreens in your disinfecting process as well.

Deep Cleaning the Gym

Your cleaning schedule for your gym cleaning should include a regular deep cleaning for the entire gym, this usually takes place when no clients are in the gym, usually overnight or on a day that you close the gym for cleaning purposes.

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, it is only safe to assume that the virus is spreading in your gym and act accordingly. This might call for professional help, but if you cannot afford it, make sure the area is ventilated properly while you clean and use protective gear.

You might also want to use products that are recommended for disinfecting as they do a better job cleaning the surfaces. Moreover, you should follow the Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for complete deep cleaning.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, it is only normal to want to take every possible precaution to prevent the spread of the virus. And since gyms are a huge part of people’s everyday lives, it is important to maintain their safety and wellbeing while working out.

How to Clean Workplace Windows Without Streaks

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There are plenty of products that you can use to clean your windows, some are commercial products and some are homemade solutions. But the job gets more difficult when you want to have a window cleaned streaks-free.

It’s only normal to want to have a spotless window that looks as good as new. Clean windows allow more sunshine into your home and make you feel more comfortable and more connected to the outdoors.

Since it’s a struggle many people are suffering with, So Clean Group decided to write a guide that will take you through the steps to cleaning your windows properly without leaving any streaks, just like professional window cleaners do it!

Remove Curtains and Blinds

The first step you need to do is to remove the curtains and blinds. Also, if you have time on your hands, you can wash the drapes using a fabric freshener such as Febreze.

You can use a dusting attachment on your vacuum or a dry brush to clean any cobwebs or dust from around the corners of the windowsills and the windows.

Dust and Brush Down the Windows

The next step to cleaning windows without streaks is to clean any dust or excess dirt using a dustpan brush or a broom or any similar object. Then you can start brushing down the windows to remove any built-up cobwebs or dirt.

It’s always better to start at the top and work your way down to make sure the cleaned area stays clean while you continue dusting off the dirt. Afterwards, you can brush down the window sill and use a vacuum to clean up the dirt that fell on the floor or windowsill.

Pick a Detergent and Begin Washing

There are lots of different products for cleaning windows. There are plenty of options in the local stores, but if you prefer to use something that you already have in the house, then you can try a mix of a little bit of dishwashing detergent and water, some people also like to add vinegar to the mix.

If you have already bought a product from the store, you can go ahead and start spraying it on the window, then use a newspaper or a paper towel to wipe the product on the window in a circular motion. Some people also like to use a microfiber cloth instead of a paper towel.

If you are using a homemade product like a detergent with water mix, you only need to dip the microfibre cloth or a sponge into the water and wipe the window with it in a circular motion.

For stubborn marks, you might need to use a store-bought product to help wipe it off faster. Or instead, you can add some methylated spirits to your water and detergent mix.

Make sure to always use cold water while you are cleaning the windows as hot water evaporates way too quickly. Moreover, try wiping the windows from the top down, that way, you will not drip any water on a spot that has already been cleaned.

Squeegee the Window Dry

Using a squeegee will help you get the job done faster and more efficiently. But to use a squeegee properly, you might need a bit of practice. Follow the next steps to properly use a squeegee:

  • Hold the squeegee so the handle is set at a 45-degree angle to the glass
  • Begin at the top left part of the window
  • Move your way down from left to right and then do the same in the opposite direction
  • Use a piece of cloth to dry the squeegee between strokes

This will help you get your windows cleaned more quickly and efficiently.

Wipe Down the Window with a Cloth

Many people have tried to only dry their windows with a squeegee, but unfortunately, they failed. Even professionals have tried but it’s not always successful.

To make sure you eliminate the streaks, you need to use a microfiber cloth, newspaper, or a paper towel to dry the windows after you dry them with a squeegee.

For better results, dry the windows in circular motions and from the top all the way to the bottom. Most importantly, make sure the cloth or newspaper you are using is dry and completely clean to not leave any small stains on the windows.

Clean Up the Windowsills and Floors

After you’ve cleaned up the windows and wiped them dry, you will probably find some water on the window sill or the floor. To clean that up, use a towel to dry up these areas. If you find any leftover marks on the window, rub them with the microfiber cloth till it’s gone.

Once you are done cleaning the inside part of your windows, go ahead and repeat the same process on the outside window. Following these steps, your windows will look spotless and as good as new. Why Should You Outsource Cleaning?

What Are the Best Things to Clean Windows With?

There are many options and all of them give almost the same result if applied properly. Some people prefer to use vinegar to clean windows, some prefer to do a homemade mix of water and detergent, and some prefer store-bought products.

Whichever product or method they are using will work just fine, as long as the water and dishwashing soap mix does not include too much soap (as it leaves marks afterwards) then the result will be satisfying.

Moreover, using a clean cloth, paper towel, or newspaper to dry out the windows right after they’ve been cleaned will be of extra help to you as those are the best fabrics to clean your window and leave it spotless without any marks after cleaning.

Cleaning windows and mirrors could be the most annoying part of the whole home cleaning process, as it’s too easy to leave stains or soap marks on the mirrors. But with the right techniques, using home remedies will be more than enough to give you spotless windows.

Why Should You Outsource Business Cleaning?

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Maintaining a business facility clean is an essential priority for all companies. But many businesses face some problems when it comes to keeping their commercial property clean.

Plenty of facilities are still oriented to look for lower costs for office cleaning services due to their tight budget and for their constant drive to save costs. However, according to Clean Group, one of the best cost-reducing options would be to outsource your Sydney commercial cleaning services.

The outsourced cleaning services will help reduce costs in addition to improving the overall quality of cleaning in your facility while reducing the workload in your company.

Choosing to outsource your commercial cleaning is a big decision as you need to choose the right commercial cleaning company that will help maintain your company’s reputation and lower your operation costs. Now let’s dig deeper into the reasons why you should outsource your cleaning services and how it’ll help you improve your business.

Great Prices for Outsourcing Office Cleaning

Choosing to outsource your cleaning services will make significant changes to your business, for instance, there will be immediate benefits as a professional janitorial service provider can reduce the cleaning time while increasing the efficiency of what gets done.

The commercial cleaning company will give you a better price on supplies, equipment, and other tools. Moreover, this will help cut down all the costs for screening, recruiting, training, hiring, and all the administration work.

The amount of money and time for all of these administrative tasks will be handled by your outsourced commercial cleaning company.

No More Wasting Money on Cleaning Supplies

Everyone has already thought of buying the store brand version of any product to try and save money in the past. But there is no need to compromise your company’s cleanliness in order to reduce costs.

The in-house cleaning services make you buy all the materials and supplies, however, an outsource cleaning service takes care of all of that for you. This will help you save more money and have the best quality cleaning products used in your facility at all times.

Improving the Cleanliness Of Your Facility

If you are a business owner and trying to take care of both your core job and the maintenance of the facility’s cleanliness, it will divide your attention and you will be wasting too many resources.

On the other hand, if you decide to hire an outsource cleaning service, it will help you focus your energy on your core job while they take care of maintaining the cleanliness of the facility at all times while providing the utmost efficiency and great results.

Outsourcing Cleaning Services Adds Value

Professional cleaning services find their own equipment and supplies, they are also responsible for maintaining them. Professional cleaning companies get the best prices and offers for top-notch cleaning supplies and equipment, which means they use the best products.

As the company staff comes prepared with their supplies, equipment, and every material they need to clean a facility thoroughly, they deliver the best quality while being efficient, all of this adds value for your customers.

Outsourcing Building Maintenance Makes Life a Bit Easier

As many facilities have their ups and downs with their finances, your janitorial company should be prepared to accommodate those changes according to your needs. Most of the great janitorial services companies have trained floaters to cover for other employees in case some of them took some time off work.

Only Use Hired Cleaning Staff For Cleaning

If you decide to give the cleaning tasks to employees who were not hired for this purpose can affect your business badly, as their job will be mostly unfinished or poorly done. Also, might result in an increase in the employee turnover rate.

Having an employee taking care of cleaning will probably end badly, employees will be unhappy, your facility will be poorly cleaned, and your work and morale might also take a direct hit. As regular employees have no interest in cleaning bathrooms, their jobs will be done badly.

Outsourced Cleaning Services Relieves Your Liability And Insurance Costs

Just like any industry, there are a few liabilities associated with janitorial jobs. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are protected from litigation or exposure. With an outsourced cleaning service, the responsibility is shifted to your janitorial service provider instead.

However, you need to make sure to confirm adequate coverage, which can be easily accomplished by any professional cleaning company.

Management Intensive Duties Are Wasting Your Time

When you choose to outsource your janitorial cleaning services, it will reduce your workload as you hand over the responsibility of hiring, training, maintaining standards, and buying equipment and supplies.

All of those tasks are time and effort-consuming, hiring a professional janitorial cleaning service will take care of those tasks for you, allowing you more time to focus on your core job with no distractions or divided focus.

Outsourcing Office Cleaning Adds Up to More Professional Services

Outsourcing your office cleaning to a professional company means that the cleaning will be done better and more efficiently, professional commercial cleaners make sure you get the highest cleaning quality in the least amount of time.

This goes for any type of facility, whether it’s a medical office, industrial, school, or green cleaning solutions. Your professional office cleaning service will ensure to keep the facility in its best condition.

You Can Adjust Your Cleaning Schedule More Easily

As most facility managers have plenty on their plates, it would be great to give that responsibility to a trusted contractor who can facilitate the cleaning schedules according to the company’s needs.

Allowing facility managers to focus more on their tasks and saving themselves a lot of time and effort. To take advantage of outsourcing, you need to find the office cleaning service that fits your needs as not all of them are the same, and not all of them will fit your business.

Make sure to find an office cleaning service that will be flexible and will help make your job easier so that you can focus on what matters most.

As facility managers, finding the best contractor to take care of your facility’s cleanliness is extremely important, especially nowadays as all common areas need to be sanitized and cleaned continuously. Make sure to explore your options and find the company that best fits your needs.

A Guide On Church Cleaning Services

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became harder to go to churches and crowded places without putting yourself and your family at risk of infections. Most worshiping places have been closed for many months to contain the spread of the disease.

But now that we have enough information and knowledge about the disease, we can still go to public places and take all the necessary precautions to ensure our and our loved ones’ safety.

With current talks of potentially reopening churches flying all over the news, it is very important that we move forward with all precautions possible before allowing worshipers to go back to churches.

We must start with following the proper church cleaning guidelines to make sure the area is always clean, disinfected, and safe for worshipers to come and go as they wish.

What Precautions Should be Taken in a Church?

As the CDC recommends for worshipping buildings, our priorities should be the following:

Lower all chances of exposure

For every state, there are strict guidelines or rules to follow to make sure we lower the chances of exposure to the virus. Worshipers should always avoid close contact with each other and avoid any gathering of a group of people together.

As well as practising social distancing and committing to wearing masks properly, using hand sanitisers and avoiding any physical contact.

Promote Sanitizing Practices

Such as thoroughly washing hands, covering up mouths while coughing or sneezing, and following the state’s strict orders to always wear a face mask to reduce the spread of the virus.

Protect High-Risk Individuals

For certain groups of people, it might be extremely dangerous to get infected with COVID-19. Those groups include elders, people who have chronic diseases such as asthma, homeless people, detained or incarcerated individuals, and healthcare workers.

When it comes to the act of cleaning the church building, it is a bit different than any other facility as churches and worshiping facilities, in general, have high traffic and plenty of visitors every day. Therefore, we must follow the guidelines laid out by the CDC to avoid the spread of the virus.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Churches Guidelines

For cleaning churches, there are strict rules and guidelines to follow for each and every step of the cleaning process.


Probably the most important thing to keep in mind while cleaning churches is wearing disposable gloves while cleaning and disinfecting and not moving while wearing the same gloves from one area to another.

Surfaces must be always cleaned using water and soap, cleaning the areas that are frequently touched should be of high importance, those areas include chairs (pews), tables, light switches, door handles, doorknobs, desks, keyboards, sinks, relics, phones, toilets, and faucets.

Cleaning those areas is only the first step into making those areas safe for people to use, keep in mind that this process should be done more than once per day. Especially if the church has plenty of visitors coming in and out of it all the time.


Once you are done cleaning the surfaces, the next step is disinfecting those areas. You can check the EPA list of recommended disinfectants that are proven effective in eliminating the COVID-19 virus Here.

Make sure to always read the instructions written on the disinfectant and follow these instructions to ensure the safety and correct use of the product. Some products require staying on the surface for a specific amount of time before wiping clean.

For the safety of the cleaning staff, make sure to always wear gloves and always keep the area you are cleaning well-ventilated to avoid any fumes inhaling.

You can use household bleach if it was meant for disinfecting purposes, some bleaches are only intended for safe use on white and colored clothes and those are not suitable for disinfecting surfaces. Leave disinfecting bleach on the surfaces for at least one minute before drying.

Alcohol solutions can also be used to disinfect surfaces, the product should contain at least 70% alcohol. The starting alcohol must be between 90% to 100% alcohol, but after it’s diluted with water, it should be at least 70% alcohol in the final product (if you were mixing your own solution)/

When it comes to rugs, carpets, and drapes, you should always clean those surfaces with soap and water or with cleaning products intended for those surfaces. You can always choose to launder those fabrics according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Instructions for Laundry Cleaning

When doing the church’s laundry for drapes, carpets and other fabrics, make sure to use the warmest water setting possible and make sure to dry the fabric completely before using it again.

Always use disposable gloves and wear a mask if you are handling the laundry of someone who is unwell, but keep in mind that you do not need to wash them separately.

Ensure cleaning and disinfecting hampers, removing the gloves and mask before moving to the next task, and washing your hands right after finishing laundry.

Disinfecting Electronics

When it comes to electronics such as touch screens, remotes, tablets, keyboards, and phones. Make sure to follow the instructions from the manufacturer for safe cleaning. If you are unable to find the instructions label, you can clean the electronics with alcohol-based wipes or sprays which contain at least 70% alcohol and dry completely after use.


Probably the most important thing to remember while cleaning a closed area is to keep the facility well ventilated at all times, this is to help shorten the amount of time which potentially infected respiratory droplets are removed from the air in the area you are cleaning.

Always make sure to wear a mask and gloves while cleaning any public space, as well as wash your hands thoroughly before and after cleaning.

General Precautions Whilst in a Church

  • Make sure to always put away all hymnals, bibles, missals, and any other materials that are shared with other people in the pews to lower the risks of viruses spreading.
  • Consider sharing the mass materials to congregants ahead of time electronically while continuing to have mission support online.
  • To avoid contact and decrease the infection risks, make sure to empty and disinfect holy water fonts regularly.
  • For the safety of the public, ask them to only bring the essential items along with them to the church, such as only keys or wallets, as well as advise them to clean and disinfect all items they bring with them after they are back home.

Outsource Your Church Cleaning Services

For the safety of all worshipers who go to the church regularly, regular cleaning is not enough to keep a public place with high traffic safe and healthy for visitors. Therefore, consider outsourcing the commercial cleaning services for your church, for professional, fast, and thorough cleaning.

This can help save you more money as the professional cleaning services bring their own equipment and their own supplies, meaning that you will always have a clean church, disinfected and safe for visitors at all times and at affordable prices.

Final Thoughts

During these tough times, going to the church and seeing everyone you know will make the pandemic less frightening to face. Make sure to always follow health and safety instructions to maintain your good health and the health of the ones you love.

The Best Landmarks You Need To Visit Whilst In Sydney

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Sydney, the biggest, oldest, and most beautiful of all cities in Australia, lies amongst a fascinating mix of land and sea. Coast along the sparkling harbour using a ferry, take a glance at the white sails of the Sydney Opera House shimmering in the sunshine, and it’s hard to visualize this state capital of New South Wales was a convict colony many years ago. In the year 1788, it was where Captain Arthur Phillip at Sydney Cove discovered the first-ever British settlement in Australia.

Currently, you can look at the fabled history of Sydney in the cobbled, narrow laneways and famous buildings of the Rocks and its excellent museums. Visit the museums are great resources to find out about the people of Gadigal aboriginal, who thrived before on this land. Sydney still has the adventurous spirit of its original settlers.

Clean Group is headquartered in Sydney NSW and helps businesses stay open by providing COVID cleaning

Here Are Some Famous Landmarks You Must See When Visiting Sydney.

1. Sydney Opera House

One of the greatest icons in the world, the Sydney Opera House is a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and the main attraction of the sparkling harbour. This magnificent building, shaped like billowing sails, rests on a land surrounded by water.

You can take a photo while passing by on a harbour cruise, find a restaurant to relax in, stroll around outside, or book a tour of this beautiful structure. It is also conveniently surrounded by studios, theatres, exhibition rooms, a cinema, and a concert hall.

The usual Opera House tour is open every day of the year, and there is a generous schedule of tours lasting 1 hour that begins at 9 am and leaves every 30 minutes until closing at 5 pm. The usual entry fee for adults is $42 and $22 for children with a $32 concession. Family pricing is available too.

There is also another option, and it takes longer than 2 hours. These tours include child and meal-focused programs too. For those with mobility difficulties, access tours are available daily at noon. The Opera House will initiate massive upgrades to make the entire facility more attainable for visitors with physical limitations.

2. Sydney Harbour Bridge

The Sydney Harbour Bridge, also known as the Coathanger, was the best-known landmark of the city before the construction of the Opera House.

Giant double piers support it at every end. It was constructed in 1932 and is still the world’s biggest steel arch bridge, joining the harbour’s south and north shores in 1 curve rising above the water.

The bridge has eight lanes for road traffic and two railway lines, which vary according to the traffic flow. Increasing bridge traffic resulted in the construction of the harbour tunnel in the year 1992 to lessen congestion. However, motorcycle riders could still drive over the bridge if they want to see the blue-water views for no cost at all.

3. Circular Quay Harbor Cruises

Constructed by convict labour in the Cove of Sydney, the bustling Circular Quay is currently the home to the city’s main ferry terminal. Thousands of commuters visit the area during peak hours.

Restaurants and café lovers can be seen along the waterfront, and street performers along the sunny walkways entertain locals and visitors.

One of the best things to do here and the best way to appreciate the sparkling waterfront setting of Sydney is to get on a harbour cruise.

Another option is to walk from Circular Quay to visit other well-known attractions. Simply go south on the waterfront promenade to see the Sydney Opera House and the Royal Botanic Gardens, at no extra cost. In addition, a short walk heading north directs to the Bridge of Sydney Harbour and the historic area of the Rocks.

4. The Sydney Tower Eye

Ascending above the city skyline, the Sydney Tower Eye, a 309-meter-high, is the tallest building in the city and one of its best landmarks. This turret with a golden spire-topped rise from the Centrepoint shopping mall.

Express lifts take visitors to the top of the observation deck or the skywalk, an alfresco viewing platform with a glass floor. It is best for people who like to go sightseeing.

The tower eye currently has a walk-up price of $31.00 for adults, $22.00 for children 3-15 years of age, and $24.00 for students or senior citizens. Children from the ages 0-2 years old and Merlin annual pass holders can go for free when they visit the tower.

5. Sydney Beaches

Sydney is also famous for its beaches. Found around the harbour are many sheltered coves with still water and great sands. Less than a 20-minute drive from the city, you can visit the iconic Bondi Beach with its great surf, cosmopolitan vibe, and café scene. For excellent ocean views, take the coastal walk on the cliffs going from Bondi to Coogee.

Swimmers are advised to stay between the red and yellow flags. Volunteer lifeguards patrol the surfing beaches in the Pacific every summer and organize popular lifesaving competitions.

6. Hyde Park

Amidst all the commotion of the business district, Hyde Park is a refuge of shady picnic spots, sprawling lawns, fountains, flowers, and fig trees. Similar to a mini Central Park, this was named after Hyde Park in London.

Constructed by convict labour from 1817 to 1819, the Hyde Park Barracks was placed back to its original condition in 1975 and currently houses a museum portraying the lives of the first-ever involuntary settlers. The Australian Museum can be found on the east side of Hyde Park, with the country’s most extensive collection of natural history.

7. Macquarie Street

Extending from Hyde Park in the south going north to the Sydney Opera House, Macquarie Street was Sydney’s most fashionable street in the past. Governor Macquarie ordered the construction of many of the grand public buildings of the colony along this strand.

Some were even designed by a convict architect named Francis Greenway. Magnificent sandstone residences followed soon, with verandas to see the beautiful views of the Sydney Harbour and surrounding parklands.

How To Remove Bad Smells From Hardwood Flooring [Cleaning Tips]

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Although hardwood flooring is an attractive feature to install in your home, it can be a serious issue if it starts to smell. Unlike rugs or carpets, it is costly to replace a hardwood floor. A few reasons why your hardwood flooring might smell include spilled food or drinks and pet urine. Water damage and high humidity can also make your hardwood floor have a foul odour due to mould and mildew.

Pet urine can contribute to permanent damage because it can penetrate through, especially in an improperly sealed hardwood floor, leading to permanent stench and discolouration. In some severe cases, the best way to eliminate foul odours might involve replacing the hardwood flooring. Fortunately, you can remove tea and coffee stains at work by using the Clean Group following cleaning methods. If you are an urgent care facility manager or owner, you need to live up to the best quality commercial cleaners standards when it comes to urgent care cleaning services practices.

Nowadays, the weather begins to change a lot, causing people to catch colds and flu. Using a professional & well-training cleaner is a must for businesses. Make sure to read our cleaning staff training guide if you need help training your in-house cleaners.

How To Remove Bad Smells From Hardwood Flooring

1. Using Vinegar Solution

White vinegar solution is acidic. Therefore, it can neutralize the alkaline ammonia in pet urine on the hardwood floor to an odour-free state. Fortunately, vinegar can also damage most of the bacteria and germs present in urine. Below are the steps to remove urine odour using a vinegar solution.

  • Take an equal amount of water and white vinegar solution and mix it.
  • If the foul odour is powerful and might have spread to other floor areas in your house, you can add grapefruit oil into the solution to function as a natural deodorant for lousy odour removal.
  • Scrub the affected area on the hardwood flooring while you spray the vinegar solution.
  • After you have finished scrubbing, you can rinse the floor portion using clean water and dry it. You can also dry or wet a vacuum to remove urine and excess moisture.

2. Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is an alkaline crystalline powder. Therefore, you can remove urine odour because it will neutralize the acidic content, resulting in an odourless and pH state.

3. How to Use Baking Soda

Measure approximately half a cup of baking soda and apply it over the areas soaked with pet urine. However, you should avoid applying the excess liquid. Instead, allow the solution to soak overnight and blot it using a microfiber cloth or dry towel. After that, you can vacuum the area. After shaking the mix well, you can use the solution to spray over the affected area.

4. Using an Enzymatic Cleaner

The enzymatic cleaners in Sydney have enzyme proteins that can disintegrate the horrible odour molecules and the available bacteria. To properly use the enzymatic office cleaning services in the Sydney area, you can spray it for approximately 15 minutes before you wipe it off.

5. Sanding the Hardwood Floor

If you have an unfinished hardwood floor, you might need to sand it to remove the bad smell. You can use a drum sander or sic sander for a solid hardwood floor. However, you should ensure that you lightly sand the top layer because it is too thin to undertake a deep sanding. Steps for sanding hardwood floors:

  • Determine if you require light or deep sanding. You can use a floor disk or a vibrating floor sander for light sanding, and use a drum sander to achieve deep sanding. When it comes to rimming and baseboards, you might need an edge sander.
  • Seal areas where dust might escape using plastic sheeting, including doors and windows.
  • Prepare for sanding by removing baseboards and quarter-road. If the baseboards are painted, you can leave them and sand them near the nearby areas without damaging them. Avoid pressing down the drum sander because it can damage the wood floor.
  • Sweep the floor after you have completed sanding
  • Mop the floor and apply a floor finish

6. Using a Pet Odor Remover Product

If you have a sealed hardwood floor, you can use a pet odour remover product to remove a bad smell. First, ensure the product you use is safe for your hardwood floor. Then, you can use the product by following the steps below:

  • Soak up excess food particles or pee using paper towels
  • Rinse the area using a piece of clothing
  • Dry the area thoroughly using a towel
  • Apply the odor-removing liquid to the area that is producing a foul smell
  • Leave the product on the site according to the recommended period as indicated on the packaging
  • Use a clean piece of sponge or cloth to wipe the area
  • Rinse the area using clean fresh water
  • Dry the area.

7. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

Although some people believe that hydrogen peroxide can damage hardwood floors, you should know that this solution is safe for most wood floors. However, you can test the solution in an inconspicuous spot to ensure that it will not discolorize your hardwood floor.

Notably, hydrogen peroxide is mainly used to remove stains than odours. If you have managed to eliminate a foul smell and there are still stains, you can use hydrogen peroxide solution by following the steps below:

  • Pour approximately three per cent of the hydrogen peroxide solution into a spray bottle and apply it to the affected area.
  • Allow the solution to sit in the area for around 20 minutes before using a microfiber cloth to wipe it.
  • If the floor has stubborn stains and odour, you might need to use elbow grease.
  • Rinse the area using a clean piece of cloth. However, it would help if you only blotted or dab the area without rubbing it. After that, you can dry the area using a dryer.

8. Using a Household Product Mix

If you do not have a pet odour remover product and do not want to sand your hardwood flooring, you can use a mixture of household products to remove bad smells.

How to use a mixture of household solution

  • Mix a solution of a drop of dish soap, ¼ cup of baking soda, and 1/3 cup of white vinegar, and place it into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the affected area and allow it to saturate for at least 20 minutes.
  • Wipe the area using a clean piece of sloth
  • Sprinkle a solution of baking soda and allow it to sit overnight
  • Vacuum your floor the following day
  • You can repeat the process until you completely remove the bad smell
  • Now that your hardwood floor smells good and is clean, you can think of the ways you can prevent foul odour, including:
  • Training your pet regarding the proper ways they can poop or urinate.
  • Regularly clean your hardwood floor using dusting and conduct deep cleaning at least once a month.
  • Place doormats inside and outside the house to avoid carrying debris and dust.
  • Always use appropriate techniques and products for floor cleaning
  • Ensure you immediately mop any food or drink spills before they dry out or penetrate the surface to produce a bad smell.

Hardwood flooring is beautiful, warm, and durable and can also increase the value of your home. Therefore, you should properly take care of it to avoid foul odour and maintain its aesthetic value.

In summation, you should know the action to take is to immediately remove the food traces of urine from the floor before it soaks deep into the surface of your hardwood flooring.

How To Create An Urgent Workplace Cleaning Checklist in Sydney

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If you are an urgent care facility manager or owner, you need to live up to the best quality standards when it comes to urgent office cleaners’ practices in Sydney. Nowadays, the weather begins to change a lot, causing people to catch colds and flu.

Many patients will be filling up your waiting rooms, but treating those patients has more to it than just writing them a prescription. During those tough times, you need to ensure your facility remains safe and disinfected to maintain the safety of your staff members and patients.

Even though you might be having a regular cleaning schedule for your facility, it might not be enough these days, as it was reported that many patients get sick from visiting healthcare facilities. Therefore, urgent office cleaning services were implemented to reduce and eliminate the risks of diseases spreading. Keep reading Clean Group this informative article to find out more about typical cleaning procedures.

What Is Urgent Cleaning?

Urgent cleaning is anything that might cause an immediate risk to the well-being of the people around whether it’s a hygiene issue or a safety issue such as spillage. Non-urgent cleaning is the daily cleaning routine like cleaning and wiping surfaces, taking out the trash, and keeping the area neat, tidy, and most importantly, clean.

How Urgent Care Cleaning Protocols Differ From Other Healthcare Facilities

The protocols of urgent care facility cleaning might be a bit different from ambulatory surgical centres and hospitals. For instance, some urgent care centres offer acute medical care and non-emergency services, however, they are not equipped with operating rooms.

Patients who suffer from flu or cold cases are more comfortable using the urgent care facilities as patients are checked and offered treatment within an hour or so. Therefore, urgent care centres pose a risk of infection spreading unless practices for strategic cleaning were implemented.

Why Is Comprehensive Urgent Care Cleaning Important?

While patients are being treated for any reason, they might be exposed to something called healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). This type of infection can happen to any patient in any kind of healthcare centre especially the ones with high traffic.

According to the CDC, at least one in every 31 patients has one or more HAI on any given day. If not treated properly and quickly, these infections could lead to thousands of people losing their lives every year.

HAIs are usually transmitted through surfaces and medical equipment high-touch, which leads to contamination. On the bright side, disinfecting high-touch surfaces can significantly help reduce the spread of infections and diseases.

Considerations for Developing Your Urgent Care Cleaning Checklist

As a facility manager, consider doing an inventory of how clean your facility is. Including the last time you had a deep clean for the entire facility, how often you disinfect cabinets, tables, and counters, and if your janitorial closet is equipped with high-quality disinfectants and cleaning supplies recommended for healthcare settings cleaning.

Once you have all of the above data, you can afterwards start taking action and making changes to implement healthy changes to create a healthy and safe environment for patients and staff.

Set a schedule for regular cleaning whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly. For instance, places of high touch such as phones, door handles, medical equipment, and patient rooms should be disinfected and cleaned thoroughly after every patient leaves the room.

Other cleaning tasks such as cleaning the insides of cabinets and shelves can be handled every quarter, regardless of the emergency cleanings which might arise on any given day.

It doesn’t matter what you include in your cleaning checklist as long as your main goal is to lower the risks of HAIs spreading. Make sure to always stay updated with the requirements you need to follow to ensure your facility stays clean and healthy for staff members and patients.

What Products Do You Need for Urgent Cleaning?

Choosing the right products to use for disinfecting, sanitizing, and sterilizing could be a bit complicated as you need to consider the pros and cons of every cleaning chemical you use, especially in healthcare facilities.

Stringent disinfection lowers the spread risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). There are currently five essential EPA-registered chemicals that healthcare centres and hospitals use for disinfectants: Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid. Quaternary Ammonium, Hypochlorite, and Phenolics,

What to Clean in Healthcare Facilities?

The most important areas to focus on cleaning while in a healthcare facility are the areas where body fluids and blood are usually present, such as operating rooms. These areas should be cleaned thoroughly and might need two or three staff members to help reduce cleaning time and ensure they stay on schedule.

Other areas to be cleaned are the areas of high-touch, such as tables, counters, cabinets, shelves, and medical equipment. Most importantly, the common areas such as bathrooms should be cleaned multiple times a day.

Deep cleaning tricks for the healthcare facility should occur regularly depending on the traffic this facility has. Some facilities choose to do it weekly, other facilities choose to do it every few days to avoid the spread of HAIs.

Where to Store Cleaning Products?

Even with proper training and documentation, the improper storage of cleaning materials such as chemicals might be extremely dangerous and even as dangerous as chemical misuse. Healthcare facilities, need to implement a chemicals safety program to ensure the safe storage of chemicals.

  • Chemicals should be stored in a dry, cool, and clean space as some chemicals might have dangerous reactions when stored at a high temperature or high levels of humidity
  • Store the cleaning chemicals in well-ventilated areas far from the HVAC intake vents to prevent any fumes from spreading to other facility areas
  • Store the cleaning chemicals where they could be clearly seen. Not on top of a shelf of any storage areas
  • Do not store cleaning chemicals on the floor even for a short period of time
  • Do not put too many cleaning chemicals on one shelf and ensure to keep the spaces between the containers

Outsource Your Cleaning Needs

During your evaluation of your facility’s health and safety maintenance, if you determine that your needs are too large to be handled by regular cleaning staff, do not hesitate to outsource your cleaning needs.

At Clean Group, we offer you budget-friendly commercial cleaning & office cleaning services in Sydney by the hands of experts who are guaranteed to leave your premises sparkling clean & hygienic every single time.

For more info, visit our Clean-Group official website and feel free to request a free onsite quote, or chat with our customer support staff for further assistance.

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