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Commercial Cleaning Industry News, Tips, Guide and Checklist

You can read here many helpful articles related to commercial cleaning, latest cleaning news in Australia, including how to find and hire the best cleaners in your budget, how to train a commercial cleaner, why hire a cleaner over doing it yourself, cleaning tips for a specific area like supermarket, retail store, data centre, pub & restaurants, hospitals, factories, buildings, and more.

How to Create the Most Effective Business Cleaning Routine in Sydney

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The pressures of modern society require you to tend to your professional life strenuously. Water bills, health bills, utility bills, and other expenses may necessitate working late hours. It is easy to be engrossed in your professional life and forget the small details that make life blissful.

Cleanliness is an integral part of your health and overall wellbeing. Prioritizing cleanliness creates a sense of harmony and serenity. The balance in your life translates to your family and workplace in Sydney NSW. Routine commercial cleaning has been proven to have both physical and psychological benefits. However, it is possible to create a customized cleaning schedule that utilizes little time between work schedules while making the process fun.

A clutter-free workspace fosters your productivity to enable you to smash targets by the end of the quarter. Formulating a cleaning routine can make a world of difference to your life.

Disorganization makes for easy distractions in the workplace. Jobs demand total concentration, which is only possible with a clean and organized workspace. However, prioritizing cleanliness in your workplace can be a daunting task.

Time is limited, and you need a routine that saves time while effectively cleaning the work area. You can create a cleaning routine that does not interfere with work hours by following these tips:

1. Better Organization

You often spend a lot of time looking for misplaced car keys or files. Arranging your items on clearly labelled shelves causes minor inconvenience when finding something. Furthermore, marked neat shelves in the workplace quickly pinpoint where to find specific files and stationery.

Disorganized material can get in the way of productivity since you spend a lot of time searching through the mess rather than working. You can purchase a foldable compartment to store your files, stationery, and valuable tools neatly.

A cleaning process is incomplete without a professional commercial cleaner, benefits of hiring a cleaning service to improve business by Clean Group.

2. Empty Your Sink

Time is essential in a workplace, and no employer would want you to sacrifice your work time to clean. Unfortunately, utensils may clamp up your workplace and limit your productivity. Your peers only add to the suffering with their greasy lunch boxes.

A general rule to help you is always empty the sink. Before you sleep or leave your workspace, ensure you clean all the greasy utensils. Grease builds up the nastiest stains with time.

You can use standard detergent to clean your sink and the utensils; mild bleach will suffice where you lack household detergent. When cleaning your sink, also clean the lower facet to scour the grime on the sink plug. This saves you a lot of precious time next time you clean.

3. After Shower Cleaning Routine

A post-shower cleaning routine is a time saver. You do not need to set aside a whole day to clean your tiles and maintain their porcelain finish. Dingy tiles and grout lower the aesthetic value of your home and workspace.

Cleaning tiles do not have to be a tedious task that requires specialized skill and cleaning products. A microfibre towel dabbed in tile cleaning gel is enough to clean your tiles.

Wipe the stains off your tiles while they are moist. You can also use a scrub brush to scour the dirty grout that builds on tile edges.

4. Cleaning Caddy

A cleaning caddy is an integral part of your cleaning routine. Workplaces have tight schedules that won’t allow you to find cleaning equipment in time and clean effectively – a cleaning caddy stores all your cleaning products and equipment in one compartment. You can strategically place your caddy in an easily accessible spot. Common caddy locations are

  • Greasy workspaces
  • Company’s cafeteria
  • Lavatories

Your cleaning caddy should have cleaning essentials such as cleaning sprays and microfiber towels that you can use to disinfect surfaces instantly without dampening tabletops. You should consult a sanitation expert to help you purchase and stock your cleaning caddy.

5. Choose Rooms

Choosing where to start cleaning is the easiest part of your cleaning routine and the most important to save of time. It is advisable to start on the less greasy rooms during weekdays and devote weekends to cleaning the dirtier rooms when you have more time.

Start cleaning from the inner rooms towards the doorway. While cleaning an individual room, it is imperative to remember to clean from the top down. Declutter your space by first arranging it before undertaking any cleaning procedure. Tackle one room at a time; straining won’t do you any good.

6. Stick to the Routine

There is no point in making a cleaning routine if you don’t make it a habit. Once your cleaning routine is incorporated into your schedule, you will never abscond from cleaning duty. Your cleaning routine should be in between breaks to make cleaning fun.

You can assign various cleaning duties to your peers at work who are comfortable doing so. Like-minded peers should welcome your suggestion for a healthier, distraction-free workplace.

Make a budget depending on the frequency of your cleaning routine. Cleaning products sell at relatively the exact prices, and you only need to choose whatever works best for your pocket.

7. Cleaning Products

A significant part of your cleaning routine involves using various cleaning products. While you need to cleanse your environment effectively, some cleaning products are a peril to your health.

For example, anti-bacterial cleaning reagents are designed with abrasives and hazardous chemicals. Antimicrobial reagents are inherently dangerous as they are made to kill bacteria but don’t necessarily make your surfaces healthier. With these chronic effects, you should avoid using harmful cleaning products in workplaces or where kids frequent.

Instead, thoroughly wash your hands with running water regularly after handling abrasives. Then, keep you and your loved ones safe and clean by using less harmful reagents.

A clutter-free workspace will maximize your concentration and productivity. Research shows that employees at clean workspaces have lesser anxiety and stress levels. A company with mentally calm employees will flourish.

Plan a cleaning routine today that saves on time and allows you to clean your environment effectively. The importance of a clean workplace cannot be overstressed, and it is imperative to improve your life quality.

Following a cleaning routine is as important as creating one in the first place. If your office does not already have a cleaning routine, create one now. Do not ignore the importance of routine office cleaning for the sake of your employees’ and visitors’ safety.

Need help? Feel free to contact Clean Group to talk to our experts to determine the best cleaning strategy and routine for your place. If you need, we can arrange a free onsite quote for our experts to analyse your property and give you the best cleaning plan and quotation. Call us today to discuss this further.

Top Tips On How To Declutter Your Workplace Quickly

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It is hard, if not impossible, to stay productive in a cluttered office cleaning space. It makes you feel distracted, and you even can’t find the stuff you require. However, most people do not know where to begin when it comes to decluttering an office space.

Fortunately, you can start decluttering your office space today easily and fast. And why not? You won’t get anything else done anyway. So here is a look at the top tips on how to declutter your office space quickly.

1. Begin with a Section by Section

Decluttering your whole office space at once can be intimidating. However, you can get a lot done over a short time by doing one section at a time. For instance, you can start with just your filing cabinet, dishwasher, desktop, or drawer. Then, make a quick list of each section of your office space for you to declutter them one by one.

Start to declutter just one section and then work your way through the other sections around your office. This way, you will easily dig into the particular area to determine what you require to keep and what you can discard.

2. Keep the Essentials

It is effortless for random supplies and documents to accumulate over time. It is also likely that you will want to hold onto lots of stuff, thinking that you might require them just in case.

But the chances that you will need specific papers from years ago is meagre. So, you should only keep the stuff you are currently working on or anything you might require for compliance.

Take out anything that does not belong in the space. Go through your drawers, surfaces, and cabinets for everything required to be in the living room, kitchen, etc., and only keep the office essentials. Then, it is easier to begin bringing in anything you need in the office from elsewhere.

3. Digitalize the Important Documents

Paper files and documents can quickly stack up. However, they don’t have to. Most of the papers can be digitized. You can opt to scan other documents or forms to keep the copies digitally if you might need them in the future.

Consider digitizing your bills, receipts, invoices, and other critical miscellaneous papers. This way, they will be safely stored, and you can discard everything away. Also, declutter your computer to help maintain the digitized files well organized depending on your needs.

4. Properly Utilize Tech Options

Today, there are lots of tech tools you can use to declutter your office space moving forward. For example, register for a cloud storage service for backing up your digitized documents, so you don’t require to keep hard copies of documents.

You can also use project management and collaboration tools such as Asana and G Suite to manage communication with clients and members. Utilizing these tech tools will reduce the need to keep lots of physical stuff in your office space.

5. Arrange Stuff into Categories

After you have discarded the non-essential things in your office space, it is now time to put everything in the right place. You can do this by sorting them into particular categories. There is no specific way of categorizing things, and it all depends on how you do your business.

However, you should arrange the items to keep track and recall where everything is located easily. For example, you can categorize your office space into sections of finance and marketing or areas for your different clients.

6. Develop a System to Store Physical Files

After you have the scope of the physical items you require to store, you should begin to look for a physical place or filing cabinet to store all of them. This will keep them out of your way but still easily accessible anytime you require them.

You don’t have to get an entire piece of furniture if you don’t have many documents to store. You can use some folders in your desk drawer or an organizer hanging from the door. Just ensure that the storage system you opt for has sufficient room to store your categorized sections.

7. Dust and Clean Everything

Now that you have removed and sorted out everything, you don’t want to have the office space looking all dusty and messy. This is hence the ideal time to sweep, dust, and clean the office surfaces quickly. Being surrounded by clean and fresh air instead of random things and paperwork feels better.

8. Have a Desk Outbox for Your Urgent Things

Regardless of how organized most of your supplies and files are, you will still be constantly receiving new things that require your immediate attention. However, it is not always possible to sort the incoming stuff right away, particularly if you need to be prompted to look at them.

In this case, it is recommended that you keep a small tray or outbox on your desk at an observable place from your workspace. This way, you will always know what requires your attention immediately and work through the items continuously while maintaining a well-organized office space.

9. Label all the Sections

To quickly find things when you require them, you should clearly label everything in your office space. Ensure it is easy to see and read all the labels clearly from your workspace.

Labelling will make it easier to locate things as you work without reducing your working momentum. You may even consider colour-coding things for strong colour relations and a more organized look.

10. Keep up Proper Organizational Habits

Office clutter develops quickly over time. The most remarkable change you can make to maintain your office space clutter-free is keeping the habit of organization and cleanliness moving onwards.

Always arrange things back in place after using them and take some time to clean up and ensure everything is well organized at the end of every day. Finally, if the clutter begins to get out of hand, it is time to reschedule another decluttering.

With the above tips on decluttering your space quickly, you can now make your home or office impeccably clean in a short time. Doing this makes your office more convenient for you to work in, and you should even notice enhanced productivity.

Bonus Tip: Keep your desk clean and organised. Every day, before you start your work, dust or wipe clean your office desk with a clean microfiber cloth, including all items and electronics on the desk.

If you are concerned about germs, use a TGA-approved disinfectant to spray clean all frequently touched objects and surfaces. Besides that, avoid eating at your desk and clean the spills as frequently as possible so that they have no chance to leave stains.

If you need help keeping your workplace clean and decluttered, call us to book an office cleaning service anywhere in NSW. We are the best, affordable and totally reliable.

The Top 5 Products You Should Have In Your Workplace Cleaning Caddy

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With busy schedules and fast-paced lifestyles, it is hard to prioritize the things that make life blissful for you. Family time, decorating your home and walking your dog take a back seat as your professional life thrives. You may abscond commercial cleaning duty to take care of your young one or increase your paycheck; it is understandable.

While some homeowners blame their tight schedules, others blame their cleaning equipment. Both are equally true, and the wrong cleaning caddy won’t sterilize your house sufficiently. Others discount the importance of a clean home.

A clean house keeps germs at bay, lowering the risk of falling sick as well as bestowing a sense of harmony and tranquility in your home. The cleaning process is fun and enhances bonding amongst your family members whom you spend little time with owing to your strenuous work.

So, what is a Commercial cleaning caddy? Cleaning has its psychological and physical benefits if you use suitable cleaning accessories. A cleaning caddy is simply where you put all your cleaning equipment. A new Sydney Commercial cleaning caddy sterilizes your environment and protects your body from chronic effects.

Most cleaning products contain ammonia which irritates your skin and may cause bleaching. A cleaning caddy does not have to be fancy, but it should help keep your cleaning accessories organized to make cleaning tips quick and easy.

What Should You Look for in a Cleaning Caddy?

  • Handle – You want a sturdy handle to carry it with ease.
  • Color – You want a cleaning caddy that accentuates your décor.
  • Size – Your caddy should be able to carry all your cleaning essentials
  • Compartments – Compartments hold similar supplies in one slot.

What Should You Have in Your Cleaning Caddy?

It would be best if you had the following essentials in your caddy for taking on stains and dirt in your house:

1. Cleaning Sprays

You have a wide range of cleaning sprays, from antibacterial to degreaser sprays. However, an all-purpose cleaner will suit your finances as well as disinfect your surfaces.

There are a lot of multipurpose sprays in the market by different manufacturers. Some work better than others and vary with surface material. Essentially these work on a spray, wipe and go principle. They are gentle on your skin but ruthless on germs and stains.

Cleaning sprays are safe to use on all surfaces, and you can purchase them at your local store. However, it is imperative to note that products labelled cleanser instead of cleaner containing rougher abrasives may require protecting your hands before handling them.

2. Tile Cleaner

Tiles tend to wear and stain with age; however, reversing these effects requires special care of the tiles by using tile cleaners. Tile cleaners contain bleach that scours scum on your tiles. Some cleaners cut through the dingy and discoloured grout building up on tile edges.

The beauty of your home largely depends on the state of your tiles. Your tiles need grout-friendly and tile-friendly tile cleaners such as gel tile cleaner. While the tiles are still moist, a squeegee dabbed with a significant amount of tile cleaner to scour them. Cleaning your floor regularly will maintain your tiles’ aesthetic value.

3. Microfibre Cloths

Microfiber towels are gentle on smooth surfaces like marble and glass. They are blends of polyester ground into tiny fibres and conjoined without chemical treatment. A microfiber cloth is used with cleaning sprays when you want to disinfect your surfaces without leaving a scratch. This is by far the most valuable equipment in your caddy.

It would be best if you buy lint-free towels for your caddy. Use it when moist with a bit of detergent to wipe your surfaces clean. You can throw them in the laundry with other towels to keep them clean and durable.

Towels can be cut from bigger ones to save on cost instead of buying numerous towels that perform the same functions. However, microfiber towels are cheap, and they are a must-have in your caddy.

4. Rubber Gloves

Most of your cleaning agents are made with ammonia, sulphates, and acids. Handling them with bare hands may cause serious injuries or irritation. It would be best if you did not have to injure yourself while disinfecting your house.

The FHSA requires manufacturers to put precautionary labels on products that may irritate your skin. However, some manufacturers do not adhere to regulations, and you should only purchase products with a clear indication of ingredients and their abrasiveness. Abrasives and irritation should not deter you from cleaning.

Rubber gloves protect your hands from the chemicals. Crevices tend to pile up, which is tummy turning when you remove it with your bare hands. Gloves help to clean those tight spaces without feeling like you need a scrub yourself too.

Your wallet bears the brunt of replacing your expensive manicure after every cleaning process. Rubber gloves allow you to clean your house while still maintaining your gorgeous nails. Shopping for gloves is not as easy as it sounds, and you should only buy rubber gloves from a renowned stockist.

5. Scrub Brush

When dirt accumulates on surfaces and household equipment, it may slip into nooks hard to reach with your bare hands and micro towels. A scrub brush has bristles that reach those crevices to clean them.

Scrub brushes can double up as mops where rigorous cleaning is required. Their ability to scour and cut through grease is desirable for floors and tile surfaces.

You can incorporate different scrubs in your caddies, such as cordless, bottle brush, and spout brush. Modern brushes have foldable shafts and save on space in your caddy, allowing you to pack more cleaning accessories.

The best brushes use micro bristle technology that reaches the farthest of cracks. You can purchase electric scrub brushes and regular hand-use brushes at any local store. You should buy brushes with flexible but sturdy bristles that last you long and clean your home effectively.

These essentials in your cleaning caddy should make cleaning an enjoyable process with the family. You can choose to have several caddies in strategic rooms in your homes, such as the bathroom and kitchen. They may be slightly different. Get a cleaning caddy today to keep your home aesthetically appealing and free from disease-causing bacteria.

What Else Can You Have in Your Cleaning Caddy?

Besides the above-mentioned essential cleaning items to include in your caddy, there are various other cleaning products you may want to include in your basket depending on a particular cleaning job.

These include all-purpose microfiber cloths, disinfecting spray, window cleaner, floor cleaner, portable vacuum, glass cleaner, non-scratch sponge and dish soap, tile cleaner, toilet cleaner, spray mop, etc.

Need help choosing the right commercial cleaning products? Contact Clean Group to talk to our experts. Or you can call us to book a commercial cleaning service anywhere in NSW. We bring our own supplies so you can have your peace of mind.

10 Creative Ways To Declutter Your Home

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Just admit you have some clutter lying around your house. Household clutter may seem harmless at first, but it can make you feel stressed and take control of your life. Unfortunately, it will soon happen because you surround yourself with useless things. 

The only way to take good care of yourself and your loved ones is to declutter your home. It’s time to handle those messes. This post will share the top ten creative ways to manage your decluttering project effectively as recommended by leading industry cleaning experts.

1. Consider Working in Short Bursts

Most people assume that they need to set up a day or two to do the decluttering job. Therefore, we schedule cleaning during the weekend or on an off day.

While there is nothing wrong with doing that, getting the time can be challenging if you have a busy schedule. As a result, you will always postpone the work, and your home will be too messy before you know it.

Thus, it’s better to declutter in 5-10 minutes bursts or every time you can spare 30 minutes. This technique will make the task more manageable. Moreover, it won’t be too overwhelming because cleaning is already your habit. Soon, decluttering will not tire you because you’re already used to it.

2. Always Separate Trash from Donations

Before you begin sorting your belongings to declutter your home, set up a system for separating what you intend to keep from what you will donate or trash. Allow yourself to sort things as you go. Avoid wasting more time organizing these things later. 

The three-box technique happens to be effective at this task. All you have to do is set up three boxes somewhere in the house, label them ‘trash,’ ‘donate/sell,’ and ‘put away.’

As you come across the things you need, want, or don’t use, you can place them in one of the boxes as you go. The technique will not only make the work less stressful but help you complete the decluttering work sooner.

3. Remove Duplicate Items

Sometimes, you might realize you have multiple items that you rarely use. It usually happens when you buy an item and misplace it, then buy a replacement.

In other instances, you might have purchased a new thing as an upgrade but keep the old or less-useful ones in your home. As a result, you’re adding more clutter every time.

So, sort through your multiples – be it accessories, utensils, or clothing. Choose what fits or serves you the best and trash or donate the rest. Besides decluttering your home, this move will help curb spending since you’ll know everything you own and will be more intentional with purchases.

4. Remove the Broken Items

What will you do to your damaged things; do you throw or repair them? Most people prefer getting a new one and still keeping the broken item, which clutters your home.

So make sure you eliminate or fix anything defective in your home that can save you money. It will also keep your home organized. Here’s the rule: If you can fix it, then fix it. If you can’t, then buy a new one and throw away the old ones.

5. Don’t Keep Items You Haven’t Used in a Year

“I may use this item in the future.” Stop this mindset now. It will only clutter the home and create a mess. If you haven’t used any of your belongings in a year, you should donate or trash them.

The annual time frame works well since it lets you make decisions about seasonal items. You have the chance to use all items in a year, so if you don’t use something, it’s time to let it go to keep your home clutter-free.

6. Do Detangle Cables and Cords

One of the things that clutter a home is tangled wires stretching from the nearest outlet to the device. Other than making the space look visually busy, they can cause one to trip and fall.

Luckily, you can avoid such a mess by placing the wires in plastic tubing mounted on the walls. You can also try hooking the cords on the back of the furniture or running the wires behind the wall.

7. Pay More Attention to the Surfaces

The visible surfaces in your house like countertops, office desks, coffee tables, nightstands, and kitchen cabinet tops are magnets for pilling up junk. If you have placed lots of clutter on your flat surfaces, be sure to remove them and change the habit.

For instance, you can get an aesthetic organizer and put it on the surface to store small items like keys, wallets, etc. It will keep the flat surfaces clutter-free.

8. Seek Help When Decluttering

Even if you can declutter your home alone, you should consider seeking help from your family members or a friend. They will make your work easier and offer opinions on organizing or getting rid of the old items you don’t want to discard. Also, working with your loved ones will encourage them to keep the home clutter-free.

9. Hire a Professional Mover and Cleaners

If you’d like to keep some of your belongings in a storage facility, be sure to hire a professional mover. Most of the movers offer secure storage facilities so your belongings will be safe.

Meanwhile, you can also hire a commercial cleaning company that can take care of things efficiently. They can visit your home or office and the clutter. Get professional advice, and book their service to save time.

10. Declutter More Often

Even if you and your loved ones are vigilant and tidy up the home consistently, clutter will accumulate if you haven’t set up natural declutterers.

So, instead of allowing the junk to irritate you, accept that you need to clean up and declutter more often. Ensure that you keep your home clean and mess-free.

We hope that these tips will help you keep your home clutter-free. Cleaning doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start by decluttering the small area, before the big rooms. Then, make it a habit. Surprise your family and visitors.

How To Declutter Your Workroom Space Effectively

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At Clean Group We like to have our organised. Your office space reflects your habits and personality. Some workplaces are colourful and highly personalized. In contrast, there are workspaces with a lot of clutter. You might wonder how employees focus on such work areas.

Everyone should organize their workstation. It is for the best comfort, productivity, and time management. If you are frequently overwhelmed by stacks of paperwork and disordered files, here’s our checklist to know the different ways of decluttering your workplace.

Different Ways of Decluttering Your Workspace

Remove Things You Don’t Use

If you have lots of clutter, remove it to establish a better workspace. You can create more space. Remove the furniture and other items that are not related to work. Before you start re-organizing your furniture and equipment, you can dust them off and wipe the drawers and desk using moist wipes or a damp piece of cloth. 

Identify the Necessary Items

You can begin re-organizing your items back, identify what’s necessary and what’s not. For instance, if you have a cubicle workspace, you will require a desktop and its accessories. In contrast, if your job entails lots of paperwork, you can acquire a file cabinet to organize it effectively.

A folder organizer can be helpful on your desk. However, if you don’t use files in your job, remove this clutter. Having the file organizer in the space provides you with the temptation to store all your papers there instead of placing them in a file cabinet. Therefore, if you think a file organizer is unnecessary, you can remove it.

Get Organizers for Your Desk

Desk organizers are for small desk accessories, some of the recommended file organizers are used for storing pen and paper clips. You can buy these organizers in the stationary store near you.

Moreover, you can declutter your office paper by using an additional file or a paper tray. It can produce a less stressful and calmer workplace and enhance your productivity because you will know where to find everything.

Hide Electrical Chargers and Wires

If you have several technological devices around your workspace desk, their cable can become a nightmare. Hiding wires in your workplace can make a difference in how neat and clean it will look.

Also, it can be embarrassing to communicate with your clients when your office is disorganized. It can be handy if you use a surge protector to keep all cords charged from the same outlet. In that way, you can minimize the visual clutter from all the wirings.

If your workplace desk has an open back, you can place the wires in the opening to prevent them from becoming visible. You can also wrap lengthy cables to shorten them. The main aim is to ensure the cords are accessible and do not attract much attention.

Digitize Your Invoices and Bills

In this digital era, you can declutter your papers by going digital. You can do that by transferring your invoices and bills into a digital system by scanning them. After that, you can store them in a digital file.

If you receive monthly invoices, you can sign up for online notifications from your suppliers to ensure that you do not miss any payments. In that way, you’ll be reminded and minimize paper clutter in your workspace.

Commit to Regular Decluttering

Office managers should implement a regular decluttering schedule to ensure your workspace is clutter-free. However, you know how dirty and messy is your office. Eventually, it will continue to pile up slowly, and you will have to set a specific time to declutter the space regularly. 

For instance, you can plan to set aside around five minutes every day or one hour every work to declutter your workspace. It would help if you made an effort to clean your working space after you have completed your daily tasks.

When commercial cleaning, you can throw away any leftover lunch wrappers, put the pens back in their place and stack the papers in a pile. Doing that will take less than five minutes. You can save yourself from stressful clutters when you come to the workplace the following day.

Benefits of Decluttering Your Workplace

Inspires Confidence and Provides a Good Impression

An office reflects your business. For instance, an untidy and cluttered office can send wrong impressions to your clients. Remember, first impressions are critical to your business success, and you can leave a lasting image on your prospective employees, visitors, and clients by having a well-organized office.

In addition, a neat office can increase your morale and transform the workplace into a happier, healthier, safer, and cleaner environment. It also boosts your confidence to show off your clean workstation to your colleagues and boss.

Better Collaboration

Having a well-organized desk can be critical, especially when you are sharing the space. Organized work areas can help your colleagues find the documents they need.

Even if you are not sharing the workplace, you might need to direct your co-work to get an important file when you are not around. After establishing a workplace where everything is clean properly, you will have a limited likelihood of experiencing lost items resulting in inefficiency and lost time.

Better Work Environment

A clean and organized work environment can provide a great impression to visitors apart from offering you peace of mind. It will enable you to take pride in the efficient physical systems, enhance your confidence and improve your general work atmosphere. 

Research shows that a cluttered workplace limits you from effectively focusing on set priorities, projects, and tasks. Consequently, it can adversely affect your professional emotional and psychological well-being. 

A cluttered workspace might be an eyesore and can become a detriment to your comfort, focus, and productivity. Therefore, you can avoid building up clutter by learning ways of removing unnecessary items from your workspace through the above guide. 

Most importantly, it would help if you considered your daily operations, available space, and how productive you will become by organizing your work office. In that way, you can have a well-organized and clean workspace after you declutter it efficiently.

Regular decluttering of your workplace is as important as commercial cleaning. Decluttering will keep your place tidy and looking attractive and will make a great impression on your office visitors.

Decluttering is simple. All you have to do is avoid collecting and get rid of things you do not use. Also, try and put things you rarely use away from the work area. Keep your desk organised and clean.

Hire a professional cleaning service for regular cleaning of your office areas to maintain an appealing office space that not only looks good but also helps increase your workers’ productivity. Contact Clean Group to book a cleaning service today!

Tips On How To Clean Those Most-Touched Areas

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During these trying times, home and office sanitation has become a top priority. But, this doesn’t just involve cleaning the flooring, windows, or furniture alone. We sometimes forget to clean high-touch areas, fridges, gadgets, and furniture.

“Most-touched area” refers to a surface that’s touched by most people regularly throughout the day. Office cleaning and disinfecting office areas will keep the employees healthy. It also prevents the spread of germs and other harmful bacteria.

So, how do you sanitize these areas? This post will give you tips on how to clean common high-touch areas in your home or office.

Excellent Practices to Consider Before Cleaning

  • Always wear your gloves while cleaning
  • Consider using disposable wipes
  • Rotate the wipe or cloth when cleaning
  • Dispose of the waste or wipes in lined trash cans
  • Clean your hands after each cleaning exercise

7 Top High-Touch Areas You Must Prioritize

Working Table

Aside from working, most people keep many things like keys, phones, wallets on their tables. It concerns everyone who is working from home or shared workspaces in an office. It’s advisable to clean the table surfaces every day, preferably before you start your work.

How to Clean:

Spray a disinfectant on the desktop or tabletop. Next, wipe every part of the surface with wipes or a damp cloth. You may use any DIY alcohol solution or distilled bleach solution when cleaning because it kills germs and bacteria.

Doorknobs and Handles

Appliance handles and doorknobs are frequently touched surfaces that require cleaning and disinfecting. Public doorknobs and handles are filthy. The dirt and microscopic germs from one hand to another can contaminate the surface. At home, you also need to disinfect knobs to protect your family from sickness.

How to Clean:

Buy some trusted disinfectant wipes to clean the doorknobs and handles all around your office and house. Regular water can’t kill germs. So always use disinfecting wipes or put alcohol in your solution. Wait for about ten minutes before you dry the knobs; that’ll be enough to eliminate dirt.

Once you finish wiping, be sure to let them dry before anyone can touch them again. Focus on the main entrance doors, bathroom doors, microwave doors, and refrigerator doors.


Another most-touched area in your home or office is the switchboards. Most people invariably touch switchboards whenever they enter or leave a room, so you can be sure germs will have accumulated on the surfaces by the end of the day. Add cleaning the switchboard to your daily cleaning routine.

How to Clean:

Get a soft clean cloth and spray some disinfectant solution on it. Start wiping the switches one by one, covering all the sides. If you don’t like wiping, you can spray it with disinfecting solution directly. Just make sure to focus on the switchboards and not the wires.

You can wipe them down right away. However, you have to exercise caution while using this second method. Avoid spraying the excess solution on the switchboard and ensure the liquid doesn’t get into the sockets.

Kitchen Counters

Kitchen counters are one of the busiest areas in the house. You cook and prepare your food every single day. Sure! It’s easy to transfer Salmonella from raw food to other surfaces like kitchen equipment and countertops through improper handling.

But did you know that Australia was hit by a large Salmonella outbreak year 2019? According to the report, it affected at least 171 residents in New South Wales. 

The said outbreak was from 11 New South Wales poultry facilities, affected and contaminated egg farms around the neighbourhood. The poultry farms were decontaminated. For this reason, you should clean your kitchen countertop every time you need to prepare raw food like eggs, meat, and dairy products.

How to Clean:

Wipe the counters with a cloth containing the disinfectant solution or wipes. Remember to clean the entire surface and don’t overlook the cabinet handles too – you might touch them while preparing the raw food.


Office telephones and mobile phones have become irreplaceable today. We need these gadgets for productive communication. Let’s admit it, we all spend a lot of time on phones, especially on mobile phones.

Imagine how many times you touch other contaminated surfaces, then you hold your phone right after without sanitizing. Viruses attack without you knowing. You use your phone in close contact with your face. Moreover, you hold it in your hand. So, sanitize it always.

How to Clean:

Place a wipeable or washable cover on the phone and wipe it frequently. Be sure to use an alcohol-based spray solution or wipes with at least 70% alcohol, and allow the surface to dry properly before touching it.

PC or Laptop Keyboards

The desktop computer and laptop keyboards are also a hotbed for bacteria. The contamination occurs when you touch other surfaces and transfer the bacteria to your keyboard.

Get things how to store things away effectively at your office. So other than washing your hands regularly to avoid transferring bacteria to the keyboard, you should wipe the area clean every day.

How to Clean:

Dip wipes in a disinfectant solution. Start by wiping the computer or laptop thoroughly before you begin your day. Be sure to focus on the keyboard area and mouse.

You may opt to unplug the keyboard to remove the loose debris on the cracks and crevices or use a compressed air can to clear the keys. Most manufacturers also offer guidelines on cleaning the device, so be sure to check them out before you start.

Remote Controls

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t keep your hands off the air conditioner or television remote. The chances are other people in your home or office like to do the same.

There is a high possibility of spreading bacteria from one remote to another. To minimize infection risks, you have to disinfect all remote controls daily.

How to Clean:

Use disinfectant wipes or homemade disinfectant solution with alcohol to clean the remotes. Also, avoid touching your face until you clean your hands.

It’s essential to follow these guidelines to ensure all the most-touched areas in your home and office cleaning every day. Make sure the bacteria don’t spread in your home or office so you can prevent all the viral infections.

Frequently touched areas like door handles and water faucets can contribute a lot to spreading the infection. Regular cleaning of these most touched areas and high-traffic surfaces is important, especially in commercial facilities with high foot traffic.

Disinfection along with regular cleaning is the best way to keep your premises safe from virus infection and protect your people from germs and bacteria.

Clean Group’s electrostatic disinfection technique can help keep the most touched surfaces in your workplace clean and germ-free by removing up to 99.99% of bacteria. Call us today to know more.

How To Store Things Away Effectively At Your Workplace.

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Your home is your sanctuary away from societal pressures and your professional life’s demands. The neatness of your house directly impacts its serenity. A clutter-free workspace improves workers’ morale, and the translational effect is an increment in your productivity. The importance of a tidy environment cannot be overstated.

However, turning your home or workplace into a serene environment cannot be achieved without proper knowledge and skills. Cleaning does not always have to be a dreary and strenuous process. There are ways to make the office cleaning process enjoyable and effective.

This article imparts all you need to know to create a haven for yourself in your workplace and home. The following methods from office cleaners indicate how to declutter and store things effectively in the messiest of workspaces and homes in Sydney NSW:

1. Creative Solutions

Offices have tiny spaces where you can store your things without interrupting workflow. The typical workplace has a lot of computers, stationery, and files. With the movement of colleagues from workstation to workstation, it is possible to create a mess and consequently misplace important material.

Creative solutions utilize the limited space to store things away within reach and without interfering with other workers. The various innovative solutions include:

Cable Sleeve Holder 

A sleeve cable system that holds your computer wires in place to prevent entanglement and possible work injuries. It also extends the life of your cables and cuts your replacement costs


Hooks can be magnetic or adhesive. They offer you extra space to hang your coats and bags; you can strategically place these hooks at the back of a door or towards an opening of a less busy corridor. Triple-pronged hooks are the best to put in your workstation.

Stationery Caddy

A creative way to store your stationery with ease of access is in a stationery caddy. You can get creative with this and use any material to make your caddy with matching colours and incredulous designs for you and your colleagues. You can purchase your caddy at any local store or make one using DIY instructional videos.

Creative solutions will work for your home with only a tad of tweaking. However, they work best in offices that have little space and a significant number of workers.

2. Hiring a Housekeeping Manager

Due to busy schedules, you can’t prioritize organization and cleanliness; this does not mean you have to do away with organizing your home or office. Hiring a housekeeper solves your organizational mess.

The fundamental obligation of a housekeeper is to clean, dust, and organize your house or office. In addition, your housekeeper and cleaners must improve the safety and maintain the functionality of the various appliances in your home.

Some housekeepers provide you with an organizational chart to pinpoint the location of your items. You can hire a housekeeping manager on a monthly basis or a one-time gig, depending on your budget.

However, you should only hire a housekeeper with excellent organizational skills. Cleaning companies offer you the best housekeeping managers to keep your house and office tidy.

3. Installing Cupboards and Lockers

It is common practice to place your bag, files, and other office equipment on your desk. It provides ease of access, but if things pile up on your desk, then it becomes a mess. Workstations involve exchanges of files from the manager, CFO, to the junior clerk. It is possible to misplace the files during the day.

Transitory cupboards and shelves provide you with space to store public access files in the office. You can create a cleaning schedule with your peers to split your organizing and cleaning cupboards. You can vary the cleaning frequency of your cabinet from a daily to a weekly basis.

Alternatively, you can hire a cleaning company that cleans out your cupboards and organizes your items in them. Finally, you can build a locker room in the building to store items you don’t require at the moment to reduce the melange at your desk.

How Often Should You Clean Out Cupboards?

Within your workstation, it is possible to add to clutter instead of rectifying it. Cupboards help you to store things effectively. However, your organizational skills and cleaning routine determine their suitability for minimizing clutter. How often should you then clean out cupboards?

Your cupboards should be cleaned whenever clutter starts to build up and disrupts the serenity of the workspace. Irrelevant files and material should be removed regularly from your cabinets. You can do a weekly review of the items accessed from the cupboards and rank them according to the frequency of use.

Files with low use frequency can be cleaned out of the shelves, especially if they have been backed up elsewhere. Cleaning out redundant files from your cupboards creates space for storing things away of current importance. You should store items that require day-to-day use at height level.

Organizing your cabinets with name tags helps your peers keep things in their respective locations. The next time it will be easier to store items in their applicable compartments.

4. Creating an Organization Roster

Organization requires some mental skill to know where to place what with ease of access. Cleaning and organizing your workspace frequently can be strenuous, and you need a cleaning schedule where every member of the company participates. You can liaise with the managerial department to create an organizational roster chart for your mates.

The chart helps you delegate duties to keep your office neat and organized. You can assign some roles specifically to workers with great organizational skills and excellent knowledge of the office. This will enable storing things in the correct compartments.

At your home, your cleaning routine should be designed to incorporate all family members. Research has shown that cleaning and organizing together enhance bonding with family members.

When storing things, store them from the farthest rooms of the house towards the door since your home needs to be safe and organized. Storing things using an organization roster aids in pinpointing the location of desired items at the moment

Most workers discount their low quarters on clutter and dirt in their workspace. However, these methods will alleviate organizational mess and tidiness. Your home and office need to be kept clean and organized at all costs. Contact your cleaning provider today to choose a solution for a dirty and messy office that works for your home and organization.

What Are Some Of The Best Essential Oil Combinations For Cleaning?

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Cleaning your home and gym is fulfilling. Living in a clean space is not only hygienic but also promotes safety. Did you know that there are different essential oils that you can use in cleaning surfaces and floors? These oils bring relaxing aromas to the rooms and spaces. It can also enhance the cleaning and removal of dirt around the area.

Essential oils are natural and antibacterial. It is why oils are considered one of the best in office cleaning in Sydney. Today, many surfaces have dangerous bacteria, toxins, and dirt which could easily lead to diseases. Adding essential oils can be the best remedy to getting rid of all this dirt and leaving your home, gym, or office cleaning sparkling and hygienic.

Aside from their aroma, essential oils cost less and can easily be used in commercial cleaning services. For example, you can mix it in your water for cleaning or use it in sprays, the mixture wipe of dirt in your kitchen sinks, tables, and toilet. Here, we highlight some of the best essential oil cleaners you can use in any area in your house, gym, and office cleaning.

Lavender Oil 

Lavender oil is proven to have calming qualities which can help improve your moods. It has a great scent that can help one relax and sleep faster. For this reason, this is an essential oil for cleaning areas around the bedroom and living room.

Lavender essential oils on hospital mattresses help patients sleep better. It also helps get rid of bacteria and viruses. Others are also putting lavender oils in the bedroom. A great mixture will include:

  • Water
  • 3 spoons of vodka
  • 20 drops of lavender oil

The mixture above is for cleaning and spraying on sheets, sofas, desks, and surfaces around the house to help keep bacteria away and produce a relaxing scent.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is also known as melaleuca oil. Tea tree oil is one of the fastest cleaning oils when it comes to the removal of dirt. It can also clean surfaces with viruses and bacteria contamination. This antiviral and antibacterial oil is great in homes and children’s playgrounds to help prevent cases of flu and bacteria.

In addition, it can also clean other dirt like mildew and mold in the bathroom. Experts recommend this oil for all-around protection. A good cleaning session with this oil can be as follows:

  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 cups of vinegar, preferably white
  • 20 drops of tea tree oil
  • 10 drops of lemon oil added (*optional)

Lemon Oil

Lemon is by far hygienic and natural. It is widely known for cleaning due to its strong scent and antiseptic feature that leaves a germ-free environment. Most of the household uses lemon oil in cleaning and diffusing. 

Lemon oil is also antiviral. Antiviral oils are needed, especially during this pandemic time of Covid-19. You can use all-purpose lemon oil in cleaning by following this mixing procedure:

  • 2 cups of water
  • Baking soda
  • 10-20 drops of lemon oil
  • Orange oil and castile soap added (*optional)

Mix all these to form a perfect mixture to clean any surface or object. Use it to wipe off with wet clothing, leaving it sparkling clean and fresh. This lemon oil can be used well in kitchen areas, toilets and bathrooms too.

Aside from cleaning your home, you can also use the mixture in cleaning gym equipment which will sanitize the same. It provides a clean and fresh scent that everyone will surely love. Lemon oil is considered one of the best essential oils for cleaning.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is known to be a refreshing and cool scent. The reason why many used it to make an assortment of cleaning detergents and soaps, including toothpaste. 

Due to these features, peppermint is considered one of the best oil to use in cleaning. This oil is also antibacterial which instead prevents bacteria from infecting your home or office too.

Peppermint also deters pests and is essential in controlling them. Peppermint is mixed with other oils that are essential in cleaning services. Feel free to use peppermint oil mixture in spraying surfaces like sinks, desks, and equipment. A great mixture will look like this:

  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 cup of vinegar
  • 20 drops of peppermint oil
  • Lemon oil (*optional)

Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon is a great ancient spice used for many years. But, did you know that aside from spicing food, cinnamon is also used for cleaning? Experts recommend cinnamon oil in fighting mildew, fungi, and bacteria as well. Cinnamon is a natural ingredient, the reason why you can use it in cleaning homes and private areas.

Cinnamon oil is also known to be effective against insects and is a good deodorant. A cinnamon spray can include the following ingredients:

  • Water
  • Vinegar
  • Cinnamon oil- 20 drops
  • Add rosemary oil – 10 drops

Do Essential Oils Properly Clean?

Essential oils will help you in sanitation – whether you are cleaning in your home, office, and gyms. Many contain enough antifungal, antiseptic, antivirus, and anti-pests; these components make them widely reliable and usable. Most essential oils are also natural. It spices things up as they leave great scents and aromas wherever you put them. So, yes, essential oils clean properly!

Can They Help Your Mood?

Having essential oils that not only clean but also brighten your day can be very relaxing. Essential oils like lavender oil are proven to improve moods and even help in sleeping better.

This study has encouraged many users to choose lavender oil for children’s rooms and spaces since it helps in sleeping better and still cleans. Plus, extract relaxing scents around. Essential oils do help in improving moods and could easily brighten your day.

Generally, these types of office cleaners sanitize different surfaces. You can use it in offices, houses, gyms, and hospitals too. However, the cleaning mixture depends on the purpose and even the scent you would like to achieve. It all affects the moods and promotes calmness in the room. These oils are essential in cleaning!

Make Your Business More Efficient: Engage A Workplace Cleaning Company In Sydney

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Why investing in commercial cleaning services in Sydney will allow your business to grow.

Running a business is not easy. You need to look out for an accountant, a salesperson, a supplier, and many more, and for most starters, they only have a few people available for those, if not doing everything themselves.

Most people don’t even consider cleaning as part of their budget when talking about their business and that is a huge mistake. Commercial cleaning is as important as the product itself, if you have filthy and low maintenance employment, customers won’t be attracted to your shop. Investing in a high-quality Commercial Cleaning Company In Sydney.e best decision you can make when pursuing your job, and for those who have been in the field for years, this is the update they need to take their sales to the next level.

There are many different services and job-orientated commercial cleaning in Sydney that you can choose from, depending on your budget and needs. Now that we are around COVID-19 all the time it has become a number one priority for people to keep everything sanitized, and most owners don’t have the time or the right products to do it.

Look at it this way, you wouldn’t let a salesperson run your ledger balance, would you? no, because it doesn’t have the right qualifications and tools to do the right job. The same goes for cleaning, it is not something you can do in five minutes and move on, it takes time, skills, and specific products. Engaging a cleaning company to take care of it is the best and wisest investment a business person can do.

Still not sure about investing in a professional cleaning service company? Here are some benefits you’d have if you do.

Grow Your Business

Your employees respond better to a cleaner environment, they feel that the activities you are engaged in are important, and so are them. They will tend to dress more properly in a clean environment, and even boost their employee morale. Happy employees, proud of their workplace, attract more business and do their jobs with more pride and accomplishment. When your employees have high morale, they help you elevate your brand.

They share their thoughts and experience about their work on social media platforms and those posts have a big impact, allowing you to attract new talents to grow your business.

Save Money In The Long Run

Most basic and less competent office and Commercial Cleaning Company In Sydney perform only the bare minimum cleaning process, for example, dust lingers on top of cabinets or blinds. When keeping your business clean you should think about keeping furniture, shelving, desks, floors, and other areas free from dust, air, and contamination.

A high-quality cleaning company helps avoid desks that catch mould, carpets that become heavily stained, and many more that have to be installed again at a high expense. Millionaire minds think in advance and avoid these situations by engaging with the best services.

Free Up Space

For those who have a specific closet or cabinet full of random cleaning products and tools, when having someone else cleaning your workspace, this storage can be freed and put up to new and useful use.

Furthermore, most people tend to store a large amount of cleaning supplies all together, most of them without proper handling and sealing, not thinking about what would happen if the products fall or start creating a very strong smell that can cause a person to pass out.


When you have an early day start or multiple conferences or events on the same day, you need to keep everything clean and organized, before and after everyone arrives.

When engaging with a cleaning company you have one less job to worry about. Professional and on-the-clock cleaning services that will make your business look ten times more professional and trustable.

Focus On Your Work

Having someone else to clean and maintain your space allows you to focus on your work all the way, and get more things done because you are in a neat environment. Promotes trust in the company’s employees, thus resulting in more sales and excitement to work.

First impressions count, what would you think about a Commercial Cleaning Company In Sydney that has dirty windows and stained carpets? There’s a saying that goes “treat your employees like you treat your space”, a dirty environment means that they don’t care about their workers and therefore, their workers are more likely to not do a good job at that company.

Another huge benefit of engaging with a cleaning company is that they reduce the amount of sick days employees have. A dirty workspace always ends up making their workers sick, making the company lose days of productivity and therefore, money.

A study by office resource provider Hloom discovered that many common office items contain a worrying number of germs. Did you know, for example, that the handle of a coffee pot can carry up to 34 times more bacteria than a school toilet seat? Or that that start button on a copy machine carries 4 times more bacteria than your pet’s food bowl?

The number of bacteria and germs found in an office environment can make it very easy for illnesses to spread, resulting in increased sick days taken by the team

Engaging in a high-quality cleaning service company in Sydney will boost your business and rank your brand at a higher level. You’ll create more job spots and keep the economy flowing, plus have the best environment and workspace to make your days more effective.

Your employees will exude a higher level of respect and loyalty to your brand and are more likely to constantly recommend your company to their friends, family, and even random people on social media platforms.

Now more than ever is the perfect time to invest in proper cleaning services. COVID-19 spreads easily and when conditions and spaces are already dirty and have no maintenance at all, it can create a higher risk for your employees. Having loads of paperwork stacked on dusty shelves and tables in a small space with little to no airflow available can affect the health of workers.

In addition to the biodegradation problems encountered in buildings, exposure of their occupants to moulds is responsible for numerous diseases: infections (invasive nosocomial aspergillosis), immediate or delayed allergies, food-borne infections, and different types of irritation (Moularat, 2008)

In 2018 there was a study conducted by Kyle Shobe, from the Department of Finance and General Business at Missouri State University (USA) titled Productivity Driven by Job Satisfaction, Physical Work Environment, Management Support, and Job Autonomy. The research showed that job satisfaction correlates heavily with job performance and the work output of staff.

In this article we explained why hiring a Commercial Cleaning Company In Sydney is the best decision your business can make, going through their instant and long-term benefits. Taking care of your employees and their workspace is as important as the work itself, and having that is having free marketing resources too.

When you are happy and proud about something you tend to share it with your close friends and family and even post about it on social media. Save up money, take care of your people and watch your sales increase.

Checklist for Hiring Business Cleaning Services in Sydney

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Hire the right commercial cleaners with the help of this checklist.

Managing a commercial space involves heaps of administrative work. You spend lots of time making sure everyone gets to work comfortably, safely, and productively. With that said, one of the workplace factors that can’t be overlooked — especially with the rise of the COVID pandemic — is office cleanliness and sanitation.

You and your colleagues are more than likely busy with day-to-day work tasks. Although cleanliness in commercial spaces is essential, that doesn’t mean you and your colleagues will need to keep the commercial space clean on your own; it’s much more time-efficient to outsource the work to professional cleaners.

Today, we’re going to discuss everything you need to know about hiring commercial cleaning services in Sydney and how you can find the right company for your business using a comprehensive checklist of questions to ask. To learn more, read below.

Why Should I Hire Commercial Cleaners?

Experience & Ability

Instead of leaving the responsibility of cleaning to an untrained employee, it would be best to hire professionals. These professionals know exactly how to keep things clean and sanitized up to the highest standard; this is even more important now that customers and clients care more about deep sanitation due to the COVID pandemic.

A Better Working Environment

Aside from keeping your employees safe, hiring professionals to keep your workplace spotless can encourage higher productivity. Your employees won’t waste time navigating through messy piles of knick-knacks; instead, they’ll have more time to do what you hired them to do — work and attend to customers and clients.

Germ Removal

Although your employees may be doing the basics — throwing their trash in the right bin and generally tidying up — they aren’t thinking about disinfecting surfaces. A commercial cleaning crew knows precisely where the germ hotspots are and how to disinfect them.

Setting & Forgetting

Once you’ve settled on hiring outstanding commercial cleaning services in Sydney, professional cleaners should be able to do their job with little intervention on your part. All you’ll need to do is decide on when you want them to come in, and they’ll show up without fail.

Is There a Right Time to Hire Cleaners?

There is no one right time for all businesses to hire cleaners; however, there are a few tell-tale signs that you can look out for that suggest now would be a good time to outsource the cleaning tasks to professionals.

Your Team Is Busy

Every member of your team is an expert in what they do. However, it’s more than likely that they don’t have the time — nor the experience — to clean the workplace regularly on top of doing the tasks they were hired to do.

Instead of allowing your team to waste more time cleaning instead of doing more productive tasks, hiring a commercial cleaning team to cut down on time wasted each week would be better. Commercial cleaning is great for your brand image.

Your Cleaning Solution Isn’t Working

You might have been able to manage cleaning your commercial space on your own for some time. But if you cannot consistently clean your space up to a high standard, your customers or clients may notice. When your current cleaning solution doesn’t work, it’s time to hire a new team of professional cleaners.

You Transferred To a New Space

If you’ve recently bought that hot new commercial spot at the local shopping centre, it’s an excellent time to set new expectations and set up new protocols to keep the space clean and prevent it from becoming an eyesore for customers and clients. You can do this by hiring commercial cleaning services in Sydney as soon as possible.

What Should I Ask Potential Cleaners Before Hiring?

How Many Years Have You Been In Business?

The first thing you should ask any commercial cleaning company before hiring them is how long they’ve been in business. Many years in business show that the company has remained profitable due to many satisfied businesses hiring them in the long term.
You’ll want to hire commercial cleaning services in Sydney who understands the ins and outs of cleaning like the back of their hands. To follow up, you may wish to ask the company what other businesses like yours hired them for their cleaning services.

How Do You Screen Your Employees?

Next, you’re going to want to ask the company how they carefully select whom they hire to be cleaners. After all, the person you talk to on the phone may not be the same person who’ll be visiting your business to clean your commercial space; you’ll want to make sure anyone who comes in to do the cleaning has been adequately vetted.

At the very least, you’re going to want to work with a cleaning company that screens and performs background checks on its employees.

As follow-up questions, you may consider asking the following:

  • Do your cleaners wear uniforms to work so that they can be easily identified?
  • How do you make sure your employees have the skills to do their jobs?
  • Do you train your staff in the importance of maintaining security while cleaning a commercial space — especially if they clean after hours?

How Do You Ensure Cleaning Standards?

After asking the company how they vet their potential hires, you’re going to want to ask about their quality control. You would be surprised by how many cleaning companies don’t set clear and consistent cleaning standards for their employees to follow.

The best cleaning companies will use the latest cleaning equipment and will be up to date on the most recent cleaning procedures and rules for your business. If the person you talk to can’t explain how they ensure their cleaning standards, it would be best to look for another commercial cleaning service in Sydney.

What Insurance Coverage Does Your Company Have?

Your cleaning company must be insured. If the cleaning company you’re talking to is not insured, immediately look for better options.

Aside from the cleaning company being insured, it should also have plans to help protect you too. Ideally, the cleaning company you’ll be working with should have liability insurance, workers’ compensation, auto liability, and an umbrella policy.

Will You Connect Us With a Dedicated Contact Person?

Ask the company if you’ll be able to easily contact a dedicated point person if a problem arises during business hours.

The commercial cleaners you’ll be working with should have a communication process that’s effective yet simple. You should be able to reach out to someone from the company to resolve any issues or ask any questions about your commercial cleaning plan.

Relating to communication, you may consider asking how the company communicates requirements and issues to the on-site cleaners to make sure they get resolved.

What Kind of Training Do Your Employees Undergo?

When hiring commercial cleaning services in Sydney, it’s important to make sure their employees undergo the right kind of training and have the proper certifications to perform any cleaning procedures that they may need to do. The more types of training their employees undergo, the better; they’ll be ready to handle any cleaning situation thrown their way.

How Comprehensive Is Your Schedule and Work Scope?

Before deciding on which cleaning company to hire, you’re going to want to ask about their cleaning schedule and the scope of their work. More specifically, you’ll want to understand the following:

  • How often the company will clean your commercial space
  • Whether they charge extra for other services
  • Whether your commercial cleaning plan is personalized

Is the Cleaning Contract Clear and Understandable?

Of course, you won’t ask the company upfront whether their contract is clear and understandable because they will surely say yes; instead, you should go through the contract carefully and bring up any questions you may have.

If the representative from the company you talk to can’t answer your questions until you are satisfied, it’s best to move on to a different commercial cleaning service provider. You’ll want to be sure you understand the contract completely and are satisfied with the terms.

How Much Do You Charge?

Finally, you’ll want to ask each company you’re considering for a quote.

You’ll want to make sure you communicate your business’s cleaning needs. That way, the commercial cleaning service provider will be able to provide you with an accurate quote.

If a quote doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s okay to walk away. Part of choosing the right cleaning service provider for your commercial space is choosing one that fits your budget. After all, you have other business expenses.

But be sure not to choose a company only because they offer you the lowest prices. More often than not, you get what you pay for — so choose wisely.

Using This Checklist

With this checklist of things to consider, you’ll be able to hire the best commercial cleaning services in Sydney provider for your business in Sydney in no time at all.

Ideally, you’d want to interview at least three or four different cleaning companies to get a feel for what kind of services are offered in your area. Once you narrow down your choices to one or two companies, they’ll come over to your workspace to better understand what cleaning services you’ll need and how much they’ll charge.

During their on-site visit, be sure to get to know the staff and ask any questions you may have forgotten to ask over the phone.

Contact Us Today

If you’ve done your due diligence and have referred to this checklist when looking for the best professional cleaners for your commercial space in Sydney, then you know that Clean Group ticks all the right boxes.

With Clean Group as your regular Sydney commercial space cleaner, you can rest assured your space will remain clean, tidy, and sanitary.

For several decades, Clean Group has been offering top-of-the-line cleaning services to all sorts of businesses in Sydney and the Greater Sydney area at affordable rates. Contact us today and let us work our magic.

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