Everything You Need to Know About COVID Cleaning
Corona virus first appeared in late 2019 and it changed our lives in more ways than one. The global COVID pandemic led to country and city-wide lockdowns across the world, affecting almost every location and everyone from Sydney to Perth. Covid clean services have become one of the essential services
From office goers to business owners, labourers on construction sites and health workers in aged care, everyone is suffering from the impacts of coronavirus. Social distancing and other protective measures have become the norm as we learn to live with it.
Unprecedented Demand for COVID Cleaners in Sydney
Unfortunately, two years later we are still seeing cases spreading like wildfire across the planet, leading to unprecedented demand for professional COVID 19 cleaning services. Not every commercial cleaning provider is able to provide services to the high degree of expertise required to fully decontaminate businesses and equipment where a confirmed case has occurred. This is why it’s essential that any facility in need of corona cleaning and complete sanitization engages the services of expert cleaners who specialise in COVID 19 commercial cleaning.
Why Choosing the Right Commercial Cleaning Company is Important
Only a dedicated team of properly trained cleaners who use appropriate hospital grade chemicals and equipment can give you the assurance you need to reclaim your COVID-safe status. Basic commercial cleaning is not sufficient to effectively deal with the COVID 19. Cleaning followed by antiviral sanitisation and disinfection is the best way to completely remove it from your offices or commercial space.
What to Look For in a Commercial Cleaner
When looking for quality commercial cleaning services in Sydney NSW or the Central Coast, choose reliable cleaners that perform the following services:
- Offer a free quote
- Have experience with office cleaning and other medium risk environments
- Guarantee treatment for all hard surfaces, window sills, light switches, door handles, floors, food preparation areas, and computer accessories
- Can provide testimonials from satisfied clients where they have completed corona cleaning services
A reputable commercial cleaning company will also volunteer all the assistance and more information you need, including the cost of their services undertaken at your site.
But worry no more, because this page will guide you through the process of finding a reliable commercial cleaning team right here in Sydney (and the Greater Sydney area LGAs).
Introduction to Corona virus Cleaning
So what exactly is Corona cleaning?
Quality COVID or corona cleaning refers to both cleaning and disinfecting a place for Corona virus. It’s a specialised type of cleaning where the primary aim is to ensure businesses and construction sites are able to protect the safety of their clients and people.
The Need for Deep Sanitisation
Corona has changed cleaning forever. The cleaning process doesn’t just remove the infection. The cleaners will also perform a deep sanitisation which helps to limit the spread of COVID. These types of services aren’t just for offices and businesses where a confirmed case has been identified, they’re also for clients that are proactively looking to safeguard against the spread of this insidious infectious disease.
Corona Virus Cleaning & Safety in the Workplace
How do you protect your company and employees from COVID?
Commercial properties and offices all over Sydney are especially susceptible to infection. Corona, particularly the Delta variant, spreads very rapidly through the population, with transmission via respiratory activities like coughing and sneezing, as well as through physical contact.
Consider the Likelihood of Transmission
In a typical scenario with employees sitting, laughing, eating and coming into regular sustained contact with each other inside a confined space such as an office, transmission can be alarmingly rapid amongst the staff. Even a single infected person, whether an employee, a client or a visitor, can quickly and easily fill the area with infectious particles and cause your entire office to become infected.
Read the following article for more information about the best practices to safely welcome your visitors during Corona as recommended by the government and health authorities.
Childcare Centres and Schools
Deep cleaning for childcare and schools in Greater Sydney is just one of the commercial cleaning services in high demand across the entire Greater Sydney area. While some schools and childcare centres are hiring extra in-house cleaners for regular basic cleaning, many others are saving money by engaging cleaning services trained to visit a location anywhere in Sydney and perform a thorough deep clean and complete sanitization.
Office Cleaning
Office-based organisations in Greater Sydney face their own pandemic-related challenges, including balancing the needs of remote staff working from home and keeping the office spaces COVID-safe for the personnel who do have to work onsite at some point, whether it’s to see clients or use office equipment.
Precautionary COVID Disinfection Service
Many office environments have benefitted from a precautionary COVID disinfection service to ensure the safety of workers and customers. We recommend daily office cleaning, followed by routine disinfection of high-contact areas at least once a week.
The office kitchen and pantry are also highly susceptible to infection, which is why it’s crucial to regularly and thoroughly clean your kitchens, canteen and pantry areas. Quality office kitchen cleaning plus disinfection is the best way to keep your office cleaning standards up to par.
Churches and other Places of Worship and Communal Buildings
High-traffic places of worship in Sydney such as churches and mosques require regular cleaning and disinfection between congregation gatherings. High contact fixtures and equipment such as pews, kneelers, floors, altars and restrooms are especially important when using cleaning services to protect the health of your parishioners, staff and visitors.
What Commercial Cleaning Services Know That You Don’t
A trained professional at a quality cleaning services provider knows how to properly clean high-contact surfaces, such as door handles and how to identify common hiding places for germs and bacteria.
Why Professional Cleaners are Worth It
Regular cleaning and electrostatic disinfection of common-touch surfaces are effective ways to help prevent corona virus from infiltrating your business or facility and spreading. However, it’s worth the money to engage professional cleaning services to protect the health of your people, as only commercial COVID cleaners have the right tools, knowledge, experience and top cleaning solutions to do the job to the standard required.
In addition to regular and thorough cleaning, there are other methods to help minimise the spread of infection at your commercial premises. Encourage yourself and your staff to read up on COVID-related workplace safety and best practice using readily available information on government websites such as this page maintained by SafeWork NSW.
You can also check out and share this Workspace Cleaning Guide
which includes tips on how to keep your Sydney business Corona Virus-safe.
COVID Cleaning Services
Corona virus cleaning services in Sydney are provided by professional cleaners with relevant experience in the cleaning and disinfection of commercial premises to remove the COVID infection.
Prevention or Decontamination?
Corona virus cleaning services can be divided into multiple categories and types based on the condition of a property and the patterns of human movement within, including employees, customers and other visitors. For example, a commercial property that would benefit from preventative cleaning services to safeguard against contamination and infection would be subject to routine cleaning followed by sanitising of high-contact surfaces and fixtures such as door handles, lift buttons, and so on, using the most effective disinfectants available for destroying coronavirus.
On the other hand, complete COVID decontamination cleaning is recommended for premises where one or more COVID cases has been confirmed. In Sydney and other major cities throughout Australia, our Corona virus cleaning services include complete cleaning, decontamination and thorough disinfection of commercial premises to make the place safe and control the infection.
Our Operation Centre Locations
Clean Group has several conveniently located Operation Centres:
Sydney Operation Centre serving Metropolitan Sydney and the Greater Sydney area, including the Central Coast
Melbourne Operation Centre serving the Greater Melbourne area
Brisbane Operation Centre serving the Greater Brisbane area
Canberra Operation Centre serving Canberra city and ACT
COVID Disinfection & Decontamination Service
Complete property disinfection is an important part of a commercial COVID cleaning service.
High-level disinfection will help ensure your site is cleaned and disinfected in the best possible way. So, make sure to ask your cleaner about this particular service.
Before you hire a covid cleaner or engage a covid cleaning service, it’s important that you know how high-level covid disinfection will work. When you engage our professional covid cleaner, they will know what to do and will take the best approach to disinfection based on your particular needs. Electrostatic disinfection is arguably the best and most effective disinfection method against the COVID virus, with disinfectant fogging is the next best method.
Corona Virus Prevention Cleaning
As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. So wherever you are in Sydney or another city or regional area, be sure to implement important COVID safety precautions in your workplace to keep the virus outside your place of business.
Sanitise High-Traffic Areas
Routine cleaning disinfection is one of the best ways to ensure the infection is kept out of your premises at all times. COVID prevention cleaning is all about protecting your business and staff from COVID. By doing simple things such as wearing a mask, washing your hands regularly and routinely https://www.clean-group.com.au/difference-between-sanitising-and-cleaning/, you can help ensure the safety of your people and workplace.
COVID Cleaning Tips & Guide
Whether you are doing COVID cleaning yourself or hiring a COVID cleaner, it helps to have a general idea about COVID cleaning. A handful of Corona virus health tips
can go a long way in helping you ensure a safe and sound workplace for your employees and business visitors.
For instance, if you know about commercial cleaning and the germiest places in your office you can work out an effective cleaning plan to properly clean and sanitise your workspace. And by using environmentally friendly sanitisers you can get rid of germs with less effort and in the least possible time.
Office areas like toilets, bathrooms, kitchens, toilet seats, door handles, reception areas, water tanks, etc. are the most likely to accumulate germs and infections over time. And these germs can survive there for at least a couple of days, potentially infecting anyone who comes into contact with the contaminated surface.
How to Find Properly Trained Commercial Cleaners
As demand for expert COVID cleaners increases across Sydney and the Greater Sydney area, many commercial cleaning providers have started upgrading their offerings to include COVID cleaning. However, it’s easier said than done. With Corona virus being a novel corona virus, there are limited resources available about effective Corona virus cleaning techniques and methods. So companies in Sydney often find it difficult to fill the gap and provide proper and complete COVID cleaning training for their Sydney based teams.
If you’re looking for guidance, here are some tips on how to effectively Train Your Cleaners in Coronavirus Cleaning.
Enable Continuous Professional Development
COVID cleaning training is not a one-time thing, and a cleaning company must continuously upgrade its training methods according to ever-changing industry standards and provide only the best training and resources to its teams.
COVID safety precautions must be followed at all times while adhering to a systematic cleaning approach. Using the right process, tools and supplies are imperative for the success of a COVID cleaning project. So wherever you are in Sydney or beyond, don’t hesitate to ask for help and support with your workplace COVID cleaning needs.