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Commercial Cleaning Industry News, Tips, Guide and Checklist

You can read here many helpful articles related to commercial cleaning, latest cleaning news in Australia, including how to find and hire the best cleaners in your budget, how to train a commercial cleaner, why hire a cleaner over doing it yourself, cleaning tips for a specific area like supermarket, retail store, data centre, pub & restaurants, hospitals, factories, buildings, and more.

Solar Panels: How to Clean Them

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Solar panels are a tricky object to clean because they’re usually in hard-to-reach places. Typically, rain and snow can clean solar panels and get rid of any dust built-up there, but in certain situations, it can cause more harm than good. That is why it’s important to keep an eye on your solar panels because it is going to cost more to replace them than to clean them.

Remember, before cleaning any solar panels, check the manufacturer’s guide on what to do with your particular solar panels. Also, it might be safer to hire a professional commercial cleaner if climbing onto the roof of a house is not what you want to do.

Does Rain Really Clean Solar Panels?

The research was conducted and it was found that solar panels only lost 4.4 per cent in their performance after a year’s worth of dust build-up. However, research also found that in places where there is less rain, individuals can experience up to a 20% reduction in performance.

This information can lead people to believe that climates, where there is more rain, can have better working solar panels after a year. It’s important to remember that it is not just dust people need to think about but also pollen, leaves, bird droppings, ash, and a film from smoke or smog. These are all things that can not be washed away by the rain.

Additionally, think about how your solar panels are lying down. If they are pretty flat, then they may accumulate more dust and dirt. Also, a downwind from a highway, farmland, or airport can bring along large amounts of dust that can get stuck on solar panels. Humid climates can produce moss on solar panels as well, so if it’s been rather humid, then check on your solar panels.

Ideally, keep an eye on your solar panels and notice if there are any changes in energy consumption. If there is, then have a look at what to do to clean them down below.

Cleaning Methods

Please remember that if you do not feel comfortable getting onto the roof of a building, then call a professional to come in to help. However, these are all cleaning methods you can perform yourself.

Hosing from the Ground

This all depends on whether your solar panels are too high off the ground. If you have reached the conclusion that there is only a simple accumulation of dust, then it can be removed in a simple manner. Use your hose and simply try to spray your solar panels from the ground, this can get rid of a lot of dust build-up.

Nevertheless, if you notice that you need to use a high-pressure hose attachment, then do not spray directly onto the solar panels. This can cause them to scratch, which in turn, can deplete the energy consumption that they are able to produce and consume.

In Cases of Heavier Build-Up

If there is heavier build-up on the solar panels, then grab some supplies and try to clean them yourself. All that is needed is a soft brush with a squeegee that can reach your solar panels from where you are.

A hose is also a good option, as well as a bucket filled with water and mild soap. Additionally, have a look at a home hardware store because they sometimes have biodegradable solar panel cleaning solutions.

Now, it’s time to clean. Fill up the bucket with clean water and a little bit of soap. Use the hose to rinse away any loose dirt from the solar panels. Afterwards, grab the scrubber and dip it into the bucket of water, take it to the solar panels, and begin to gently wipe. Once this is complete, rinse the solar panels with the hose a second time.

Whether there is another sponge for your scrubber, or you grab a dry squeegee, use it to dry the solar panels. Continue this process until you have cleaned your solar panels.

Remember, do not touch the sides, underside, or any cables. You do not want to damage your solar panels and their mechanisms while cleaning. Also, solar panels become very hot, so do not clean them in the middle of the day. Wash them either at dawn or dusk or on overcast days.

Should You Hire a Professional?

There are many reasons why someone would prefer hiring a professional than clean their own solar panels. It can be due to the height of the roof or their own physical limitations.

Also, buying additional cleaning supplies and then needing to store them can be troublesome as well. No matter what the reason is, sometimes hiring a professional can be the most worthwhile option.

The most obvious choice is to call the company that installed the solar panels and see if it offers a cleaning service. It likely has all the information about your solar panels like the roofing materials, square footage of the solar array, the roof pitch, and how your solar panels are laid out. This is all useful information for the company, so it can accurately price up how much a cleaning would cost.

However, if the company does not offer this service, then ask the team to refer you to someone else. The team should know another company to that they can send all that roofing information. This way, you can give it to another company and receive another accurate pricing for solar panel cleaning.


Whether or not you want to clean your solar panels yourself is up to you. It can be fairly simple to clean them, but if you have some limitations, then call the professionals in. Solar panels may not need to be cleaned as often as one believes, so evaluate how your solar panels are doing over the year.

Monitor how their energy production levels are and see if you can spot any discrepancies. Obviously, during the colder months, they are more likely to consume less energy compared to the summer months. Nonetheless, if you notice they are lacking consumption during bright, sunny days, then they may need to be cleaned.

Do It Your Self: How to Clean Silver Jewellery

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Did you know that simple procedures and common household items can be used to clean your silver jewellery? These methods remove tarnish and restore necklaces, rings, and other valuable items.

Cleaning your jewellery, particularly those silver items that degrade so easily, is probably not at the top of your agenda, unlike vacuuming the floors or wiping down countertops.

This often-ignored commercial cleaning task can be easy to forget about because the silver accessories we wear daily, such as your favourite necklace or the silver earrings you never take off, don’t always deteriorate quickly. These commonly worn pieces usually only require a light polish every now and again.

Dainty silver jewellery that has been sitting on trays or in boxes for a long time, oxidizing due to exposure and lack of usage, may require a more rigorous scouring. We show you how to clean silver jewellery with easy-to-follow DIY methods for removing tarnish and restoring shine.

How to Clean Silver Jewellery

Because silver is a soft, glossy metal, you have to clean it with care. When it comes to cleaning everyday jewellery, a solution of mild dishwashing soap and warm water, or even baby shampoo, typically suffice. This procedure is very effective for cleaning gold jewellery.

  • Mix warm water with a few drops of liquid dish soap in a bowl – combine all of the ingredients until bubbles form.
  • Soak the jewellery for five to 10 minutes in the solution.
  • Clean any nooks with a soft-bristle brush, for example, a toothbrush.
  • Rinse the pieces in warm water.
  • To dry, use a microfiber towel or silver cloth to gently wipe the jewellery. Paper towels should not be used since they can scratch the silver.

Fine silver jewellery with diamonds or other precious stones can be cleaned with water and soap. However, before cleaning valuables, consult a jeweller or have the object professionally cleaned at the Clean Group to take extra precautions.

A good silver polish has ingredients that remove and dissolve tarnish while leaving behind a protective layer to prevent more tarnish from formulating. It is the best way to clean tarnished silver jewellery and keep them from getting damaged again.

Liquid polishes can be a pain to apply, particularly if you’re in a rush, so wipes are a better option. Another fantastic method is to use multi-layer cloths with a special treatment on one side to remove and clean tarnish and the other side to shine.

How to Clean Sterling Silver Jewellery

Sterling silver, instead of pure silver, is most often used in the silver pieces in your collection. Sterling silver contains about 7.5 per cent copper, making it stronger and more tarnish-prone than pure 99.9% silver (which is unusual). (The most common cause of corrosion on sterling jewellery is copper.)

Inspect the clasp for a symbol that says 9.25, Sterling, 925/1000, S/S, or Sterling 9.25 to see if your jewellery is silver-plated or sterling silver. If you don’t see these indications on your bracelet or necklace, it’s probably silver-plated.

If water and soap aren’t cutting it, try lemon juice, baking soda, white vinegar, olive oil, toothpaste, or salt, which are all household and pantry basics.

How to Clean Your Silver Rings

Because silver shines best when worn regularly, everyday all-silver rings tend to have a consistent amount of gleam. However, rings that you store improperly or for lengthy periods of time may require special attention.

If water and soap aren’t sufficient, scrub any remaining tarnished detail work with a clean toothbrush. You can clean your silver rings using the DIY methods indicated above.

Depending on the other components in the item, such as pearls, turquoise, and other jewels or precious metals, the best approach for cleaning silver rings varies.

Some cleaning methods may cause damage to them. Baking soda, for instance, can scrape fragile metals, while vinegar can ruin permeable stones. If the ring is valuable, get professional advice before cleaning it.

Cleaning Your Silver Chains

Silver chains on bracelets and necklaces tarnish when exposed to perfumes, lotions, and perspiration; thus, these delicate objects require extra attention. Fortunately, you can clean chains using the same way as silver flatware.

When sulphur atoms mix with silver, they form silver sulphide, which tarnishes the metal. To make the piece gleam, this cleaning process uses aluminium foil to draw the sulphur atoms away from the silver. This technique is effective, but it has an awful odour.

  • Aluminium foil should be used to cover the whole surface of a large pan or bowl.
  • Fill the pan halfway with water that has been brought to a boil.
  • Stir together 1/4 cup baking soda and two teaspoons of kosher salt in the water. Bubbles are going to form.
  • Put the jewellery in the solution and gently stir it in, being careful not to smash the pieces against one another or the bowl’s sides.
  • Leave it for five minutes.
  • Take the pieces out and dry them completely with a soft cloth.

How to Prevent Tarnish on Your Silver Jewellery

Prevention is the key to tarnish-free silver jewellery. Although you won’t be able to totally shield silver from heat, air, or moisture, you may try to restrict its exposure.

To begin, put all jewellery in anti-tarnish, soft bags in a dark, cold location. It’s best if the humidity is low. To help eliminate moisture, some individuals put a piece of chalk, a package of charcoal, or even silica gel into the bags.

Leaving jewellery in your bathroom is also a bad idea due to the additional moisture. Remove earrings, rings, and other silver jewellery before swimming, showering, or doing dishes, and put your jewellery on last, after your lotions and perfumes have had time to absorb.

Another unusual method of preventing tarnish is to simply keep your silver on. The constant movement of life actually aids in the gleaming of silver.

The Bottom Line

To conclude, there are many fantastic ways to clean jewellery – These household goods are handy and produce effective results; however, do not overdo it. Lastly, these substances normally remove a layer of silver from the finish, leaving you with a brand-new silver surface.

How to Clean Shower Glass

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An otherwise clean bathroom can look messy if the shower walls and glass door is dirty. You may not know this, but cleaning shower glass is not as easy as grabbing a glass cleaner and cloth or soapy sponge. Although those are some of the required equipment for this task, including cleaning detergents or natural alternatives is crucial.

With determination and a little cleaning knowledge, those complex watermarks are going to be removed in no time. Today’s article shows you how to clean your shower glass to get your bathroom back in tip-top shape.

What You Need to Clean Shower Glass

Cleaning your shower requires a few items lying around the home that you most likely already have. If you don’t have the things mentioned below, you can quickly head to the closest grocery store to find them.

It costs a few dollars for most of the cleaning supplies required for shower glass cleaning, so there is no excuse for not cleaning the bathroom. Below, we list the most suitable supplies you can use to clean your shower glass effectively.

  • Towel or cloth
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Glass cleaner
  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Scrubbing sponge
  • Cleaning detergent

With these items on hand, you can begin the task of cleaning your shower glass and bringing a shine back to the bathroom.

How to Clean Your Shower’s Walls and Glass Door

You first start by splashing the walls with a bucket or wetting the shower glass with the shower sprayer. Once things are wet, you can fill a bottle with white vinegar for the disinfecting of the shower. 

Using the spray bottle, make sure to saturate the glass thoroughly as it helps kill germs and bacteria. Please wait for the vinegar to soak in (this typically takes 10 minutes) so it loosens up significant build-up. 

Fill a container with baking soda and use it as a dipping cup for your sponge. Next, insert your sponge into the baking soda and start to scrub down the walls and shower door. 

The vinegar dissolves the soap scum and hard water spots, while the baking soda acts abrasive. These two simple items are nature’s best disinfectants, so don’t be afraid to open your pantry and bust it out when the need arises.

If you are satisfied with the cleanliness of the glass, rinse it off with fresh warm water. Once rinsed, make sure to dry the glass with a microfiber cloth and then finish off the job with a glass cleaner. 

Most glass cleaners can also be used on towel hangers, bathroom trim, and surfaces, making these products both convenient and cost-effective.

How Often Should You Clean Shower Glass Doors

Regular cleaning of your shower glass door with a cheap squeegee can save you a lot of frustration and shower cleaning time. It can help prevent hard water deposits from building up so that you won’t need to apply much elbow grease later on. 

After the last person has bathed for the day, plan to wipe down the shower doors. You can use warm water to loosen up grime and then scrub down the surface to remove any watermarks or soap scum. 

Once you have completed the clean-up, you can leave the shower door open so that it can dry out naturally. By following a basic cleaning plan, you can have a clean shower all year round, which is excellent for your family’s health and general well-being. 

Shower Door Glass Cleaning Schedule

You should only have to deep clean shower glass and walls every month if you keep up with regular light maintenance. Below is an excellent shower cleaning schedule to follow:

Every day: After showering, use a squeegee to clean shower doors and walls, then leave the door open to dry the area.

Weekly: Once a week, you should wipe your entire shower down with a foam cleaning pad or sponge.

Once a month: You must deep clean your shower glass and walls thoroughly every month. Ensure that you scrub the entire shower and get into all the hard-to-reach places. Apply a repellent spray on the glass and surfaces to prevent hard water stains from appearing.

Keeping Shower Glass Clean

When water drops dry on shower glass, hard spots tend to appear. An ideal way of maintaining clean shower glass is to prevent water from drying on the surface initially. You can take a few preventative measures to ensure that your shower always remains hard water spot free.

Below we talk about some tips that can help you maintain a spotless bathroom free of germs and bacteria.

By keeping a squeegee in the shower, you can clean and wipe down the glass after it has gotten wet. 

Once you have cleaned the shower glass, you can use a hydrophobic compound such as Rain X or Clear Choice to protect the glass from hard water spots. 

Hydrophobic compounds make the surface resistant to stains and traces of complex watermarks. It is perfect for oil or grime build-up caused by water and soap.

Another solution is to install a water softener to reduce the build-up on your shower glass. It is quite an expensive option, but it does result in less damage or build-up to your showerheads, dishwasher, faucets, pipes, and more.

Clean the Rest of Your Bathroom

Maintaining a clean bathroom is the key to having a presentable bathing area in your home. Once you have cleaned your shower, it’s essential to learn how to wash other locations, such as the bathtub, showerhead, and more. 

If you are struggling to clean your shower or home, it may be a good idea to contact a local cleaning service to get the job done professionally. These service providers can help you maintain a clean and sanitary home that remains germs-free all year round. 


Hard watermarks plus soap scum often affect shower walls and glass. It can not only hinder aesthetic appeal but also can become a breeding ground for germs plus bacteria.

By incorporating a cleaning routine into your daily, weekly, and monthly home washes, you can ensure your home is always spick and span.

How to Clean Oven Racks: Five Effective Methods

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Oven racks are by far the most inconvenient items in the kitchen to clean! Cleaning them requires a certain level of delicacy because they are prone to damage, and the wires can send soap flying everywhere.

However, because they tend to get dirty when excess grease from your roast dinner ends up as hardened masses in the crevices, cleaning oven racks also requires a bit of elbow grease. They also tend to be larger than the typical kitchen sink, making the task of getting them clean even more challenging.

Delaying the task just makes it harder, so if you are wondering what the easiest and most convenient ways to get your oven racks shining again, we have a few tips to help you. Here are some of the best ways to clean your oven racks.

Clean Your Oven Racks in a Bathtub

As mentioned before, kitchen sinks aren’t typically large enough to allow you to clean your oven racks, so you can use your bathtub instead. You can use a range of cleaning agents for this method. Follow these steps to get your oven racks clean in the bathtub:

  • Place an old towel at the bottom of the bathtub and place your oven racks on top of them
  • Next, fill up the bathtub with hot water until the oven racks are covered completely
  • Add half a cup of dish soap or laundry detergent. Alternatively, you can add baking soda and vinegar to the bathtub to help remove the grease
  • Allow the oven racks to sit overnight
  • After you have let the racks sit for a minimum of eight hours, use a toothbrush and salt for abrasion to help remove any stubborn residue that may be left behind
  • Rinse, dry, place them back in your oven

While you don’t need any special chemicals for this method, it does involve more elbow grease than other methods, which is something to keep in mind.

Use a Commercial Oven Cleaning Agent

Commercial cleaners are specially designed to get to work on tough grease found in ovens. However, it is essential to note that these chemicals often have toxic fumes, so it is best to use them in a well-ventilated area. Protect your hands from chemical damage by wearing gloves whenever working with oven cleaning agents and avoid inhaling any toxic fumes.

  • Choose an outdoor surface like a table and cover it with newspaper and plastic to protect it from being damaged
  • Place the oven racks on the surface in a single layer
  • Spray the oven cleaner on your oven racks and allow them to sit for about 10 minutes, or as specified by the manufacturer
  • Next, use a toothbrush and salt to scrub the grease off the racks
  • Rinse, dry, and use!

This method involves considerably less elbow grease and generally takes less time than the bathtub method.

Bar Keeper’s Friend Method

The Bar Keeper’s method is one of the most effective methods for cleaning oven racks. Bar Keeper’s Friend is an American cleaning agent available in powder form and has proven to be incredibly effective at getting rid of grease and mineral deposits. Be sure to use gloves when working with this cleaning agent.

  • Prepare a paste using Bar Keeper’s Friend and water. The consistency of the paste should be thick, but spreadable
  • Lay your oven racks on a prepared surface covered in newspaper and plastic
  • Use a toothbrush or a basting brush to brush the paste on the oven racks, making sure to apply the paste to the back and the front of the racks
  • Let the oven racks sit for about an hour
  • Using a toothbrush or a sponge and some soapy water, scrub the racks to remove any stubborn grease
  • Rinse and allow the racks to dry, and they are ready to use

Cleaning Oven Racks with Ammonia

You can also clean your oven racks using ammonia and a trash bag. It is important to note that ammonia emits toxic fumes that can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract, so you should always perform this cleaning outdoors. Follow the steps below to get your oven racks squeaky clean again.

  • Place your oven racks in a trash bag, ensuring that your trash bag does not have any holes or the ammonia will leak out
  • Pour in 20 ounces of ammonia and seal the trash bag
  • Allow the racks to sit overnight
  • When removing them from the trash bag, be sure to wear gloves and avoid breathing in the fumes
  • Rinse them thoroughly before putting them back into the oven

A More Natural Approach

If you prefer not to use hazardous chemicals and cleaning agents, you can use orange essential oil, vinegar, and baking soda to clean your oven racks.

  • Make a paste with the baking soda and vinegar
  • Add a few drops of orange essential oil to the paste
  • In a sink or bathtub, apply to paste to the racks using a sponge
  • Allow the paste to sit overnight
  • Use a toothbrush to scrub off any debris and rinse well

Orange essential oil has antibacterial properties and leaves your oven with a great smell. Baking soda and vinegar are also great cleaning agents because they dissolve grease and dirt.

Now You Know How to Clean Your Oven Racks!

If you have been putting off cleaning your oven racks because it is such a challenging task, you are not alone! However, with the know-how, you can get stubborn grease off your oven racks in a few simple steps. You can use one of the methods mentioned above to make the task a lot less daunting and get those oven racks shining again.

Need Commercial Cleaning Services? Contact Clean Group Today!

Some cleaning jobs are too tough to handle alone. If you need your space deep cleaned in Sydney, we have a solution for you! The Clean Group specializes in the commercial cleaning of warehouses, commercial kitchens, schools, hospitals, gyms, and more.

We also offer special services such as COVID deep cleaning, so contact us today to find an effective solution to your cleaning problem!

How to Clean Keyboards

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Keyboards are one of the most important parts of your computer’s hardware. However, since they’re constantly in contact with your skin, they might get dirty, even if you take good care of them. This guide teaches you what you need to do to clean your keyboard, whether you have a laptop or a desktop.

Declutter Your Desk

If you want to need clean your keyboard then you need have must cleaning equipment in the office. In many cases, you have to remove the pieces, so you need a clean space to organize them.

Additionally, you might want to unplug your keyboard, which is something many people do. However, you should keep in mind that it doesn’t matter much – your keyboard’s integrity can stay intact, even if it’s on the whole time. Even so, if you leave it on, you might see some amusing happenings on your computer screen while you’re cleaning it.

Wipe the Keyboard

Although cleaning your keyboard will require you to remove the keys and the dirt inside it, you need to get rid of any debris or spills on the surface first.

Take a simple cloth and start carefully wiping your keyboard to remove any dirt. Furthermore, make sure you clean as much debris as possible from the surface.

Remove All the Keys

Now that you’ve cleaned the surface of your keyboard, it’s time to remove the keys and take care of the dirt inside them.

Keep in mind that you can only do this if you have a mechanical keyboard. Thus, you shouldn’t try it if you have a laptop. Nonetheless, there are other suggestions you can try for your laptop (those are addressed later).

If you have a mechanical keyboard, then get a screwdriver and start removing the keys one by one. It might be tedious work at first, but it’s necessary if you want to make sure that your keyboard is completely clean.

Make Sure the Keys Are Organized

When you’re cleaning your keyboard, it’s very easy to lose pieces or accidentally disorganize them. Therefore, what you want is to organize the keys in a way that you know you can put them back together later.

You should also be careful with any additional parts that come with your keyboard and make sure that you don’t lose any special keys. A good example of this is that some keys have metal spring bars on the bottom, so you should take good care of them.

Clean the Empty Spaces

In this step, you have already removed all your keys, so you can start cleaning the empty spaces. To get the dirt and debris out of the tight spots, you can use a paintbrush.

Additionally, you can use a paper towel (it can be damp, but not much – preferably almost dry), or with some rubbing alcohol. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you have to wipe the area clean, so take advantage of the materials you have to achieve that.

Take the Dirt Out of the Keys

Some people believe that just because they’re very careful around their keyboards, they don’t need to clean them. However, that’s not the case – it doesn’t matter how much you take care of it the keys can still accumulate dirt and debris.

You can get most dirt out of the keys with some rubbing alcohol and a paper towel, and if you don’t have alcohol, you can use a small amount of water. Make sure you get the sides of the keys as well since they’re probably the dirtiest part of your keyboard.

Replace All the Keys

Your keys are all clean – now you need to replace them. First of all, having your phone nearby can really help since you can use the flashlight option to make sure you’re inserting the keys where they’re supposed to be.

Keep in mind that replacing the keys might take a while because you have to guarantee you’re placing them correctly. At the same time, it might take some force to replace your keys, but that’s completely normal – don’t be afraid of it.

If you have keys with special pieces, you should start by inserting those parts first, and then put the rest of the keys you have. This specific step is the primary reason why so many people prefer to unplug their keyboard before cleaning it – it might be very convenient since you don’t need to deal with the cord moving around.

What to Do if You Have a Laptop

Taking the keys out of your keyboard is not an option if you have a laptop. However, there are other things you can do.

You could, for example, use a paintbrush and some rubbing alcohol. In some cases, your keyboard might be too small, so using a smaller brush or a toothpick might be the best idea. It all depends on what you have.

Clean the Cord

Regardless of whether you unplugged your keyboard or not, you can still clean the cord. Take a damp paper towel and rub it down its whole length, and you can repeat the process as many times as needed for you to take all the dirt off.

If you have a laptop, you can also wipe it with rubbing alcohol, but don’t use it on the screen. If you do, it might stain it forever.

Plug it!

The last step of the process is to plug your keyboard back in if it’s not already plugged into your computer! Take a good look at it and try to see if you missed any spots on the outside. Turn the keyboard on and test your work!

Keynote Takeaways

Cleaning your keyboard is an essential thing you need to do to guarantee your computer lasts a long time. All devices need maintenance, and your keyboard is a specific part of your PC’s or laptop’s hardware that always comes in contact with your hands.

Consequently, it’s clearly more prone to get dirty. However, now that you know the steps to clean it, you can do it at home! Here we are also sharing an office toilet floor mopping new step-by-step guide

What Is a Covid Deep Clean?

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Depending on the location, media outlets present, and infectious happenings responded to, the concept of a Covid deep clean is not unfamiliar. Of course, this is in name only, as the elements that constitute the process remain largely a mystery.

People are aware of what it means to clean a location. However, in the Covid era, things take a bit of a turn. Things are even more critical when cases are discovered within the confines of a building, the process is taken to a whole new level. Get to know more important information about Covid deep cleaning.

So, what can a reader hope to gain today? Beyond an acute understanding of what a deep clean looks like, there are other nuggets of information specifically compiled to tie the process together in such a way that carrying out the act becomes infinitely more possible.

Understanding the Term “Deep Clean”

Before explaining this concept in-depth, a few terms need to be addressed.With the advent of Covid-19, people have heard the words “disinfecting,” “sanitizing,” and “cleaning” being used seemingly interchangeably.

However, there are subtle nuances that make these terms different. First, there is the matter of disinfecting. Disinfectants are essential in carrying out this process effectively. Such compounds have an expert design allowing them to kill both organic and inorganic matter in the form of bacteria and viruses.

It’s best to use an EPA-approved disinfectant for the best results, as these can tackle viruses on hard services which is essential to fighting against the novel coronavirus.

Sanitizing is much like disinfecting, except the chemicals used are only meant to tackle bacteria and not viruses. Again, there is an EPA list of approved sanitizers, but they are not necessarily recommended for Covid-19 mitigation activities since the core of the illness happens to be a virus.

Finally, there is cleaning, which by definition, does not natively include any of these special-purpose substances. Instead, cleaning is about getting rid of visible contaminants and imperfections. So, people tend to aim for the removal of debris, dust, and dirt. In most cases, nothing more than soap and water is used.

With all these terms out of the way, one can return to the question of, “what is deep cleaning?” Well, it takes the typical cleaning process, adds more fine-grain components, and incorporates disinfecting as well.

Taking cleaning or disinfecting independently, there would be some surfaces and items that may either not get much focus or not be cleaned at all. During a deep cleaning procedure, this would change entirely. 

So, in a coffee shop, for example, a cash register would probably be cleaned before the introduction of Covid-19. However, during the deep cleaning procedure, the screen and buttons may be individually disinfected, which would not be the case before.

When to Clean

Currently, there isn’t an established baseline for when deep cleaning should take place. This is mostly left to the persons who have responsibility for the areas being cleaned.

Risk and feasibility are two of the largest factors that go into making such a decision, especially since a full deep clean is not practical if the intervals are too regular.

Take a business, for example. Whenever a deep clean is being performed, it means that workers cannot be present. If this were to occur daily, there would naturally be some productivity concerns introduced.

Therefore, such a business may benefit more from having deep cleaning activities done at times when employees would not be present in the office.

Additionally, deep cleaning can technically be segmented. So, some surfaces or items may be easier to reach and clean, and they may also benefit more from a regular cleaning schedule.

For example, high traffic areas that encounter bodily fluids should probably be cleaned quite often. Bathrooms in public places fit this bill out well.

There is also the unscheduled variation of deep cleaning. Most often, when cases of Covid-19 are discovered in a business context, the building is shut down and a deep clean is performed before employees return on another day.

It’s not hard to see that there’s a lot of flexibility offered in setting up a deep cleaning schedule. Nevertheless, it’s important to not get misguided by the said flexibility and to establish a plan.

Fleshing out how both scheduled and emergency cleaning procedures are handled is a great idea and can make for a more efficient workflow.

What Should You Be Cleaning?

One of the main points that have been covered is the extent to which deep cleaning goes beyond what its traditional counterpart would look like. Therefore, the scope of what should be cleaned is drastically expanded.

When the discussion is about COVID-19 deep cleaning, it would probably be harder to find something that shouldn’t be cleaned. Realistically, everything should be on the radar, unless it is highly impractical.

The research is already out there indicating different lengths of time that the virus can remain active on different surfaces. While it goes away in mere hours on some, days may pass before other surfaces are safe to touch.

Stainless steel is a great example. Many high-traffic business places have some kind of stainless-steel structure or trinket present. Not only does the virus remain present on such surfaces for upwards of three days at times, but it does so in its infectious state. Plastic, which is arguably even more popular, is just as habitable to the virus. 

The point being made here is that no matter how clean it may look and no matter if it were not clean before, once cleaning it is possible, it should not be ignored during a deep cleaning process.

Only one misstep is required for someone to contract the virus, and who’s to tell if the one surface ignored is going to be the one that causes one or more infections?

Your PPE

Anyone carrying out a deep clean is directly exposed to COVID-19. Therefore, it’s critical to ensure that these people are adequately protected from contracting the virus while doing so. To this end, personal protective equipment (PPE) becomes necessary to take on the task. 

The items needed are very simple and include disinfectant (or a suitable substitute that can be reliably used to clean the hands), an apron or gown, a mask, eyewear, and gloves.

First, the hands must be disinfected. Following this, the apron or gown is then put on. This is followed by the mask, then the eyewear, then the gloves. 

Note that it’s important to pay attention to the disinfectant being used. Some of these require protection of the eyes or even of the entire face. The last thing someone would want is temporary or permanent scarring or damage to the face from attempting to keep a place clean. 

Following the deep clean, removing the PPE properly is just as important. the best way to have the right mindset is to assume that everything that has been touched or that is being worn is infectious. Therefore, a hand cleaning routine is going to be performed once after every step.

Start by removing the gloves after which the hand cleaning routine is performed for the first time. The gown is then removed, and hand cleaning is repeated. The eyewear and mask are also then moved, and hand cleaning is done between each of these two steps.

Cleaning Order

Though the aim is to clean everything with this process, it’s not meant to be done in random order. Instead, cleaning should be done from top to bottom. So, anything that’s higher up is cleaned first, and the items that are the closest to the floor are cleaned last. This applies whether the subject of cleaning happens to be a surface or a movable item. 

The logic behind the approach is very simple. If you are cleaning a higher area, it’s expected that both visible and invisible impurities are going to make their way down due to gravity. You would not want to clean a service only to have it re-contaminated while cleaning another one.

Additionally, things on the same level also have a specific order. The surfaces and items that appear the cleanest are to be tackled first, after which those that appear the dirtiest are taken on.

Being wary of cross-contamination is another important requirement. If present in an area that is yet to be cleaned, at no point should cleaners be venturing into one that has already been cleaned. Doing so all but negates the previous efforts since the only sure countermeasure is to clean the newly contaminated area again.

Another good tip is to do the disinfecting last. During a deep clean, there are numerous steps to be taken including sweeping, dusting, and even emptying the trash. In other words, this would be your typical cleaning phase that’s responsible for getting rid of visible concerns.

Only after this is complete would you start the disinfecting process. If not, you run the risk of the recontamination of previously disinfected areas.

Cleaning Different Places

Though there are general deep cleaning guidelines, there is value in approaching things slightly differently based on this specific place being cleaned.

Hotel Room

The important thing to bear in mind here is that the potential for contamination is as high as it gets. Hotels encourage people to be at home, meaning many of the activities associated with home life are carried out here.

All linen must be removed and placed in a contained carrying medium. The items are to be washed in conjunction with the contaminated laundering process that either the hotel or whatever partner company that does laundry has in place.

Any cutlery, crockery, or appliances are also to be removed using a confined medium and washed. Kitchen appliances are cleaned inside out, and any surfaces that could even potentially be touched are to be cleaned.

All bathroom elements are also cleaned with disposable equipment. the toilet is meant to be cleaned last. 

The process should be carried out with disinfectant before the room can be deemed clean again. Note that this whole workflow should be completed every time a guest checks out of a room.


In a supermarket, the intention is to capture any surface that people come into contact with. This may be by touching, stepping, leaning, etc. Therefore, walls, cabinets, light switches, doorknobs, and shelves are all fair game.

While the staff could potentially undertake the process, based on the facilities that a supermarket has available, it is probably best to have professionals come in and tackle the deep cleaning. As was the case with that hotel, a disinfectant must be used for this process to be considered complete. 


The process for office cleaning is not too far move from that of the supermarket. Again, the general idea is to capture any surface that people could potentially encounter. 

Additionally, the deep cleaning procedure must include all the office equipment. Depending on the nature of the business, this could include computer monitors, system units, peripherals, paper shredders, printers, guillotines, staplers, kitchen implements, etc.

Shortened Tips

At this point, quite a bit of information has been covered to make the deep cleaning process that much more understandable. However, for readability and reinforcement, here is a shortened version of some essential tips to effectively carry out a COVID deep clean:

  • Do not use any disinfectant that is not EPA-approved. On that note, do not use a sanitizer in place of a disinfectant since sanitizers target bacteria and not viruses.
  • Ensure that the people carrying out the deep clean are trained to do so, whether they are internal or hired professionals.
  • Do not start the disinfecting process until visible soiling is completely removed.
  • Never complete a COVID deep clean without the required personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Remember that the idea of a deep clean is to tackle every touchpoint that people could ever have. If this presents an insurmountable task, foggers, misters, and electrostatic sprayers are adept at reaching more difficult surfaces.
  • Start with higher areas then proceed to lower ones when disinfecting to prevent the recontamination of cleaned areas.
  • Do not return to an already cleaned area from one that is yet to be cleaned, as cross-contamination may occur.
  • Every time tasks are switched, hand cleaning is to be observed
  • Do not mix various disinfectants or other chemicals unless manufacturers have indicated that doing so presents no risk.
  • Ensure that the gloves being used are appropriate based on the chemicals that are going to be used during the process.
  • There is no recommended schedule for deep cleaning. Instead, create your own and ensure it details how scheduled and unscheduled cleaning processes are taken care of.

Final Remarks

With all the information presented here, just about anyone should be prepared to execute a proper deep cleaning routine. Nevertheless, there is no substitute for appropriate documentation of policies and procedures. So, do not rely on this guide as the only point of reference 

When the said documentation is done correctly, whether it’s a scheduled weekly operation or a worker has tested positive for COVID-19, it becomes that much easier to execute the deep cleaning methodology effectively.

The responsibility of eliminating the virus lies with everyone, and this is just one way to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to the safety and health of the population.

Is It Safe to Have Cleaners in Your Home During Covid?

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Covid-19 has undoubtedly reduced the number of house guests people have. This is on both a personal and professional note. There used to be large gatherings with friends and family playing games, having a barbeque, or just chilling out.

While these still often happen, people are way warier. The current trends are enough to create the concern that things may never return to normal even after the pandemic has passed. We are sharing helpful tips for home covid cleaning services and for more information, you can also visit our website.

Even with the circumstances, some necessities in life remain constant. Cleaning is certainly one of these. For a plethora of reasons, people would contract professionals to come in and provide cleaning services for their homes.

However, when there is a consideration about the amount of traffic passing through the home, even professionals in this field are not exempt from the radar of scrutiny. So, should we allow professional cleaners into their homes or not?

The benefits cannot be ignored. There are enough arguments and enough research to indicate that this is one of the most crucial times to ensure that surfaces are as clean as possible. Whenever companies discover cases of Covid, even they often close their doors, have a deep clean performed, and then reopen.

So, would it not be quite beneficial to have professionals bring the same effects to the home? On the flip side, the people who are coming to clean could be the same persons who transmit the virus to the members of the household. When considered that way, it becomes a bit of a slippery slope.

The short answer to the title question is yes. Professionals should certainly still be allowed to enter and clean homes, particularly considering the effectiveness of their disinfecting services.

However, homeowners and occupants must think and act critically to create and foster the safest possible environment to mitigate the spread of the virus.

The information below is intended to help with successfully achieving this goal.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Protection is one of the most essential elements to ensuring that the cleaning process remains safe and effective. Anyone who falls under the professional category should be aware of this and should come prepared with PPE.

It may also be a good idea for those requesting the cleaning services to verify ahead of time what kind of PPE is used when the work is to be carried out. Beyond bringing the PPE along, it is supposed to be used, removed, and disposed of acceptably.

For example, gloves are meant to be changed often. The best approach is to have gloves changed every time the task at hand is being switched. 

Standard PPE includes gloves, a mask, an eye or facial covering, and an apron. There may be variations of these, but these are the basics. Typically, any cleaner that uses this set meets the baseline requirement.

Depending on culture or unique needs, persons may have other PPE requirements. For example, someone may want to ensure that the cleaners are wearing plastic coverings for their shoes. This is not a standard requirement, so it’s best to communicate the need from the onset to find out if it can be accommodated.

One mistake that people make is acting as if they are less likely to catch the virus from others when they are in a familiar setting. You often find this in workplaces. When people are travelling to work via public methods, they often do their best to practice their mask-wearing and social distancing measures.

However, once they arrive in the workplace, much of this approach is thrown to the wayside. Similarly, while the cleaners may come in and be fully outfitted in PPE, those in the home are often under the impression that they do not need to take similar steps.

Gloves and an apron are not necessarily needed by those who are not cleaning. However, mask-wearing should be practised by everyone in the home to create a safer environment for all.

To err on the side of caution, it may also be a good idea to have extra implements ready just in case they are needed. These include gloves, disposable masks, facial coverings, etc. However, cleaners are expected to be prepared with their own items.

Disinfectant Type

It’s common knowledge that disinfectants should be used as opposed to typical cleansers or sanitisers. The farmer is adept at tackling both bacteria and viruses. Do not forget that Covid is a virus, meaning that bacterial implements such as sanitiser show little to no effect.

So, it’s very unlikely that a professional cleaner is going to show up and not be using a disinfectant. Be that as it may, not all these compounds are created equal. Thankfully, there is a very simple evaluation point to help establish the efficacy of a disinfectant brand.

The EPA has a list of approved products including disinfectants that are to be used to tackle the spread of Covid-19. As a cleaning appointment is set up and ensure to find out which disinfectant is being used. Do the required research to ensure that it is EPA approved.

Furthermore, it’s essential to ensure that the disinfectant is safe based on who and what may be present in the home. For example, there may be children or pets present. Some of these compounds are toxic or harmful in other ways to these groups.

The main idea is to secure an effective disinfecting process that is going to do its intended job without bringing any negative consequences along with it.

Social Distancing

Ever since Covid-19 was recognized, one of the earliest advisories was the practice of social distancing. The potential for spread is drastically reduced thanks to the maintenance of a distance that goes beyond the typical reach of the droplets that cause the illness.

So, it stands to reason that maintaining an adequate distance from cleaners is a great way to prevent the spread of the virus in either direction. Under normal circumstances, people would not even be in their homes when the cleaning process is carried out. However, not everyone has somewhere to go when this is happening.

Ironically, some of the places that people may have decided to go to are fully or partially closed because of the virus. To that end, staying home often becomes inevitable. Even so, the concept of social distancing should not be abandoned.

It’s critical to try as hard as humanly possible to stay in a separate room or space that is conducive to the amount of distance needed. Even if the cleaner is someone familiar, the amount of close interaction and conversation should be minimal to zero.

Time Spent

The less traffic in a home, the less potential there is for the spread of Covid-19. Therefore, while it’s not necessary to eliminate the use of cleaning services completely, reducing the number of time cleaners spend in the home is another great option to increase safety levels.

Again, if the cleaner is someone familiar, it’s very tempting to half the person to stick around for a variety of reasons. However, if never before, everyone should now be able to understand and appreciate the need for distancing, so it should be a fairly easy conversation to have.

While familiarity may not apply to everyone, things are different with the matter of frequency. Even before Covid-19, professional cleaning was a highly used service. The frequency depended on nothing more than availability and affordability.

However, considering that minimizing traffic through the home is now a priority, cutting the frequency of cleaning sessions may be necessary. So, if the previous schedule was to have the cleaners come through every week, once or twice a month may be a better alternative.

Cleaning up before the process is also a good idea. This is not the same as cleaning the areas that the professionals are also meant to clean. Instead, the idea is to move things around and declutter to make for easier movement and a smoother process flow.

The quicker the job can end, the quicker the cleaner can go. Additionally, it’s possible to establish time limits for cleaning or request that cleaning is done in specific areas, after which it’s easy enough to schedule subsequent sessions for other areas.

Finally, remember it’s about protecting the cleaners as much as it is about protecting others in the home. Therefore, if anyone in the household is sick, rescheduling is a very good idea.

Get Assurances

Realistically, there have been asymptomatic cases of Covid-19. That means, there is no reliable way to tell that cleaners don’t have the virus. That’s why the best way to approach things is to employ protective measures.

So, establishing a list of questions is a good idea as it provides certain assurances that the process is going to be carried out more safely. Some examples of useful questions are as follows:

  • What measures are used to validate the health of the cleaners?
  • What kind of equipment are cleaners outfitted with? 
  • Can there be any additional requests for equipment?
  • What kind of disinfectant is used for the cleaning process?
  • What kind of social distancing measures are cleaners trained to abide by during the process?
  • Can any special requests be made per Covid prevention mitigation?
  • What is required of the client during the process?

Final Remarks

Certainly, Covid is not something to be taken lightly. It has changed and even ended many lives since its emergence. Therefore, people must take the required protective measures in every area of life.

Cleaning is essential, but professionals must do it safely. Everything above is structured to help just about anyone understand what to look out for and what to avoid if cleaners are needed during this time.

How to Find Covid Cleaning Jobs in Sydney?

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Nowadays, some people are looking for Covid-19 cleaning jobs because they know they can pay attention to details and effectively disinfect a place’s surfaces. However, to find available positions in Sydney, they often have to spend some time looking through different platforms.

This guide describes the essential skills cleaners must have if they want to get a job, and it includes suggestions to find available positions in Sydney. Even though it might take some time, following the tips might help people find work. This guide is very helpful for people who are searching for a Covid-19 cleaning job.

What Skills Do People Need to Work as Cleaners?

The best Sydney commercial cleaners can work without supervision; however, this means that they need to have a certain set of skills. Therefore, they should meet specific criteria, such as the following ones according to government guidelines:

  • They must be able to efficiently manage their time
  • Workers have to be honest about anything unusual that happens while they’re on the job
  • Cleaners have to be able to pay attention to small details, otherwise, they might miss important things
  • They must have good social skills to work with other employees and clients
  • Workers have to be versatile to use the products and supplies they get
  • They need problem-solving skills in case something goes wrong during their shift

How to Find a Cleaning Job in Sydney

When someone wants to find a cleaning job in Sydney, there are specific suggestions they can follow to be successful. Here are some recommendations people might want to keep in mind:

People Must Contact Cleaning Services

Contacting cleaning services is the most straightforward way to find job openings. If people do that, they can quickly determine if there’s a position available for them.

Once someone contacts cleaning services, they can find out about possible jobs they can apply to. Even though the process takes some time, and they need to prove they have the necessary skills to be cleaners, it’s still a start.

Contacting Office Buildings Is an Effective Strategy

On many occasions, large office buildings offer janitorial services for their occupants as part of their rental package. Thus, by contacting office buildings, people can find out if there’s a need for cleaning staff.

The best aspect about contacting office buildings is that if the person finds a job, they might be able to get started in a few days with little to no training.

The Person Must Build Their Portfolio

An essential factor to finding cleaning jobs in Sydney is building a portfolio. It’s a big city, so the person must guarantee that they have a document with their background experience and skills to show potential employers.

Some workers ask for their client’s permission and take pictures of their facilities before and after cleaning them. It’s a very convenient document to have since it lets people show their potential employers what they can do.

People Can Contact Building Management Companies

Building management companies have staff that often includes cleaners, and if an interested person contacts them, they might tell them about available positions.

In some cases, there might not be any jobs available. However, the building management company staff may give the person some idea on when they could apply.

One of the most important aspects of looking for cleaning jobs in Sydney is persevering, even if the person can’t find anything at first. On occasion, they might have to spend some time looking for available positions, which is why contacting different companies is essential to have more opportunities.

Networking Is a Good Idea

Talking to other people who work as cleaners is one of the most effective ways to find cleaning jobs in Sydney. They are already in the industry, so they might be able to help the person if they want to find a cleaning job as well.

Networking might not be the solution to quickly finding a cleaning job, but being in touch with other cleaners is always a fantastic idea. It allows potential cleaners to have different options, especially if they want to find out about available positions.

People Can Look Through Sydney Newspapers

Technology has changed the world, but that doesn’t mean that newspapers are not relevant today. On the contrary, they’re a great source of information, particularly if a person wants to find a cleaning job in Sydney.

Since Sydney is such a big place, people must look through different sources of information if they want to become cleaners. Otherwise, they might either miss opportunities, or they may be too late to apply to them.

There are different newspapers in Sydney, and the interested person should go through them and try to identify cleaning job opportunities.

Searching Google Is Useful

Google is one of the most convenient sites to go through when someone wants to find cleaning jobs in Sydney. They might find numerous companies and options, which is essential to get started and find available positions as fast as they can.

Adding the word ‘Sydney’ to the Google search might be helpful to find some local alternatives. Thus, if the person wants to quickly find some options, they may come across a few companies if they know the right keywords to use while they’re looking.

Social Media Sites Can Help

Since technology and social media have revolutionized the world, using different platforms to find cleaning companies that might have available positions is always a fantastic decision.

Companies often have websites or social media accounts, and going through the platforms might be a way to learn more about the services the experts offer, the positions they have available, and even their policies.

If someone finds a company with available positions, its contact information is often on its social media accounts. Thus, the potential cleaner can quickly call, text, or write an email and apply for the job, which also helps save time.


There are different cleaning jobs available in Sydney because it’s a big city, but it doesn’t mean potential cleaners can find them fast. On many occasions, they have to spend some time looking, which is why following effective tips is essential.

How to Do a Covid Deep Clean?

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A Covid deep clean involves many details, for example, understanding how Coronavirus is spread, knowing the difference between disinfecting and cleaning, and remembering the specific strategies and products to use to achieve different results. If the person doesn’t have clear guidelines to follow, they might be at risk of getting the virus.

This guide offers essential information on how to do a Covid deep clean. At the same time, it includes suggestions depending on the surfaces the person wants to clean, and it describes the stages of the Covid deep cleaning process itself.

How Covid Spreads

When an infected person breathes out droplets, the particles often contain parts of the virus. If they land on another person’s nose, eyes, or mouth, they can catch Corona as well.

On many occasions, people contaminate the surfaces around them. Additionally, if there’s anyone near them (around six feet or less), they’re probably getting contaminated.

Cleaning Is Different from Disinfecting

Disinfecting and cleaning surfaces is not the same. While the first option allows people to get rid of viruses and bacteria, the second one is simply removing dirt particles.

When it comes to deep cleaning and disinfecting, there are specific products you need to use.

Some Products Kill Covid-19

Coronavirus can land on surfaces, so an essential part of deep cleaning must include disinfecting them with specialized products. Some specific stores offer lists of disinfectants that can kill Covid-19, but even so, the following are examples of effective products:

  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Disinfectant sprays
  • Disinfecting wipes

When Should Someone Clean, and When Should They Disinfect?

Cleaning with products that contain detergent or soap is an effective strategy if someone wants to reduce the germs on different surfaces. In this case, the person removes contaminants; thus, they diminish the risk of infection from surfaces.

Another factor to keep in mind when maintaining a healthy facility is that if no one with suspected or confirmed Covid is in the space for a day, it’s enough to remove any remnants of the virus that might be on the surfaces.

However, to kill the virus on all surfaces, the person needs to disinfect the place. Disinfecting eliminates all risks of infection and gets rid of the virus particles. People might want to clean in these cases:

  • If the surroundings are a high-traffic area (somewhere that often has a large number of people)
  • Poorly ventilated places
  • When the place doesn’t provide access to hand sanitiser or handwashing
  • If the pace often hosts or is occupied by people with risk for severe illness from Coronavirus

When someone knows for sure that a person infected with Covid-19 has been in the facility over the past 24 hours, they should both clean and disinfect the place.

At the same time, the previously mentioned cases are circumstances in which the person can choose to clean instead of disinfect their surroundings. Nonetheless, if they wish to be extra sure, they can do a deep clean and disinfect all surfaces.

Routine Cleaning Guide

On some occasions, people prefer to do routine cleaning to keep their surfaces neat. To do that, following specific guidelines is always the best idea since it allows them to have a strategy, stick to it, and guarantee that they can get the results they want.

People Must Develop a Plan

The first thing to do when someone wants to clean their surroundings is to develop a plan. If they don’t determine what they have to clean and identify the high-risk areas, they can’t decide whether or not they should disinfect some surfaces.

Although the difference between cleaning and disinfecting was not relevant for many people before, nowadays, it’s crucial since it could mean fewer chances of getting infected by Covid.

Thus, developing a cleaning plan is essential, and the first step anyone should go through before buying supplies or hiring a specialized company.

Firstly, the person must evaluate the surfaces they have in their facilities and determine how often they’re touched. If there are high-touch surfaces, they should clean them (and disinfect them) at least once a day.

The person does not necessarily have to disinfect the surfaces if they don’t wish to, even if they are high-touch ones. In some cases, they might decide that the risk of contagion is low, so cleaning once a day might be enough.

People must also keep in mind that some cleaning products also include disinfectants, but that’s not true for all cases. Therefore, they have to check the product’s composition.

They Have to Clean High-Touch Surfaces

After identifying high-touch surfaces, people might already know that they have to clean them once a day and disinfect them if necessary.

Overall, people can clean and disinfect surfaces as much as needed. Some examples of these types of surfaces include the following:

  • Pens and pencils
  • Counters
  • Tables
  • Light switches
  • Handles
  • Doorknobs
  • Keyboards
  • Desks
  • Sinks
  • Faucets
  • Phones
  • Toilets
  • Shopping carts

Although making a plan is essential, there are also other aspects that people must keep in mind if they’re doing routine cleaning. On the one hand, they have to guarantee that their staff is trained in using the proper cleaning products – if a person’s employees don’t understand what they should use to clean and disinfect, they might not be able to ensure that surfaces are virus-free.

On the other hand, the person must ensure that they have the proper cleaning equipment to use the products they bought. In some cases, they might require personal protective equipment such as glasses or goggles, gloves, additional ventilation, and so on.

After cleaning the surfaces, people must wash their hands, and they must do that immediately after removing their gloves. If their hands are dirty, they can wash them with soap and water, and if they’re not visibly unclean, they can use hand sanitiser (that contains at least 60% alcohol) and wash them with water and soap as soon as they can.

People with asthma must consider special factors since some products can trigger it. Nonetheless, there are chances to reduce an asthma attack while cleaning if they follow specific guidelines.

When Regular Disinfection Is Needed

If someone buys cleaning products that don’t specifically have disinfecting properties, they might need to both clean and disinfect their surroundings.

The person must clean any visibly dirty surfaces with soap and water before disinfecting if they’re going to do both things. Then, they have to use disinfectant products that are certified against Covid.

Additionally, they must follow the directions on the label at all times if they want to guarantee they’re using the product correctly, and effectively, and if they want to make sure that they’re not hurting themselves or anyone in the vicinity. Labels include application guidelines and safety information.

Some common guidelines to follow when using strong disinfectant products are the next suggestions:

  • People must check the product label and see what type of equipment they need to avoid potential hazards
  • They must open windows and other ventilation sources
  • People should never use more than the recommended amount of product mentioned on the label
  • Unless the label states otherwise, if the person must dilute the product in water, it should be at room temperature
  • All cleaning and disinfecting products should be out of the reach of pets and children
  • People should never mix products or chemicals
  • The person must never drink, eat, breathe, or inject disinfection products into their bodies, and they should never apply them to their skin either
  • They should never apply cleaning or disinfection products to their pet’s skin

Depending on what the person wants to achieve, there are also alternative disinfection methods they could look into. However, routine cleaning is often not enough if they want to make sure that they eliminate viruses and bacteria from all their surfaces.

Routine cleaning is effective to prevent Covid spreading, but deep cleaning is much more than that. Even so, cleaning the surfaces on a daily basis is essential to keep the dirt out of their surroundings, which is why it’s so important.

Cleaning Process Depending on the Type of Surface

When people want to clean and disinfect their surfaces, they often don’t keep in mind that the type of surface they have impacts the products and strategies they need to use.

Therefore, an essential part of deep cleaning is to always choose the best products for the specific surfaces the person is taking care of. The following categories include general guidelines on the matter:

Soft Surfaces

People should use products containing soap, detergent, or any type of cleaner that’s appropriate to use on those surfaces. When in doubt, the person should check the label to be sure.

Another common way to clean soft surfaces is to launder the items. The person must follow the manufacturer’s instructions, adjust the water temperature to the appropriate settings, and let all rugs, carpets, and drapes dry completely.

Clothing, Linens, and Towels

Even though clothing items, towels, and linens are still technically soft surfaces, people usually touch them more than drapes, carpets, and rugs. Thus, when cleaning them, the person should consider different suggestions.

The best option is always laundering the items, especially if a sick person touched or wore any of them. However, they should use a mask and gloves when washing them.


Putting wipeable covers on electronics makes the cleaning process easier. However, the person needs to check the manufacturer’s instructions to know how they should clean their tech.

Depending on the case, manufacturers might suggest that people use products with alcohol because it dries quickly. Even so, they must take a look at the instructions to be sure.


Cleaning or disinfecting outdoor areas is not usually the best idea. Nonetheless, people should regularly clean high-touch surfaces, for example, play structures, grab bars, and railings.

Additionally, people should try to avoid cleaning wooden surfaces or ground covers, such as tables and benches.

Disinfecting to Prevent Covid-19 Spread

A person doesn’t need to clean all their surroundings from top to bottom every day if they want to prevent Covid spread. Instead, they should learn to identify the high-contact surfaces and know what to use to eliminate germs there.

When it comes to cleaning and disinfecting a house to prevent Covid spread, there are specific surfaces the person should take in mind. The most important items are the following:

  • Bathroom and kitchen counters
  • Faucets
  • Knobs and pulls on drawers and cupboards
  • Toilets (especially the handle and seat)
  • The handles of the dishwasher, oven, and refrigerator
  • Game controllers and remote controls
  • Tablets, cell phones, and other mobile devices
  • Mice and keyboards
  • Handles and doorknobs
  • Staircase railings
  • Switchplates and light switches
  • Table surfaces

The Process of Deep Cleaning

Once the person is aware of the surfaces they must clean and what they should do depending on the type of surface they’re cleaning, all that’s left is to start the deep cleaning process itself.

At that point, they should already know what they should clean and disinfect, so starting as soon as possible is the best idea to kill any germ or virus that’s still there.


The first step to complete is decluttering the place. In this case, the person must organize all the objects lying around, take the trash out, and make sure they have space to disinfect the surfaces.

Start from Top to Bottom

Even though some people might want to start by disinfecting the floors or the tables, cleaning the ceilings or disinfecting the highest surfaces is always the best idea.

If the person starts from the highest area of their surroundings, any dirt and dust coming off can fall on the floor. Therefore, they can clean the floors last and make sure everything looks neat.

Clean Your Windows and Glass Surfaces

Cleaning the windows and all glass surfaces is essential, and it’s what people should do after the previously mentioned step.

To have the best results, people should always use specialized products to clean their windows. Otherwise, they risk staining the glass surfaces.

The Person Must Deep Clean the Floors

Once the person cleans the rest of the surroundings, they have to take care of the floors. Although they are not high-touch surfaces, they still have to be clean.

Cleaning the floors reduces or eliminates all germs that grow in there; thus, it decreases the possibility of getting exposed to potential harm.

After Cleaning, They Should Disinfect Themselves

If a person wants to deep clean for Covid, an essential part of it is to clean themselves afterwards. Otherwise, they would be exposed to germs.

After cleaning, the person must thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water or clean them with a sanitiser before washing them.

Frequently Clean All Surfaces

Deep cleaning is something people can do once a week or every two weeks if necessary. However, they should do routine cleaning every day.

Preventing Covid means regularly disinfecting or cleaning all surfaces, especially if people constantly come in contact with them.


Deep cleaning is a long and time-consuming process, especially if the person wants to prevent Covid spread. There are many things they should keep in mind, and they must follow clear guidelines to guarantee their cleaning is effective.

Do It Yourself Cleaning Guide: Cleaning and Disinfecting Restaurants for Covid-19

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Respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes or coughs are the primary way that COVID-19 spreads from person to person. If someone is in close contact with an infected individual, the droplets may fall directly into the person’s mouth, nose, or eyes.

There is a greater risk of COVID-19 airborne transmission in indoor environments, especially inadequately ventilated ones. If an individual touches a contaminated surface with their hand and then touches their eyes, noses, or mouth, the virus may infect them. In this case, Covid cleaning is the best solution for all types of Covid-19 cleaning solutions

By implementing appropriate disinfecting and cleaning measures in a restaurant, you can protect your workers plus guests from the risk of exposure to COVID-19. There have been studies that show that COVID-19 can survive for long periods on a particular surface.

The most effective method of removing COVID-19 is the combination of disinfection and cleaning at least twice daily. It would be best if you implemented an appropriate disinfecting and cleaning schedule for your restaurant to remain sanitary consistently. 

Today’s article shows you some of the best practices for cleaning and disinfecting your restaurant for COVID-19. We explore some of the benefits of using quality detergents and highlight the key areas that require cleaning.

Disinfecting and Cleaning Solutions

Cleaning removes viruses and bacteria from surfaces using a water-based solution and detergent. Oil and grease are easily broken up when a surfactant like a detergent is used to clean.

Disinfecting means killing bacteria and viruses using chemicals. Before commencing with a deep clean operation, it is recommended to detergent clean the area first. The reason for this is grime and dirt often hinder the ability of disinfectants to kill germs.

If you have a high volume of workers or customers that visit your establishment daily, performing a combination of disinfection and cleaning is the most effective solution.

That is especially true if there are high volume areas where customers and staff regular touch, such as the preparation table or scullery. 

After a person with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 has recently been to the restaurant cleaning should be undertaken immediately. The employees cleaning the contaminated area should wear appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment).

That includes eye safety goggles to protect from chemical splashes and disposable gloves. The cleaning staff should also wear a disposable apron if visible contaminations, such as bodily fluids or respiratory secretions are in the area.

Place disposable covers, PPE, and clothes in a plastic bag once disinfection and cleaning are complete. You can then dispose of it in an additional trash bag (double bagging) and throw that bag in the general waste.

It is important to remember that most disinfectants require a certain amount of time to kill viruses on the cleaned surface, and in most cases, it needs to sit for around 10 minutes before wiping it from the surface.

How to Use Disinfectants Safely

  • When using disinfectants in your restaurant, it’s imperative to read the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Try your best not to mix two different disinfectants as there may be a dangerous chemical reaction. 
  • Your disinfectants need to be stored away from heat sources and out of direct sunlight; this ensures they are always secure and safe. A local exhaust ventilation system is recommended when using some concentrated products.
  • Misting and spraying products need to be applied directly to a cleaning cloth to dampen it for use. 
  • Use PPE, including eye protection (safety glasses) plus gloves (elbow length if possible) when using or diluting disinfectants.

Cleaning or Disposal of PPE and Materials

Reusable items such as PPE, covers, and washable cloths should be cleaned in a regular wash cycle with normal detergent using the warmest setting possible. Before placing the items in the washing machine, please avoid shaking them out.

When handling covers, PPE, and clothes, please wear disposable gloves. Your hands need to be washed thoroughly for 20 seconds with disinfectant soap once you are complete.

The hampers in which used PPE is stored should be washed regularly, especially while the protective gear is waiting to be laundered. Use a disposable lining and replace it regularly if the hamper is not washable.

A detergent solution should be used to wipe clean reusable non-washable PPE, such as safety goggles, then afterwards clean it with disinfectant and leave it to dry. If residue or smearing occurs, you can wait for the item to dry and then clean the smudge with more detergent solution.

Standard Precautions for Cleaning Checklist

A few things should always be checked before deep cleaning your restaurant. By not following the precautions mentioned below, your team may find themselves in a situation that does not count in their favour.

  • Make sure to turn off power sources and isolate electrical equipment when using liquids to clean around or on electrical fittings
  • Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and read the label of the disinfectant or detergents you are using
  • Become more familiar with the contents of the detergent or disinfectant and obtain a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
  • Wear the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) identified on the SDS and visible on the label

When you follow the above precautions, you protect yourself and the cleaning staff from potentially hazardous situations.

Surface Cleaning

It is recommended to clean a restaurant’s high traffic surfaces once per day. Some circumstances may require more frequent cleaning; if the equipment is shared between kitchen staff or waiters, it should be sanitized between uses, wherever possible. 

Any location where customers are touching a surface often, or many workers are using the space, should succumb to frequent disinfection. Many items in the kitchen need cleaning, and nearly all of them require that you use both a detergent cleaning solution and disinfectant for complete COVID-19 sanitation. 

However, there are some exceptions to the above statement, and those are fabrics and papers. Materials like curtains or seat upholstery can be cleaned with detergents to remove stains and then steam cleaned to kill the COVID-19 virus.

We don’t use disinfectants on fabric because they contain strong chemicals that may damage the delicate material. 

Another item that is not suitable for cleaning is paper. It may sound like a no-brainer, but temporary reports or cardboard surfaces do not require cleaning.

You can leave the piece of paper undisturbed for a minimum of 72 hours and then dispose of it in the bin. If these materials get dirty quickly, replacing them more often is highly recommended.

Surfaces inside of an oven or stovetops require cleaning in a manner set out in the manual of that particular piece of equipment. Follow the safety and cleaning guidelines set out by the manufacturer for the best results when disinfecting your kitchen equipment from COVID-19.

Cleaning by Item

Following a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 in the workplace requires that you plan routine cleaning of various items in the restaurant.

Cleaning by item is recommended for all shared workspaces, not only restaurants, so consider that when cleaning your establishment. Some things may need to be cleaned more frequently, such as cutlery, hand sanitiser dispensers, doorbells, and chairs that your patrons or staff sit on.

Most items require a detergent solution and disinfectant to clean thoroughly and remove all traces of COVID-19. Be thorough while cleaning the restaurant and ensure no object or surface is missed as the COVID-19 virus can move from area to area. 

A best practice is to group items that need to be cleaned and establish a cleaning routine for them. Some may require daily cleaning, while others, like the fridge, may be better monthly. 

It’s important to remember that the cleaning equipment you use to disinfect the kitchen needs to be washed too. These cleaning tools pick up dirt, grime, and germs and could transfer the COVID-19 virus to the next person who uses it. 

Wash your cleaning equipment with a detergent solution and ensure thorough disinfection after every use. Maintaining a high standard in your restaurant or commercial kitchen is crucial.

Other items like your computer keyboard are sometimes forgotten when performing a restaurant clean. Cleaning the work computer once every two days is recommended to maintain a sanitised environment around the desk.

You can gently wipe down the computer with a compatible detergent solution or use 99.9% Isopropyl to disinfect it. Remember to spray it from a fine mist bottle when using Isopropyl on your keyboard or computer screen.

It is crucial to make sure that the device is switched off in case of spillage of the disinfectant solution. 

By following the above guidelines for cleaning items in your restaurant’s kitchen, you can ensure that your establishment is always safe and secure.

Remember to use quality detergent and disinfectant solutions that get the cleaning job done while remaining safe for the environment.


The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the world for the last two years, and every industry has been affected by it. If you are in the restaurant business, you know how much the virus slowed down your company.

By maintaining a high cleanliness standard at your establishment, you are seen as someone who takes this pandemic seriously. You want patrons to feel safe and secure when visiting your restaurant, so make sure that you follow all the guidelines set out by Work Safe Australia. 

Furthermore, not only does a sanitary restaurant attract more customers, but it keeps you and your employees safe from getting infected by the COVID-19 virus.

We hope that this article has enlightened you on the best practices for cleaning your establishment; you can now go forward and create your cleaning routine confidently.

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